

























>『It was unlikely that any increase in inflation expectations would lead to a sustained increase in inflation itself without also being associated with a pickup in wage growth.』









『The international economy』のところでそういう話がありまして。

『There were several channels through which persistently higher oil prices could affect the UK and global economies.』


『First, dearer oil would add directly to consumer price inflation via increases in the prices of fuel, energy and energy-intensive goods and services, though whether that would lead to more generalised inflationary pressure would depend on whether it caused employees to push for higher pay increases.』


『Second, the downward adjustment to real incomes would be likely to depress spending outside the oil-producing regions, dampening global growth and, therefore, the prospects for UK exports.』


『Third, volatile oil prices and persistent geopolitical tensions in oil-producing regions added to the general sense of uncertainty over economic prospects, and could adversely affect household and business confidence, as well as discouraging the holding of risky assets among financial investors.』


『Finally, it was possible that higher oil prices would also be associated with an adverse impact on global productive capacity, including in the United Kingdom.』





『It was unlikely that any increase in inflation expectations would lead to a sustained increase in inflation itself without also being associated with a pickup in wage growth.』


『Whole-economy regular pay had increased by 2.3% in the three months to December by comparison with a year earlier ? that growth rate had changed little in recent months and remained below its pre-recession average. There were some early indications that private sector wage settlements had increased at the beginning of the year. But the coverage of the available data was at this stage limited and heavily influenced by previously agreed multi-year settlements, including those linked to actual inflation.』


『It was likely that private sector settlements would increase during 2011, in part reflecting a recovery in productivity, although they were likely to stay significantly below the rate of inflation. Wage freezes in the public sector were expected to weigh on pay growth in the economy as a whole.』




『The immediate policy decision』のところからですが、先日ネタにした以外の部分で経済のダウンサイドリスクとアップサイドリスクの部分を。

『Inflation had risen to well above the 2% target as a consequence of higher energy and other commodity prices, increased VAT and the past depreciation of sterling. The Committee’s judgment remained that inflation was likely to fall back in the medium term, as the impact of those factors dissipated and as a margin of spare economic capacity persisted. For some time, the Committee had set monetary policy so as to balance substantial opposing risks to that medium-term outlook for inflation.』


『The key downside risk was that continued weakness in activity, relative to the supply capacity of the economy, could cause inflation to fall below the target in the medium term, once the impact of the factors temporarily raising it had faded.』


『It was too early to assess the extent to which activity had recovered since the slowdown in growth at the end of 2010. Evidence from the latest business surveys on output and employment prospects pointed to some recovery.』


『But it was unclear whether demand growth would be sufficient to erode spare supply capacity as the economy underwent a necessary rebalancing away from public and private consumption and towards net trade and investment.』

『On the one hand, there were some signs that the improvement in the net trade position that had been expected following sterling’s depreciation was becoming more apparent. But on the other, the most recent concurrent indicators of consumer spending and sentiment had deteriorated sharply. And it was possible that they presaged a more sustained period of weak spending growth, perhaps as the impacts of the fiscal consolidation and near-term above-target inflation on household finances became more readily apparent. The net impact of these two forces on overall demand growth remained a key uncertainty.』



『On the upside, the period of elevated inflation could persist for longer than the Committee expected. That might happen if the expected persistence of inflation above the target in the near term caused expectations of higher future inflation to become ingrained, leading businesses and households to set higher prices and wages.』


『Inflation had risen to 4% in January, and would very likely rise further over the coming months: there was a significant risk that inflation would exceed 5% in the near term. How much of the increase in January related to the pass-through of the increase in VAT was as yet unclear. Information on inflation expectations from household surveys had been mixed on the month, while measures derived from financial markets had changed little. And, while there were some signs that private sector wage settlements had picked up at the beginning of the year, they provided only very tentative evidence of higher pay pressures.』

『Inflation might also persist above the target if externally generated inflation pressures continued and were not offset by exchange rate movements, or if there were further pass-through from the past depreciation of sterling.』








『Chairman Ben S. Bernanke will hold press briefings four times per year to present the Federal Open Market Committee's current economic projections and to provide additional context for the FOMC's policy decisions.』


『In 2011, the Chairman's press briefings will be held at 2:15 p.m. following FOMC decisions scheduled on April 27, June 22 and November 2. The briefings will be broadcast live on the Federal Reserve's website. For these meetings, the FOMC statement is expected to be released at around 12:30 p.m., one hour and forty-five minutes earlier than for other FOMC meetings.』


『The introduction of regular press briefings is intended to further enhance the clarity and timeliness of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy communication. The Federal Reserve will continue to review its communications practices in the interest of ensuring accountability and increasing public understanding.』








『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that the economic recovery is on a firmer footing, and overall conditions in the labor market appear to be improving gradually. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December confirms that the economic recovery is continuing, though at a rate that has been insufficient to bring about a significant improvement in labor market conditions.』(前回)


『Household spending and business investment in equipment and software continue to expand. However, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector continues to be depressed.』(今回)

『Growth in household spending picked up late last year, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. Business spending on equipment and software is rising, while investment in nonresidential structures is still weak. Employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls. The housing sector continues to be depressed.』(前回)


『Commodity prices have risen significantly since the summer, and concerns about global supplies of crude oil have contributed to a sharp run-up in oil prices in recent weeks. Nonetheless, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, and measures of underlying inflation have been subdued.』(今回)

『Although commodity prices have risen, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, and measures of underlying inflation have been trending downward.』(前回)



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate remains elevated, and measures of underlying inflation continue to be somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate is elevated, and measures of underlying inflation are somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate.』(前回)

失業とか基調的インフレに関して前回と今回が使っている動詞が違う(前回がbe動詞だったのですが今回は「remain」とか「continue to」になっていますわな)のが違いですかにゃ。

『The recent increases in the prices of energy and other commodities are currently putting upward pressure on inflation. The Committee expects these effects to be transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. The Committee continues to anticipate a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability. 』(今回)

『Although the Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow.』(前回)

今般のエネルギー等の価格上昇による影響が一時的ですよ、という話をしている部分が追加されましたが、今回はしらっと経済の改善に向けた動きが「disappointingly slow」という部分が抜けたのであります。








『Other members concluded that an increase in Bank Rate was not yet appropriate. While the recent information on the prospects for UK net trade had been encouraging, it was not yet clear that the weakness in output growth seen in the latter part of 2010 would prove temporary, particularly in light of the latest indicators of a further weakening in consumer spending.』


『There remained differences of view between these members on the likelihood of the upside risk associated with an increase in inflation expectations materialising.』


『Some thought that this risk remained limited, given that the near-term outlook for inflation could be explained by reference to changes in energy and other commodity prices, VAT and the sterling exchange rate. Others thought that this risk had risen, given further upwards revisions to the near-term outlook for inflation, and that the case for an increase in Bank Rate had strengthened in recent months. Overall, the uncertainty created by both developments in the oil market and the recent indicators of household spending and confidence meant that there remained merit in waiting to see how those factors evolved before altering the stance of monetary policy.』


『The Committee would learn more over coming months about the effect of the recent increase in the standard rate of VAT and, therefore, also about the other forces affecting inflation.』





2月の英インフレ率:4.4%に上昇、予想以上−08年10月来の高水準 (1)


The MPC's Policy Dilemma
Speech by Charles Bean







激しく斜め読みだけしましたが、第1パラグラフでは景気の現状に対して、『economic recovery is on a firmer footing, and overall conditions in the labor market appear to be improving gradually.』という表現で、景気回復についての現状判断を引き上げ、労働市場に関しては1月に「顕著な改善」という表現だったのが、「緩やかに改善している」という形にややペースを下げる感じになりましたが、まあ1月に出た指標が強すぎでしたからこんなもんかと。

あと、基調的なインフレに関しての判断も上がっていまして、今回は『Nonetheless, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, and measures of underlying inflation have been subdued.』となっているのですが、この部分の内基調的なインフレ(後半部分)に関しては、前回までは「下方トレンドを辿っている」との表現でしたが、今回は「抑制されている」と、下方トレンド終了でござるの巻とこちらは中々結構な話になっておりますわな。

第2パラグラフではインフレに関して、足元の資源価格上昇の影響を、『The recent increases in the prices of energy and other commodities are currently putting upward pressure on inflation. The Committee expects these effects to be transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. 』としまして、資源価格上昇が現在物価上昇圧力として作用しているが、FOMCはこれらの影響は一時的であると認識している、という事でとりあえず一時的な影響としたものの、その次の文にありますように、今後のインフレおよびインフレ期待に与える影響を注意深く観察する、とございますので、全く気にしないってえ話でもないというのはまあバランスが取れていると思います。






・・・・・ということでスライドショーまで含めて読んで見たのですが、結局これがまた内容が高級(のように見える)でワカランチ会長という泣ける状態でありまする。なお、基本的に引用は概要(Executive Summary)の方から参ります。

どうも今回の講演のキーワードの一つ目が『nominal rigidities 』という奴でして、

『In the 1970s, the United States experienced high inflation and high unemployment simultaneously. That experience made clear that accommodative monetary policy may not always be an appropriate response to high unemployment. In the intervening thirty years, macroeconomists have engaged in a careful reconsideration of the exact role of monetary policy.』



『In this speech and the accompanying notes, I ask two questions. First, what can policymakers learn about the current level of u* from the aggregate data on unemployment and vacancies? Second, what other data can be useful in informing policymakers about the current level of u*?

『The main conclusion of this research is that the primary role for monetary policy is to offset the impact of what economists term nominal rigidities - that is, the sluggish adjustment of prices and inflation expectations to shocks.』



『With that conclusion in mind, my slides define the natural rate of unemployment to be the unemployment rate u* that would prevail in the absence of any nominal rigidities. To offset nominal rigidities, monetary policy accommodation should track the gap between the observed unemployment rate and u*. The challenge for monetary policymakers is that u* changes over time and is unobservable.』



『In this speech and the accompanying notes, I ask two questions. First, what can policymakers learn about the current level of u* from the aggregate data on unemployment and vacancies? Second, what other data can be useful in informing policymakers about the current level of u*?』


『In answering the first question, I apply the canonical Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model (for which the three won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 2010) to the aggregate data on unemployment and vacancies. I find that the model and data do not provide a definitive measure of u*. Unemployment insurance benefits have increased since December 2007. Firms expect higher taxes and higher input prices. It is possible that these changes in labor market conditions may have been sufficiently large to generate a big increase in u* in the past three years.』


『However, it is also possible that low job creation is largely attributable to nominal rigidities that are generating low demand. In this case, u* will have changed little since December 2007. In the notes that accompany the slides, I show that the resulting possible range for u* is large: from as low as 5.9% to as high as 8.9%.』


『In terms of the second question about auxiliary information sources, I proceed more heuristically. The basic intuition is that u* is low if high unemployment is being generated by low demand. Hence, I look for information about the current level of demand. I find that business surveys and the current data on inflation both point to u* being low relative to the current unemployment rate.』


『I conclude that the current accommodative stance of monetary policy is appropriate. However, the Federal Open Market Committee will need to remain vigilant to the possibility of changes in the gap between the unemployment rate and u*. 』





News Release
Bank of England Maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the Size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £200 Billion




St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses Quantitative Easing, Global Inflation, and Commodity Standards




Seven Faces of "The Peril"


・・・・とまあそういう人が量的緩和政策の話をしているので読んでみた訳ですが、基本的にブラードさんの今回の講演ではそんなに斬新な話がでているわけでもないですけれども論点は面白いです。あと、講演のお題にある「Commodity Standards」っていうのは「なんかの商品本位制」みたいな意味でして、そういう文脈で「本位制よりもインフレーションターゲットの方が良い」という話をしているのですが、この部分は今後の政策運営として話をしているのか、はたまた一般論で話をしているのかは文脈では微妙に判らなかったですので、このペーパーだけで「量的緩和の次の政策としてインフレターゲット導入を主張」という風に読むのがちょいと微妙な気もせんでもないであります。


『In his presentation, “Quantitative Easing, Global Inflation, and Commodity Standards,” Bullard first explained how the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing was a substitute for ordinary monetary policy easing, concluding that quantitative easing “is an effective tool when the policy rate is near zero.” He then examined whether U.S. monetary policy analysis should focus on a global output gap rather than the U.S. output gap. Finally, Bullard briefly discussed the merits of commodity standards and inflation targeting, stating that “inflation targeting is a better choice in the current environment.”』



『Regarding the motivation for QE2, Bullard highlighted the disinflationary trend in 2010 and added that the “Japanese experience with mild deflation and a near-zero nominal interest rate has been poor.” Given the near-zero policy rate environment, Bullard said that “asset purchases can substitute for ordinary (interest-rate targeting) monetary policy.”』


『Bullard stated that ahead of the November FOMC meeting, the policy change had been largely priced into markets, and the financial market effects were conventional. In particular, he said, “real interest rates declined, inflation expectations rose, the dollar depreciated, and equity prices rose.” Bullard added, “These are the ‘classic’ financial market effects one might observe when the Fed eases monetary policy in ordinary times.” Bullard concluded that “quantitative easing has been an effective tool, even while the policy rate is near zero.”』





『Since QE2 was announced, the economic outlook has improved, Bullard noted. “The natural debate now,” he said, “is whether to complete the program, or to taper off to a somewhat lower level of asset purchases.”』



次のお題は『Global Inflation: Should the U.S. Consider Global Output Gaps?』というものでして、ここの論点が面白かったです。

『Bullard noted that some critics suggest the Fed is encouraging global inflation, which may imply that the Fed is not appropriately weighing global conditions. He noted that “the Fed is charged with controlling U.S. inflation, but perhaps global inflation will drive U.S. prices higher or cause other problems.”』


『Bullard highlighted the different recovery speeds and inflation trends of advanced and emerging economies.』


『During the global recovery, advanced economies have experienced moderate growth and a deflationary trend, while emerging economies have experienced strong growth and an inflationary trend. “Inflation is a threat especially for countries with quasi-fixed exchange rates with the dollar,” he said, noting that “those countries are choosing to import U.S. monetary policy to some extent.”』



『Much monetary policy analysis focuses on the U.S. output gap, Bullard noted. He then posed the question of whether the U.S. should focus on a “global output gap.”』

『He raised the possibility that a global output gap might give a better indication of global conditions and cited studies that suggest it might give a better indication of future U.S. inflation.』


『“U.S. policymakers often say the U.S. output gap is large; this is interpreted as putting downward pressure on U.S. inflation,” Bullard said. In contrast, “the global output gap is probably much narrower or even positive; this would then be interpreted as putting upward pressure on inflation.”』



『Bullard said that his past criticisms of gap-based analyses of inflation dynamics still apply. For example, he noted that “empirical relationships between gaps and inflation are shaky.” “Still,” he concluded, “the idea of ‘global output gaps’ is one way to frame the recent criticism of the Fed and promote fruitful debate.”』



『Commodity Standards and Inflation Targeting』というお題の所から少々。

『Although commodity standards were last discussed when U.S. inflation was high and variable, Bullard noted that today, inflation is quite low. He added, “Tying the currency to commodities when commodity prices are highly variable is questionable.”』


『While a commodity standard forces accountability on the central bank, “it did not always work because governments sometimes changed the rate between the commodity and the currency,” Bullard said. “Inflation targeting is another way to force more accountability to the central bank and anchor longer-term expectations. Make the central bank say what it intends to do,” he said, “and hold the central bank accountable for achieving the goal.”』


『“Inflation targeting,” Bullard concluded, “is the appropriate modern alternative to historical commodity standards.”』






『The February GDP growth and inflation projections』の所から。


『The Committee reached its policy decision in the light of its projections to be published in the Inflation Report on Wednesday 16 February. Expansionary monetary policy, combined with further growth in global demand and the past depreciation of sterling, should ensure that the recovery in the United Kingdom was maintained. But the continuing fiscal consolidation and squeeze on households’purchasing power was likely to act as a brake. Abstracting from the effects of snow, growth around the turn of the year appeared likely to have been somewhat weaker than expected at the time of the November Inflation Report.』


で、先行きの見通しに関しては(引用割愛しますが)『remained highly uncertain』としていまして、民間需要に関して上下のリスク要因を並べています。その結果としてMPCメンバーの見通し分布は上下に広がっている、という話になっていますがその結果はインフレーションレポートのファンチャートの通りであります。


『Inflation was likely to pick up to between 4% and 5% in the near term, and to remain well above the 2% target throughout 2011, boosted by the increase in VAT, higher energy and import prices, and some rebuilding of companies’ margins. The projection for the first half of the forecast period was markedly higher than in November, due largely to the recent increases in the prices of commodities and other imported goods and services. During 2012, inflation was likely to fall back as those effects waned and the downward pressure on wages and prices from the margin of spare capacity persisted. The extent of that fall was likely to be moderated by companies continuing to rebuild their margins and some upward drift in inflation expectations.』


で、中期的なインフレ予想はこれまた『highly uncertain』となっていまして、その中で経済の余剰生産力に影響を与える要因も列挙しています。第28パラグラフから。

『The prospects for inflation in the medium term were highly uncertain. Continued strong global growth might lead to further upward pressure on commodity and other import prices. The degree of spare capacity and its impact on inflation would depend on: the strength of demand; the impact of the recession on potential productivity; the performance of the labour market; and the sensitivity of wages to labour market slack. The profile for domestically generated inflation would also depend on the extent and pace of any rebuilding of companies’ margins. And inflation would be higher, the more that elevated outturns caused expectations of inflation to rise and that fed through into wage and price setting.』

ということで、真ん中の辺りにありますように、spare capacityの影響によってインフレが低下していくという従来のBOEのロジックに対して見直しも必要かも知れませんねという話になっておりまして(そらまあ足元でドンドンインフレ進行しているのですから致し方ない面もありますが)、この辺りは物価の見通しに関する根本的なロジック部分ですので、今後どういう評価になるのか注目したいです。

で、この議事要旨出た直後にちょっとだけ『The immediate policy decision』の所をネタにしましたけれども、金融政策決定の所に関して。


『As had been the case for some time, there were two key risks to this broad profile. The first was that weak growth and persistent spare capacity might cause inflation to fall to well below the target in the medium term. The main news about this risk over the past month had been the fourth-quarter contraction of GDP. Even after making allowance for the probable impact of the adverse weather conditions, growth had slowed during the second half of 2010. That apparent weakness could prove temporary, but could also be an early signal of a worsening outlook for growth and hence medium-term inflation. Monthly indicators for January gave conflicting signals: business activity surveys had generally been upbeat, but consumer confidence had declined sharply.』


『The second risk was that the period of elevated inflation would persist for longer than the Committee expected. That could occur if externally generated inflation pressures continued and were not offset by exchange rate movements. One possibility was that the recent further increases in commodity prices, which in many cases had been associated with strong growth in emerging market economies, would continue. Committee members differed in the comfort they drew from the profile of commodity futures prices when assessing the likelihood of that outcome. Second, it was also possible that accommodative monetary policies in emerging market countries could result in higher inflation in those countries. That too could influence UK prices unless offset by exchange rate movements. A third possibility was that there might be further pass through from the past depreciation of sterling.』



『Of those members not favouring a rise in Bank Rate, some thought that the case for an increase had nevertheless grown in strength. The Inflation Report projections implied that inflation was roughly as likely to be above or below target in the medium term, and those projections had been conditioned on a path for market interest rates which assumed an increase in Bank Rate around the middle of the year. Given the potentially disruptive impact of reversing any immediate change in Bank Rate, there was merit in waiting to see indicators of how the economy performed at the start of the year to help assess whether or not the decline in GDP in the fourth quarter presaged sustained economic weakness. A rise at this juncture could damage household and consumer confidence, which remained fragile.』


























『The international economy』の所ですが、殆ど物価というかグローバルインフレに関する話をしているのですが・・・・・


『The rebound in world demand had been associated with a notable pickup in global inflation, with the IMF’s measure of global CPI inflation rising from just over 1% in mid-2009 to almost 4% by the end of 2010. This was close to the post-2000 average, but masked considerable heterogeneity, with inflation in excess of 6% in a number of emerging market countries being offset by lower inflation in the United Kingdom’s main trading partners, the euro area and the United States.』



『Much of the rise in global inflation had reflected a rise in commodity prices, many of which had increased by around 50% since the middle of 2010. Temporary supply reductions were likely to have contributed to the increase in the price of some commodities, most obviously agricultural commodities. But in other cases, such as energy and metals, demand increases were likely to have been important. Some commodity prices could rise further if the global economy continued to grow robustly. Especially at risk were commodities for which there were constraints on production or storage capacity. Where available, however, commodity futures prices for delivery in the medium term were generally no higher than current spot prices.』



『The depreciation of sterling had led to substantial increases in UK import prices. More recently, rises in global prices, particularly reflecting higher commodity prices, had added further upward pressure. Accommodative monetary policy in some emerging market economies, particularly where the authorities had been reluctant to permit their exchange rates to appreciate, was likely to have contributed both to the rise in commodity prices and perhaps also to the rise in global prices more generally.』


で、その後半になります「Accommodative monetary policy in some emerging market economies〜」以下の部分ですが、まあ極めて簡潔にこの部分を意訳すると「中国が緩和的な金融政策とドルペッグによる通貨安政策を採っているからグローバルインフレが拡大しているアルよ!」ということです罠。



『Money, credit, demand and output』の所から。







『Supply, costs and prices』のところは要するに物価上昇の話が延々と続くのでありますが、先行きの見通しは当然ながら上昇していまして中々泣けますので第19パラグラフを引用するだよ。

『Twelve-month CPI inflation had risen to 3.7% in December, up from 3.3% in the previous month. In line with the usual pre-release arrangements, an advance estimate for twelve-month CPI inflation in January of 4.0% had been provided to the Governor. A detailed breakdown was not available but it seemed likely that increased petrol, furniture and household goods, catering, and alcohol prices had contributed to the rise. More generally, it was difficult to identify how much of the VAT increase had been passed through in January, complicating the interpretation of month-by-month developments in CPI inflation around the turn of the year. The near-term outlook for inflation had risen markedly relative to the November Inflation Report following further rises in commodity and other import prices.』



『The available measures of inflation expectations were imperfect and had to be interpreted with care. Surveys of near-term household inflation expectations had risen in recent months, but that was consistent with the change in the Committee’s own expectation for near-term inflation. Evidence from firms was more limited, but was also consistent with some increase in their near-term expectations. Some of the survey measures of longer-term household inflation expectations had picked up in recent months. Medium-term inflation expectations derived from financial markets had shown no discernible trend over the past year as a whole. Lack of liquidity obscured the signal from shorter-term financial market measures, but three to five-year measures had moved in line with the longer-horizon measures which the Committee regularly monitored. Overall, there was little evidence that medium-term inflation expectations had risen above a level consistent with the inflation target. That said, financial market measures of uncertainty about medium-term inflation had been elevated for some time.』




『Evidence about the scale of spare capacity remained mixed. Survey measures of capacity utilisation continued to point to a relatively limited amount of spare capacity and, consistent with this, surveys also suggested that some companies intended to invest to expand their capacity. But the level of labour productivity remained well below pre-recession trends, consistent with a greater degree of spare capacity than implied by the surveys.』



『Earnings growth had remained subdued. Whole economy AWE regular pay had increased by 2.3% in the three months to November compared with a year earlier, and remained below its pre-recession average. The start of each year was an important period for pay settlements. The Bank’s Agents’ annual survey of pay intentions suggested that settlements might rise modestly in 2011. In part that could reflect a recovery in productivity. Trends in earnings over the year would depend also on the contributions of bonuses and regular pay drift.』









3 March 2011 - Monetary policy decisions


3 March 2011 - ECB announces details of refinancing operations with settlement from 13 April to 12 July 2011

『The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has today decided to continue conducting its main refinancing operations (MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the sixth maintenance period of 2011 on 12 July 2011. This procedure will also remain in use for the Eurosystem’s special-term refinancing operations with a maturity of one maintenance period, which will continue to be conducted for as long as needed, and at least until the end of the second quarter of 2011. The fixed rate in these special-term refinancing operations will be the same as the MRO rate prevailing at the time.』

『Furthermore, the Governing Council has decided to conduct the three-month longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to be allotted on 27 April, 25 May and 29 June 2011 as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The rates in these three-month operations will be fixed at the average rate of the MROs over the life of the respective LTRO.』


Introductory statement to the press conference


『Based on its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council decided to leave the key ECB interest rates unchanged. The information which has become available since our meeting on 3 February 2011 indicates a rise in inflation, largely reflecting higher commodity prices. 』


『The economic analysis indicates that risks to the outlook for price developments are on the upside, while the underlying pace of monetary expansion remains moderate.』


『Recent economic data confirm that the underlying momentum of economic activity in the euro area remains positive; however, uncertainty remains elevated. The current very accommodative stance of monetary policy lends considerable support to economic activity. It is essential that the recent rise in inflation does not give rise to broad-based inflationary pressures over the medium term.』


『Strong vigilance is warranted with a view to containing upside risks to price stability. Overall, the Governing Council remains prepared to act in a firm and timely manner to ensure that upside risks to price stability over the medium term do not materialise. The continued firm anchoring of inflation expectations is of the essence.』

「Strong vigilance」キタコレ。この文言が来ると利上げ近いですよのお知らせというのがECBの伝統芸能でありまして、「物価安定に対する継続している上方リスクの観点から強力な警戒が正当化されます」(何と言うヘタクソな訳orz)というお告げではありますし、更に最後の文では「prepared to act in a firm and timely manner」と仰せと。

トリシェECB総裁:4月利上げの可能性示唆、「強い警戒」に言及 (2)






『The Economic Outlook』の第4パラグラフから。

『While indicators of spending and production have been encouraging on balance, the job market has improved only slowly. Following the loss of about 8-3/4 million jobs from early 2008 through 2009, private-sector employment expanded by only a little more than 1 million during 2010, a gain barely sufficient to accommodate the inflow of recent graduates and other entrants to the labor force.』


『We do see some grounds for optimism about the job market over the next few quarters, including notable declines in the unemployment rate in December and January, a drop in new claims for unemployment insurance, and an improvement in firms' hiring plans. Even so, if the rate of economic growth remains moderate, as projected, it could be several years before the unemployment rate has returned to a more normal level.』

先行きに関してはやや楽観するものの正常な状態に戻るには「several years」掛かるといつもの話である。

『Indeed, FOMC participants generally see the unemployment rate still in the range of 7-1/2 to 8 percent at the end of 2012. Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.』



『Although overall inflation is low, since summer we have seen significant increases in some highly visible prices, including those of gasoline and other commodities. Notably, in the past few weeks, concerns about unrest in the Middle East and North Africa and the possible effects on global oil supplies have led oil and gasoline prices to rise further. More broadly, the increases in commodity prices in recent months have largely reflected rising global demand for raw materials, particularly in some fast-growing emerging market economies, coupled with constraints on global supply in some cases.』


『Commodity prices have risen significantly in terms of all major currencies, suggesting that changes in the foreign exchange value of the dollar are unlikely to have been an important driver of the increases seen in recent months.』



『The rate of pass-through from commodity price increases to broad indexes of U.S. consumer prices has been quite low in recent decades, partly reflecting the relatively small weight of materials inputs in total production costs as well as the stability of longer-term inflation expectations. Currently, the cost pressures from higher commodity prices are also being offset by the stability in unit labor costs.』


『Thus, the most likely outcome is that the recent rise in commodity prices will lead to, at most, a temporary and relatively modest increase in U.S. consumer price inflation--an outlook consistent with the projections of both FOMC participants and most private forecasters. That said, sustained rises in the prices of oil or other commodities would represent a threat both to economic growth and to overall price stability, particularly if they were to cause inflation expectations to become less well anchored.』



『We will continue to monitor these developments closely and are prepared to respond as necessary to best support the ongoing recovery in a context of price stability. 』








『Monetary Policy』から。

『As I noted earlier, the pace of recovery slowed last spring--to a rate that, if sustained, would have been insufficient to make meaningful progress against unemployment. With job creation stalling, concerns about the sustainability of the recovery increased. At the same time, inflation--already at very low levels--continued to drift downward, and market-based measures of inflation compensation moved lower as investors appeared to become more concerned about the possibility of deflation, or falling prices.』


『Under such conditions, the Federal Reserve would normally ease monetary policy by reducing the target for its short-term policy interest rate, the federal funds rate. However, the target range for the federal funds rate has been near zero since December 2008, and the Federal Reserve has indicated that economic conditions are likely to warrant an exceptionally low target rate for an extended period. Consequently, another means of providing monetary accommodation has been necessary since that time. In particular, over the past two years the Federal Reserve has eased monetary conditions by purchasing longer-term Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) on the open market. The largest program of purchases, which lasted from December 2008 through March 2010, appears to have contributed to an improvement in financial conditions and a strengthening of the recovery. Notably, the substantial expansion of the program announced in March 2009 was followed by financial and economic stabilization and a significant pickup in the growth of economic activity in the second half of that year.』


『In August 2010, in response to the already-mentioned concerns about the sustainability of the recovery and the continuing declines in inflation to very low levels, the FOMC authorized a policy of reinvesting principal payments on our holdings of agency debt and agency MBS into longer-term Treasury securities. By reinvesting agency securities, rather than allowing them to continue to run off as our previous policy had dictated, the FOMC ensured that a high level of monetary accommodation would be maintained. Over subsequent weeks, Federal Reserve officials noted in public remarks that we were considering providing additional monetary accommodation through further asset purchases. In November, the Committee announced that it intended to purchase an additional $600 billion in longer-term Treasury securities by the middle of this year.』


『Large-scale purchases of longer-term securities are a less familiar means of providing monetary policy stimulus than reducing the federal funds rate, but the two approaches affect the economy in similar ways. Conventional monetary policy easing works by lowering market expectations for the future path of short-term interest rates, which, in turn, reduces the current level of longer-term interest rates and contributes to both lower borrowing costs and higher asset prices. This easing in financial conditions bolsters household and business spending and thus increases economic activity.』


まあその部分が従来から実施している声明文での文言(for an extended periodとかfor some timeとか文言をいじる奴)だという話だと思うのですけれども、単純な金利操作単体をconventionalな金融政策扱いするもんじゃないのかねとゆー気がするんですが、これって中央銀行の世界的には一般的な理解なのでしょうか???何か違和感があるんですけどね。

『By comparison, the Federal Reserve's purchases of longer-term securities, by lowering term premiums, put downward pressure directly on longer-term interest rates. By easing conditions in credit and financial markets, these actions encourage spending by households and businesses through essentially the same channels as conventional monetary policy.』


『A wide range of market indicators supports the view that the Federal Reserve's recent actions have been effective. For example, since August, when we announced our policy of reinvesting principal payments on agency debt and agency MBS and indicated that we were considering more securities purchases, equity prices have risen significantly, volatility in the equity market has fallen, corporate bond spreads have narrowed, and inflation compensation as measured in the market for inflation-indexed securities has risen to historically more normal levels.』



『Yields on 5- to 10-year nominal Treasury securities initially declined markedly as markets priced in prospective Fed purchases; these yields subsequently rose, however, as investors became more optimistic about economic growth and as traders scaled back their expectations of future securities purchases.』




『All of these developments are what one would expect to see when monetary policy becomes more accommodative, whether through conventional or less conventional means.』


『Interestingly, these market responses are almost identical to those that occurred during the earlier episode of policy easing, notably in the months following our March 2009 announcement. In addition, as I already noted, most forecasters see the economic outlook as having improved since our actions in August; downside risks to the recovery have receded, and the risk of deflation has become negligible. Of course, it is too early to make any firm judgment about how much of the recent improvement in the outlook can be attributed to monetary policy, but these developments are consistent with it having had a beneficial effect.』




『My colleagues and I continue to regularly review the asset purchase program in light of incoming information, and we will adjust it as needed to promote the achievement of our mandate from the Congress of maximum employment and stable prices.』

『We also continue to plan for the eventual exit from unusually accommodative monetary policies and the normalization of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. We have all the tools we need to achieve a smooth and effective exit at the appropriate time. Currently, because the Federal Reserve's asset purchases are settled through the banking system, depository institutions hold a very high level of reserve balances with the Federal Reserve. Even if bank reserves remain high, however, our ability to pay interest on reserve balances will allow us to put upward pressure on short-term market interest rates and thus to tighten monetary policy when required. Moreover, we have developed and tested additional tools that will allow us to drain or immobilize bank reserves to the extent needed to tighten the relationship between the interest rate paid on reserves and other short-term interest rates. If necessary, the Federal Reserve can also drain reserves by ceasing the reinvestment of principal payments on the securities it holds or by selling some of those securities in the open market.』


『The FOMC remains unwaveringly committed to price stability and, in particular, to achieving a rate of inflation in the medium term that is consistent with the Federal Reserve's mandate.』








Monetary Policy, Labor Markets, and Uncertainty


『In this way, the change to the asset side of the Fed’s balance sheet provides stimulus to the economy. But what about the liability side of its balance sheet?』


『QE creates more reserves in banks’ accounts with the Fed. The standard reasoning is that this kind of reserve creation is inflationary.』


『Banks are only allowed to offer checkable deposits in proportion to their reserves. Economists view checkable deposits as a form of money because, like cash, checkable deposits make many transactions easier. In this sense, bank reserves held with the Fed are licenses for banks to create a certain amount of money. By giving out more licenses, the FOMC is allowing banks to create more money. More money chasing the same amount of goods?voila, inflation.』


『Given some of the criticisms of the Fed that have been voiced over the past three weeks, it is important to understand that this basic logic isn’t valid in current circumstances. Banks have nearly $1 trillion of excess reserves. This means that they are not using a lot of their existing licenses to create money. QE gives them $600 billion of new licenses to create money, but I do not see why they would suddenly start to use the new ones if they weren’t using the old ones.』


『Some observers have expressed concerns that $1 trillion-which will shortly become over $1.5 trillion-of excess reserves represent what they term “kindling” for some future inflationary fire. I believe that these concerns are misplaced for two reasons.』


『First, the Fed has several tools with which to combat incipient inflationary pressures. Most obviously, it can raise the interest rate on excess reserves as a way of deterring banks from creating money with their licenses.』


『Second, in recent public statements, Chairman Ben Bernanke has explicitly and firmly committed the FOMC to maintaining low inflation. To use his exact words, he said that he has “rejected any notion that we are going to try to raise inflation to a super-normal level.”』


『As I mentioned before, I do not currently vote on FOMC decisions. I did express support for the FOMC’s decision at the recent meeting. As I have said on prior occasions, I believe that there are good reasons to suspect that the ultimate effects of any amount of QE are likely to be relatively modest. Nonetheless, the FOMC’s decision seemed to me to be a move in the right direction.』








『The immediate policy decision』の所から。

『The near-term outlook for inflation was markedly higher than at the time of the November Inflation Report and inflation was likely to be between 4% and 5% for much of 2011. Nevertheless, the Committee continued to expect inflation to fall back thereafter as the temporary impact of various factors waned, and the margin of spare capacity in the economy continued to dampen inflationary pressures.』(第30パラグラフ)


『Most members agreed that the balance of risks to inflation in the medium term relative to the target had moved upwards in recent months and that the case for withdrawing some of the current exceptionally accommodative monetary policy had consequently been strengthened.』(第34パラグラフ)


『For three members, the case for removing some monetary stimulus at this meeting was compelling. For those members, the upside risks to the medium-term inflation outlook from global inflationary pressures and the possibility that inflation expectations would move up outweighed the downside risks to inflation associated with uncertainty about the strength of the recovery and the possibility of persistent spare capacity.』(第35パラグラフ)


『In part, this reflected a concern that the level of demand consistent with achieving the inflation target might be lower than previously thought. Two of those members favoured only a small tightening in policy, given the uncertainty about the economic outlook.』(第35パラグラフ)


『The third member concluded that a larger reduction in the degree of monetary stimulus had now become appropriate. That member thought that there was mounting evidence that firms were able to pass on cost increases to the prices they set and noted also that nominal domestic demand had been growing for some time at near to the top of its typical range prior to the recession. In that member’s view it was significantly more likely than not that inflation would overshoot the inflation target in the medium term.』(第35パラグラフ)



『Regarding Bank Rate, six members of the Committee (the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Paul Fisher, David Miles and Adam Posen) voted in favour of the proposition. Three members of the Committee voted against the proposition. Andrew Sentance preferred to increase Bank Rate by 50 basis points. Spencer Dale and Martin Weale preferred to increase Bank Rate by 25 basis points.』


『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, eight members of the Committee (the Governor, Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Spencer Dale, Paul Fisher, David Miles, Andrew Sentance and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition. Adam Posen voted against the proposition, preferring to increase the size of the asset purchase programme by £50 billion to a total of £250 billion.』









今回のFOMC議事要旨は冒頭部分に延々と「年次の決定事項」というのがあって、色々なオペレーションやら何やらの実施要綱らしきものの採決をやっていまして、本編に入るまでが長いのですが、その本編の最初の所に資産買入の実施ラップの報告がありまして(11月以降の国債買入は236bilでして、そのうちMBSの償還再投資が69bilで新規買入が167bilで、デュレーションが5年半、あと80bil/月のペースが必要とな)、その次に『Structural Unemployment』というお題の項目がございまして、まあそのまんまですが構造的な失業に対するFRBスタッフによる分析報告部分がございます。

『A staff presentation on structural unemployment summarized a broad range of economic research on the topic conducted across the Federal Reserve System. Among the factors cited that could affect the level of structural unemployment were demographics, changes in the intensity of job search and worker screening, differences in the geographic locations of potential workers and vacant jobs, and mismatches in characteristics between potential workers and available jobs. Most of the research reviewed suggested that structural unemployment had likely risen in recent years, but by less than actual unemployment had increased.』



『In discussing the staff presentation, meeting participants mentioned various factors that were seen as influencing the path of the unemployment rate. Several participants noted that estimates of the contributions of the individual factors depended importantly on the approach taken by researchers, including the models used and the assumptions made. Participants noted that many of the factors that contributed to the recent apparent rise in structural unemployment were likely to recede over time. Some participants stressed that certain determinants of the unemployment rate, such as mismatches in the labor market and firms' hiring practices, were both difficult to measure in real time and not directly affected by monetary policy. Others emphasized that in the current situation, monetary policy could still play an important role in reducing unemployment.』




『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』は項目別に読み込んで見たのですが、これをまともにネタにするとエライコッチャになりますので箇条書きに。結論だけ見たい人はここの項目の最初のパラグラフを見ればヨロシアル。




『The available data suggested that consumer spending was supported by gains in personal income in the fourth quarter of 2010. Moreover, household net worth appeared to have risen in the fourth quarter, as the large increase in equity prices more than offset further declines in house values. Consumer credit started to increase again in October and November after having generally declined since the fall of 2008. 』



『Inventory-to-sales ratios toward the end of 2010 were close to their pre-recession norms, and most purchasing managers surveyed in December reported that their customers' inventories were not too high.』



『Measures of underlying consumer price inflation remained low.』


『However, consumer energy prices moved up sharply in December, and prices of most types of crude oil increased during December and into January. The prices of nonfuel industrial commodities also continued to rise over the intermeeting period. In December and early January, survey measures of households' long-term inflation expectations stayed in the range that has prevailed for some time.』




『Staff Economic Outlook』ですが、前半の経済見通しの所から。

『Because the incoming data on production and spending were stronger, on balance, than the staff's expectations at the time of the December FOMC meeting, the near-term forecast for the increase in real GDP was revised up. However, the staff's outlook for the pace of economic growth over the medium term was adjusted only slightly relative to the projection prepared for the December meeting. Compared with the December forecast, the conditioning assumptions underlying the forecast were little changed and roughly offsetting: Although higher equity prices and a lower foreign exchange value of the dollar were expected to be slightly more supportive of economic growth, the staff anticipated that these influences would be about offset by lower house prices and higher oil prices. In addition, the staff's assumptions about fiscal policy changed little--the fiscal package enacted in December was close to what the staff had already incorporated in their previous projection. In the medium term, the recovery in economic activity was expected to receive support from accommodative monetary policy, further improvements in financial conditions, and greater household and business confidence. Over the projection period, the rise in real GDP was expected to be sufficient to slowly reduce the rate of unemployment, but the jobless rate was anticipated to remain elevated at the end of 2012.』







『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』ですが、基本的な見通しは上記にある連銀スタッフと同じですので、まずは読んでてほほーと思った小ネタを。


『The incoming data indicated that households stepped up sharply their purchases of durable goods, particularly automobiles, last quarter. Spending on luxury goods also increased, and the pace of holiday sales was better than in recent years. 』



『Yields on longer-term nominal Treasury securities were little changed, on balance, over the period, but they had increased quite a bit in recent months, leaving the Treasury yield curve noticeably steeper. Some participants noted that a steep yield curve is a typical feature of an economy in recovery, and that much of the steepening appeared to have occurred in response to stronger-than-expected economic data.』



『However, the importance of resource slack as a factor influencing inflation was debated, and some participants suggested that other variables, such as current and expected rates of economic growth, could be useful indicators of inflation pressures.』



『Accordingly, participants generally agreed that the downside risks to their forecasts of both economic growth and inflation--as well as the odds of a period of deflation--had diminished. 』



『Some participants expressed concern that in a situation in which businesses had been unable to raise prices in response to higher costs for some time, firms might increase them substantially once they found themselves with sufficient pricing power. 』



『Finally, some participants noted that if the very large size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet led the public to doubt the Committee's ability to withdraw monetary accommodation when doing so becomes appropriate, the result could be upward pressure on inflation expectations and so on actual inflation. 』



『Committee Policy Action』のところですけど。

『While the information received over the intermeeting period increased members' confidence in the sustainability of the economic recovery, the pace of the recovery was insufficient to bring about a significant improvement in labor market conditions, and measures of underlying inflation had trended downward. 』


『A few members remained unsure of the likely effects of the asset purchase program on the economy, but felt that making changes to the program at this time was not appropriate. 』

何となくこれは2名くらいなのかと思いますが、少数(A few)のメンバーは資産買入の効果が依然として不透明だという指摘をしております。で、この人たちと思われる人たちは更にこの後の方でこんなことも。

『A few members noted that additional data pointing to a sufficiently strong recovery could make it appropriate to consider reducing the pace or overall size of the purchase program. 』



『With respect to the statement to be released following the meeting, members agreed that only small changes were necessary to reflect the improvement in the near-term economic outlook and to make clear that the policy decision reflected a continuation of the asset purchase program announced in November.』




『Next, the Committee turned to a discussion of its external communications, specifically the importance of communicating both broadly and effectively. FOMC participants noted the importance of fair and equal access by the public to information that could be informative about future policy decisions, and they considered approaches to address this issue. Several participants noted that increased clarity of communications was a key objective, and some referred to the central role of communications in the monetary policy transmission process. A focus of the discussion was on how to encourage dialogue with the public in an appropriate and transparent manner. The subcommittee on communications agreed to consider whether further guidance in this area would be useful.』

となっていますが、正直言って「some referred to the central role of communications in the monetary policy transmission process」とか実際に今始めたら議論が更にカオスになるだけ(そもそもメンバーの中で見解が一致して無いでしょ)だと思いますがね。






Monetary Policy, Labor Markets, and Uncertainty





『But the FOMC does have another policy instrument available: its balance sheet. As of the beginning of this month, the FOMC had a portfolio of roughly $2.3 trillion. Over 2 trillion of those dollars are invested in Treasury securities or government-backed securities issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other government-sponsored enterprises. At its November 3 meeting, the FOMC announced that it plans to buy $600 billion of long-term Treasuries in the open market by mid-2011. In exchange for those securities, it will credit the sellers’ accounts at the Fed with more reserves. This kind of action is known as quantitative easing, or QE.』


『The main goal of QE is to lower the long-run real interest rate. Just to be clear, by real interest rate, I’m referring to the interest rate net of expected inflation. More specifically, suppose that the interest rate on a 10-year bond is about 2.5 percent and that people expect inflation to be around 2 percent per year over the next 10 years. Then, the real interest rate is about 0.5 percent per year for the next 10 years.』


『A low long-term real interest rate stimulates an economy in a number of ways. It spurs consumer spending by allowing consumers to borrow and refinance more cheaply. It makes capital expenditures and hiring more profitable for corporations. Stock prices and house prices rise because those assets become relatively more attractive as investments. Households with these assets become wealthier and demand more consumption. All of these effects should lead to less unemployment and upward pressure on prices.』


『How does QE go about lowering long-term real interest rates? QE is a sufficiently novel monetary policy tool that different economists may well give different answers to this question. In my view, QE lowers long-term real interest rates in two distinct ways.』

で、その先を引用するとエラク長くなってしまうのですが、基本的にはその2つのルートは、(1)QE政策は「extended period」で示されている時間軸部分を強化する(FOMCの将来の金融政策パスへの期待を更に低金利継続方向で強化する)ものであり、それによって長期金利への働きかけを行うというルート、(2)長期債の購入によって既存の債券ポートフォリオのリスクを引き下げる事によって金利の低下を促す、という話をしているように読めましたけどどうでしょう。引用するので違ってるなら教えて下され。

『The first is that QE is a form of nonverbal communication about the FOMC’s future plans. Here’s what I mean. The November FOMC statement says that the committee will keep the fed funds target range exceptionally low for as long as economic conditions warrant. The statement also predicts that exceptionally low fed funds rates are likely to be warranted for an “extended period” of time. In this way, the statement provides explicit communication about the FOMC’s future plans for short-term rates and so also shapes the level of current longer-term interest rates.』

『QE provides a significant supplement to this explicit verbal communication. The use of QE indicates that the FOMC is likely to keep its target interest rate lower for an even longer period of time. Indeed, one could readily argue that buying $600 billion of Treasuries is a much more convincing form of communication of the FOMC’s plans than any words could ever be.』


『Thus, QE lowers long-term real interest rates by signaling the FOMC’s intentions about future short-term rates. However, QE also lowers long-term real interest rates in a second, more direct, way. The holder of a long-term Treasury is exposed to interest rate risk, because the value of that bond fluctuates as interest rates vary. When the Fed buys $600 billion of long-term bonds, the bond portfolio of the private sector is now less exposed to this kind of risk. As a consequence, private investors will demand a lower premium for holding other bonds that are exposed to interest rate risk, and all long-term yields fall.』






UK inflation rate rises to 4% in January

『The UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) annual inflation rate rose to 4% in January, up from 3.7% in December, as the effects of the VAT rise were felt.』(上記URLより)




Repo rate raised by 0.25 percentage points to 1.5 per cent



The Federal Reserve’s Asset Purchase Program

最後の『Will the Asset Purchase Program Have Adverse Effects on Foreign Economies?』のところの理屈も中々強引で泣けるので引用。

『My final FAQ relates to the concerns that some observers have expressed over the potential for the Federal Reserve’s asset purchase program to have adverse effects on foreign economies.』


『One specific concern is that these securities purchases might drive down the value of the U.S. dollar, thereby diverting demand from our trading partners.』


『Although purchases of longer-term securities are a less conventional means of conducting monetary policy than the more familiar approach of managing short-term interest rates, the goals and transmission mechanisms are actually very similar, and there is nothing special about these asset purchases that would make them especially likely to weigh on the dollar.』


『In fact, the evidence available to date suggests that the asset purchases have had only moderate effects on the foreign exchange value of the dollar. This point is illustrated in table 3, which reports the change in U.S. dollar exchange rates against four other currencies (the Canadian dollar, pound sterling, euro, and yen) on each of the four dates referred to in table 1. These movements in exchange rates are not particularly large when compared with the fluctuations that can occur in any given week or month. Indeed, as shown in figure 6, these exchange rate movements are very modest in the broader context of developments over the past several years.』




『A related concern raised by some observers is that the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases may induce excessive capital inflows to emerging market economies (EMEs)--inflows that in turn could put unwelcome upward pressure on the currencies of those EMEs and perhaps even contribute to asset price bubbles. 』


『As shown in figure 7, net private capital flows to Latin American and Asian EMEs (reported as a share of the aggregate GDP of those EMEs) were substantial in the second half of 2009 and the first half of 2010 but were not obviously outsized compared with levels prior to the crisis. A similar pattern is evident in figure 8, which depicts the net inflows since 2007 into mutual funds investing in EME bonds and equities.』


『In each case, the strong inflows over the past year or so reflect a recovery in the wake of the large outflows that occurred during the crisis. In fact, the stock of claims on EMEs has only returned to its pre-crisis trend.』


『Accommodative monetary policies in the advanced economies, including the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases, have likely played some role in widening interest rate differentials and encouraging capital flows to EMEs. But this role should not be exaggerated.』


『Other factors--including a reversal of the capital outflows from EMEs during the financial crisis and the EMEs’ longer-term favorable growth prospects--likely have also been important. Moreover, it would be a mistake to portray these capital flows as an unmitigated negative for the EMEs. A rebalanced global economy in which EMEs depend more on domestic demand for their growth will likely involve ultimately stronger and more sustained capital flows to these economies.』






The Federal Reserve’s Asset Purchase Program



『Addressing Some FAQs about the Asset Purchase Program』の最初から。

最初の質問が『Has the Program Been Effective in Promoting the Economic Recovery?』という奴なのですが、それに対しての説明をしています。

『Is the program actually proving effective? My short answer is yes.』


『Table 2 depicts financial market responses during three key phases in the rollout of the program: (1) August 10, 2010, when the FOMC announced that the Federal Reserve would begin reinvesting principal payments on agency MBS and agency debt by purchasing Treasury securities; (2) the period between August 11 and November 2; and (3) November 3, the date on which the FOMC meeting statement announced the commencement of the program.』


『As shown in the table, the initiation of the securities purchase program at the November FOMC meeting occasioned only minimal market response. The reason is that it was largely anticipated by investors, having been the subject of extensive public discussions by Federal Reserve officials during late summer and early autumn.』


『Importantly, as expectations of the program gradually became embedded in asset prices during late summer and early autumn, the 10-year TIPS yield dropped nearly 1/2 percentage point over the period between the August and November FOMC meetings; moreover, equity prices rose and corporate bond spreads narrowed.』


『Over that period, of course, asset prices were also responding to economic news and some favorable corporate earnings reports, but the overall pattern of the financial market data bolstered my confidence in the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve’s securities purchases in providing additional monetary policy accommodation.』


『Indeed, market rates might well have backed up significantly following the November FOMC meeting if the Committee had decided not to move ahead with the program.』



『As shown in figure 4, longer-term Treasury yields have risen substantially over the past couple of months since the FOMC initiated this round of asset purchases.』


『I believe that this increase in Treasury yields likely reflects a number of significant factors, including incoming information suggesting a somewhat stronger economic outlook and the fiscal package that was announced by President Obama in early December and approved by the Congress about two weeks later; that package will not only support economic growth next year but will also increase the amount of federal debt issuance.』

『Also, investors appear to have scaled back their expectations about the extent to which the FOMC will engage in further purchases beyond those already announced; however, the effect of that reassessment on market rates tends to bolster the view that the Federal Reserve’s securities purchases do indeed affect yields in the direction indicated by analytical and empirical studies.』



次の質問は『Will the Asset Purchase Program Lead to Excessive Inflation?』ですけれども、単純に言いますと「失業率の高止まりに見られるように経済のスラックが存在するので基調的なインフレ圧力は生じにくいですよ」というのが基本的な話で、その部分はまあ特にツッコミ所は無いような気がします(求人と求職の構造的なミスマッチが拡大しているのでは、というような面白い論点はあるので読むのはお勧めだが)のでスルー。

『Inflation and bank reserves.』という部分なんですけどね。

『A second reason that some observers worry that the Fed’s asset purchase programs could raise inflation is that these programs have increased the quantity of bank reserves far above pre-crisis levels.』


『I strongly agree with one aspect of this argument--the notion that an accommodative monetary policy left in place too long can cause inflation to rise to undesirable levels.』


『This notion would be true regardless of the level of bank reserves and pertains as well in situations in which monetary policy is unconstrained by the zero bound on interest rates.』



『In contrast, I disagree with the notion that the large quantity of reserves resulting from our asset purchases poses some special barrier to removing policy stimulus when the right time comes.』


『The FOMC will be able to increase short-term rates by raising the interest rate that we pay on excess reserves--currently 1/4 percent. That ability will allow us to manage short-term interest rates effectively and thus to tighten policy when needed, even if bank reserves remain high.』


『In short, the range of tools we have developed will permit us to raise short-term interest rates and drain large volumes of reserves when it becomes necessary to achieve the policy stance that fosters our macroeconomic objectives--including the objective of maintaining price stability.』



『Will the Asset Purchase Program Result in Adverse Financial Imbalances?』という所なのですが・・・・・

『A reasonable fear is that this process could go too far, encouraging potential borrowers to employ excessive leverage to take advantage of low financing costs and leading investors to accept less compensation for bearing risks as they seek to enhance their rates of return in an environment of very low yields.』


『This concern deserves to be taken seriously, and the Federal Reserve is carefully monitoring financial indicators for signs of potential threats to financial stability.』




『Will the Asset Purchase Program Have Adverse Effects on Foreign Economies?』という質問に対する答えなのですが、これが何か途中からは開き直りモードになっているように見えて中々香ばしいのですが、例によって時間が無くなった(雪だし)ので最後の所だけで勘弁。最後はもう開き直り状態に見えますが・・・・・

『However, given the moderate exchange rate effects that we believe the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases have had, it seems likely to me that, as seems to be the case with conventional monetary easing achieved by lowering interest rates, our decision to purchase assets will not hinder foreign growth.』


『In particular, given the importance of the United States in the global economy, it is hard to believe that any foreign country would gain if our economy were to fall back into another recession. Over the longer term, the health and vitality of the global economy will depend importantly on the sustained, vigorous recovery in the United States that our asset purchase program is intended to support.』





The Federal Reserve’s Asset Purchase Program


『In my remarks today, I will discuss the rationale for the decision by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) in November to initiate a new program of asset purchases, and I will address some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the program’s economic and financial effects both here and abroad. The purpose of the new asset purchase program, like all of the monetary policy actions taken by the FOMC since the onset of the global financial crisis, is to fulfill our congressionally mandated objectives of promoting maximum employment and price stability.』








前半の『The Rationale for the Asset Purchase Program』ですけれども、最初の経済環境に関する説明部分はめんどいので割愛しますが、要するに現状の経済状況および先行き見通しに関しては不十分な改善ペースですよという話でして、特に失業率はNAIRUを大きく上回っており、基調的な物価に関してもディスインフレ傾向ですよというお約束の話をしています。

で、その次の本文4ページ目からの『The Design of the Asset Purchase Program』が中々いい感じでインチキな香りのする説明を交えているのがチャーミングなのですな。



『In my judgment, both theoretical analysis and empirical evidence suggested that such purchases could provide effective stimulus by keeping longer-term interest rates lower than they would otherwise be.』


『The underlying theory, in which asset prices are directly linked to the outstanding quantity of assets, dates back to the early 1950s. For example, in preferred-habitat models, short- and long-term assets are imperfect substitutes in investors’ portfolios, and the effect of arbitrageurs is limited by their risk aversion or by market frictions such as capital constraints. Consequently, the term structure of interest rates can be influenced by exogenous shocks in supply and demand at specific maturities. Purchases of longer-term securities by the central bank can be viewed as a shift in supply that tends to push up the prices and drive down the yields on those securities.』


『In the context of such an analytical framework, the effect of an asset purchase program also depends on investors’ perceptions of the future path of short-term interest rates as well as their perceptions of the timing and pace of the central bank’s eventual unwinding of its asset purchases. Thus, central bank communication may play a key role in influencing the financial market response to such a program.』




『Recent empirical work provides a rough gauge of the quantitative effects of longer-term securities purchases. For example, event studies have investigated the short-term response of asset prices to announcements by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England regarding their respective asset purchase programs. And regression analysis has been used to estimate statistical models that embed predictions from a specific theoretical framework.』


『Table 1 summarizes the response of selected financial variables on four dates associated with the Federal Reserve’s first round of asset purchases.』


『On November 25, 2008, the Federal Reserve announced that it would purchase up to $600 billion in agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and agency debt. On December 1, Chairman Bernanke provided further details in a speech. On December 16, the program was formally launched by the FOMC. On March 18, 2009, the FOMC announced that the program would be expanded by an additional $850 billion in purchases of agency MBS and agency debt and $300 billion in purchases of Treasury securities.』



『As is evident from the table, these announcements were generally associated with a substantial decline in the 10-year Treasury yield and the yield on 10-year Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) as well as in rates on agency MBS and corporate debt.』




『Turning now to the macroeconomic effects of the Federal Reserve’s securities purchases, there are several distinct channels through which these purchases tend to influence aggregate demand, including a reduced cost of credit to consumers and businesses, a rise in asset prices that boosts household wealth and spending, and a moderate change in the foreign exchange value of the dollar that provides support to net exports.』


『The quantitative magnitude of these effects can be gauged using a macroeconometric model such as FRB/US--one of the models developed and maintained by Board staff and used routinely in simulations of alternative economic scenarios.』


『Figure 3 depicts the results of such a simulation exercise, as reported in a recent research paper by four Federal Reserve System economists.』


『For illustrative purposes, the simulation imposes the assumption that the purchases of $600 billion in longer-term Treasury securities are completed within about a year, that the elevated level of securities holdings is then maintained for about two years, and that the asset position is then unwound linearly over the following five years.』


『This trajectory of securities holdings causes the 10-year Treasury yield to decline initially about 1/4 percentage point and then gradually return toward baseline over subsequent years.』

えーっと、実際には長期金利って「gradually return toward baseline over subsequent years」などというペースでは動いていなかったように思えるのですけれども・・・・・

『That path of longer-term Treasury yields leads to a significant pickup in real gross domestic product (GDP) growth relative to baseline and generates an increase in nonfarm payroll employment that amounts to roughly 700,000 jobs.』


『It should also be noted that this exercise is performed as a deterministic simulation and hence does not capture the potential benefits of the asset purchase program in mitigating downside risks to economic activity and inflation.』



『I would also like to note that the same research paper analyzed the macroeconomic effects of the FOMC’s full program of securities purchases, including the first round of purchases that was initiated in late 2008 and early 2009, the modification of the reinvestment policy that was announced last August, and the second round of purchases that was initiated in November. Those simulation results indicate that by 2012, the full program of securities purchases will have raised private payroll employment by about 3 million jobs.』


『Moreover, the simulations suggest that inflation is currently a percentage point higher than would have been the case if the FOMC had never initiated any securities purchases, implying that, in the absence of such purchases, the economy would now be close to deflation.』


Chung, Hess, Jean-Philippe Laforte, David Reifschneider, and John C. Williams (2011).
“Have We Underestimated the Probability of Hitting the Zero Lower Bound?”
Working Paper 2011-01. San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,








『CPI inflation had risen to 3.3% in November from 3.2% in the previous month. In line with the usual pre-release arrangements, an advance estimate for twelve-month CPI inflation of 3.7% in December had been provided to the Governor ahead of publication. A detailed breakdown of the inflation data was not yet available, but increased food, petrol and utility prices were likely to have contributed to the increase on the month.』


『Also in line with the pre-release arrangements, the Governor informed the Committee that producer output prices had risen by 0.5% in December, causing the twelve-month inflation rate to rise to 4.2%. An estimate of producer input prices had also been provided, showing a rise of 3.4% in December, an increase materially larger than the average market expectation: the twelve-month inflation rate had risen to 12.5% from 9.2% in November. Increases in food and energy prices could account for the majority of the rise on the month.』


『Recent developments in the prices of imported commodities and other goods indicated that the most likely near-term path of CPI inflation might be higher than the Committee had thought at the time of the November Inflation Report. It appeared likely to rise above 4% in coming months. The latest reports from the Bank’s Agents suggested that it was also possible that the pass-through into consumer prices of January’s VAT increase would be greater than previously expected.』


『These factors represented further shocks to the price level whose direct impact on inflation should dissipate over time.』


『But they were a source of concern if imported price pressures were to remain elevated or if businesses were more able or willing to pass on cost increases than might have been expected given the shortfall of demand relative to supply capacity. They were also likely to exacerbate the risk that expectations of above-target inflation would become engrained, affecting wage and price pressures.』


『Taken at face value, the strength of employment growth shown by the LFS data over the past year or so had been surprising. Given the large reduction in productivity relative to its pre-crisis trend that had occurred during the recession, businesses might have been expected to be able to increase output during the recovery without taking on many additional employees.』


『If the LFS measure was accurate, then the past strength of employment growth might indicate that the degree of spare capacity in the economy was less than the Committee had assumed, or else was more unevenly spread across different businesses and sectors.』


『The downward pressure on prices stemming from the margin of spare capacity would then be commensurately less. But in that case, consideration would also need to be given to the implications for income and spending growth. The Committee would seek to analyse this issue further in the context of the projections prepared for its February Inflation Report.』
















『The Economic Outlook』の所なのですが。

『The economic recovery that began in the middle of 2009 appears to have strengthened in recent months, although, to date, growth has not been fast enough to bring about a significant improvement in the job market.』


『The early phase of the recovery, in the second half of 2009 and in early 2010, was largely attributable to the stabilization of the financial system, the effects of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, and a strong boost to production from businesses rebuilding their depleted inventories. But economic growth slowed significantly last spring as the impetus from inventory building and fiscal stimulus diminished and as Europe’s debt problems roiled global financial markets.』



『More recently, however, we have seen increased evidence that a self-sustaining recovery in consumer and business spending may be taking hold. Notably, we learned last week that households increased their spending in the fourth quarter, in real terms, at an annual rate of more than 4 percent.』


『Although a significant portion of this pickup reflected strong sales of motor vehicles, the recent gains in consumer spending look to have been reasonably broad based. Businesses’ investments in new equipment and software grew robustly over most of last year, as firms replaced aging equipment and as the demand for their products and services expanded.』


『In contrast, in the housing sector, the overhang of vacant and foreclosed homes continues to weigh heavily on both home prices and residential construction.』


『Overall, however, improving household and business confidence, accommodative monetary policy, and more-supportive financial conditions, including an apparent increase in the willingness of banks to make loans, seems likely to lead to a more rapid pace of economic recovery in 2011 than we saw last year.』



『While indicators of spending and production have, on balance, been encouraging, the job market has improved only slowly.』


『Following the loss of about 8-1/2 million jobs in 2008 and 2009, private-sector employment showed gains in 2010. However, these gains were barely sufficient to accommodate the inflow of recent graduates and other new entrants to the labor force and, therefore, not enough to significantly reduce the overall unemployment rate.』

これは(そういやネタにしてませんが)昨年11月にコチャラコタ総裁が『Monetary Policy, Labor Markets, and Uncertainty』というお題で講演をしている中でも指摘されているのですが、最近の労働市場の問題点として、長期失業率の上昇と、若年労働者層の失業率の高さを懸念していまして、その話に通じる所ではございます(というか労働市場に関するコチャラコタ総裁講演ネタはどうも論点整理の為に一度ネタにした方が良いですかね)。

『Recent data do provide some grounds for optimism on the employment front; for example, initial claims for unemployment insurance have generally been trending down, and indicators of job openings and firms’ hiring plans have improved.』


『Even so, with output growth likely to be moderate for awhile and with employers reportedly still reluctant to add to their payrolls, it will be several years before the unemployment rate has returned to a more normal level. Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established.』

ということで、当面の生産拡大が緩やかで、企業が雇用拡大をする意欲が弱い中においては、失業率がより正常な水準に戻るまで「several years」掛かりますという話をしていますが、前回の議会証言ではこの部分が『At this rate of improvement, it could take four to five more years for the job market to normalize fully. 』ということで、ちょっとだけ時間が短くなったのがチャーミングだったりするのでありまする。




『Your job is not easy, but it is essential. Virtually every American is affected by developments in the economy and in economic policy. But contemporary economic issues can be highly complex, and few nonspecialists have the time or the background to master these issues on their own. The public must therefore rely on the diligent reporting, clear thinking, and lucid writing of reporters determined to go beyond dueling bumper stickers and sound bites to help people understand what they need to make good decisions, both in their personal finances and at the polls. These are weighty responsibilities, and the journalists I know take them very seriously.』





The Economic Outlook and Macroeconomic Policy

何かスピーチ部分だけだとそんなに長くは無いが、あたくしの貧弱な英語力では今朝の今朝いきなり詳細読むと言う訳にもいかんので、『Monetary Policy』のところだけ超斜め読みしましたけれども、従来の話及び一般的な話しかしていない気がする、ということでそこの部分からちょっとだけ。

『In sum, although economic growth will probably increase this year, we expect the unemployment rate to remain stubbornly above, and inflation to remain persistently below, the levels that Federal Reserve policymakers have judged to be consistent over the longer term with our mandate from the Congress to foster maximum employment and price stability.』


『Although large-scale purchases of longer-term securities are a different monetary policy tool than the more familiar approach of targeting the federal funds rate, the two types of policies affect the economy in similar ways. Conventional monetary policy easing works by lowering market expectations for the future path of short-term interest rates, which, in turn, reduces the current level of longer-term interest rates and contributes to an easing in broader financial conditions.』


『These changes, by reducing borrowing costs and raising asset prices, bolster household and business spending and thus increase economic activity. By comparison, the Federal Reserve's purchases of longer-term securities have not affected very short-term interest rates, which remain close to zero, but instead put downward pressure directly on longer-term interest rates.』


『By easing conditions in credit and financial markets, these actions encourage spending by households and businesses through essentially the same channels as conventional monetary policy, thereby supporting the economic recovery.』


米国10年国債 3.545 +0.068
米国30年国債 4.661 +0.042



『A wide range of market indicators supports the view that the Federal Reserve's securities purchases have been effective at easing financial conditions. For example, since August, when we announced our policy of reinvesting maturing securities and signaled we were considering more purchases, equity prices have risen significantly, volatility in the equity market has fallen, corporate bond spreads have narrowed, and inflation compensation as measured in the market for inflation-indexed securities has risen from low to more normal levels. 』


『Yields on 5- to 10-year Treasury securities initially declined markedly as markets priced in prospective Fed purchases; these yields subsequently rose, however, as investors became more optimistic about economic growth and as traders scaled back their expectations of future securities purchases.』


『All of these developments are what one would expect to see when monetary policy becomes more accommodative, whether through conventional or less conventional means.』


『Interestingly, these developments are also remarkably similar to those that occurred during the earlier episode of policy easing, notably in the months following our March 2009 announcement of a significant expansion in securities purchases. 』


『The fact that financial markets responded in very similar ways to each of these policy actions lends credence to the view that these actions had the expected effects on markets and are thereby providing significant support to job creation and the economy.』



『On the inflation front, we have recently seen significant increases in some highly visible prices, notably for gasoline. Indeed, prices of many commodities have risen lately, largely as a result of the very strong demand from fast-growing emerging market economies, coupled, in some cases, with constraints on supply. Nevertheless, overall inflation remains quite low: Over the 12 months ending in December, prices for all the goods and services purchased by households increased by only 1.2 percent, down from 2.4 percent over the prior 12 months. 』


『To assess underlying trends in inflation, economists also follow several alternative measures of inflation; one such measure is so-called core inflation, which excludes the more volatile food and energy components and therefore can be a better predictor of where overall inflation is headed. Core inflation was only 0.7 percent in 2010, compared with around 2-1/2 percent in 2007, the year before the recession began. Wage growth has slowed as well, with average hourly earnings increasing only 1.8 percent last year. 』


『These downward trends in wage and price inflation are not surprising, given the substantial slack in the economy.』










『As was typical during the Christmas and new year period, the level of activity in financial markets had been relatively low. So the asset price movements that had occurred within the month were to be interpreted with some caution.』










『The data released during the month had remained consistent with continued firm growth in the global economy, albeit uneven across countries. And, as in previous months, there were continued signs that global demand was putting upward pressure on commodity prices.』

global demand was putting upward pressure on commodity pricesということで、世界的な需要の拡大が商品価格の上昇圧力をもたらしているという話。


『Indicators had remained consistent with robust growth in emerging economies, which provided almost a quarter of UK goods imports. China and some other countries had tightened monetary policy during the month, in response to heightened inflationary pressures, which could feed through to higher export prices. Unless offset by a movement in the sterling exchange rate, such heightened inflationary pressures could lead to higher UK import prices.』




『Oil prices had risen by almost 8% in sterling terms since the Committee’s previous meeting, while industrial metals prices had also risen. Since July 2010, oil and other commodity prices had risen by around a third or more. It was possible that demand and supply pressures could lead to further increases in the prices of some commodities and exert further upward pressure on UK import prices.』


















『the margin of spare capacity had exerted downward pressure on inflation』(第29パラグラフより)

に関してなのですが、この「経済の余剰」に関する部分が、「労働市場のデータを見るとMPCが想定するよりもmargin of spare capacityの程度が小さい可能性もある(第23パラグラフ)」というように、結構本質的な部分で「おや?」と思う部分もありまして、更にインフレに関してはまあ全編これインフレに関する話(そらまあインフレーションターゲットを実施しているのに肝心のインフレ率が3.7%とターゲット数値の2.0%を豪快に上回っているのですから当たり前ですけれども)という感じでして、足元の景気の落ち込みでどうこうという話では無いと思うんですけどね。



『The Committee considered the case for an increase in Bank Rate at this meeting.』


『The domestic and global recovery had proceeded at least as well as expected. And the most likely prospect was for continued growth, despite the downside risks that remained. For most members, the balance of risks to medium-term inflation relative to the target had moved upwards over the past few months, reflecting the recent and prospective buoyancy of import prices and the possible impact of higher near-term inflation on public inflation expectations.』


『That would suggest that a lower level of demand might be consistent with hitting the inflation target in the medium term, and so might argue for a withdrawal of some of the current monetary stimulus.』


『Moreover, an increase in Bank Rate at the current juncture might lessen the risk that a larger increase became necessary at a later stage if inflation persisted above the target. Members noted that a small increase in Bank Rate at this meeting would still leave monetary policy highly accommodative, and would not preclude the Committee from increasing the policy stimulus in future if that became necessary.』







『It’s a Wonderful Fed』


つーことで後半の『The Fed’s Responses and Their Benefits』であります。

『The Federal Reserve responded to the Great Recession and the associated financial crisis in a number of ways. These responses fall roughly into two classes.』


『First, the Fed engaged in a vast amount of lending to firms believed to be in sound condition. It lent through conventional vehicles like the discount window and swaps with foreign central banks. But it also lent through relatively unconventional vehicles like the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility. I’ll briefly discuss how this lending is distinct from the Fed’s injection of funds into obviously nonsolvent institutions like AIG.』


『Second, the Fed lowered the real interest rate facing borrowers and lenders.』

2番目は「実質金利の引き下げ」 であります。ということで「名目金利」ではなく「実質金利」の下げを強調しているのは読んでいて非常に腑に落ちる整理であります。でもって「実質金利」の説明。

『Here, I should clarify some terminology. By the term “real interest rate,” I’m referring to the interest rate received by lenders net of inflation. Thus, if the interest rate on the loan is 5 percent and lenders expect inflation to be around 2 percent, the real interest rate is roughly 3 percent. Economists generally think that the real interest rate, not the nominal interest rate, matters for economic decision-making.』


『Early in the recession, the Fed lowered its target for the fed funds rate. Given that inflation expectations remained stable, this action served to lower the real interest rate. By early 2009, when the fed funds target essentially reached its lower bound, the Fed used large-scale asset purchases to achieve further reductions in the real interest rate.』


『I’ll first discuss the lending responses and then talk about the interest rate cuts. I’ll then discuss how I believe economic events would have unfolded had there been no Fed.』





『I would say that most economists agree about how central banks should respond to financial panics. The crux of that agreed-upon response is that central banks have to be willing to lend freely to solvent firms, against a wide range of good collateral, at some kind of penalty rate.』


『This policy is useful for two reasons.』

『First, it provides a source of funds to potential borrowers who are illiquid but nonetheless solvent.』

『Second, it provides a floor to collateral valuation. Private lenders know that they can always use collateral seized from a defaulting borrower as a vehicle to borrow money from the central bank.』

『That baseline use serves to spur private lending.』



『There is no doubt that these interventions saved many solvent firms from collapse during the financial crisis. Over time, panic eased and spreads in financial markets normalized. Once that happened, the private sector stopped borrowing from the Fed because it found the Fed’s penalty rates too onerous. As a result, the Fed was able to shut down its special lending facilities in 2010.』



『The goal of the central bank’s intervention is exactly to eliminate this panic-driven illiquidity.』

ということで、ここのコーナーでは「貸出を何億ドル実行したからどうした」というような定量的な説明は無く、定性的に『At their peak, the interventions made up more than a trillion dollars of Federal Reserve assets.』という説明が入っているだけでして、即ちCEでの目的は別にバランスシート拡大先にありきではない、という話ですわな。


『Cutting Interest Rates』の所ですが、んじゃあ何で金利を下げるのかという話の中で「資産価格下落による家計や企業のバランスシート問題」に言及しておりまして、後で出てきますが、このバランスシート問題による景気抑制要因を実質金利の引き下げで軽減する、というロジック構成になっています。

『I’ve talked about how the fall in land prices generated a sharp increase in risk perceptions in financial markets, and how that in turn led to a financial crisis. I now want to turn to what I see as the second key effect of the fall in land prices.』


『This fall reduced the net worth of many households and firms.3 』
『3 Household net worth fell by over 25 percent from the second quarter of 2007 through the first quarter of 2009 (Fed Flow of Funds).』

ということで、この下落は家計や企業の「net worth」を引き下げる、ということで、企業や家計のバランスシートを毀損することによって、企業や家計の投資や消費行動を抑制し、物価の押し下げ要因になる、というお話です。

『They responded by forgoing consumption and investment projects. The fall in household demand for consumption and firm demand for investment led in turn to a fall in output and employment,4 and put downward pressure on the price level.』
『4 See Kocherlakota (2010) for a more extensive discussion of the relevant transmission mechanisms.』



『The FOMC reacted by lowering its target interest rate from 5.25 percent in August 2007 to a range of 0-25 basis points in December 2008. Since inflation expectations remained stable, the FOMC’s action has the effect of lowering the real interest rate facing households. Households respond by saving less and demanding more consumption. Similarly, firms undertake more investment projects. In this way, the FOMC can partially offset the impact on the economy of the loss of net worth.』


『Lowering rates, of course, may lead to undesirable inflationary pressures within the economy. However, the recent path of inflation shows little evidence of such pressures. On a year-over-year basis, core PCE inflation was running about 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007. It is now down to about 1 percent.』


『Indeed, given the ongoing deceleration in inflation and the high rate of unemployment, the FOMC would probably have liked to respond by cutting its target interest rate still further. The problem is that the target interest rate is essentially at zero and cannot go negative.』


『Instead, from December 2008 through March 2010, and again beginning in November 2010, the FOMC engaged in large-scale purchases of long-term Treasuries. The goal of these transactions is to lower long-term real interest rates and again offset the impact on the economy of the net worth shock.』

ということで、資産購入プログラムは「実質長期金利の引き下げを行い」「バランスシート調整(ちなみに、さっきからバランスシート調整と超意訳してますけど、net worthですので本当は企業や家計の富とか言うのですかね)が経済に与えるショックを更に軽減する」というのがその目的と効果という説明になっています。

『Thus, the fall in land prices triggered an increase in risk perceptions and a decrease in household net worth. The increase in risk led to a major financial crisis that has been cured, thanks in no little part to actions by the Federal Reserve. The decrease in net worth led to a major recession and ongoing slow recovery. The Federal Reserve’s reduction in interest rates has lessened the impact of the net worth shock.』



で、更にこの金融政策の部分は『George-Meet Clarence』というFEDが無かったらどうなっていたでしょう、というお題の話と、『Did the Fed Cause the Bubble?』という直近のバブル発生は誰のせいなのよ、というお題の話があるのですが、例によって時間が無くなったので、リクエストでもあればまた後日に。













『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December confirms that the economic recovery is continuing, though at a rate that has been insufficient to bring about a significant improvement in labor market conditions. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November confirms that the economic recovery is continuing, though at a rate that has been insufficient to bring down unemployment.』(前回)


『Growth in household spending picked up late last year, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. 』(今回)

『Household spending is increasing at a moderate pace, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. 』(前回)


『Business spending on equipment and software is rising, while investment in nonresidential structures is still weak.』(今回)

『Business spending on equipment and software is rising, though less rapidly than earlier in the year, while investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak. 』(前回)


『Employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls. The housing sector continues to be depressed. 』(今回)


『Although commodity prices have risen, longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, and measures of underlying inflation have been trending downward.』(今回)

『Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, but measures of underlying inflation have continued to trend downward. 』(前回)





『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate is elevated, and measures of underlying inflation are somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. Although the Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow.』


『To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to continue expanding its holdings of securities as announced in November. In particular, the Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings and intends to purchase $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011. The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.』

この第3パラグラフでは、政策手段の部分ですけど、保有証券償還分の国債への再投資と新規の国債投資に関して前回は二文で表現していたのですが、今回はIn particularで始まる文章で一文にまとめています。何か意味があるのか無いのか判らないですけれども。

『The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period.』

毎度お馴染みのfor an extended periodを始めとしてここの文言も同じです。

『The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary to support the economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate.』



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Charles I. Plosser; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; Kevin M. Warsh; and Janet L. Yellen.』

ということで反対者がいないのはFOMCプロレス観戦的にはプロッサー先生辺りを捕まえて大滝秀治状態になって「お前の話はつまらん!」と言いたくなる所ですが、今後反対に転じたりすると第5パラグラフにある「to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments」の結果として反対に回りますという話になりますから、その辺の見立てがどうなるのか。経済見通しで来るのか金融環境で来るのか、はたまたインフレ期待で来るのか楽しみでもあります。





『It’s a Wonderful Fed』




『My speech today will have two distinct parts. In the first part, I will discuss my outlook for the economy in 2011. In the second part, I will look back in time to the Great Recession of 2007-09. My discussion will parallel the classic Frank Capra movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” In that movie, the hero, George Bailey, is granted the miraculous opportunity to see how other lives would have been affected if he had never existed. I will do the same for the Federal Reserve and describe how I believe the Great Recession of 2007-09 would have unfolded if the Fed did not exist.』





『To summarize: I expect that real output will grow slightly more rapidly in 2011 than in 2010. Household deleveraging and bank asset quality will remain a drag on the recovery. Unemployment will fall-but much more slowly than we would like. Finally, as is suggested by financial market data, I am optimistic that we will see some re-inflation in the coming year.』




『My bottom line is that, from the point of view of the macroeconomy, 2011 will be a better year than 2010.』


『Even with the December changes in fiscal policy, I would say that I expect that real GDP growth will probably be closer to 3 percent than 4 percent in 2011.』


『I still see two major headwinds in the U.S. economy.』

『The first is that many households will continue to strive to rebuild their net worth positions in response to past-and possibly future-falls in residential land prices.』

『As I will explain in more detail later, I believe that the decline in household net worth, precipitated by falls in land values, was a key factor in generating the severity of the Great Recession. It will remain important in the recovery.』


『The second headwind is related.』


『Many banks in the United States face ongoing issues with asset quality. For example, the FDIC problem bank list contains over 800 banks. Problem banks are less likely to take the risk of lending to small and/or younger firms and other entrepreneurial activity. Instead, they are more likely to preserve capital ratios by limiting their asset growth and allocating their lending staff to working out loans to existing borrowers.』


『Indeed, as the economy improves, I suspect that this headwind will become even more important.』


『In 2010, our information at the Minneapolis Fed indicates that small businesses were reluctant to expand because of ongoing uncertainties about product demand. As a result, their demand for bank financing remained low. In 2011, as the economy improves, I expect loan demand to rise accordingly?but banks with poor asset quality will continue to focus on capital preservation rather than loan expansion.』




『Employment data released last Friday indicated that the unemployment rate fell to 9.4 percent in December from 9.8 percent in November. While any decline is welcome news, I do not think this single data point signals a rapid recovery in labor markets. Employment growth remains disappointingly low?nonfarm employment increased by only 103,000 in December.』


『I think that it is important to understand how unemployment fell by 40 basis points from November to December, even though employment growth was relatively low.』

ということで、ここから説明が始まるのですが、この部分に関しては11月22日に行われた講演『Monetary Policy, Labor Markets, and Uncertainty』により詳しい話がありまして、こちらの8ページから10ページまで3ページ分丸々使って説明しているのを読むのが吉なのですが、多分こっちまでネタにしている時間は無さそうなのであたくしの気が向くかネタが切れるかリクエストがきたら下記講演ネタもやるかもしれません(エエカゲン)。

『Monetary Policy, Labor Markets, and Uncertainty』


えーっとですな、雇用統計では「employed」な人と「unemployed」な人の合計であります所の「labor force」に対して失業者がなんぼかという事から失業率が出るのでござんすが、12月に失業率が低下した要因はこの分母である「labor force」が低下したのが要因であり、要するに労働市場から退出した人が沢山いたという効果の方が効いてますよ、という話です。

『In that one month, the labor force fell by 260,000-certainly a large move by historical standards.』


『The available data do suggest that most of the unemployed who left the labor force were young. The number of people under the age of 25 in the labor force fell by about 244,000 from November to December. 』


『My hope?and expectation?is that many of these people will return to the labor force as the economy improves in 2011.』

で、更に今後の景気回復においても失業率の改善が遅れるという見通しに関してですが、問題点として(1)景気回復の立ち上がり時における雇用拡大の受け皿になるのは、新規企業や業歴の若い企業がその中心的な存在になるのだが、先ほど述べたように銀行の不良債権問題のある中でこれらの企業への銀行の貸出態度が厳しい状態が続く事が見込まれることから、これらの企業の資金のアベイラビリティーの厳しさが続く結果雇用拡大が遅れる、(2)失業期間が6か月以上の長期失業者がlabor forceの4.2%という高い水準にあり、これらの人たちは中々再就職が難しい(詳しくは先ほどURLを貼った11月22日の講演に解説がありますが、スキルの低下と新たな仕事に改めて就業する困難さと言った理由です)、という点を挙げています。めんどいので丸引用だわさ。

『Nonetheless, I do not believe that either unemployment or employment will improve rapidly in 2011. Startup businesses and other young firms are a key source of employment growth in the early stages of recoveries. As I’ve mentioned earlier, they are likely to find bank financing more challenging to obtain than usual. As well, 4.2 percent of the labor force has been unemployed for longer than six months. Historically, this group of workers has a low job-finding rate.』


『The central tendency of the November FOMC forecasts is that unemployment will remain above 9 percent throughout 2011. I would agree with those forecasts. Even more troublingly, I expect too that unemployment is likely to be higher than 8 percent as late as the end of 2012.』



『Finally, I turn to inflation. Inflation remains extraordinarily low. In the third quarter of 2010, overall PCE inflation?including all goods-was 0.8 percent. Core PCE inflation-stripping away energy and food-was 50 basis points. PCE food inflation was 26 basis points. And all of these figures are annualized.』

『These inflation levels are too low to be consistent with usual formulations of the Fed’s price stability mandate. More troublingly, inflation continued to trend downward in 2010. In the third quarter of 2009, annualized core PCE inflation was 1.5 percent. Hence, in the course of one year, quarterly inflation rates fell by 100 basis points. A further deceleration of the same magnitude in 2011 would drive inflation into negative territory.』


『With that said, I’m optimistic that inflation will actually turn north in 2011. Our Minneapolis Fed forecasting model predicts that, by the end of 2011, inflation will be between 1.5 and 2 percent. We can get another reading by looking at the prices of financial instruments called zero-coupon inflation-indexed swaps. Their current prices imply that, for the coming year, expected inflation will be roughly 1.7 percent.』




で、先ほども書きましたように、金融政策の説明に関して特徴的なのは、そのパートを『Lending』、『Cutting Interest Rates』に分けていて、国債買入は後者の方になっているのがチャーミング。ただし、この「国債買入で金利下げ」の説明は名目金利ではなくて「インフレ期待を引き上げて長期実質金利を引き下げる」という説明になっていまして、説明としては無理が無いのですが、肝心のインフレ期待って本当は計測がしにくいものだったりする点はまあ今後の課題じゃネーノと思います。

更に金融政策の説明は『George-Meet Clarence』という「FEDが無かったらどうなっていたでしょう」という話と、『Did the Fed Cause the Bubble?』という話になっているのですが、最後の部分では「あーた高金利の時だって住宅価格の急上昇は起きていたんですよ」というややインチキの香りが漂う説明となっておりまして、しかもじゃあ住宅バブルの要因とか責任を取るべきものがあるとすればそれは誰という話に関しては完全スルー体制というのが微妙ではあります。





The Limits of Monetary Policy: ‘Monetary Policy Responsibility Cannot Substitute for Government Irresponsibility’








『Today, I will speak to the truth as I see it. I speak only for myself and my colleagues at the Dallas Fed and not for anybody else on the FOMC or elsewhere in the System. I suspect this will immediately become clear.』

これから話す私の意見は個人的な意見で他の連銀の人たちの意見ではありません、ってのは直ぐにわかると思います(キリッ)。ということですが、その次の『Fiscal Matters』の第4パラグラフから。

『I have been outspoken about the limits of monetary policy as a salve for the nation’s fiscal pathology.[4] The Fed has done much, in my words, to provide the bridge financing until the new Congress gets to work restructuring the tax and regulatory incentives American businesses need to confidently expand their payrolls and capital expenditures here at home.[5]』


『The Federal Reserve has held rates to nil. We have expanded our balance sheet to unprecedented levels.』


『After much debate―which included strong concern expressed by one member with a formal vote and others, like me, who did not have voting rights in 2010―the FOMC collectively decided in November to temporarily undertake a program to purchase U.S. Treasuries that, when added to previous policy initiatives, roughly means we are purchasing the equivalent of all newly issued Treasury debt through June.』



『By this action, we have run the risk of being viewed as an accomplice to Congress’ fiscal nonfeasance.』


『To avoid that perception, we must vigilantly protect the integrity of our delicate franchise. There are limits to what we can do on the monetary front to provide the bridge financing to fiscal sanity. Last Friday, speaking in Germany, [European Central Bank President] Jean-Claude Trichet said it best: “Monetary policy responsibility cannot substitute for government irresponsibility.”[6]』


『The entire FOMC knows the history and the ruinous fate that is meted out to countries whose central banks take to regularly monetizing government debt.』

『Barring some unexpected shock to the economy or financial system, I think we have reached our limit. I would be wary of further expanding our balance sheet. But here is the essential fact I want to emphasize today: The Fed could not monetize the debt if the debt were not being created by Congress in the first place.』





『That reason has nothing to do with monetary policy. It has everything to do with the taxation and fiscal and regulatory policies of the states. The cost of capital does not explain the different economic performances of the states; the cost of doing business has everything to do with those differences. However well-meaning tax and regulatory initiatives in the laggard states may have been when they were conceived and levied, they have had unintended consequences that have led to economic underperformance and job destruction.』

と言ってますけど、それよりも各州の産業構造の違いじゃねえのかと思うのですけど、まあそれは講演後半(ちなみに後半のお題が『The Recent Election』というおいおいそんなお題かよという物ですが、内容的には財政構造改革と規制改革の重要性を主張するものと読みました)の前振り部分という事なのかなあとは思います。


『Similarly, the key to correcting the underperformance of the American economy and American job creation does not rest with the Federal Reserve. It is in the hands of those who make fiscal and regulatory policy.』

『The Fed has reduced the cost of business borrowing to the lowest levels in decades. It has seen to it that liquidity is widely available to banks and businesses. It has kept the economy from deflating and it has kept inflation under control. This has helped raise the economic tide. Recent data make clear that the risks of a double-dip recession and deflation have ebbed and that economic growth and job creation are beginning to flow. Yet the ships of job-creating investment remain, for the most part, tied to the docks?or worse, choose to sail for foreign ports where tax and regulatory conditions are more favorable, very much in the same way that Ohio, Michigan, New York and California businesses and workers have navigated to Texas.』



『I don’t believe this has much to do with the Fed. None of my business contacts, large or small, publicly held or private, are complaining about the cost of borrowing, the lack of liquidity or the availability of capital. All express concern about taxes, regulatory burdens and the lack of understanding in Washington of what incentivizes private-sector job creation. All are stymied by a Congress and an executive branch that have appeared to them to be unaware of, if not outright opposed to, what fires the entrepreneurial spirit. Many have begun to feel that opportunities for earning a better and more secure return on investment are larger elsewhere than here at home.』














ひたすら引っ張って恐縮なのだが(だって市場ネタが微妙にわけわかんねえですもん)『Monetary Policy』の後半である。

『In November, the FOMC decided to purchase an additional $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities through the end of the second quarter of 2011. It is no secret that I have expressed doubts about whether the benefits of this policy, commonly referred to as QE2, exceed the costs. These doubts were based on my reading of the economic outlook and the nature of the challenges that the economy faced.』




『The first round of large-scale asset purchases began nearly two years ago, after the Fed reduced the federal funds rate to near zero. That program, completed in March 2010, added roughly $1.75 trillion in agency mortgage-backed securities, agency debt, and long-term Treasuries to our balance sheets. If the Fed completes the full amount of the second round, the Fed’s balance sheet will have more than tripled since mid-2007.』


『Proponents of the program to acquire Treasuries expect these purchases to lower longer-term interest rates through a portfolio balance effect.』


『That is, as the supply of longer-term Treasuries available to the public is reduced, prices of Treasuries should rise, which means yields should fall. Yields on similar assets are also expected to fall as the public rebalances portfolios away from Treasuries to other similar assets. Just as in conventional monetary policy, lower interest rates would stimulate business and consumer demand and increase exports, thus lending support to the recovery.』



『The Fed’s first purchase program worked to lower interest rates, although estimates of the effect vary quite a lot. These purchases were done at a time when financial markets were highly disrupted and asset risk premiums were extremely elevated. But markets are no longer disrupted. Thus, it seems unlikely that we can expect the effects to operate through the same channels as before.』



『Even if we did, it is not clear to me that a modest reduction in long-term interest rates will do much to speed up the reduction in the unemployment rate.』




『Some commentators thought that even if the benefits were limited, the costs were small and the action was worth taking, given the concerns that many had about the state of the economy. Other commentators argued for the policy because the fiscal authorities were unable to act, even though fiscal policy would have been the more appropriate policy tool to address some of the challenges we faced. I view both of these arguments as flawed.』


『It is a serious mistake to view monetary policy as a substitute for fiscal policy. Doctors must diagnose the disease correctly in order to prescribe the right medicine. If the wrong drug is administered, the physician might not only fail to cure the patient, but might also make matters worse. To suggest that monetary policymakers must act simply because fiscal policymakers were unable or unwilling to act is not the proper way to conduct policy.』




『As to the cost-benefit analysis, the costs of this policy are likely to be seen only in the future, but they must be part of the analysis when the policy is undertaken, not dismissed to be dealt with later.』


『History tells us that exiting from an accommodative monetary policy is always a bit tricky. It is easier to cut rates than it is to raise them.』


『As I discussed earlier, monetary policy must be forward-looking because it works with a lag. This means that the Fed will need to begin removing policy accommodation before the unemployment rate has returned to an acceptable level in order to avoid overshooting, which would result in greater instability in the economy.』



『So how do we exit from this accommodative policy? While the high level of excess reserves on the Fed’s balance sheet is largely benign now, that will change as banks become more willing to lend. As economic conditions improve and those excess reserves begin to flow out into the economy, inflationary pressures will grow. And given the magnitude of those reserves, these pressures could be significant. This is one reason I feel confident that sustained deflation is highly unlikely.』



『To prevent inflation from becoming a serious problem, the Fed must be able to remove or isolate those reserves.』


『The Fed is developing and testing tools to help us prevent such a rapid explosion in money to address this looming challenge. But we won’t know the full effect of these new tools until we use them. Nor will we know how rapidly or how high we may need to raise rates. The larger our balance sheet, the greater our challenges to successfully navigate an exit strategy without disrupting the economy and while keeping inflation under control.』




『The FOMC statements in November and December indicated that we will regularly review the asset purchase program in light of incoming economic information and adjust it as needed to foster our long-run goals of price stability and maximum sustainable employment. I have taken this intention to regularly review the program seriously.』


『If the economy begins to grow more quickly and the sustainability of this recovery continues to gain traction, then the purchase program will need to be reconsidered along with other aspects of our very accommodative policy stance.』


『We are a year and a half into a recovery, although a modest one. The aggressiveness of our accommodative policy may soon backfire on us if we don’t begin to gradually reverse course.』


『On the other hand, if serious risks of deflation or deflationary expectations emerge, then we would need to take that into account as we adjust our policy stance.』










『Turning to inflation, the headline consumer price index (CPI) has risen about 1 percent over the last year. Core CPI inflation, excluding food and energy, has been just less than 1 percent this past year. While inflation is currently lower than the 1-1/2 to 2 percent level many monetary policymakers would prefer, it does not follow that sustained deflation is imminent or even likely. While I do expect that inflation will be subdued in the near term, I do not see a significant risk of a sustained deflation.』


『Respondents to the Philadelphia Fed’s fourth-quarter Survey of Professional Forecasters released in November and the Livingston Survey released in December also saw little chance of deflation in 2011.』




『It is useful to remember that the U.S. saw average consumer price inflation of just 1.3 percent through most of the 1950s and early 1960s. This period of low inflation did not lead to fears of deflation nor did it lead to economic stagnation. Low inflation is not generally a bad thing.』


『Moreover, brief periods of lower-than-desired inflation or even temporary deflation are unlikely to materially affect economic outcomes as long as longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored and the public continues to see the Fed’s promise to maintain price stability as credible.』



『The Fed’s challenges are greater, however, when monetary policy finds it difficult to respond because rates are already near zero. In that case, a loss of credibility resulting in a decline in inflation expectations would lead to an increase in the real interest rate, which would encourage consumers and businesses to save more and spend less.』




『Given that the Fed’s policy rate is now close to zero, a decline in inflation expectations would be unwelcome and could undermine the recovery. Fortunately, this is not happening.』


『Expectations of medium- to long-term inflation have remained relatively stable because people expect the Fed to take appropriate action to keep inflation low, positive, and stable.』



『As the recovery continues, I anticipate that inflation will accelerate toward 1-1/2 to 2 percent over the course of the next two years.』


『We are already beginning to see acceleration in some commodity prices. Manufacturers responding to our monthly Business Outlook Survey are increasingly reporting rising cost of inputs, including energy and raw materials, and they are projecting that they will be forced to pass on these cost increases to consumers and businesses in 2011.』


『As we begin the new year, many forecasters are revising their outlooks to incorporate the latest economic data and the anticipated effects of the tax package approved by Congress in December. Although most forecasts assumed that some tax package would be approved, the details are now being factored into many models. My own view is that the tax compromise’s biggest impact derives from the reduction in uncertainty about tax rates for consumers and businesses over the next couple of years. Unfortunately, fiscal challenges still loom large for the new Congress and the economy.』



そしてメインイベントは『Monetary Policy』の部分である。


『Let me now turn to some observations on monetary policy.』


『The last couple of years have been an extraordinary time for policymakers. We have been forced to react with speed to new challenges that have sometimes been outside the usual frameworks we rely on for policy guidance. That does not mean that economic models are no longer helpful; they most definitely are. But because of the unusual environment, there is less consensus among economists about the right answers to some of the most difficult and challenging questions.』


『As a result, it is not surprising that the debate about what constitutes the most desirable policy is vigorous, with bright and talented people on every side.』


『That is as it should be, in my view. I am fond of quoting the American journalist Walter Lippmann, who said, “Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much.” Healthy debate is necessary for informed decisions and results in better policy decisions.』



『These debates have gone on inside the Fed, just as they have gone on in the media and in the economics profession. Some have suggested that it is counter-productive for policymakers to express differing opinions, as it confuses markets and creates uncertainty. I find such arguments misdirected.』




『First, the uncertainty is real. It would be disingenuous and misleading to suggest otherwise. The central bank owes the public clear communication and as much transparency as is feasible. For policymakers to project a false sense of certainty would fail that test and deeply trouble me.』


『Second, for monetary policy to be successful, policymakers, and the Fed as an institution, must earn the public’s confidence. Confidence is important in preserving the Fed’s credibility, which is something that is hard to earn but easy to lose.』


『One way to undermine confidence and credibility is to fail to communicate the difficult choices we face and the thoroughness of our debates.』


『Unanimity is not the natural state of affairs in life - nor is it inside the halls of the Federal Reserve. For policymakers to feign unanimity only serves to undermine the institution’s transparency.』











まずは『The Economic Outlook』のところですが、こちらに関しては激しく端折りましてプロッサーさんの見通しのところだけ引用。

『When the final estimates are released, I expect that GDP growth will be between 2-1/2 and 3 percent for 2010 and will pick up to 3 to 3-1/2 percent annually in 2011 and 2012. My forecast for 2011 changed only modestly during the past year, and I remain confident that the economy is on track for continued moderate recovery. As with all forecasts, this projection carries some risks. But for now, I expect moderate growth overall, with strength in some sectors more than offsetting weakness in others.』(フォントの関係で改変箇所あり)









『The private sector added over a million jobs in 2010. Unfortunately, the pace of employment growth hasn’t been strong enough to have much of an effect on the unemployment rate. However, recent data have been somewhat more encouraging. New claims for unemployment insurance have been trending down, as have continuing claims. In December, the economy added about 100,000 jobs and payrolls were revised up in both October and November. In addition, the unemployment rate fell from 9.8 to 9.4 percent in December. I expect this number may bounce around in the near term, but the unemployment rate will gradually recover as hiring improves enough to allow the unemployed as well as those people who have left the labor force to find jobs.』


『I wish I could forecast a faster improvement, but it will take time to resolve the difficult adjustments now under way in the labor markets. 』



『Many workers may be forced to find jobs in new and unfamiliar industries. For instance, the contraction in the real estate sector and in sectors closely related to residential construction, such as mortgage brokerage, means that many workers will likely need to find jobs in other industries or fields and that will take time.』

『The productivity gains occurring in other sectors also suggest that many workers may need updated skills to find their next job. This may be particularly relevant for the long-term unemployed.』





『Monetary policy cannot do much to help these types of adjustments in the labor markets even if we wish it could.』








で、お題が『Economic Outlook and Challenges for Monetary Policy』ということで、これからFOMCで投票するということもあるのか中々気合の入った内容になっておりまするが、まずは手抜きにも程があるのですが最初と最後を読むのだ(中身は明日以降)。



『The goals of monetary policy are set by Congress in the Federal Reserve Act, which states that the Fed should conduct monetary policy to “promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.” I have long believed that the most effective way monetary policy can contribute to maximum employment and moderate long-term interest rates is by ensuring price stability over the longer term. Price stability is also critical in promoting financial stability.』



『The Fed seeks to achieve these objectives by influencing the cost and availability of credit through its decisions about interest rates and the supply of money. These decisions are the primary responsibility of the FOMC - the Federal Open Market Committee - the group within the Fed charged with setting monetary policy.』


『Since monetary policy affects the economy with a lag, the FOMC must be forward-looking in setting appropriate monetary policy. Therefore, I want to begin my remarks with a review of the nation’s economic recovery and my outlook for growth and inflation. I will then offer some observations on current monetary policy, including the Fed’s current program of large-scale asset purchases.』

「金融政策の効果波及には時間的なラグがあるので、適切な金融政策運営にあたってはフォワードルッキングで政策を実行していかないといけません」というのはどういう事かと言うのはこの先にあるのですが、まあ今日は時間が無いのでご興味のある方はこの先読んで味噌という感じです。ちなみに小見出しは『The Economic Outlook』、『Unemployment』、『Inflation』、『Monetary Policy』と続くのですが、景気見通しを読まないと話が始まらない面があるのですけれども、中々オモローなのはインフレの所と金融政策の所だったりします。



『In conclusion, our nation’s economy is now emerging from the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression. A slow but sustainable economic recovery is under way, and I expect annual growth to be in the 3 to 3-1/2 percent range over the next two years.』(3-1/2の所はフォントの関係で改変しました)


『As the economy continues to gain strength and optimism grows among businesses, hiring will increase. The unemployment rate, however, will decline to acceptable levels only gradually. The shocks and dislocations we experienced from the financial crisis were significant, and it will take some time for the imbalances in labor markets to be resolved.』


『The Federal Reserve remains committed to promoting price stability over the intermediate to longer term. This is the most effective way in which monetary policy can contribute to economic conditions that foster maximum sustainable employment and economic growth. Finding the right path for monetary policy in such challenging times will require thoughtful deliberation. We should acknowledge the debate as a healthy process that adds to transparency and enhances credibility.』


『As we move forward, I will continue to monitor incoming economic developments and update my economic outlook as necessary. Should evidence suggest that monetary policy is not consistent with our longer-term goals, then I will support an appropriate adjustment to policy.』












『By contrast, securities purchases by the Federal Reserve put downward pressure directly on longer-term interest rates by reducing the stock of longer-term securities held by private investors.3 』

『3. More specifically, the Fed's purchases should tend to reduce term premiums, a component of the yield to longer-term securities. Longer-term interest rates are also influenced by market expectations of the future path for short-term interest rates, which in turn depend on the outlook for the economy and so for the target federal funds rate.』



『These actions affect private-sector spending through the same channels as conventional monetary policy.』


『In particular, the Federal Reserve's earlier program of asset purchases appeared to be successful in influencing longer-term interest rates, raising the prices of equities and other assets, and improving credit conditions more broadly, thereby helping stabilize the economy and support the recovery.』




『In light of this experience, and with the economic outlook still unsatisfactory, late last summer the FOMC began to signal to financial markets that it was considering providing additional monetary policy accommodation by conducting further asset purchases. At its meeting in early November, the FOMC formally announced its intention to purchase an additional $600 billion in Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, about one-third of the value of securities purchased in its earlier programs. The FOMC also maintained its policy, adopted at its August meeting, of reinvesting principal received on the Federal Reserve's holdings of securities.』




『The FOMC stated that it will review its asset purchase program regularly in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to meet its objectives. Importantly, the Committee remains unwaveringly committed to price stability and, in particular, to maintaining inflation at a level consistent with the Federal Reserve's mandate from the Congress.4 』

『4. Most Committee participants judge that, in the longer term, inflation in the range of 2 percent or a bit less appropriately balances the risk that adverse economic shocks could tip the economy into deflation against the benefits of low and stable inflation. An inflation rate modestly above zero also reduces the probability that monetary policymakers will be constrained from easing policy when necessary by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. Many central banks around the world have come to similar quantitative judgments about the long-run level of inflation that best fosters growth and stability.』



『In that regard, it bears emphasizing that the Federal Reserve has all the tools it needs to ensure that it will be able to smoothly and effectively exit from this program at the appropriate time.』


『Importantly, the Federal Reserve's ability to pay interest on reserve balances held at the Federal Reserve Banks will allow it to put upward pressure on short-term market interest rates and thus to tighten monetary policy when needed, even if bank reserves remain high.』


『Moreover, the Fed has invested considerable effort in developing methods to drain or immobilize bank reserves as needed to facilitate the smooth withdrawal of policy accommodation when conditions warrant.』



『If necessary, the Committee could also tighten policy by redeeming or selling securities on the open market.』




『As I am appearing before the Budget Committee, it is worth emphasizing that the Fed's purchases of longer-term securities are not comparable to ordinary government spending.』


『In executing these transactions, the Federal Reserve acquires financial assets, not goods and services. Ultimately, at the appropriate time, the Federal Reserve will normalize its balance sheet by selling these assets back into the market or by allowing them to mature.』


『In the interim, the interest that the Federal Reserve earns from its securities holdings adds to the Fed's remittances to the Treasury; in 2009 and 2010, those remittances totaled about $120 billion.』






『The extent to which commodity price increases would affect UK inflation would depend in part upon what caused them and hence upon the behaviour of the sterling exchange rate. If higher commodity prices signalled a rise in generalised inflationary pressure in the world economy, it was possible that the sterling exchange rate would appreciate to offset the effects of that pressure on domestic inflation. But it was less likely that there would be an offsetting appreciation of the exchange rate if, because of supply constraints, world prices of commodities rose relative to those of finished goods and services.』

















とりあえず景気の部分をスルーして中盤の『Monetary Policy』の所から参ります。



『Although it is likely that economic growth will pick up this year and that the unemployment rate will decline somewhat, progress toward the Federal Reserve's statutory objectives of maximum employment and stable prices is expected to remain slow.』


『The projections submitted by Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants in November showed that, notwithstanding forecasts of increased growth in 2011 and 2012, most participants expected the unemployment rate to be close to 8 percent two years from now. At this rate of improvement, it could take four to five more years for the job market to normalize fully. 』




『FOMC participants also projected inflation to be at historically low levels for some time. Very low rates of inflation raise several concerns: 』


『First, very low inflation increases the risk that new adverse shocks could push the economy into deflation, that is, a situation involving ongoing declines in prices. Experience shows that deflation induced by economic slack can lead to extended periods of poor economic performance; indeed, even a significant perceived risk of deflation may lead firms to be more cautious about investment and hiring.』


『Second, with short-term nominal interest rates already close to zero, declines in actual and expected inflation increase, respectively, both the real cost of servicing existing debt and the expected real cost of new borrowing. By raising effective debt burdens and by inhibiting new household spending and business investment, higher real borrowing costs create a further drag on growth.』



『Finally, it is important to recognize that periods of very low inflation generally involve very slow growth in nominal wages and incomes as well as in prices. (I have already alluded to the recent deceleration in average hourly earnings.)』


『Thus, in circumstances like those we face now, very low inflation or deflation does not necessarily imply any increase in household purchasing power.』

・・・・・・????? 実質購買水準はうっかりしたら上昇するんじゃないの???

『Rather, because of the associated deterioration in economic performance, very low inflation or deflation arising from economic slack is generally linked with reductions rather than gains in living standards.』




『In a situation in which unemployment is high and expected to remain so and inflation is unusually low, the FOMC would normally respond by reducing its target for the federal funds rate. However, the Federal Reserve's target for the federal funds rate has been close to zero since December 2008, leaving essentially no scope for further reductions. 』


『Consequently, for the past two years the FOMC has been using alternative tools to provide additional monetary accommodation. Notably, between December 2008 and March 2010, the FOMC purchased about $1.7 trillion in longer-term Treasury and agency-backed securities in the open market. The proceeds of these purchases ultimately find their way into the banking system, with the result that depository institutions now hold a high level of reserve balances with the Federal Reserve.』


『Although longer-term securities purchases are a different tool for conducting monetary policy than the more familiar approach of managing the overnight interest rate, the goals and transmission mechanisms of the two approaches are similar. 』


『Conventional monetary policy works by changing market expectations for the future path of short-term interest rates, which, in turn, influences the current level of longer-term interest rates and other financial conditions. These changes in financial conditions then affect household and business spending. By contrast, securities purchases by the Federal Reserve put downward pressure directly on longer-term interest rates by reducing the stock of longer-term securities held by private investors.3 These actions affect private-sector spending through the same channels as conventional monetary policy. In particular, the Federal Reserve's earlier program of asset purchases appeared to be successful in influencing longer-term interest rates, raising the prices of equities and other assets, and improving credit conditions more broadly, thereby helping stabilize the economy and support the recovery.』



『3. More specifically, the Fed's purchases should tend to reduce term premiums, a component of the yield to longer-term securities. Longer-term interest rates are also influenced by market expectations of the future path for short-term interest rates, which in turn depend on the outlook for the economy and so for the target federal funds rate.』



『In light of this experience, and with the economic outlook still unsatisfactory, late last summer the FOMC began to signal to financial markets that it was considering providing additional monetary policy accommodation by conducting further asset purchases. 』









『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants saw the information received during the intermeeting period as pointing to some improvement in the near-term outlook, and they expected that economic growth, which had been moderate, would pick up somewhat going forward. Indicators of production and household spending had strengthened, and the tone of the labor market was a little better on balance. The new fiscal package was generally expected to support the pace of recovery next year.』


『However, a number of factors were seen as likely to continue restraining growth, including the depressed housing market, employers' continued reluctance to add to payrolls, and ongoing efforts by some households and businesses to delever.』


『Moreover, the recovery remained subject to some downside risks, such as the possibility of a more extended period of weak activity and lower prices in the housing sector and potential financial and economic spillovers if the banking and sovereign debt problems in Europe were to worsen.』


『In light of recent readings on consumer inflation, participants noted that underlying inflation had continued trending downward, but several saw the risk of deflation as having receded somewhat.』





『Mr. Hoenig dissented because he judged that economic conditions were improving, and that the current highly accommodative stance of monetary policy was inconsistent with the Committee's long-run mandate. Mr. Hoenig noted that the economic recovery was shifting from transitory to more sustainable sources of growth and was picking up momentum.』


『In his assessment, maintaining highly accommodative monetary policy in the current economic environment would increase the risk of future imbalances and, over time, cause an increase in longer-term inflation expectations.』


『Mr. Hoenig also was concerned that the eventual orderly reduction of policy accommodation would become more difficult the longer the first step in that process was delayed. In Mr. Hoenig's view, the Committee should begin preparing markets for a reduction in policy accommodation.』


『Accordingly, he thought the press statement should indicate that sufficient monetary stimulus was in place to support the recovery.』




『Several meeting participants mentioned the communications challenges faced in conducting effective policy, including the need to clearly convey the Committee's views while appropriately airing individual perspectives.』








紙に出すときはPDFを等倍印刷した方が読みやすいのですが、引用する時にはHTMLの方が使いやすいので基本的にHTML版の方から引用をするでござるの巻。なので、基本的にはFRBスタッフの経済見通しなどの話は必要があったら後日追加しますが、今回は後半の『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』部分から引用します。



『Interest rates at intermediate and longer maturities rose substantially over the intermeeting period, while credit spreads were roughly unchanged and equity prices rose moderately.』


『Participants pointed to a number of factors that appeared to have contributed to the significant backup in yields, including an apparent downward reassessment by investors of the likely ultimate size of the Federal Reserve's asset-purchase program, economic data that were seen as suggesting an improved economic outlook, and the announcement of a package of fiscal measures that was expected to bolster economic growth and increase the deficit over coming quarters. It was noted that the backup in rates may have been amplified by year-end positioning, as well as by some reported mortgage-related hedging flows.』



『A number of participants indicated that, because the backup in rates appeared to importantly reflect changes in investors' expectations about the size of Federal Reserve asset purchases, the backup was consistent with purchases helping to keep longer-term yields lower than would otherwise be the case.』


・・・・えーっとですな、どういう話をしているかと申しますと、「a number of」って言ってるんですから多くのFOMCメンバーが認識しているのは、「足元の長期金利上昇は主に市場参加者がFRBの今後の資産買入規模に関する予想の変化(つまり資産買入規模が今後増えないとか現状の予定をコンプリートする前に終了するとかいう予想に転じたということ)を反映したものである」ということである、てな話をしているのですな。



この部分の何がおそロシアかと申しますと、そもそも「FRBの長期国債買入規模を拡大させるor拡大するであろうという期待を市場に持たせる事によって長期金利を低下させる」という力技にも程があるロジックをFOMCメンバー(今月から一部入替になりますが)の多く(a number of participants)が持っているということでありまして、どう見てもそれは無茶にも程があるだろと存じます次第。即ち、資産買入プログラムが景気や物価に対して好影響を与えるというものであって、市場参加者もその認識を共有しているのであれば、資産買入の拡大は景気見通しの上方修正に繋がるものであり、それによって長期金利が上昇する方が先に来るでしょ(というか現に来ていると思うのだが米国の金融市場では)と思うのでありまして、そこの所よりも「足元の金利上昇は資産買入規模への期待がしぼんだ事によるものである」という点を強調しちゃうと、「資産買入拡大」→「市場参加者の景気やら物価やらの見通し上方修正」→「長期金利上昇」→「長期金利上昇を抑制するために資産買入を更に拡大」という無間地獄というか要するに米国債券市場のボラティリティーの拡大を巻き起こす話になると思うのですよね。







『Several meeting participants mentioned the communications challenges faced in conducting effective policy, including the need to clearly convey the Committee's views while appropriately airing individual perspectives. 』


でね、まあそういう意味では時間軸の強化っぽいネタはこの章やその次の『Committee Policy Action』の章のあちこちに散りばめられてはいるのですが、ここの指摘というのはそれらの辺りに関しても「景気認識やら見通しの中での表現で伝えるという示唆方式ではなく、より明確化したほうが良いのではないでしょうか」という論点なのではないかなあと思うのでございまする。


『Regarding their overall outlook for economic activity, participants generally agreed that, even with the positive news received over the intermeeting period, the most likely outcome was a gradual pickup in growth with slow progress toward maximum employment. 』


更に『Committee Policy Action』の冒頭でもこんな話がありますが、まあこの辺りは声明文にも反映されておりましたかな。

『Members noted that, while incoming information over the intermeeting period had increased their confidence in the economic recovery, progress toward the Committee's dual objectives of maximum employment and price stability was disappointingly slow. In addition, members generally expected that progress was likely to remain modest, with unemployment and inflation deviating from the Committee's objectives for some time.』

ということで、前回のFOMC会合から足元までの回復のペースは「dual objectives」に対して「disappointingly slow」であり、先行きの見通しに関しても当面(for some time)の回復ペースに留まり、FRBの目的とする失業率や物価上昇率に対して乖離していると仰せですな。


『While the economic outlook was seen as improving, members generally felt that the change in the outlook was not sufficient to warrant any adjustments to the asset-purchase program, and some noted that more time was needed to accumulate information on the economy before considering any adjustment.』


『Members emphasized that the pace and overall size of the purchase program would be contingent on economic and financial developments; however, some indicated that they had a fairly high threshold for making changes to the program. 』






さっきの『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』での先行き見通しに関する部分に戻りますが景気の上振れと下振れリスクに関して。

『A few mentioned the possibility that growth could pick up more rapidly than expected, particularly in light of the very accommodative stance of monetary policy currently in place. It was noted that such an acceleration would likely be accompanied by significantly more rapid growth in bank lending and in the monetary aggregates, suggesting that such indicators might prove to be useful sources of information. 』

どう見てもホーニッグさんですという感じですが、「a few」と書いているのですからホーニッグさん以外にも(少数意見扱いですが)この論点の話があるのねというのが微妙にチャーミングではございますが、足元の景気加速が予想より強く、異例の緩和的な金融政策が銀行貸出やマネタリーのより急速な拡大をもたらす可能性があるという上振れリスクの話をしてますわな。まあ少数意見ですけど。

『Others pointed to downside risks to growth. One common concern was that the housing sector could weaken further in light of the considerable supply of houses either on the market or likely to come to market. Another concern was the ongoing deterioration in the fiscal position of U.S. states and localities, which could lead to sharp cuts in spending and increases in taxes.』


『In addition, participants expressed concerns about a possible worsening of the banking and financial strains in Europe, which could spill over to U.S. financial markets and institutions, and so to the broader U.S. economy. 』









『The Q3 data were mildly encouraging because they indicated that growth had been driven by final demand, rather than by stockbuilding. That suggested that the recovery might be more securely based than if growth had been driven primarily by a temporary boost from the working out of the stock cycle.』

ということで、景気の拡大が在庫復元だけではなく最終需要の伸びによって起きている事を示す指標がでているのが「mildly encouraging」と指摘していますな、うんうん。

『Nevertheless, the range of available business surveys had indicated, on balance, that activity growth might slow a little in Q4 and Q1 to slightly below its historic average rate. Within that aggregate rate, it was possible that manufacturing growth would remain relatively robust but that services sector growth would be more modest.』



『A more significant risk to the outlook for UK activity arising from recent developments within the euro area was the possible impact that a prolonged period of financial market tensions might have upon domestic demand within the United Kingdom. It could hamper the ongoing process of balance sheet strengthening by the UK banks, which could in turn put renewed pressure on the cost and availability of credit to UK households and companies, especially if it were associated with a further withdrawal from UK lending markets by some euro-area banks. It could also lead to a reduction in spending as the result of a fall in household and business confidence.』





『The key consideration for the policy decision was whether recent developments had altered the Committee’s view of the balance of risks to the prospects for inflation in the medium term. As had been the case for some months now, there were two opposing key risks.』


『On the downside, there remained the risk that private sector demand would not pick up sufficiently strongly to offset the fiscal consolidation and to erode the substantial margin of spare capacity that existed in the labour market and within firms. The persistent underutilisation of resources could then cause inflation to fall significantly below the 2% target in the medium term.』


『Recent developments within the euro area had heightened that risk. A persistent period of financial market distress could depress activity in some of the peripheral euro-area countries and hence the demand for UK exports, although this direct effect was unlikely to be large. It could, however, also adversely affect business and consumer confidence both at home and overseas, pushing down on demand. And it could affect UK banks’ ability to raise funding, leading to a deterioration in the cost and availability of credit to households and firms. The likelihood of these events occurring was hard to judge, but their impact could be large.』


『On the upside, there was the risk that a prolonged period of above-target inflation could cause inflation expectations to rise, making it more costly to bring inflation back to target in the medium term. Recent developments had heightened this upside risk. CPI inflation had risen again in November.』


『There were also signs of increasing inflationary pressures from strong growth in the world economy. Commodity prices had risen substantially over recent months, which could herald a prolonged period of deterioration in the UK terms of trade. And there were some signs that UK households’ inflation expectations were edging up. Nonetheless, available indicators of businesses’expectations and those inferred from financial markets had remained stable. And it was encouraging that earnings growth had remained moderate.』




『One member continued to take the view that a further expansion in the Committee’s programme of asset purchases was necessary to prevent inflation undershooting the 2% target in the medium term. For that member, recent inflation outturns could be explained by the various price level shocks that had occurred and contained little news about inflation in the medium term.』

『Financial markets provided a more valuable guide to inflation expectations than did surveys of households, and measures backed out from them had remained broadly consistent with the inflation target.』


『That was consistent with continuing subdued growth in earnings. Looking ahead, consumption growth was likely to slow, reflecting in part the impact of the fiscal consolidation. It was likely that there was a significant margin of spare capacity and that this would persist for some time. In this member’s view, that would probably act to push inflation well below target in the medium term in the absence of further measures to stimulate demand.』


『Another member continued to take the view that it was appropriate to begin to withdraw some of the exceptional monetary stimulus that had been provided by cutting Bank Rate to 0.5% alongside the Committee’s programme of asset purchases.』

『Demand had continued to recover at home and abroad, and a wide range of measures of UK nominal demand had grown at above typical pre-recession rates. Private sector activity had expanded steadily over the past year, which augured well for the economy’s ability to continue to grow in the face of the prospective fiscal tightening, although the pattern of that growth might prove to be volatile.』


『Meanwhile, inflation had remained above the target. Strong global growth was putting upward pressure on commodity prices, and there was little evidence to suggest that spare capacity was exerting significant downward pressure on UK inflation.』


『In this member’s view, a gradual withdrawal of monetary stimulus by raising Bank Rate was justified by recent economic developments and would help to reinforce the expectation that inflation would fall back to the target.』









『Inflation had generally been a little higher than the Committee’s central expectation in recent months. In the near term, it was possible that some firms might raise prices in anticipation of the increase in VAT to 20% in January 2011. The prospective VAT increase would raise measured CPI inflation over the year ahead and would be likely to keep inflation above the target for several quarters. Some utility price increases had been announced for December, which would also be likely to add to inflation in the near term. The MPC noted that inflation was likely to rise further over coming months and could well reach 4% by the spring, somewhat higher than the November Inflation Report central projection.』



『The data released over the month had pointed to continued firm - if regionally unbalanced -global growth and there were additional signs of global pricing pressures, particularly evident in markets for commodities.』



『Recent announcements of further monetary and fiscal stimulus were likely to boost the outlook for activity and inflation.』



『There were signs of increasing inflationary pressures in some emerging economies and monetary policy had been tightened in several over recent months, including China and India.』


『It was possible that these developments signalled a persistent increase in the prices of commodities relative to those of finished goods and services, given the potentially limited ability to increase supply in response to increases in demand, especially from emerging economies. If so, it was possible that there could be further upwards pressure on commodity prices if demand pressures intensified.』




『Further increases in global demand relative to supply - to the extent that they were not already fully reflected in market participants’ expectations - might lead to upwards pressure on global commodity prices for some time. 』


『The extent to which commodity price increases would affect UK inflation would depend in part upon what caused them and hence upon the behaviour of the sterling exchange rate. If higher commodity prices signalled a rise in generalised inflationary pressure in the world economy, it was possible that the sterling exchange rate would appreciate to offset the effects of that pressure on domestic inflation. But it was less likely that there would be an offsetting appreciation of the exchange rate if, because of supply constraints, world prices of commodities rose relative to those of finished goods and services.』



『The household surveys suggested that expectations for inflation one year ahead had risen over recent months; that was broadly in line with the Committee’s own central view of near-term inflation prospects. More worryingly, however, measures of households’ expected inflation two years ahead had also edged up. But longer-term measures had remained more stable.』

『And there was less evidence of a significant rise in measures inferred from financial markets or in survey-based measures of firms’ inflation expectations, which might matter more immediately for price-setting behaviour.』


『An increase in inflation expectations was unlikely to raise inflation in the medium term unless it resulted in a sustained rise in pay growth. The outlook for pay would also depend upon the behaviour of productivity as the economy recovered, the degree of slack in the labour market and the extent to which firms were willing to grant higher pay increases in order to retain employees with valuable skills.』










例えば、第12パラグラフから20パラグラフまでが『Money, credit, demand and output』ちゅう小見出しのコーナーなのですが、以前はこの部分で国債買入でマネーがどうのこうのみたいな話が一部ではあったのですが、最近はすっかりこの辺りでは量的緩和政策の直接的な効果がどうのこうの的な部分は無くなっている次第でして、いつの間にやら「量的緩和は短期政策金利のゼロ制約(実際には0.5%なので名目上のゼロ制約に達していないが)による代替としての緩和拡大でございます」的な話になっているんですなあという感を深くするものでございまする。


11月のインフレーションレポート向けの議論部分『The November GDP growth and inflation projections』の第31パラグラフと32パラグラフに今後のインフレ見通しのリスクやら撹乱要因やらに関しての言及がございます。


『There were substantial risks to the inflation outlook. Inflation would be affected by future developments in commodity and other traded prices, the degree of spare capacity and its impact on wages and prices, and the evolution of inflation expectations.』


『Continued strong growth in some emerging economies might lead to further upward pressure on the prices of commodities and other imported goods and services, so pushing up companies’ costs. The degree of spare capacity and its impact on inflation in the medium term would depend on: the strength of demand; the persistence of the reduction in productivity; the performance of the labour market; and the sensitivity of wages to any labour market slack.』


『Inflation might fall further than expected if the degree of spare capacity was larger or if it had a greater impact. But inflation might remain higher than otherwise if the current period of above-target outturns caused medium-term expectations of inflation to rise, or if the effect of sterling’s past depreciation had not yet worked through fully.』



『There was a wider than usual range of views among Committee members over the likely effects on inflation of these various factors.』


『On balance, the Committee’s best collective judgement was that, conditioned on the assumption that Bank Rate followed a path implied by market interest rates and that the stock of purchased assets financed by the issuance of central bank reserves remained at £200 billion throughout the forecast period, the chances of inflation being either above or below the inflation target by the end of the forecast period were roughly equal. The most likely outcome was that inflation would fall below target by 2013, but the risks around that most likely path were judged to be skewed to the upside.』



んでまあ第33パラグラフ以降に『The immediate policy decision』というのがあって、そこでインフレに関するアップイサイドとダウンサイドのリスク認識に関して延々と論議が繰り広げられているのでそこもオモロイのですが、ただまあそこでの話そのものに関しては従来より繰り返されている話なので引用を割愛(単に量が多いのと今更ネタなので割愛しているというのもありますが^^)しまして、ポーセンさんと思われる人の現状維持反対理由が大39パラグラフにありますので引用。

『One member continued to take the view that it was appropriate to expand the Committee’s programme of asset purchases. The recent inflation outturns could be explained by reference to the various price-level shocks that had occurred, which suggested that measures of underlying inflation would be well below the target. The risk to inflation expectations was limited, given muted nominal wage growth, the prospective impact of fiscal consolidation, and the Committee’s mandate and independence.』


『In this member’s view, international evidence from past recessions suggested that underlying productivity growth was unlikely to have declined by much and there was undoubtedly a significant degree of spare capacity in the economy.』


『The Committee’s central projection for growth optimistically assumed only a limited impact of the planned fiscal consolidation on consumption and the risks to growth lay to the downside of that projection.』


『Collectively, these considerations suggested that further asset purchases would be necessary to avoid inflation falling well below the target in the medium term.』




『Another member continued to take the view that it was appropriate to begin to withdraw some of the exceptional monetary stimulus that had been provided by cutting Bank Rate to 0.5% alongside the Committee’s programme of asset purchases.』


『In this member’s view, recent news had strengthened the case for altering policy sooner rather than later: the economy had grown robustly during the third quarter; surveys pointed to continued growth in the final quarter of the year; job creation had continued; and strong global growth was placing upward pressure on commodity prices.』


『According to the Committee’s latest projections, even after allowing for the effects of fiscal adjustment, the central projection for economic growth was in the range of 2-1/2% to 3-1/2% per annum, and inflation was set to rise further above the target before falling back.』


『In this member’s view, monetary policy should be used to reinforce the expectation that inflation would fall back to the target through a well-communicated policy of gradually increasing Bank Rate.』












『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November confirms that the economic recovery is continuing, though at a rate that has been insufficient to bring down unemployment. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in September confirms that the pace of recovery in output and employment continues to be slow. 』(前回)

景気回復のペースについて「continues to be slow」だったのが「recovery is continuing」と入れているので景気認識引き上げなのですが、返す刀でそのペースを「insufficient to bring down unemployment」と失業を引き下げるには不十分なペース、という雇用の先行き見通しに関する厳しい見方を示すという器用なプレイをしています。


『Household spending is increasing at a moderate pace, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.』(今回)

『Household spending is increasing gradually, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. 』(前回)

おじちゃん頭が悪いから良く判らんのだが、「gradually」から「at a moderate pace」って判断上がってますのかな??んでもって後半部分のそうは言ってもこれこれこういう要因で拡大は抑制されていますという部分は同じっすね。


『Business spending on equipment and software is rising, though less rapidly than earlier in the year, while investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak. Employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls. 』(今回)



『The housing sector continues to be depressed. 』(今回)
『Housing starts continue to be depressed. 』(前回)

更におじちゃん頭が悪いので判らんのだが、今回何で「Housing starts」が「The housing sector」になったんだろう、どういう意味があるんだか良く判らんです誰か教えてください教えて下さい。


『 Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, but measures of underlying inflation have continued to trend downward. 』(今回)

『 Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, but measures of underlying inflation have trended lower in recent quarters.』(前回)

最近の数四半期(で訳は良いのか?)において足元のインフレ率が低下しているという前回の話に関して、今回は「have continued to trend downward」と思いっきりダウントレンド形成でっせという話をしておりまして、ここの部分を下げているってえ感じでございます。


第2パラグラフは例の「FRBは法的に定められたマンデートを実施する訳だが、その目的に向かう経済の動きは「disappointingly slow」という話ですわな。前回と全く同じ文言でございますが一応引用。

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate is elevated, and measures of underlying inflation are somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. Although the Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow.』(今回)


『To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to continue expanding its holdings of securities as announced in November. The Committee will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. In addition, the Committee intends to purchase $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, a pace of about $75 billion per month. The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)

第4パラグラフの「金利は0〜0.25%」「exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period」というのも前回と同一文言だす。

『The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period.』(今回)


『The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary to support the economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate. 』(今回)









『Voting against the policy was Thomas M. Hoenig. In light of the improving economy, Mr. Hoenig was concerned that a continued high level of monetary accommodation would increase the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, would cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations that could destabilize the economy.』(今回)






『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』から








『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants generally agreed that the incoming data indicated that output and employment were continuing to increase, but only slowly. Progress toward the Committee's dual objectives of maximum employment and price stability was described as disappointingly slow. 』



『Participants variously noted a number of factors that were restraining growth, including low levels of household and business confidence, concerns about the durability of the economic recovery, continuing uncertainty about the future tax and regulatory environment, still-weak financial conditions of some households and small businesses, the depressed housing market, and waning fiscal stimulus. Although participants considered it quite unlikely that the economy would slide back into recession, some noted that continued slow growth and high levels of resource slack could leave the economic expansion vulnerable to negative shocks. In the absence of such shocks, and assuming appropriate monetary policy, participants' economic projections generally showed growth picking up to a moderate pace and the unemployment rate declining somewhat next year.』


『Participants generally expected growth to strengthen further and unemployment to decline somewhat more rapidly in 2012 and 2013.』




『Participants noted that the housing sector, including residential construction and home sales, remained depressed. Foreclosures were adding to the elevated supply of available homes and putting downward pressure on home prices and housing construction. Some participants saw disputes over mortgage and foreclosure documents as likely to delay the eventual recovery in housing markets. Commercial real estate markets also were weak, and the availability of credit for commercial real estate transactions remained limited, but low interest rates were helping stabilize prices.』





『Participants saw financial conditions as having become more supportive of growth over the course of the intermeeting period; most, though not all, of the change appeared to reflect investors' increasing anticipation of a further easing of monetary policy. Most longer-term nominal interest rates declined, real interest rates fell even more, credit spreads tightened, and equity prices rose, in part reflecting better-than-expected corporate earnings reports. Inflation compensation rose noticeably, returning to a level more typical of recent years.』


『Participants noted that credit remained readily available--in debt markets and from banks--for larger corporations, and there were some signs that credit conditions had begun to improve for smaller firms that obtain credit primarily from banks. Banking institutions reported signs of improving credit quality. Improvements in household financial conditions were contributing to better performance of consumer loans. However, banks continued to report elevated losses on commercial real estate loans, especially construction and land development loans. Participants noted the risk of losses at financial institutions stemming from investors putting mortgages back to sellers if the quality of the loans was misrepresented when the mortgages were sold into securitization vehicles.』




『Measures of price inflation had generally trended lower since the start of the recession; the same was true of nominal wage growth. Most participants indicated that underlying inflation was somewhat low relative to levels that they judged to be consistent with the Committee's statutory mandate to foster maximum employment and price stability.』


『While underlying inflation remained subdued, meeting participants generally saw only small odds of deflation, given the stability of longer-term inflation expectations and the anticipated recovery in economic activity. They generally did not expect appreciably higher inflation, either.』


『While prices of some commodities and imported goods had risen recently, business contacts reported that they currently had little pricing power and that they would continue to seek productivity gains to offset higher input costs. Small wage increases, coupled with productivity gains, meant that unit labor costs were lower than a year earlier.』


『Many participants pointed to substantial slack in resource utilization, along with well-anchored inflation expectations, as likely to contribute to subdued inflation for some time. 』


『A few participants expected that continuing resource slack would lead to some further disinflation in coming years. However, a few others thought that the exceptionally accommodative stance of monetary policy, coupled with rising prices of energy and other commodities as well as rising prices of other imports, made it more likely that inflation would increase, within a year or two, to levels they judged consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』

ということで、資源活用のスラックがディスインフレのリスクを拡大するという指摘と、異例の金融緩和政策が商品価格や輸入価格の上昇とセットになった場合にインフレを引き上げるのではというリスクの指摘が、双方とも「A few」の委員からあったというのがほほーという感じでございまする。






第25パラグラフと第26パラグラフの『Staff Economic Outlook』ですが、その中で追加緩和政策実施の期待によって反応した市場動向について「経済の追加的な刺激となる」という認識を示しているのがチャーミングであります。第25パラグラフの途中から。

『In light of asset market developments over the intermeeting period, which in large part appeared to reflect heightened expectations among investors that the Federal Reserve would undertake additional purchases of longer-term securities, the November forecast was conditioned on lower long-term interest rates, higher stock prices, and a lower foreign exchange value of the dollar than was the staff's previous forecast. These factors were expected to provide additional support to the recovery in economic activity. 』



『The staff's forecast continued to show subdued rates of headline and core inflation during 2011 and 2012. However, the downward pressure on inflation from slack in resource utilization was expected to be slightly less than previously projected, and prices of imported goods were anticipated to rise somewhat faster.』


『As in previous forecasts, further disinflation was expected to be checked by the ongoing stability of inflation expectations.』



というのをウダウダ書こうと思ったのだが気がついたら時間が無いので引用だけですが(明日続きを書きます)、『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の冒頭になります第27パラグラフの部分から。

『In conjunction with this FOMC meeting, all meeting participants--the six members of the Board of Governors and the heads of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks--provided projections of output growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation for each year from 2010 through 2013 and over the longer run. Longer-run projections represent each participant's assessment of the rate to which each variable would be expected to converge, over time, under appropriate monetary policy and in the absence of further shocks. Participants' forecasts are described in the Summary of Economic Projections, which is attached as an addendum to these minutes. 』

>under appropriate monetary policy
>under appropriate monetary policy
>under appropriate monetary policy







最初の『Developments in Financial Markets and the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet』からで、2パラグラフ目(特にMinutesには番号が振られて居る訳ではなくて、あたくしが物は試しに便宜的に最初から通しで振っています。以下同様)の後半に長期国債の買入に関する案の説明がありましてですな。

『The Desk judged that if it continued reinvesting principal payments from the Federal Reserve System's holdings of agency debt and agency MBS in longer-term Treasury securities, then it could purchase additional longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of about $75 billion per month while avoiding disruptions in market functioning. The Manager indicated that implementing a sizable increase in the System's holdings of Treasury securities most effectively likely would entail a temporary relaxation of the 35 percent per-issue limit on SOMA holdings under which the Desk had been operating; whether, and to what extent, the System's holdings of some issues would exceed 35 percent would depend on the specific securities that dealers choose to offer at future auctions.』




『Finally, the Manager summarized the implications for the Federal Reserve's balance sheet and income statement of alternative decisions that the Committee might make about the size and maturity distribution of the SOMA's securities holdings.』


『Participants discussed the Desk's tentative operational plans; they also discussed the potential effects of an expansion of the System's holdings of longer-term securities on financial markets and institutions and on the economy, and the channels through which those effects could occur.』



いつもはサラサラと流す(流さないとしんどいから^^)『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』も今回は比較的真面目に読んでみたのですが・・・・・


『Real personal consumption expenditures (PCE) rose at a moderate rate in the third quarter. Rising equity prices likely resulted in some further improvement in net worth over the same period. 』



『Activity in the housing market remained exceptionally weak. Although sales of new and existing homes turned up in August and September, the still-low level of demand suggested that the payback for the earlier boost to sales from the homebuyer tax credit had not yet faded.』


『Moreover, despite further declines in mortgage interest rates in recent months, other factors continued to restrain housing demand, including consumer pessimism about the outlook for jobs and income, the depressed rate of household formation, and tight underwriting standards for mortgages. 』



『In addition, the moratoriums recently announced by some banks on the sale of properties they had seized in foreclosures were likely to damp home sales further in the near term. Starts of new single-family houses rose somewhat in August and September, but the pace of construction was still noticeably below the already-depressed level of the preceding year. New homebuilding appeared to be weighed down by the backlog of unsold existing homes and tight lending conditions for acquisition, development, and construction loans.』


でですね、第19パラグラフになるのですが、『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』の部分でモーゲージ金利に関する指摘をしているのですが、そちらではモーゲージ金利の低下でリファイナンスは活発に行われているけれども、新規住宅取得に向けた買入はそんなに増えてませんよという話をしていまして、よーするに長期金利低下による住宅市場への影響は、住宅市場そのものというよりはモーゲージローンのリファイナンス活動による効果の方が大きいという感じになるのではないかと思われる次第。

『Residential mortgage refinancing activity moved up in late September and early October, from an already high level, as the average interest rate on fixed-rate mortgages fell further over the intermeeting period. In contrast, the level of applications for mortgages to purchase homes remained anemic.』








『Notably, in recent months, some officials in emerging market economies and elsewhere have argued that accommodative monetary policies in the advanced economies, especially the United States, have been producing negative spillover effects on their economies. In particular, they are concerned that advanced economy policies are inducing excessive capital inflows to the emerging market economies, inflows that in turn put unwelcome upward pressure on emerging market currencies and threaten to create asset price bubbles. 』



『To a large degree, these capital flows have been driven by perceived return differentials that favor emerging markets, resulting from factors such as stronger expected growth--both in the short term and in the longer run--and higher interest rates, which reflect differences in policy settings as well as other forces. As figures 6 and 7 show, even before the crisis, fast-growing emerging market economies were attractive destinations for cross-border investment.』


『However, beyond these fundamental factors, an important driver of the rapid capital inflows to some emerging markets is incomplete adjustment of exchange rates in those economies, which leads investors to anticipate additional returns arising from expected exchange rate appreciation.』

>incomplete adjustment of exchange rates
>incomplete adjustment of exchange rates
>incomplete adjustment of exchange rates

『The exchange rate adjustment is incomplete, in part, because the authorities in some emerging market economies have intervened in foreign exchange markets to prevent or slow the appreciation of their currencies. The degree of intervention is illustrated for selected emerging market economies in figure 8. 』


『The vertical axis of this graph shows the percent change in the real effective exchange rate in the 12 months through September. The horizontal axis shows the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves as a share of GDP over the same period. 』


『The graph also illustrates that some emerging market economies have intervened at very high levels and others relatively little. Judging from the changes in the real effective exchange rate, the emerging market economies that have largely let market forces determine their exchange rates have seen their competitiveness reduced relative to those emerging market economies that have intervened more aggressively.』



『It is instructive to contrast this situation with what would happen in an international system in which exchange rates were allowed to fully reflect market fundamentals. In the current context, advanced economies would pursue accommodative monetary policies as needed to foster recovery and to guard against unwanted disinflation. At the same time, emerging market economies would tighten their own monetary policies to the degree needed to prevent overheating and inflation. The resulting increase in emerging market interest rates relative to those in the advanced economies would naturally lead to increased capital flows from advanced to emerging economies and, consequently, to currency appreciation in emerging market economies. This currency appreciation would in turn tend to reduce net exports and current account surpluses in the emerging markets, thus helping cool these rapidly growing economies while adding to demand in the advanced economies. Moreover, currency appreciation would help shift a greater proportion of domestic output toward satisfying domestic needs in emerging markets. The net result would be more balanced and sustainable global economic growth.』


『Given these advantages of a system of market-determined exchange rates, why have officials in many emerging markets leaned against appreciation of their currencies toward levels more consistent with market fundamentals?』


『The principal answer is that currency undervaluation on the part of some countries has been part of a long-term export-led strategy for growth and development. This strategy, which allows a country's producers to operate at a greater scale and to produce a more diverse set of products than domestic demand alone might sustain, has been viewed as promoting economic growth and, more broadly, as making an important contribution to the development of a number of countries.』


『However, increasingly over time, the strategy of currency undervaluation has demonstrated important drawbacks, both for the world system and for the countries using that strategy.』








でね、真面目に読むのは週末(前に読めれば読むが)と言う事に致しまして、簡易バージョンで追加緩和政策に関する政策効果だのなんだのという話がありまして、まあそこを見たければ『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の最後のパラグラフを見るあるヨロシ。PDFだと8枚目になるみたいです。つーか今日はそこしか見てない(汗)。

『Participants generally agreed that the most likely economic outcome would be a gradual pickup in growth with slow progress toward maximum employment. They also generally expected that inflation would remain, for some time, below levels the Committee considers most consistent, over the longer run, with maximum employment and price stability.』


『However, participants held a range of views about the risks to that outlook. Most saw the risks to growth as broadly balanced, but many saw the risks as tilted to the downside. Similarly, a majority saw the risks to inflation as balanced; some, however, saw downside risks predominating while a couple saw inflation risks as tilted to the upside. 』



『Participants also differed in their assessments of the likely benefits and costs associated with a program of purchasing additional longer-term securities in an effort to provide additional monetary stimulus, though most saw the benefits as exceeding the costs in current circumstances. 』


『Most participants judged that a program of purchasing additional longer-term securities would put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates and boost asset prices; some observed that it could also lead to a reduction in the foreign exchange value of the dollar.』



『Most expected these changes in financial conditions to help promote a somewhat stronger recovery in output and employment while also helping return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with the Committee's mandate.』


『In addition, several participants argued that the stimulus provided by additional securities purchases would help protect against further disinflation and the small probability that the U.S. economy could fall into persistent deflation--an outcome that they thought would be very costly. 』


『Some participants, however, anticipated that additional purchases of longer-term securities would have only a limited effect on the pace of the recovery; they judged that the economy's slow growth largely reflected the effects of factors that were not likely to respond to additional monetary policy stimulus and thought that additional action would be warranted only if the outlook worsened and the odds of deflation increased materially.』


『Some participants noted concerns that additional expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet could put unwanted downward pressure on the dollar's value in foreign exchange markets.』


『Several participants saw a risk that a further increase in the size of the Federal Reserve's asset portfolio, with an accompanying increase in the supply of excess reserves and in the monetary base, could cause an undesirably large increase in inflation. However, it was noted that the Committee had in place tools that would enable it to remove policy accommodation quickly if necessary to avoid an undesirable increase in inflation.』








『The foreign exchange value of the dollar has fluctuated considerably during the course of the crisis, driven by a range of factors.』


『A significant portion of these fluctuations has reflected changes in investor risk aversion, with the dollar tending to appreciate when risk aversion is high. In particular, much of the decline over the summer in the foreign exchange value of the dollar reflected an unwinding of the increase in the dollar’s value in the spring associated with the European sovereign debt crisis. The dollar’s role as a safe haven during periods of market stress stems in no small part from the underlying strength and stability that the U.S. economy has exhibited over the years.』


『Fully aware of the important role that the dollar plays in the international monetary and financial system, the Committee believes that the best way to continue to deliver the strong economic fundamentals that underpin the value of the dollar, as well as to support the global recovery, is through policies that lead to a resumption of robust growth in a context of price stability in the United States.』




『In sum, on its current economic trajectory the United States runs the risk of seeing millions of workers unemployed or underemployed for many years. As a society, we should find that outcome unacceptable. Monetary policy is working in support of both economic recovery and price stability, but there are limits to what can be achieved by the central bank alone.』

『The Federal Reserve is nonpartisan and does not make recommendations regarding specific tax and spending programs. However, in general terms, a fiscal program that combines near-term measures to enhance growth with strong, confidence-inducing steps to reduce longer-term structural deficits would be an important complement to the policies of the Federal Reserve.』







とりあえずざざーっと全部読んでみましたが、最初は『The Two-Speed Global Recovery』という小見出しで、まあ要するに世界経済の回復で新興国と先進国の回復速度とその水準に違いがありますねという話をしていまして、その次に米国経済の話をしています。

でもってその次が『Monetary Policy in the United States』ということでPDFファイル版だと本文4ページ辺りからになるのですが、ここでは今回の金融政策に関する波及経路やら効果やらについての話があってこれが中々どうなのかよという感じになっています。まあ具体的に言えば先日引用したカンサスシティ連銀ホーニッグ総裁のツッコミに対する答えに全然なってねええええという所でしょうか。まあ一番オモロイのはこの辺りになりますので、お時間の無い方は本分4ページから6ページまでを読むのが吉。


で、その先が多分今回のスピーチのメインテーマになっているのですが、『Global Policy Challenges and Tensions』っていう部分で新興国などの一部からの「FRBはバブルを輸出して通貨安政策をしてケシカラン」という指摘に反論しているのですが、まあ1行で言ってしまうと「新興国が自国通貨を今まで安く抑える政策をしているのが良くないのです(キリッ)」という事でして、途中から殆ど中国名指し状態なのが大変お洒落。

その次は実はもう斜め読み状態だったのですが『Improving the International System』って所では世界経済のリバランスが自由な為替レートを通じて行われるというようなまあ美しい話をしているのですけれども、何か微妙感の漂う内容となっています。




『Accordingly, the essential challenge for policymakers around the world is to work together to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome--namely, a robust global economic expansion that is balanced, sustainable, and less prone to crises.』




『In the United States, the recession officially ended in mid-2009, and--as shown infigure 3--real GDP growth was reasonably strong in the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of this year. However, much of that growth appears to have stemmed from transitory factors, including inventory adjustments and fiscal stimulus.』


『Since the second quarter of this year, GDP growth has moderated to around 2 percent at an annual rate, less than the Federal Reserve’s estimates of U.S. potential growth and insufficient to meaningfully reduce unemployment.』




『Low rates of resource utilization in the United States are creating disinflationary pressures.』


『As shown in figure 5, various measures of underlying inflation have been trending downward and are currently around 1 percent, which is below the rate of 2 percent or a bit less that most Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants judge as being most consistent with the Federal Reserve’s policy objectives in the long run. With inflation expectations stable, and with levels of resource slack expected to remain high, inflation trends are expected to be quite subdued for some time.』




『Let me address the case of the United States specifically. As I described, the U.S. unemployment rate is high and, given the slow pace of economic growth, likely to remain so for some time. Indeed, although I expect that growth will pick up and unemployment will decline somewhat next year, we cannot rule out the possibility that unemployment might rise further in the near term, creating added risks for the recovery. Inflation has declined noticeably since the business cycle peak, and further disinflation could hinder the recovery.』


『In particular, with shorter-term nominal interest rates close to zero, declines in actual and expected inflation imply both higher realized and expected real interest rates, creating further drags on growth.』


『The Federal Reserve’s policy target for the federal funds rate has been near zero since December 2008, so another means of providing monetary accommodation has been necessary since that time.』


『Accordingly, the FOMC purchased Treasury and agencybacked securities on a large scale from December 2008 through March 2010, a policy that appears to have been quite successful in helping to stabilize the economy and support the recovery during that period. Following up on this earlier success, the Committee announced this month that it would purchase additional Treasury securities. In taking that action, the Committee seeks to support the economic recovery, promote a faster pace of job creation, and reduce the risk of a further decline in inflation that would prove damaging to the recovery.』






『Although securities purchases are a different tool for conducting monetary policy than the more familiar approach of managing the overnight interest rate, the goals and transmission mechanisms are very similar.』


『In particular, securities purchases by the central bank affect the economy primarily by lowering interest rates on securities of longer maturities, just as conventional monetary policy, by affecting the expected path of short-term rates, also influences longer-term rates.』


『Lower longer-term rates in turn lead to more accommodative financial conditions, which support household and business spending.』


『As I noted, the evidence suggests that asset purchases can be an effective tool; indeed, financial conditions eased notably in anticipation of the Federal Reserve’s policy announcement.』





『Incidentally, in my view, the use of the term “quantitative easing” to refer to the Federal Reserve’s policies is inappropriate.』


『Quantitative easing typically refers to policies that seek to have effects by changing the quantity of bank reserves, a channel which seems relatively weak, at least in the U.S. context.』





『In contrast, securities purchases work by affecting the yields on the acquired securities and, via substitution effects in investors’ portfolios, on a wider range of assets.』








『Second, we risk undermining Federal Reserve independence.』


『QE2 actions approach fiscal policy actions. Purchasing private assets or long-term Treasury securities shifts risk from investors to the Federal Reserve and, ultimately, to U.S. taxpayers. It also encourages greater attempts to influence what assets the Federal Reserve purchases. When the Federal Reserve buys long-term securities - such as the $1.2 trillion in mortgage backed securities it purchased during the financial crisis - it favors some segments of the market over others.』


『And when the Federal Reserve is a ready buyer of government debt, it becomes a convenient source of cash for fiscal programs. During a crisis this may be justified, but as a policy instrument during normal times it is very dangerous precedent.』




『Third, rather than inflation rising to 2 or 3 percent, and demand rising in a systematic fashion, we have no idea at what level inflation might settle. It could remain where it is or inflation expectations could become unanchored and perhaps increase to 4 or 5 percent.』


『Not knowing what the outcome might be makes quantitative easing a very risky strategy. It amounts to attempting to fine-tune inflation expectations-a variable we cannot precisely or accurately measure-over the next decade.』

『And why might inflation expectations become unanchored?』


『The budget deficit for 2011 is expected to be about $1 trillion. Even if the Federal Reserve were to purchase only $500 billion-and this amount in itself is a source of considerable uncertainty-that would appear to monetize one-half of the 2011 budget deficit. In addition, the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet-now and over the next decade-will influence inflation expectations. Expanding the balance sheet by another $500 billion to $1 trillion over the next year, and perhaps keeping the balance sheet at $3 trillion for the next several years, or increasing it even further, risks undermining the public’s confidence in the Fed’s commitment to long run price stability, a key element of its mandate.』


『While QE2 might work in clean theoretical models, I am less confident it will work in the real world. Again, I will note that the FOMC has never shown itself very good at fine-tuning exercises or in setting and managing inflation and inflation expectations to achieve the desired results.』


『Given the likely size of actions and the time horizon over which QE2 would be in place, inflation expectations might very well increase beyond targeted levels, soon followed by a rise in long-term Treasury rates, thereby negating one of the textbook benefits of the policy.』






講演5ページの小見出しが『New Risks and QE2』でして、まあここからがホーニッグ総裁の本領発揮なのですが、まあこの論点整理はこれはこれで興味ありますので、だらだらと引用していこうかと。

『I believe there are legitimate reasons to be cautious when considering this approach. A meaningful evaluation of QE2 must consider not simply whether benefits actually exist but, if they do, how large they are and whether they are larger than possible costs.』




『Based on recent research and the earlier program of purchasing long-term securities-known as LSAP-I think the benefits are likely to be smaller than the costs.』


『Some estimates suggest that purchasing $500 billion of long-term securities might reduce interest rates by as little as 10 to 25 basis points. The LSAP program was effective, in part, because we were in a crisis. Financial markets were not functioning properly, or at all, during the depths of the financial crisis. In such a situation, it is reasonable that central bank purchases would be useful and effective. However, currently the markets are far calmer than in the fall of 2008. The financial crisis has passed and financial markets are operating more normally. One could argue, in fact, that with markets mostly restored to pre-crisis functioning, the effect of asset purchases could be even smaller than the 10 to 25 basis point estimate.』


『I would also suggest that even if we achieved slightly lower interest rates, the effect on economic activity is likely to be small. Interest rates have systematically been brought down to unprecedented low levels and kept there for an extended period. The economy’s response has been positive but modest.』

で、更にホーニッグさんとしては、金利を若干引き下げる事に成功したとしても、それが経済活動に与える影響が大きくないのではないかという指摘をしている訳でございますな。既に金利は異例の低金利政策を「for an extended period」継続している事によって低い水準にあり、金利引下げの効果は勿論プラスだろうが小さいのではないでしょうかっつー事ですな。



『In fact, right now the economy and banking system are awash in liquidity with trillions of dollars lying idle or searching for places to be deployed or, perhaps more recently, going into inflation hedges. Dumping another trillion dollars into the system now will most likely mean they will follow the same path into excess reserves, or government securities, or “safe” asset purchases. The effect on equity prices is likely to be minor as well.』



『There simply is no strong evidence the additional liquidity would be particularly effective in spurring new investment,accelerating consumption, or cushioning or accelerating the deleveraging that is hopefully winding down.』


『If the purported benefits are small, what are the possible costs?』




『First, without clear terms and goals, quantitative easing becomes an open-ended commitment that leads to maintaining the funds rate too low and the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet too large. The result is a further misallocation of resources, more imbalances and more volatility.』


『There is no working framework that defines how a quantitative easing program would be managed. How long would the program continue, and what would be the ultimate size? Would purchases of long-term assets continue until the unemployment rate is 9 percent or 8 percent or even less? Would purchases continue until inflation rises to 2 percent or 3 percent or more? Would the program aim to reduce the 10-year Treasury rate to 2? percent or 2 percent or even less?』

『Without answers to these and other questions, QE2 becomes an open-ended policy that introduces additional uncertainty into markets with few offsetting benefits.』


『As central bank assets expand under quantitative easing, what will be the exit strategy? In the midst of a financial crisis, we may not have the luxury of thinking about the exit strategy. In current circumstances, however, we must define an exit strategy if the objective is to raise inflation but contain interest rate expectations. If history is any indication, without an exit strategy the natural tendency will be to maintain an accommodative policy for too long.』


『While I agree that the tools are available to reduce excess reserves when that becomes appropriate, I do not believe that the Federal Reserve, or anyone else, has the foresight to do it at the right time or right speed. It may work in theory. In practice, however, the Federal Reserve doesn’t have a good track record of withdrawing policy accommodation in a timely manner.』

>the Federal Reserve doesn’t have a good track record of withdrawing policy accommodation in a timely manner.








『The issue is, of course, that while private jobs are being added within the economy, it is not enough to bring unemployment down to where we all would like to see it. Unemployment remains stubbornly high at 9.6 percent.』


『With such numbers, there is, understandably, a desire and considerable pressure for the Federal Reserve to “do something, anything” to get the economy back to full employment. And for many, including many economists, this means having the Federal Reserve maintain its zero interest rate policy or further still, engage in a second round of quantitative easing - now called QE2. Some are even suggesting these actions are necessary for the Federal Reserve to comply with its statutory mandate.』


で、QE2の論点整理が始まる訳ですが、まずはQE2で期待されている政策波及経路とその効果に関する論点整理をしている項が次の小見出し『Interpreting the Policy Mandate』という所でございます。


『The FOMC's policy mandate is defined in the Federal Reserve Act, which requires that: "The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long-run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy's long-run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates."』


『There is, within the Act, a clear recognition that our policy goals are long-run in nature. In this way, the Act recognizes that monetary policy works with long and variable lags. Thus, the FOMC should focus on fostering maximum employment and stable prices in the timeframe that monetary policy can legitimately affect - the future. The FOMC must be mindful of this fact and be cautious in pursuing elusive short-term goals that have unintended and sometimes disruptive effects.』


『Proponents of QE2 argue that it would provide a near-term boost to the economy by lowering long-term interest rates while raising inflation. These benefits would arise from the purchase of U.S. Treasury securities, which would lead to lower U.S. Treasury and corporate rates. These lower interest rates would then stimulate consumer and business demand in several ways, including encouraging mortgage refinancing that could lead to increased consumer spending, boosting exports through a likely lower exchange rate, and fostering higher equity prices, thereby creating additional wealth. Such a move is said to be consistent with the FOMC’s September 21, 2010 announcement, which stated that it was “prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery and to return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with its mandate.”』


『Such easing, it is hoped, would bring inflation back up to something closer to 2 percent, a rate that many judge to be consistent with the Federal Reserve’s mandate. In addition, higher inflation would increase demand as consumers move purchases forward to avoid paying higher prices in the future.

So, with these purported benefits, why would anyone disagree?』

ということで次の章からが『New Risks and QE2』というホーニッグ節爆発のコーナーになるのでありますが、肝心の本文に来る前に時間が無くなったので明日に続くのでございまする(いつもの事ですがどうもすいません)。









米国10年国債 2.924 0.133 97.453
米国30年国債 4.393 0.105 97.688

















Introductory statement with Q&A

Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB
Frankfurt am Main, 4 November 2010









『Question: Just to go back to the US decision very briefly. Would you still say that the US favours a strong dollar after the Fed decision yesterday? It did push up the euro by 2 cents, so how would you describe that, I mean does that qualify for a brutal move almost?』(2番目の質問は割愛)

『Trichet: On your first point, I never comment, as you know, on moves on the market on a day-to-day basis or minute-by-minute basis. Second, I have no indication that would change my trust in the fact that the Federal Reserve Chairman and the Secretary of the Treasury, not to mention the President of the United States, are not playing the strategy or tactics of a weak dollar. I have no reason not to believe them, and again I trust their statement that it is in the interest of the United States to have a strong dollar, strong vis-a-vis the other major floating currencies, including the euro. And I fully share this view.』





『Question : (最初の質問は割愛)My second question relates to the repeated warnings that we have heard in recent weeks against keeping interest rates too low for too long. Are you ready to repeat that warning now and can you explain what is behind these warnings? Would the ECB consider raising interest rates before inflationary pressures actually call for such a move? 』

『Trichet: As regards your second question on interest rates, I can only say once again that you know the extent to which we are never pre-committed. Our doctrine is that we take decisions that are appropriate, taking into account that we have to deliver price stability over the medium term. I also said, and that it is very important, that there is no correlation between non-standard measures on the one hand and our own interest rates on the other. We can move interest rates without necessarily having totally ended the non-standard measures. We have always made that point and I will continue to do so. That said, taking everything into account, as we always do, we consider the present interest rates to be appropriate.』




『Question : (最初の質問は割愛)And, second, a question with regards to money market rates: the three-month EURIBOR is actually now above the ECB benchmark rate of 1%. Aren’t you, on the other hand, discouraging interbank lending if you continue to offer banks three-month loans at 1%?』

『Trichet: On your second point, we consider that the unlimited supply of liquidity is there. As I also explained last time, the banks are asking for all they need, because there is no limit, either on the main refinancing operations, or for the one-month window, or for the three-month window. So, because we did not change our rates (neither the MRO nor the deposit rate was changed), what we have observed in the market is that the positioning of EONIA, the very short-term rates, is dependent on the decisions of the banks themselves. It is a kind of equilibrium which depends on what the banks themselves are asking for, and you can see that it goes up and down from time to time, very much depending on the demand from the banks themselves. So, there is no particular signal there. The only important observation I would make is that it shows that we are in a normalising process, and that is an important element. But again, from our part, there was no signal at all - no monetary policy signal. This normalising has been taking place under our eyes, and we will see what happens later on. That is the observation I would make, and I have to say that, for me, a normalising is something positive. It also indicates that perhaps the EONIA means more today than it meant before, because before perhaps only a very small fraction of the institutions had access to this very low interest rate refinancing.』































『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in September confirms that the pace of recovery in output and employment continues to be slow. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in August indicates that the pace of recovery in output and employment has slowed in recent months.』(前回)



『Household spending is increasing gradually, but remains constrained by high unemployment, modest income growth, lower housing wealth, and tight credit. Business spending on equipment and software is rising, though less rapidly than earlier in the year, while investment in nonresidential structures continues to be weak. Employers remain reluctant to add to payrolls. 』(今回)


『Housing starts continue to be depressed.』(今回)
『Housing starts are at a depressed level. 』(前回)


『Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable, but measures of underlying inflation have trended lower in recent quarters. 』(今回)


『Bank lending has continued to contract, but at a reduced rate in recent months. The Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, although the pace of economic recovery is likely to be modest in the near term. 』(前回)



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Currently, the unemployment rate is elevated, and measures of underlying inflation are somewhat low, relative to levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the longer run, with its dual mandate. 』(今回)



『Measures of underlying inflation are currently at levels somewhat below those the Committee judges most consistent, over the longer run, with its mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability. 』(前回)


『Although the Committee anticipates a gradual return to higher levels of resource utilization in a context of price stability, progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow. 』(今回)

今回の追加緩和に至る決定の元になったのはここですよ、と言う事だと思うのですけれども、「progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow」ということで、FOMCのマンデートに向けての回復が失望的な程に遅いとはキタコレという感じでございますが、まあ景気認識そのものが変わっていないので、今回の追加緩和をするにあたってはこの辺りの話を強調するという格好にするわなという所でもございます。前回までの声明文はこうなっていました。

『With substantial resource slack continuing to restrain cost pressures and longer-term inflation expectations stable, inflation is likely to remain subdued for some time before rising to levels the Committee considers consistent with its mandate.』(前回)




『To promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate, the Committee decided today to expand its holdings of securities. 』(今回)



『The Committee will maintain its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings. In addition, the Committee intends to purchase a further $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011, a pace of about $75 billion per month.』(今回)


『The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability. 』(今回)






米国10年国債 2.570 -0.016 100.469
米国30年国債 4.040 0.113 97.156


Statement Regarding Purchases of Treasury Securities

『The Desk plans to distribute these purchases across the following eight maturity sectors based on the approximate weights below:』(NY連銀の上記URLより)


○FFレートについては現状維持で「for an extended period」も同じと:第4パラグラフ

『The Committee will maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and continues to anticipate that economic conditions, including low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends, and stable inflation expectations, are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate for an extended period. 』(今回)



『The Committee will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary to support the economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with its mandate.』(今回)




『Voting against the policy was Thomas M. Hoenig. Mr. Hoenig believed the risks of additional securities purchases outweighed the benefits. Mr. Hoenig also was concerned that this continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future financial imbalances and, over time, would cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations that could destabilize the economy.』(今回)




『Voting against the policy was Thomas M. Hoenig, who judged that the economy continues to recover at a moderate pace. Accordingly, he believed that continuing to express the expectation of exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period was no longer warranted and will lead to future imbalances that undermine stable long-run growth. In addition, given economic and financial conditions, Mr. Hoenig did not believe that continuing to reinvest principal payments from its securities holdings was required to support the Committee’s policy objectives.』(前回)
























お題は「Monetary Policy Objectives and Tools in a Low-Inflation Environment」というものなのでワクテカして斜め読みした(これがまた本文15ページもございまして結構長い)のですが、そんなに面白いネタがなくて若干拍子抜け(いやまあもちろんあたくしが肝心な所を読み飛ばしてしまった可能性はあるので判っていたら教えてくんなましという所なのですが、汗)だったりするのれす。


『In the remainder of my remarks I will discuss these issues in the context of current economic and policy developments. I will comment on the near-term outlook for economic activity and inflation. I will then compare that outlook to some quantitative measures of the Federal Reserve’s objectives, namely, the longer-run outcomes that FOMC participants judge to be most consistent with its dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. Finally, I will observe that, in a world in which the policy interest rate is close to zero, the Committee must consider the costs and risks associated with the use of nonconventional tools when it assesses whether additional policy accommodation is likely to be beneficial on net.』




『The Outlook for Growth and Employment』ってのが3ページ半ほどあるのですが、これを大体一言でまとめると「雇用の改善に時間がかかるので経済の回復には時間がかかりますなあ」という所ですな。あと金融環境の改善に関しては景気にサポートという話をしておりますが、特にその恩恵は直接金融市場へのアクセスができる大企業が受けているものの、銀行の貸出態度も改善しているので、クレジット的に借入に値する債務者であれば、中小や個人でもやや状況が改善してますなというな話をしています。



『The Outlook for Inflation』という所ですが、雇用の改善が遅れてリソースのスラックが大きいのでインフレは抑制されるでしょうという毎度の見通しです。それだけで終わると何ですので、先般ご紹介したFOMC議事要旨にあった「雇用のミスマッチ解消が進まないのは労働者のモビリティーが低下するという構造的な要因があるのではないか」という指摘に関してダメ出しをしているのがチャーミングなのでそちらから。

『In gauging the magnitude of prevailing resource slack and the associated restraint on price and wage increases, it is essential to consider the extent to which structural factors may be contributing to elevated rates of unemployment.』


『Overall, my assessment is that the bulk of the increase in unemployment since the recession began is attributable to the sharp contraction in economic activity that occurred in the wake of the financial crisis and the continuing shortfall of aggregate demand since then, rather than to structural factors.』



『The Objectives of Monetary Policy』のところですが、これまた理念的な話をああでもないこうでもないとしておりまして、「デュアルマンデートの実現にあたっては一つの目標にフォーカスし過ぎないようにしないといけません」などとどこの日銀かというような話もしらっとしているのがチャーミングです。

『The Federal Reserve has a statutory mandate to foster maximum employment and price stability, and explaining how we are working toward those goals plays a crucial role in our monetary policy strategy. It is evident that neither of our dual objectives can be taken in isolation: On the one hand, a central bank that aimed to achieve the highest possible level of employment in the short run, without regard to other considerations, might well generate unacceptable levels of inflation without any permanent benefits in terms of employment. On the other hand, a single-minded focus by the central bank on price stability, with no attention at all to other factors, could lead to more frequent and deeper slumps in economic activity and employment with little benefit in terms of longrun inflation performance.』


『Although attaining the long-run sustainable rate of unemployment and achieving the mandate-consistent rate of inflation are both key objectives of monetary policy, the two objectives are somewhat different in nature. Most importantly, whereas monetary policymakers clearly have the ability to determine the inflation rate in the long run, they have little or no control over the longer-run sustainable unemployment rate, which is primarily determined by demographic and structural factors, not by monetary policy.』


『Thus, while central bankers can choose the value of inflation they wish to target, the sustainable unemployment rate can only be estimated, and is subject to substantial uncertainty. Moreover, the sustainable rate of unemployment typically evolves over time as its fundamental determinants change, whereas keeping inflation expectations firmly anchored generally implies that the inflation objective should remain constant unless there are compelling technical reasons for changing it, such as changes in the methods used to measure inflation.』

まあだからそっちに関しては努力しないというのではなく、コミュニケーションのツールとして「Summary of Economic Projections(要するに展望レポート^^)」を出してますよという話をしてますわな。


『In contrast, as I noted earlier, recent readings on underlying inflation have been approximately 1 percent. Thus, in effect, inflation is running at rates that are too low relative to the levels that the Committee judges to be most consistent with the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate in the longer run.』


『In particular, at current rates of inflation, the constraint imposed by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates is too tight (the short-term real interest rate is too high, given the state of the economy), and the risk of deflation is higher than desirable.』




『As of June, the longer-run unemployment projections in the SEP(引用者追記:Summary of Economic Projectionsの事です) had a central tendency of about 5 to 5-1/4 percent--about 1/4 percentage point higher than a year earlier--and a couple of participants’ projections were even higher at around 6 to 6-1/4 percent. The evolution of these projections and the diversity of views reflect the characteristics that I noted earlier: The sustainable rate of unemployment may vary over time, and estimates of its value are subject to considerable uncertainty. Nonetheless, with an actual unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent, unemployment is clearly too high relative to estimates of its sustainable rate. Moreover, with output growth over the next year expected to be only modestly above its longer-term trend, high unemployment is currently forecast to persist for some time.』


・『Monetary Policy Tools: Benefits and Costs』とは何ぞね


『For example, a means of providing additional monetary stimulus, if warranted, would be to expand the Federal Reserve’s holdings of longer-term securities. Empirical evidence suggests that our previous program of securities purchases was successful in bringing down longer-term interest rates and thereby supporting the economic recovery. A similar program conducted by the Bank of England also appears to have had benefits.』


『However, possible costs must be weighed against the potential benefits of nonconventional policies. One disadvantage of asset purchases relative to conventional monetary policy is that we have much less experience in judging the economic effects of this policy instrument, which makes it challenging to determine the appropriate quantity and pace of purchases and to communicate this policy response to the public. These factors have dictated that the FOMC proceed with some caution in deciding whether to engage in further purchases of longer-term securities.』


『Another concern associated with additional securities purchases is that substantial further expansion of the balance sheet could reduce public confidence in the Fed’s ability to execute a smooth exit from its accommodative policies at the appropriate time. Even if unjustified, such a reduction in confidence might lead to an undesired increase in inflation expectations, to a level above the Committee’s inflation objective.』



『To address such concerns and to ensure that it can withdraw monetary accommodation smoothly at the appropriate time, the Federal Reserve has developed an array of new tools. With these tools in hand, I am confident that the FOMC will be able to tighten monetary conditions when warranted, even if the balance sheet remains considerably larger than normal at that time.』













『Bank credit availability remained tight, reflected in the continued weakness of money and credit data. But there had been some indications of a more general improvement in credit availability for larger businesses with access to capital markets.(具体的なサーベイデータの部分割愛) It was therefore possible that many firms would be able to finance additional investment if they desired.』

『Households and small businesses unable to access capital markets and dependent on bank finance had seen less, if any, improvement in credit conditions. But it was mildly encouraging that September had been another month of strong bank term-debt issuance.』



『It was possible that the anticipated boost to activity from sterling’s depreciation would take longer or be weaker than previously assumed, or that the drag to UK trade from the weak demand for exports of financial services might be more pronounced. Net trade was estimated by the ONS to have subtracted from GDP growth in the second quarter, and had yet to add convincingly to growth despite the substantial past depreciation of sterling. Exports of services were difficult to measure, however, and survey evidence on them remained more positive than the official data.』




『Twelve-month CPI inflation had remained unchanged at 3.1% in August. Within that, the price of airfares had risen by almost 25% over the previous year, contributing almost 1/2 a percentage point to aggregate CPI inflation, perhaps reflecting higher fuel costs and capacity pressures within the industry. Following the usual pre-release arrangements, an advance estimate of CPI inflation for September, also of 3.1%, had been provided to the Governor ahead of publication.』


『In line with pre-release arrangements, the Governor informed the Committee that producer output prices had risen 0.3% in September, so that the twelve-month inflation rate had eased back a little to 4.4%. Producer input prices had risen by 0.7% in September, taking the twelve-month inflation rate to 9.5% from 8.7% the previous month. Much of the increase on the month had reflected increases in the prices of imported materials. Upward revisions to the implied import price deflator in the National Accounts, along with monthly data, suggested that imported costs might have risen more rapidly than the Committee had assumed at the time of the August Inflation Report, so that CPI inflation in the near term might be higher.』




『CPI inflation had remained unchanged at 3.1% in September. The prospective increase in VAT in January 2011 would affect measured CPI inflation for twelve months, and would probably keep inflation above the target for a period. The temporary impact of higher energy and import prices on inflation remained hard to calibrate. But it was likely to have been accentuated by recent movements in the prices of oil and other imported costs.』


『CPI inflation in the near term could be higher than the Committee had previously expected.』


『The Committee’s central view remained that, as the impact of temporary factors dissipated, the persistence of weak underlying price pressures was likely to cause CPI inflation to fall back towards the target.』


『What was crucial for the policy decision was whether recent developments had affected the Committee’s view of the balance of risks to the prospects for inflation in the medium term.』


『As in previous months, there were two opposing key risks: on the one hand, whether the prolonged period of above-target inflation would cause inflation expectations to drift up, making it more costly to bring inflation back to target; and, on the other, whether private demand would grow insufficiently rapidly to replace the waning boost from the inventory cycle and public spending, resulting in a persistent underutilisation of resources that could cause inflation to fall materially below the target in the medium term.』



『It was possible to draw different inferences about the medium-term prospects for private demand growth from the latest data. On one view, the recent recovery in private final demand, and particularly consumer spending, was encouraging. It was a possible indication that the headwinds to the economic recovery from the fragility of the banking sector and the forthcoming fiscal consolidation - while substantial - might weigh slightly less on activity than previously thought likely. That view was supported by the recent evidence on the access to credit of large firms, and on bank funding conditions. Recent asset price movements, including lower medium-term interest rates, and the most recent depreciation of sterling and recovery of equity prices, should also act to bolster demand.』


『On an alternative view, however, real disposable income growth had been weak and the apparent recovery in consumer spending might be dampened as the impact on household incomes of the fiscal consolidation became more readily apparent. Moreover, the continued absence of a noticeable positive contribution to growth from net trade might indicate that the tailwind to growth from sterling’s depreciation would be less pronounced than assumed in the recent Inflation Report projections. Recent asset price movements might simply have reflected market expectations that further intervention by the authorities might be necessary.』







『Committee members differed in the significance they ascribed to these developments on the overall balance of risks to the medium-term outlook for activity and inflation since the August Inflation Report.』

『Most members felt that the balance of risks had not altered sufficiently to warrant a change in the policy stance at this meeting. On the one hand, they continued to believe that the economy contained a considerable margin of spare capacity and, therefore, that demand could expand significantly before widespread capacity constraints put upward pressure on inflation. On the other hand, there were concerns about the risks to inflation expectations from the persistent and prospective above-target inflation outturns.』


『The risks to inflation in either direction remained great, and these members stood ready to alter the policy stance in either direction as the balance of risks became more decisively tilted in one direction or the other.』


『Some of those members felt the likelihood that further monetary stimulus would become necessary in order to meet the inflation target in the medium term had increased in recent months. But, for them, the evidence was not sufficiently compelling to imply that such a course of action was necessary at present. The analysis and projections prepared for the November Inflation Report would give the Committee an opportunity to re-evaluate more thoroughly the outlook for activity, the margin of spare capacity and inflation in light of all the news.』


で、その追加緩和の必要性を「in order to meet the inflation target in the medium」と中期的なインフレをトラックさせるという話にしているのは何かまあ現在の政策フレームでは仕方ないのですが、理屈としてなんかこうチャーミングというか何と言うか。



『For one member, the accumulated evidence since the Committee had completed its £200 billion programme of asset purchases suggested that a further expansion in that programme was now warranted.』

『In this member’s view, the current degree of spare capacity in the economy was sufficiently large that monetary policy could afford to encourage more rapid growth without risking an undesirable increase in underlying inflationary pressures. Absent such additional stimulus, inflation would fall well below the target in the medium term. And the stability of measures of inflation expectations and wages over several months indicated that the likelihood of their rising sufficiently to cause an overshoot of the inflation target in the medium term was smaller than previously feared.』










前半のスタッフの経済認識に関してもまあ何だかパッとしない話が続くのですけれども、その辺りは面倒なので華麗にスルーしまして、『Staff Economic Outlook』という見通しのところからまずは。

『In the economic forecast prepared for the September FOMC meeting, the staff lowered its projection for the increase in real economic activity over the second half of 2010.』


『The staff also reduced slightly its forecast of growth next year but continued to anticipate a moderate strengthening of the expansion in 2011 as well as a further pickup in economic growth in 2012. The softer tone of incoming economic data suggested that the underlying level of demand was weaker than projected at the time of the August meeting. Moreover, the outlook for foreign economic activity also appeared a bit weaker.』


『In the medium term, the recovery in economic activity was expected to receive support from accommodative monetary policy, further improvements in financial conditions, and greater household and business confidence.』


『Over the forecast period, the increase in real GDP was projected to be sufficient to slowly reduce economic slack, although resource slack was anticipated to still remain elevated at the end of 2012. 』



『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のまずは頭の部分から。

『In their discussion of the economic situation and outlook, meeting participants generally agreed that the incoming data indicated that output and employment were increasing only slowly and at rates well below those recorded earlier in the year.』


『Although participants considered it unlikely that the economy would reenter a recession, many expressed concern that output growth, and the associated progress in reducing the level of unemployment, could be slow for some time.』


『Participants noted a number of factors that were restraining growth, including low levels of household and business confidence, heightened risk aversion, and the still weak financial conditions of some households and small firms. A few participants noted that economic recoveries were often uneven and were typically slow following downturns triggered by financial crises.』

『A number of participants observed that the sluggish pace of growth and continued high levels of slack left the economy exposed to potential negative shocks. Nevertheless, participants judged the economic recovery to be continuing and generally expected growth to pick up gradually next year.』


『A number of participants noted that the current sluggish pace of employment growth was insufficient to reduce unemployment at a satisfactory pace.』


『Several participants reported feedback from business contacts who were delaying hiring until the economic and regulatory outlook became more certain.』


『Participants discussed the possible extent to which the unemployment rate was being boosted by structural factors such as mismatches between the skills of the workers who had lost their jobs and the skills needed in the sectors of the economy with vacancies, the inability of the unemployed to relocate because their homes were worth less than their mortgages, and the effects of extended unemployment benefits.』


『Participants agreed that factors like these were pushing the unemployment rate up, but they differed in their assessments of the extent of such effects. Nevertheless, many participants saw evidence that the current unemployment rate was considerably above levels that could be explained by structural factors alone, pointing, for example, to declines in employment across a wide range of industries during the recession, job vacancy rates that were relatively low, and reports that weak demand for goods and services remained a key reason why firms were adding employees only slowly.』


『Inflation had declined since the start of the recession, and most participants indicated that underlying inflation was at levels somewhat below those that they judged to be consistent with the Committee's dual mandate for maximum employment and price stability.』



『Although prices of some commodities and imported goods had risen recently, many business contacts reported that they currently had little pricing power and that they anticipated limited, if any, increases in labor costs. Meeting participants noted that several measures of inflation expectations had changed little, on net, over the intermeeting period and that analysis of the components of price indexes suggested disinflation might be abating. However, TIPS-based inflation compensation had declined, on balance, in recent quarters. While underlying inflation remained subdued, participants saw only small odds of deflation.』




『Participants discussed the medium-term outlook for monetary policy and issues related to monetary policy implementation.』


『Many participants noted that if economic growth remained too slow to make satisfactory progress toward reducing the unemployment rate or if inflation continued to come in below levels consistent with the FOMC's dual mandate, it would be appropriate to provide additional monetary policy accommodation.』

ということでですな、remainedとかcontinued to comeとか言っている訳ですから、経済状況が現在のままで推移すれば追加緩和が必要というのが「多くの委員から」指摘されているという事で。

『However, others thought that additional accommodation would be warranted only if the outlook worsened and the odds of deflation increased materially. 』




『Meeting participants discussed several possible approaches to providing additional accommodation but focused primarily on further purchases of longer-term Treasury securities and on possible steps to affect inflation expectations.』


『Participants reviewed the likely benefits and costs associated with a program of purchasing additional longer-term assets--with some noting that the economic benefits could be small in current circumstances--as well as the best means to calibrate and implement such purchases.』




『A number of participants commented on the important role of inflation expectations for monetary policy: With short-term nominal interest rates constrained by the zero bound, a decline in short-term inflation expectations increases short-term real interest rates (that is, the difference between nominal interest rates and expected inflation), thereby damping aggregate demand. Conversely, in such circumstances, an increase in inflation expectations lowers short-term real interest rates, stimulating the economy. 』





『Participants noted a number of possible strategies for affecting short-term inflation expectations, including providing more detailed information about the rates of inflation the Committee considered consistent with its dual mandate, targeting a path for the price level rather than the rate of inflation, and targeting a path for the level of nominal GDP.』

『As a general matter, participants felt that any needed policy accommodation would be most effective if enacted within a framework that was clearly communicated to the public.』


『The minutes of FOMC meetings were seen as an important channel for communicating participants' views about monetary policy. 』



『Committee Policy Action』のところから。

『In their discussion of monetary policy for the period immediately ahead, nearly all of the Committee members agreed that it would be appropriate to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate of 0 to 1/4 percent and to leave unchanged the level of the combined holdings of Treasury, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities in the SOMA.』


『Although many members considered the recent and anticipated progress toward meeting the Committee's mandate of maximum employment and price stability to be unsatisfactory, members observed that incoming data over the intermeeting period indicated that the economic recovery was continuing, albeit slowly.』


『Moreover, the data had been mixed, with readings early in the period generally weaker than anticipated but the more-recent data coming in on the strong side of expectations. In light of the considerable uncertainty about the current trajectory for the economy, some members saw merit in accumulating further information before reaching a decision about providing additional monetary stimulus.』

ということで、some membersが足元の景気のconsiderable uncertaintyに対応して追加緩和を示唆する文言をステートメントに追加するメリットについて指摘したと。

『Several members noted that unless the pace of economic recovery strengthened or underlying inflation moved back toward a level consistent with the Committee's mandate, they would consider it appropriate to take action soon.』

several members様におかれましては「景気回復ペースが強くなったり、足元の物価上昇が改善しないのであれば、追加の金融緩和を早急に行うべき」と指摘していまして、つまりさっきもありましたけれども、「経済が現状のままなら追加緩和する」という話になるので、そーゆー意味では11月の追加緩和って結構ダンディールに近い話ですよね。


『With respect to the statement to be released following the meeting, members agreed that it was appropriate to adjust the statement to make it clear that underlying inflation had been running below levels that the Committee judged to be consistent with its mandate for maximum employment and price stability, in part to help anchor inflation expectations.』


『Nearly all members agreed that the statement should reiterate the expectation that economic conditions were likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for an extended period. One member, however, believed that continuing to communicate that expectation in the Committee's statement would create conditions that could lead to macroeconomic and financial imbalances.』

extended periodに関してはいつもの人が反対しているのでここはまあいつもどおり。

『Members generally thought that the statement should note that the Committee was prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed to support the economic recovery and to return inflation, over time, to levels consistent with its mandate.』


『Such an indication accorded with the members' sense that such accommodation may be appropriate before long, but also made clear that any decisions would depend upon future information about the economic situation and outlook.』

