





Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference
March 20, 2013




『As you already know from the policy statement, we are continuing the asset purchase program first announced in September. This decision was supported by our review at the meeting of the likely efficacy, costs, and risks of additional purchases. Let me briefly summarize the cost-benefit analysis supporting our decision.』


『Although estimates of the efficacy of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases are necessarily uncertain, most participants agreed that these purchases-by putting downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, including mortgage rates-continue to provide meaningful support to economic growth and job creation. However, most also agreed that this monetary tool would likely not be able on its own to fully offset major economic headwinds, such as those that might arise from significant near-term fiscal restraint or from a sharp increase in global financial stresses.』


『We also had a thorough discussion of possible costs and risks of continued expansion of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet.』


『The risks include possible adverse implications of additional purchases for the functioning of securities markets, and the potential effects-under various scenarios-of a larger balance sheet on the Federal Reserve’s earnings from its asset holdings and, hence, on its remittances to the Treasury.』


『The Committee also considered possible risks to financial stability, such as might arise if persistently low rates lead some market participants to take on excessive risk in a “reach for yield.”』


『In the Committee’s view, these costs remain manageable but will continue to be monitored, and we will take them into appropriate account as we determine the size, pace, and composition of our asset purchases.』




『I should note, as I have on other occasions, that the economic conditions provided in this forward guidance are thresholds, not triggers.』


『Crossing one or more of these thresholds will not lead automatically to an increase in rates. Rather, the Committee will assess at that time whether the outlook justifies raising its target for the federal funds rate.』


『This guidance will help market participants assess how the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy is likely to respond to economic developments, but its broader purpose is to assure households and businesses that monetary policy will continue to support the recovery even as the pace of economic growth and job creation picks up.』


『In their individual projections, 14 of the 19 FOMC participants saw the first increase in the target for the federal funds rate as occurring in 2015 or 2016.』




『Let me comment briefly on how the two main pieces of our policy accommodation-asset purchases and guidance about future changes in the federal funds rate-fit together.』


『The purpose of the asset purchases is to increase the economy’s near-term momentum, with the goal of improving the outlook for the labor market and helping to promote a self-sustaining recovery with price stability. The forward rate guidance, in turn, provides information about when the Committee will begin considering the removal of policy accommodation through increases in the target for the federal funds rate.』


『Importantly, the Committee expects a considerable interval to pass between the time when the Committee will cease adding accommodation through asset purchases and the time when it will be appropriate to begin removing accommodation by moving the federal funds rate target toward more normal levels.』


『As always, in deciding on the appropriate stance of policy, the Committee will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』





Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference
March 20, 2013









つまり(1)資産買入政策の縮小あるいは停止について、(2)米国銀行の所謂「Too big to fail」問題に関して、(3)キプロス問題あるいは欧州問題全体について、という大体3点になっていたかと思います。

んでもってその答えですが、それぞれを1行で超要約をしてしまうと、(1)いやもうプロコンとかはちゃんと見ますけれども足元で直ぐに縮小とか停止とか無い無い無い、(2)「Too big to fail」問題に関してはまだまだ改善していく余地が大きくこれからも関係各位と取り組みます、(3)キプロスに関してはそうはゆうても米国に直撃弾にはならんでしょでも欧州政策当局ちゃんとやってよね、という所だと思いますが、それで終わりにするのも何ですというか、特に(1)の部分については色々と論点が出ていたのでこれまた明日にでも(^^)。



『CATHERINE HOLLANDER. Catherine Hollander from National Journal. You argued in a 1999 paper and a 2002 speech that monetary policy was not the right tool for addressing asset bubbles. But in January, you suggested that there might be a role for it even if not as the first line of defense. Has your thinking on the issue evolved and can you explain why?』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, I still believe the following which is that monetary policy is a very blunt instrument. If you are raising interest rates to pop an asset bubble, even if you were sure you can do that, you might at the same time be throwing the economy into recession which kind of defeats the purpose of monetary policy. And therefore, I think the first line of defense--I mean, I think, we have a sort of a tripartite lines of defense.』


『We start off with very extensive and sophisticated monitoring at a much higher level and much more comprehensively than we've had in the past. Then we have supervision and regulation where we work with other agencies to try to cover all the empty or uncovered areas in the financial system. And then, in addition, we try to use communication and similar tools to effect the way that the financial markets respond to monetary policy. So we do have some first lines of defense which I think should be used first.』


『That being said, you know, I think that given the problems that we've had not just in the United States, but globally in the last 15, 20 years, that we need to at least take into account these issues as we make monetary policy. And I think most people on the FOMC would agree with that.』


『What that means exactly depends on the circumstances.』


『I think if the economy is in very weak condition and interest rates are very low for that purpose, it's very difficult to contemplate raising rates a lot because you're concerned about some sector in the financial sphere. On the other hand, if you're in an expansion and there's a credit boom going on, that--the case in that situation for making policy a little bit tighter might be better.』

ということで、経済の状況次第では利上げをバブル対応に割り当てるのがベター(ただし「making policy a little bit tighter」という程度の話ですが)な場合もあるでしょう、という風にかなーり条件付きでそんなの当たり前じゃという気もしますが、まあ「バブルは崩壊してから大胆に緩和して対処すればヨロシ」といういわゆるFEDビューバリバリの方法一点張りは無理があるという事をご認識になられているようで何より。まあバランス取ってますよね。

『So as I've said many times, I have an open mind in this question. We're learning. All central bankers are learning. But I think I still would agree with the point I made in my very first speech in 2002 as a Governor at the Federal Reserve where I argued that the first line of defense ought to be the more targeted tools that we have including regulatory tools and to some extent macroprudential tools like some emerging markets use.』






Eurogroup reaches an agreement with Cyprus 25/03/2013

『On 25 March the euro area finance ministers reached a political agreement with the Cyprus authorities on the key elements paving the way for the future economic adjustment programme.』

『The aim of the programme is to form the basis for restoring the soundness of Cyprus' public finances and the viability of its financial sector. The programme's financial assistance envelope is estimated at up to 10 billion euro. 』


『Conditions relating to the financial sector

Two of Cyprus' largest banks - Laiki and Bank of Cyprus - will undergo restructuring right away.

Laiki will be resolved immediately. This will be done by splitting it into a "good bank" and a "bad bank".

While the bad bank will be run down over time, the good bank will be integrated into Bank of Cyprus. Bank of Cyprus will be recapitalised through a conversion of uninsured deposits (above ユーロ100 000) to equity and with the full contribution of equity shareholders and bondholders.

"I would like to emphasise that none of these measures will affect deposits below 100 000 euro. There should be no doubts about that. We reaffirmed today the importance of fully guaranteeing these deposits in the EU", said Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem.』



Eurogroup Statement on Cyprus 25/03/2013 - Statement


『Following the presentation by the Cyprus authorities of their policy plans, which were broadly welcomed by the Eurogroup, the following was agreed:』

『1. Laiki will be resolved immediately - with full contribution of equity shareholders, bond holders and uninsured depositors - based on a decision by the Central Bank of Cyprus, using the newly adopted Bank Resolution Framework.』


『2. Laiki will be split into a good bank and a bad bank. The bad bank will be run down over time.

3. The good bank will be folded into Bank of Cyprus (BoC), using the Bank Resolution Framework, after having heard the Boards of Directors of BoC and Laiki. It will take 9 bn Euros of ELA with it. Only uninsured deposits in BoC will remain frozen until recapitalisation has been effected, and may subsequently be subject to appropriate conditions.』

Bank of CyprusはLaikiのグットバング分を吸収(バットバンクは清算)して、預金保険を超えた部分の預金は当面預金封鎖されるとな。

『4. The Governing Council of the ECB will provide liquidity to the BoC in line with applicable rules.

5. BoC will be recapitalised through a deposit/equity conversion of uninsured deposits with full contribution of equity shareholders and bond holders.』

Bank of Cyprusの株式と債権は全額カット、預金保険を超えた部分の封鎖預金はBank of Cyprusの株式に変換されるとかオソロシスにも程があるんだが。

『6. The conversion will be such that a capital ratio of 9% is secured by the end of the programme.』

とまあそこまで荒療治をしてBank of Cyprusの自己資本比率が9%になるそうな。

『7. All insured depositors in all banks will be fully protected in accordance with the relevant EU legislation.』


『8. The programme money (up to 10bn Euros) will not be used to recapitalise Laiki and Bank of Cyprus.』


『The Eurogroup is convinced that this solution is the best way forward for ensuring the overall viability and stability of the Cyprus financial system and its capability to finance the Cyprus economy.』

・・・・・・・・・と仰っていますが、金融(と観光少々)でメシ食っている国で国内第2位の銀行で預金保険を超過する預金を全額カットして、第1位の銀行では預金保険を超過する預金がいきなり株式に化けてしまうという豪快なプレイを行って「ensuring overall viability and stability of the Cyprus financial system」とか言われましても多分それは違うと思うんですけれども。誰もキプロスの銀行に預金せんじゃろ(小口は除く)と思うのですけれども大丈夫ですかね。

2013年 03月 26日 04:12 JST

『[ブリュッセル 25日 ロイター] ユーログループ(ユーロ圏財務相会合)のダイセルブルーム議長(オランダ財務相)は25日、キプロス支援の下での銀行のリストラ計画について、ユーロ圏銀行危機の解決に向けた新たなモデルになるとし、銀行部門を整理する必要のあるその他の国もリストラ実施を迫られる可能性があるとの考えを示した。』(上記URLより、以下同様)










『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests a return to moderate economic growth following a pause late last year.』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that growth in economic activity paused in recent months, in large part because of weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors.』(前回)



『Labor market conditions have shown signs of improvement in recent months but the unemployment rate remains elevated.』(今回)
『Employment has continued to expand at a moderate pace but the unemployment rate remains elevated.』(前回)

ここはおーという所ですが、労働市場に関して「signs of improvement」という表現を入れているのが強い所です。

『Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has strengthened further, but fiscal policy has become somewhat more restrictive.』(今回)
『Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has shown further improvement.』(前回)



『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee's longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee’s longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)


『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)


『The Committee continues to see downside risks to the economic outlook.』(今回)
『Although strains in global financial markets have eased somewhat, the Committee continues to see downside risks to the economic outlook.』(前回)


『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(今回)
『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(前回)




『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month.』(今回)

『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee will continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month.』(前回)

決定事項に関する所で、従来「the Committee will continue」となっていたのが今回「the Committee decided to continue」となっているのですがこれは何か意図があるのか良く判らん。この買入規模やペースに関しては毎回のFOMCで点検する筈なのでここで何で表現が変化したのかね。まああまり深い意味は無いと思いますが。


『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction.』(今回)

『Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.』(今回)




『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months.』(今回)
『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months.』(前回)


『The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.』(今回)

『If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability.』(前回)

ということで、今回どさくさに紛れてしらっと表現が変わっていておおおお!と思ったのはここでありまして、従来は「物価安定の文脈の下で労働市場の改善が継続すするまで、労働市場の見通しが顕著に改善しなければ委員会は国債やエージェンシーMBS債の買入を継続し、その他の政策ツールを適切に投入します」という表現だったのですが、今回は「物価安定の文脈の下で労働市場の改善が顕著に改善するまでは委員会は国債やエージェンシーMBS債の買入を継続し、その他の政策ツールを適切に投入します」となっておりまして(って何かあたくしの日本語訳がヘボ過ぎるので何を言いたいのかワカランチ会長ですかそうですか・・・・・)、「employ its other policy tools as appropriate」という表現の前提部分に「顕著に改善しない場合は」というのが入っていて従来は買入継続に加えて必要な場合には追加の金融緩和政策を投入するというニュアンスを示していたのですが、今回は単に「適切に政策ツールを投入します」という表現になっております。


『In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.』(今回)

『In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases.』(前回)

でまあここの表現もおーという所なのですが、資産買入の規模や買入資産の構成に関して、それらの施策の想定される有効性やコストについて適切な評価を行う「take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases」という部分に関して従来はあっさり味で「the Committee will, as always, take〜」という表現でしたが、今回は「the Committee will continue to take〜」と毎回の点検を行いますというニュアンスがより強く出る表現に変わった上に、「as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives」と、「FOMCの経済に対するマンデートに向けての進展の度合いと共に」資産買入政策のプロコン比較を行いますよという表現になっていまして、昨年までは追加緩和のおかわりを示唆する表現に傾いていたこの辺りの表現について、前回からその傾向がありましたけれども、今回は更に出口にも使える表現が増えている所がほっほーと思う所であります。





『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. 』(今回)

『In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.』(今回)

『In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』(今回)



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)

『Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations.』(今回)






                 2013    2014    2015  Longer run
Change in real GDP   2.3 to 2.8  2.9 to 3.4  2.9 to 3.7  2.3 to 2.5
December projection  2.3 to 3.0  3.0 to 3.5  3.0 to 3.7  2.3 to 2.5

                 2013    2014    2015  Longer run
Unemployment rate   7.3 to 7.5   6.7 to 7.0  6.0 to 6.5  5.2 to 6.0
December projection  7.4 to 7.7  6.8 to 7.3  6.0 to 6.6  5.2 to 6.0

               2013     2014    2015  Longer run
PCE inflation       1.3 to 1.7  1.5 to 2.0  1.7 to 2.0   2.0
December projection 1.3 to 2.0  1.5 to 2.0   1.7 to 2.0  2.0

            2013    2014    2015  
Core PCE inflation  1.5 to 1.6 1.7 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.1
December projection 1.6 to 1.9 1.6 to 2.0 1.8 to 2.0


Appropriate timing of policy firming

              2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of participants 1    4   13   1 (今回)
Number of participants 2    3   13  1 (前回12月)



Target federal funds rate at year-end(Percent)

2015年末Target federal funds rate at year-end(Percent) の1.25%以下の分布です。何で1.25%で切っているかと言いますと、その次の水準がいきなり2.00%にワープしまして、まあその人たちは絶賛タカ派なのでその辺はまあいっかという話。

0.25 1
0.50 7
0.75 1
1.00 2
1.25 4

0.25 1
0.50 5
0.75 3
1.00 3
1.25 2





キプロス、預金封鎖を開始 口座引き出し凍結
2013/03/16 21:37 【共同通信】



更新日時: 2013/03/16 06:54 JST



更新日時: 2013/03/16 14:14 JST








更新日時: 2013/03/18 05:06 JST




キプロス預金封鎖 ロシア人預金者の損失は約15億ユーロ








上記小見出しの前に物価に関する部分で昨日引用忘れたのがありまして、『Supply, costs and prices』の第19パラグラフにこんなのがありましたです。

『Most survey indicators of households’ expectations of inflation one year ahead had risen slightly in recent months, but those increases had been similar to the revision to the Committee’s own view of the most likely path for near-term inflation.』


『Indicators of households’ and professional forecasters’longer-term inflation expectations had remained broadly stable, at around their series averages.』


『Since the spring of 2012, indicators of longer-term inflation expectations derived from financial markets had been affected by the possibility that the formulae used to calculate the retail prices index (RPI) would be changed. Those changes would have reduced the wedge between RPI and CPI inflation, and probably led many market participants to revise down their longer-term RPI expectations. Indeed, market-derived measures of inflation expectations had fallen during May 2012, when speculation about a possible change had begun to emerge. 』


『On 10 January, the National Statistician had announced that RPI would not be changed, and market-derived measures of inflation expectations had risen sharply, unwinding their earlier falls; they now stood close to their averages since 2005.』


『The Committee would continue to monitor developments in inflation expectations closely.』


2013年 03月 13日 16:14 JST

『[ロンドン 12日 ロイター] 英国立統計局(ONS)は12日、新たな物価指標を公表した。将来、英中銀のインフレ目標に採用されれば、金融緩和の余地が広がるのではないかとの見方が出ている。』(上記URLより)




『The immediate policy decision』の第33パラグラフ以降の部分が泣ける。

『The Committee reviewed the range of possible monetary policy instruments other than gilt purchases that might be deployed should further stimulus be warranted. These included: purchases of other assets; a reduction in Bank Rate; and changing the marginal rate of remuneration on banks’ reserves at the Bank of England.』


『The Committee had noted drawbacks with each of these options in the past; those drawbacks remained. The Committee would nevertheless continue to examine all of the policies potentially available to it.』



『There was a range of views on the Committee about the marginal impact of a further round of asset purchases at the current juncture, but members agreed that asset purchases remained an effective tool for lowering a range of market interest rates, supporting asset prices.』


『The continuing process of portfolio rebalancing should help to support spending and nominal demand, although the precise extent to which it would do so was uncertain. All members agreed that the existing stock of asset purchases provided a substantial stimulus, the effects of which were still feeding through the economy.』



『It seemed possible that a further broad-based monetary stimulus would on its own be insufficient to transform the outlook for growth.』


『In that context, the Committee also discussed other potential policy measures that the Bank, together with other UK authorities, might deploy to address particular frictions or market failures that might hamper growth and the rebalancing of the economy.』


『These included measures to increase the flow of credit to the UK economy. The FLS had already been introduced with the aim of supporting the supply of bank credit, and would be kept under review. The Committee noted the recommendation by the Financial Policy Committee that the Financial Services Authority take action to ensure the capital positions of UK banks were prudently stated and, where necessary, the banks took steps to improve the resilience of their balance sheets without hindering lending to the real economy. In addition to improving the supply of bank credit, the Committee thought that consideration of measures to support the flow of credit more broadly, including from non-bank lenders, was also warranted. A number of more targeted interventions to boost demand and the supply capacity of the economy, and to facilitate rebalancing, might be entertained, but many of these fell to other UK authorities.』

ということでちと長々と引用しましたが、要するに「In addition to improving the supply of bank credit」って所がポイントになっていて、その為にFLSも投入した訳ですけれども、FLS以外にも金融機関の行動を支援するような金融政策プロパーだけではなくてプルーデンスとか、政府も交えた政策の投入が必要になるのではないか、とまあそういう話になっておりまして、単純に国債買っていれば景気が良くなってウハウハですよという単純な話では無いという中々悩みの深いBOEなのでありました。



『The Governor invited the Committee to vote on the propositions that:

Bank Rate should be maintained at 0.5%;

The Bank of England should maintain the stock of asset purchases financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £375 billion.』


『Regarding Bank Rate, the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the proposition.』


『Regarding the stock of asset purchases, six members of the Committee (Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale, Ian McCafferty and Martin Weale) voted in favour of the proposition. Three members of the Committee (the Governor, Paul Fisher and David Miles) voted against the proposition, preferring to increase the size of the asset purchase programme by a further £25 billion to a total of £400 billion.』








『Supply, costs and prices』の所から。第15パラグラフより。

『The Committee anticipated that CPI inflation would rise a little further above the target in the near term, reflecting higher oil prices, the impact of sterling’s recent depreciation and, in the second quarter of the year, the effect of the sharp fall in fuel prices the previous year dropping out of the twelve-month comparison.』

でまあ今回はインフレーションレポートの出る回なのでその考察部分、『The February GDP growth and inflation projections』の第25パラグラフに先行きの見通しがございまして・・・・・

『Inflation was likely to rise further in the near term and could remain above the 2% target for the next two years, reflecting sterling’s recent depreciation and the persistent contribution from administered and regulated prices.』


『That persistent contribution was likely to be increasingly offset by a gentle moderation in domestic cost growth, aided by a gradual revival in productivity growth, and an easing in external price pressures, such that inflation was likely to fall back to around target by the end of the forecast period.』

by the end of the forecast periodってもう何か残念ですねという所なのですが、まあこう言っておかないとインフレーションターゲット政策の手前金融緩和が出来なくなります罠(後ほどそれに関してもお洒落な記述があるのをご紹介します)。

『The outlook for inflation over much of the forecast period was higher than in the November Inflation Report, reflecting the impacts of administered prices and the lower exchange rate.』


『Private sector annual regular pay growth had fallen to 1.5% in the three months to November 2012, slightly weaker than the 2010 to 2012 average of roughly 2%. Regular pay growth had been unusually weak since the crisis, reflecting the effect of elevated unemployment as well as the fall in productivity. Surveys of pay, including information from the Bank’s Agents, had suggested that pay growth was likely to be close to 2% during 2013.』

『Employment had continued to grow strongly, rising by 90,000 in the three months to November. The pickup in employment over the past few months had been driven by rising full-time employment, which might point to increased confidence by hiring firms. Surveys of employment intentions had also picked up in recent months, but were nevertheless consistent with a moderation of employment growth in the first quarter of the year, although those surveys had underestimated recorded employment growth recently.』


『Despite the recent weakness of pay growth, the continuing combination of strong gains in employment and weak GDP growth had put upward pressure on unit wage costs. The outlook for inflationary pressure in the medium term depended on the balance between demand and supply capacity, and particularly on the relationship between demand and productivity.』


『In the central view described in the February Inflation Report, the expected gentle recovery in output growth was accompanied by a corresponding increase in productivity, lessening unit wage cost pressures.』


『But there remained material uncertainty around that central view. It was possible that stronger demand growth, relative to that central case, might have relatively little effect on the outlook for inflation in the medium term, if it was associated with stronger growth in productivity and so a corresponding increase in the effective supply capacity of the economy.』


『There was also a risk that demand growth could remain sluggish for longer than assumed in the February Inflation Report central projection. This would not necessarily reduce inflationary pressure in the medium term if, for example, it were a consequence of deleveraging by the banking system continuing to weigh on productivity by inhibiting a reallocation of capital from less productive to faster-growing sectors of the economy; or, more generally, if weak demand growth were associated with a corresponding weakness of supply.』


『There was also a possibility that productivity growth might recover to more normal rates in the absence of an increase in demand, if firms shed labour that they expected to remain underutilised, which would result in downward pressure on inflation.』



『The immediate policy decision』の所ですが、まず最初に第29パラグラフの最初の文を見て「これは!!!」と思うのでありましてですね。

『The Committee set monetary policy in order to meet the 2% inflation target in the medium term, and to do so in a way that avoided undesirable volatility in output in the short term.』

この文書って大体どこの中銀でも出てきますけれども(ミニッツに出るはBOEの仕様ですが、ステートメントという形でああだこうだ書くFEDや日銀の場合は声明文の所に出てきます)、まあ要するにうちらこんなマンデートありますねんという話なのですが、ここの文は従来までは『The Committee set monetary policy in order to meet the 2% inflation target in the medium term.』という所までで終わっていまして、その後に「短期的に望ましくない生産のボラティリティーを回避することも考慮する」という謎(でもないが)の文言が入ってのは今回が初めてであります。


『The Committee discussed the appropriate policy response to the combination of the weakness in the economy and the prospect of a further prolonged period of above-target inflation.』


『The Committee agreed that, as long as domestic cost and price pressures remained consistent with inflation returning to target in the medium term, it was appropriate to look through the temporary, albeit protracted, period of above-target inflation.』


『Attempting to bring inflation back to target sooner by removing the current policy stimulus more quickly than currently anticipated by financial markets would risk derailing the recovery and undershooting the inflation target in the medium term.』


『The Committee’s remit was to deliver price stability, but to do so in a way that avoided undesirable volatility in output.』


『It judged that its policy stance was fully consistent with that remit. The Committee agreed that it was important to communicate clearly its willingness to bring inflation back to the target over a longer time horizon than usual, and its reasons for doing that. The Committee also agreed that it stood ready to provide additional monetary stimulus if warranted by the outlook for growth and inflation.』














『In this regard, one lesson from the crisis is that it is not just bad credit decisions that create systemic problems, but bad credit decisions combined with excessive maturity transformation.』

『A badly underwritten subprime loan is one thing, and a badly underwritten subprime loan that serves as the collateral for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) held by a money market fund is something else--and more dangerous. This observation suggests an idealized measurement construct.』

『In principle, what we'd really like to know, for any given asset class--be it subprime mortgages, junk bonds, or leveraged loans--is this: What fraction of it is ultimately financed by short-term demandable claims held by investors who are likely to pull back quickly when things start to go bad?』

『It is this short-term financing share that creates the potential for systemic spillovers in the form of deleveraging and marketwide fire sales of illiquid assets. 』




『This short-term financing share is difficult to measure comprehensively, but exhibit 5 presents one graph that gives some comfort. The graph shows dealer financing of corporate debt securities, much of which is done via short-term repurchase agreements (repos).』


『This financing rose rapidly in the years prior to the crisis, then fell sharply, and remains well below its pre-crisis levels today. So, on this score, there appears to be only modest short-term leverage behind corporate credit, which would seem to imply that even if the underlying securities were aggressively priced, the potential for systemic harm resulting from deleveraging and fire sales would be relatively limited. 』



『Nevertheless, I want to urge caution here and, again, stress how hard it is to capture everything we'd like.』


『As I said, ideally we would total all of the ways in which a given asset class is financed with short-term claims. Repos constitute one example, but there are others. And, crucially, these short-term claims need not be debt claims.』


『If relatively illiquid junk bonds or leveraged loans are held by open-end investment vehicles such as mutual funds or by exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and if investors in these vehicles seek to withdraw at the first sign of trouble, then this demandable equity will have the same fire-sale-generating properties as short-term debt.』


『One is naturally inclined to look at data on short-term debt like repo, given its prominence in the recent crisis. But precisely because it is being more closely monitored, there is the risk that next time around, the short-term claims may take another form. 』


『With this caveat in mind, it is worth noting the pattern of inflows into mutual funds and ETFs that hold high-yield bonds, shown in exhibit 6. Interestingly, the picture here is almost the reverse of that seen with dealer financing of corporate bonds. Assets under management in these vehicles were essentially flat in the years leading up to the crisis, but they have increased sharply in the past couple of years.』


『This observation suggests, albeit only loosely, that there may be some substitutability between different forms of demandable finance. And it underscores the importance of not focusing too narrowly on any one category.』




『Continuing on with the theme of maturity transformation, the next brief stop on the tour is the agency mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) sector.』


『These agency REITs buy agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), fund them largely in the short-term repo market in what is essentially a levered carry trade, and are required to pass through at least 90 percent of the net interest to their investors as dividends.』


『As shown in exhibit 7, they have grown rapidly in the past few years, from $152 billion at year-end 2010 to $398 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2012. 』


『One interesting aspect of this business model is that its economic viability is sensitive to conditions in both the MBS market and the repo market. If MBS yields decline, or the repo rate rises, the ability of mortgage REITs to generate current income based on the spread between the two is correspondingly reduced. 』



『Another place where the desire to generate yield can show up is in commercial banks' securities holdings.』


『In recent work, Sam Hanson and I documented that the duration of banks' non-trading-account securities holdings tends to increase significantly when the short rate declines. We hypothesized that this pattern was due to a particular form of agency behavior--namely, that given the conventions of generally accepted accounting principles, a bank can boost its reported income by replacing low-yielding short-duration securities with higher-yielding long-duration securities.』


『Something along these lines seems to be happening today: The maturity of securities in banks' available-for-sale portfolios is near the upper end of its historical range.』


『This finding is noteworthy on two counts. First, the added interest rate exposure may itself be a meaningful source of risk for the banking sector and should be monitored carefully--especially since existing capital regulation does not explicitly address interest rate risk. And, second, in the spirit of tips of icebergs, the possibility that banks may be reaching for yield in this manner suggests that the same pressure to boost income could be affecting behavior in other, less readily observable parts of their businesses.』



『The final stop on the tour is something called collateral transformation.』


『This activity has been around in some form for quite a while and does not currently appear to be of a scale that would raise serious concerns--though the available data on it are sketchy at this point. Nevertheless, it deserves to be highlighted because it is exactly the kind of activity where new regulation could create the potential for rapid growth and where we therefore need to be especially watchful.』




更新日時: 2013/02/27 04:06 JST

更新日時: 2013/02/27 04:15 JST



Chairman Ben S. Bernanke Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.
February 26, 2013



『Current Economic Conditions』から。

『Since I last reported to this Committee in mid-2012, economic activity in the United States has continued to expand at a moderate if somewhat uneven pace.』


『In particular, real gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to have risen at an annual rate of about 3 percent in the third quarter but to have been essentially flat in the fourth quarter. The pause in real GDP growth last quarter does not appear to reflect a stalling-out of the recovery. Rather, economic activity was temporarily restrained by weather-related disruptions and by transitory declines in a few volatile categories of spending, even as demand by U.S. households and businesses continued to expand.』


『Available information suggests that economic growth has picked up again this year.』


『Consistent with the moderate pace of economic growth, conditions in the labor market have been improving gradually.』


『Since July, nonfarm payroll employment has increased by 175,000 jobs per month on average, and the unemployment rate declined 0.3 percentage point to 7.9 percent over the same period. Cumulatively, private-sector payrolls have now grown by about 6.1 million jobs since their low point in early 2010, and the unemployment rate has fallen a bit more than 2 percentage points since its cyclical peak in late 2009.』


『Despite these gains, however, the job market remains generally weak, with the unemployment rate well above its longer-run normal level.』


『About 4.7 million of the unemployed have been without a job for six months or more, and millions more would like full-time employment but are able to find only part-time work.』


『High unemployment has substantial costs, including not only the hardship faced by the unemployed and their families, but also the harm done to the vitality and productive potential of our economy as a whole. Lengthy periods of unemployment and underemployment can erode workers' skills and attachment to the labor force or prevent young people from gaining skills and experience in the first place--developments that could significantly reduce their productivity and earnings in the longer term. The loss of output and earnings associated with high unemployment also reduces government revenues and increases spending, thereby leading to larger deficits and higher levels of debt.』



『The recent increase in gasoline prices, which reflects both higher crude oil prices and wider refining margins, is hitting family budgets. However, overall inflation remains low. Over the second half of 2012, the price index for personal consumption expenditures rose at an annual rate of 1-1/2 percent, similar to the rate of increase in the first half of the year. Measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained in the narrow ranges seen over the past several years. Against this backdrop, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』




『Monetary Policy』ですが、そらまあ今から出口政策どうのこうのとか言い出さない罠とは思いましたが、まあバランス取りに行ったらこんなもんじゃないですかねえ、とは思いましたがどうでしょうかね。


『With unemployment well above normal levels and inflation subdued, progress toward the Federal Reserve's mandated objectives of maximum employment and price stability has required a highly accommodative monetary policy. Under normal circumstances, policy accommodation would be provided through reductions in the FOMC's target for the federal funds rate--the interest rate on overnight loans between banks. However, as this rate has been close to zero since December 2008, the Federal Reserve has had to use alternative policy tools.』


『These alternative tools have fallen into two categories. The first is "forward guidance" regarding the FOMC's anticipated path for the federal funds rate. Since longer-term interest rates reflect market expectations for shorter-term rates over time, our guidance influences longer-term rates and thus supports a stronger recovery. The formulation of this guidance has evolved over time. Between August 2011 and December 2012, the Committee used calendar dates to indicate how long it expected economic conditions to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate. At its December 2012 meeting, the FOMC agreed to shift to providing more explicit guidance on how it expects the policy rate to respond to economic developments. Specifically, the December postmeeting statement indicated that the current exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate "will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored."』


『An advantage of the new formulation, relative to the previous date-based guidance, is that it allows market participants and the public to update their monetary policy expectations more accurately in response to new information about the economic outlook.』


『The new guidance also serves to underscore the Committee's intention to maintain accommodation as long as needed to promote a stronger economic recovery with stable prices.』



『The second type of nontraditional policy tool employed by the FOMC is large-scale purchases of longer-term securities, which, like our forward guidance, are intended to support economic growth by putting downward pressure on longer-term interest rates.』

large-scale purchases(LSAP)って言い方この前のプレコンでしてなかったなあと思うので久しぶりに出会った感が(^^)。

『The Federal Reserve has engaged in several rounds of such purchases since late 2008. Last September the FOMC announced that it would purchase agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month, and in December the Committee stated that, in addition, beginning in January it would purchase longer-term Treasury securities at an initial pace of $45 billion per month. These additional purchases of longer-term Treasury securities replace the purchases we were conducting under our now-completed maturity extension program, which lengthened the maturity of our securities portfolio without increasing its size. The FOMC has indicated that it will continue purchases until it observes a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market in a context of price stability.』


『Highly accommodative monetary policy also has several potential costs and risks, which the Committee is monitoring closely.』


『For example, if further expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet were to undermine public confidence in our ability to exit smoothly from our accommodative policies at the appropriate time, inflation expectations could rise, putting the FOMC's price-stability objective at risk.』


『However, the Committee remains confident that it has the tools necessary to tighten monetary policy when the time comes to do so.』


『As I noted, inflation is currently subdued, and inflation expectations appear well anchored; neither the FOMC nor private forecasters are projecting the development of significant inflation pressures.』



『Another potential cost that the Committee takes very seriously is the possibility that very low interest rates, if maintained for a considerable time, could impair financial stability.』


『For example, portfolio managers dissatisfied with low returns may "reach for yield" by taking on more credit risk, duration risk, or leverage.』


『On the other hand, some risk-taking--such as when an entrepreneur takes out a loan to start a new business or an existing firm expands capacity--is a necessary element of a healthy economic recovery. Moreover, although accommodative monetary policies may increase certain types of risk-taking, in the present circumstances they also serve in some ways to reduce risk in the system, most importantly by strengthening the overall economy, but also by encouraging firms to rely more on longer-term funding, and by reducing debt service costs for households and businesses.』


『In any case, the Federal Reserve is responding actively to financial stability concerns through substantially expanded monitoring of emerging risks in the financial system, an approach to the supervision of financial firms that takes a more systemic perspective, and the ongoing implementation of reforms to make the financial system more transparent and resilient.』


『Although a long period of low rates could encourage excessive risk-taking, and continued close attention to such developments is certainly warranted, to this point we do not see the potential costs of the increased risk-taking in some financial markets as outweighing the benefits of promoting a stronger economic recovery and more-rapid job creation.』

低金利の長期化は過剰なリスクテイクをもたらすのはその通りでその状況はきちんとモニターはしますが、現状ではそれらのリスクは金融緩和政策のメリットを上回る、とは言っているのですが、何気にここを見ると「the increased risk-taking in some financial markets 」とか言ってるのがこれまたほほーという感じでして、まあスタイン理事の講演での説明って必ずしも極端な少数意見という事では無いのかねえとか思いますと明日以降(既に今日は続きやるの無理と認識中^^)のネタ継続に意欲が湧くというものであります(^^)。



『Another aspect of the Federal Reserve's policies that has been discussed is their implications for the federal budget.』


『The Federal Reserve earns substantial interest on the assets it holds in its portfolio, and, other than the amount needed to fund our cost of operations, all net income is remitted to the Treasury. With the expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, yearly remittances have roughly tripled in recent years, with payments to the Treasury totaling approximately $290 billion between 2009 and 2012.』


『However, if the economy continues to strengthen, as we anticipate, and policy accommodation is accordingly reduced, these remittances would likely decline in coming years.』


『Federal Reserve analysis shows that remittances to the Treasury could be quite low for a time in some scenarios, particularly if interest rates were to rise quickly.』


『However, even in such scenarios, it is highly likely that average annual remittances over the period affected by the Federal Reserve's purchases will remain higher than the pre-crisis norm, perhaps substantially so.』


『Moreover, to the extent that monetary policy promotes growth and job creation, the resulting reduction in the federal deficit would dwarf any variation in the Federal Reserve's remittances to the Treasury.』









つーことで『Recent Developments in Credit Markets』というキタコレの所から。

『With these remarks as a prelude, what I'd like to do next is take you on a brief tour of recent developments in a few selected areas of credit markets.』

でまあこのあたくし読んでて「as a prelude」というのを見て今まで読んだ8ページはナンダッタンダと一瞬椅子からこけそうになりましたが、先日来ネタにしておりますように実は前座部分もかなりオモシロスだった訳ですな。

『This tour draws heavily on work conducted by the Federal Reserve staff as part of our ongoing quantitative surveillance efforts, under the auspices of our Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research.』



『The first stop on the tour is the market for leveraged finance, encompassing both the public junk bond market and the syndicated leveraged loan market.』


『As can be seen in exhibit 2, issuance in both of these markets has been very robust of late, with junk bond issuance setting a new record in 2012. In terms of the variables that could be informative about the extent of market overheating, the picture is mixed. On the one hand, credit spreads, though they have tightened in recent months, remain moderate by historical standards. For example, as exhibit 3 shows, the spread on nonfinancial junk bonds, currently at about 400 basis points, is just above the median of the pre-financial-crisis distribution, which would seem to imply that pricing is not particularly aggressive.』


『On the other hand, the high-yield share for 2012 was above its historical average, suggesting--based on the results of Greenwood and Hanson--a somewhat more pessimistic picture of prospective credit returns. This notion is supported by recent trends in the sorts of nonprice terms I discussed earlier (exhibit 4).』


『The annualized rates of PIK bond issuance and of covenant-lite loan issuance in the fourth quarter of 2012 were comparable to highs from 2007. The past year also saw a new record in the use of loan proceeds for dividend recapitalizations, which represents a case in which bondholders move further to the back of the line while stockholders--often private equity firms--cash out. Finally, leverage in large LBOs rose noticeably, though less dramatically, in the third and fourth quarters of 2012.』

ということであたくしの詳しくない用語がバカスカ出てきますが(汗)、図4にありますように、PIK証券の発行、コベナントライトローンの発行、 「dividend recapitalizations」ローン(最早良く判りませんがどうも株式よりも劣後するローンとかそういう事なのこれ?)とか、LBOとか、その手の条件が借り手に有利なローンや証券の発行がホイホイ増えておりましてその水準はリーマンショック前を上回る水準になったりしてますぞなもしという話がキタコレです。

『Putting it all together, my reading of the evidence is that we are seeing a fairly significant pattern of reaching-for-yield behavior emerging in corporate credit.』

>we are seeing a fairly significant pattern of reaching-for-yield behavior emerging in corporate credit
>we are seeing a fairly significant pattern of reaching-for-yield behavior emerging in corporate credit
>we are seeing a fairly significant pattern of reaching-for-yield behavior emerging in corporate credit


『However, even if this conjecture is correct, and even if it does not bode well for the expected returns to junk bond and leveraged-loan investors, it need not follow that this risk-taking has ominous systemic implications.』


『That is, even if at some point junk bond investors suffer losses, without spillovers to other parts of the system, these losses may be confined and therefore less of a policy concern.』




『In this regard, one lesson from the crisis is that it is not just bad credit decisions that create systemic problems, but bad credit decisions combined with excessive maturity transformation.』

リーマンショックなどからの教訓は、間違ったクレジット投資判断だけでシステミックな問題が起きる訳では無く、その時に「過剰な期間の変換」が伴うと問題が起こるという事です、つーことで「excessive maturity transformation」とは何ぞやという話ですが・・・・・・・・

『A badly underwritten subprime loan is one thing, and a badly underwritten subprime loan that serves as the collateral for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) held by a money market fund is something else--and more dangerous. This observation suggests an idealized measurement construct. In principle, what we'd really like to know, for any given asset class--be it subprime mortgages, junk bonds, or leveraged loans--is this: What fraction of it is ultimately financed by short-term demandable claims held by investors who are likely to pull back quickly when things start to go bad? It is this short-term financing share that creates the potential for systemic spillovers in the form of deleveraging and marketwide fire sales of illiquid assets.』









金曜に引用した部分の続きで『Why the Distinction Matters』という所から。

『To summarize the argument thus far, I have drawn a distinction between two views of risk-taking in credit markets. According to the primitives view, changes over time in effective risk appetite reflect the underlying preferences and beliefs of end investors. According to the institutions view, such changes reflect the imperfectly aligned incentives of the agents in large financial institutions who do the investing on behalf of these end investors. But why should anybody care about this distinction?』


『One reason is that your view of the underlying mechanism shapes how you think about measurement. Consider this question: Is the high-yield bond market currently overheated, in the sense that it might be expected to offer disappointing returns to investors? What variables might one look at to shape such a forecast?』



『In a primitives-driven world, it would be natural to focus on credit spreads, on the premise that more risk tolerance on the part of households would lead them to bid down credit spreads; these lower spreads would then be the leading indicator of low expected returns.』



『On the other hand, in an institutions-driven world, where agents are trying to exploit various incentive schemes, it is less obvious that increased risk appetite is as well summarized by reduced credit spreads. Rather, agents may prefer to accept their lowered returns via various subtler nonprice terms and subordination features that allow them to maintain a higher stated yield.』


『Again, the use of PIK bonds in LBOs is instructive. A long time ago, Steve Kaplan and I did a study of the capital structure of 1980s-era LBOs. What was most noteworthy about the PIK bonds in those deals was not that they had low credit spreads. Rather, it was that they were subject to an extreme degree of implicit subordination.』


『While these bonds were not due to get cash interest for several years, they stood behind bank loans with very fast principal repayment schedules, which in many cases required the newly leveraged firm to sell a large chunk of its assets just to honor these bank loans. Simply put, much of the action--and much of the explanatory power for the eventual sorry returns on the PIK bonds--was in the nonprice terms.』


『It is interesting to think about recent work by Robin Greenwood and Sam Hanson through this lens.』


『They show that if one is interested in forecasting excess returns on corporate bonds (relative to Treasury securities) over the next few years, credit spreads are indeed helpful, but another powerful predictive variable is a nonprice measure: the high-yield share, defined as issuance by speculative-grade firms divided by total bond issuance.』


『When the high-yield share is elevated, future returns on corporate credit tend to be low, holding fixed the credit spread. Exhibit 1 provides an illustration of their finding.』


『One possible interpretation is that the high-yield share acts as a summary statistic for a variety of nonprice credit terms and structural features. That is, when agents' risk appetite goes up, they agree to fewer covenants, accept more-implicit subordination, and so forth, and high-yield issuance responds accordingly, hence its predictive power.』



『A second implication of the institutions view is what one might call the "tip of the iceberg" caveat.』


『Quantifying risk-taking in credit markets is difficult in real time, precisely because risks are often taken in opaque ways that escape conventional measurement practices.』


『So we should be humble about our ability to see the whole picture, and should interpret those clues that we do see accordingly.』


『For example, I have mentioned the junk bond market several times, but not because this market is necessarily the most important venue for the sort of risk-taking that is likely to raise systemic concerns. Rather, because it offers a relatively long history on price and nonprice terms, it is arguably a useful barometer.』


『Thus, overheating in the junk bond market might not be a major systemic concern in and of itself, but it might indicate that similar overheating forces were at play in other parts of credit markets, out of our range of vision.』

ということで、 ジャンクボンド市場が過熱していること自体がシステミックリスクなのでは無く、ジャンクボンド市場が過熱しているという事は「それに似た色々な過熱の動きが、我々の観測できていない他のクレジット市場でおきているのではないか」という事を示唆していて、それが問題になるのである。という事で締めておりまして、これは中々従来のFED高官からしたら異色の方だなあと思うのでありました。

と言う所までが前座の説明部分でして、ここから『Recent Developments in Credit Markets』ということで現在の米国のクレジット市場の過熱状況がどのような所で観測されるか、という大変に素敵な話がおっぱじまりますので続きは後日(^^)。




At the "Restoring Household Financial Stability after the Great Recession: Why Household Balance Sheets Matter" research symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
February 7, 2013
Overheating in Credit Markets: Origins, Measurement, and Policy Responses



『Two Views of the Overheating Mechanism』という小見出しの冒頭部分から。

『I will start by sketching two views that might be invoked to explain variation in the pricing of credit risk over time: a "primitive preferences and beliefs" view and an "institutions, agency, and incentives" view. While the first view is a natural starting point, I will argue that it must be augmented with the second view if one wants to fully understand the dynamics of overheating episodes in credit markets.』

ということで、クレジット市場の過熱について"primitive preferences and beliefs"という現象によって生じるものと、"institutions, agency, and incentives"というのを指摘しております。


『According to the primitives view, changes in the pricing of credit over time reflect fluctuations in the preferences and beliefs of end investors such as households, where these beliefs may or may not be entirely rational. Perhaps credit is cheap when household risk tolerance is high--say, because of a recent run-up in wealth.3 Or maybe credit is cheap when households extrapolate current good times into the future and neglect low-probability risks.』

『The primitives view is helpful for understanding some aspects of the behavior of the aggregate stock market, with the 1990s Internet bubble being one illustration. It seems clear that the sentiment of retail investors played a prominent role in inflating this bubble. More generally, research using survey evidence has shown that when individual investors are most optimistic about future stock market returns, the market tends to be overvalued, in the sense that statistical forecasts of equity returns are abnormally low. This finding is consistent with the importance of primitive investor beliefs. 』


『By contrast, I am skeptical that one can say much about time variation in the pricing of credit--as opposed to equities--without focusing on the roles of institutions and incentives. The premise here is that since credit decisions are almost always delegated to agents inside banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, and so forth, any effort to analyze the pricing of credit has to take into account not only household preferences and beliefs, but also the incentives facing the agents actually making the decisions. And these incentives are in turn shaped by the rules of the game, which include regulations, accounting standards, and a range of performance-measurement, governance, and compensation structures. 』


『At an abstract level, one can think of the agents making credit decisions and the rulemakers who shape their incentives as involved in an ongoing evolutionary process, in which each adapts over time in response to changing conditions. At any point, the agents try to maximize their own compensation, given the rules of the game. Sometimes they discover vulnerabilities in these rules, which they then exploit in a way that is not optimal from the perspective of their own organizations or society.』

『If the damage caused is significant enough, the rules themselves adapt, driven either by internal governance or by political and regulatory forces. Still, it is possible that at different times in this process, the rules do a better or worse job of managing the incentives of the agents.』




『To be more specific, a fundamental challenge in delegated investment management is that many quantitative rules are vulnerable to agents who act to boost measured returns by selling insurance against unlikely events--that is, by writing deep out-of-the-money puts. An example is that if you hire an agent to manage your equity portfolio, and compensate the agent based on performance relative to the S&P 500, the agent can beat the benchmark simply by holding the S&P 500 and stealthily writing puts against it, since this put-writing both raises the mean and lowers the measured variance of the portfolio.7 Of course, put-writing also introduces low-probability risks that may make you, as the end investor, worse off, but if your measurement system doesn't capture these risks adequately--which is often difficult to do unless one knows what to look for--then the put-writing strategy will create the appearance of outperformance.』

『Since credit risk by its nature involves an element of put-writing, it is always going to be challenging in an agency context, especially to the extent that the risks associated with the put-writing can be structured to partially evade the relevant measurement scheme.』


『Think of the AAA-rated tranche of a subprime collateralized debt obligation (CDO), where the measurement scheme is the credit risk model used by the rating agency.』


『To the extent that this model is behind the curve and does not fully recognize the additional structural leverage and correlational complexities embedded in a second-generation securitization like the CDO, as opposed to a first-generation one, it will be particularly vulnerable to the introduction of a second-generation product.』


『A more interesting set of questions has to do with time-series dynamics: Why is it that sometimes, things get out of balance, and the existing set of rules is less successful in containing risk-taking? In other words, what does the institutions view tell us about why credit markets sometimes overheat?』


『Let me suggest three factors that can contribute to overheating.』


『The first is financial innovation.』


『While financial innovation has provided important benefits to society, the institutions perspective warns of a dark side, which is that innovation can create new ways for agents to write puts that are not captured by existing rules.』


『For this reason, policymakers should be on alert any time there is rapid growth in a new product that is not yet fully understood.』


『Perhaps the best explanation for the existence of second-generation securitizations like subprime CDOs is that they evolved in response to flaws in prevailing models and incentive schemes. Going back further, a similar story can be told about the introduction of payment-in-kind (PIK) interest features in the high-yield bonds used in the leveraged buyouts (LBOs) of the late 1980s. I don't think it was a coincidence that among the buyers of such PIK bonds were savings and loan associations, at a time when many were willing to take risks to boost their accounting incomes.』



『The second closely related factor on my list is changes in regulation.』


『New regulation will tend to spur further innovation, as market participants attempt to minimize the private costs created by new rules. And it may also open up new loopholes, some of which may be exploited by variants on already existing instruments.』




『The third factor that can lead to overheating is a change in the economic environment that alters the risk-taking incentives of agents making credit decisions.』


『For example, a prolonged period of low interest rates, of the sort we are experiencing today, can create incentives for agents to take on greater duration or credit risks, or to employ additional financial leverage, in an effort to "reach for yield."』(強調は引用者による)


『An insurance company that has offered guaranteed minimum rates of return on some of its products might find its solvency threatened by a long stretch of low rates and feel compelled to take on added risk. A similar logic applies to a bank whose net interest margins are under pressure because low rates erode the profitability of its deposit-taking franchise. 』



『Moreover, these three factors may interact with one another. For example, if low interest rates increase the demand by agents to engage in below-the-radar forms of risk-taking, this demand may prompt innovations that facilitate this sort of risk-taking. 』






『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の最後3パラグラフ辺りが緩和政策の継続がどうのこうのという議論部分です。


『The Committee again discussed the possible benefits and costs of additional asset purchases.』


『Most participants commented that the Committee's asset purchases had been effective in easing financial conditions and helping stimulate economic activity, and many pointed, in particular, to the support that low longer-term interest rates had provided to housing or consumer durable purchases.』


『In addition, the Committee's highly accommodative policy was seen as helping keep inflation over the medium term closer to its longer-run goal of 2 percent than would otherwise have been the case.』


『Policy was also aimed at improving the labor market outlook.』


『In this regard, several participants stressed the economic and social costs of high unemployment, as well as the potential for negative effects on the economy's longer-term path of a prolonged period of underutilization of resources.』


『However, many participants also expressed some concerns about potential costs and risks arising from further asset purchases.』


『Several participants discussed the possible complications that additional purchases could cause for the eventual withdrawal of policy accommodation, a few mentioned the prospect of inflationary risks, and some noted that further asset purchases could foster market behavior that could undermine financial stability.』

出口政策の困難さが高まるというのがSeveral、インフレリスク警戒はa few、金融安定に反する市場の行動を促す(ネタにすると言ってまだ続きをやっていないスタイン理事の指摘する「クレジット市場の過熱」というような所も含まれていると思います)というのがsomeとな。

『Several participants noted that a very large portfolio of long-duration assets would, under certain circumstances, expose the Federal Reserve to significant capital losses when these holdings were unwound, but others pointed to offsetting factors and one noted that losses would not impede the effective operation of monetary policy.』


『A few also raised concerns about the potential effects of further asset purchases on the functioning of particular financial markets, although a couple of other participants noted that there had been little evidence to date of such effects.』

買い過ぎで金融市場の機能が低下するという問題点(ちなみにハポンの中短期国債市場はどう見ても機能低下です本当にありがとうございましたという風情ですが)がA few、一方で他の2名はそんな兆候は特になかろうよと反論と。

『In light of this discussion, the staff was asked for additional analysis ahead of future meetings to support the Committee's ongoing assessment of the asset purchase program.』



『Several participants emphasized that the Committee should be prepared to vary the pace of asset purchases, either in response to changes in the economic outlook or as its evaluation of the efficacy and costs of such purchases evolved.』


『For example, one participant argued that purchases should vary incrementally from meeting to meeting in response to incoming information about the economy. A number of participants stated that an ongoing evaluation of the efficacy, costs, and risks of asset purchases might well lead the Committee to taper or end its purchases before it judged that a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market had occurred.』

でまあこの部分でほほうというのは2文目でしょうなあという所で、プロコン比較してデメリットが多くなるようであれば「a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」となる前であっても資産買入プログラムのペース減少や停止も必要であろうというのが「A number of」となっています。

つまりですね、まあこの辺りのガイダンスっていうのは(先般ネタにしたカナダ中銀カーニー総裁のガイダンスに関する講演でもありましたように)「ガイダンスは約束では無い」というのが重要なポイントであって、そもそも非伝統的政策で効果とコストが予め判っている訳では無い政策を実施するのであるからして、例えば今回のように「a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」となっても緩和政策を継続する、という話をしていてもそれはあくまでもガイダンスであって、実際に政策やってみてデメリットの方が大きくなったと判断されたらプラクティカルに対応しましょう、というのが(ある意味ご都合主義ではあるが)非伝統的政策の運営における重要なポイントである、というような考え方が実は世界的に非伝統的政策を実施する場合のポイントという認識が段々広まっているんでしょうなあとか思うのであります。



『Several others argued that the potential costs of reducing or ending asset purchases too soon were also significant, or that asset purchases should continue until a substantial improvement in the labor market outlook had occurred.』

一方でSeveral othersは資産買入を早めに減額または終わらせる潜在的コストは大きいので、やはり「a substantial improvement in the labor market outlook」となるまでは資産買入を継続すべきではないかという見解ですが、これどう見てもこっちの方が少数派というのがほほうという所ではございます。

『A few participants noted examples of past instances in which policymakers had prematurely removed accommodation, with adverse effects on economic growth, employment, and price stability; they also stressed the importance of communicating the Committee's commitment to maintaining a highly accommodative stance of policy as long as warranted by economic conditions.』

A fewは早すぎる緩和解除が経済などに与える悪影響があった過去の例(って何でしょうねえ^^)を挙げて、コミットメントの通りに緩和を長期化させることは重要であると指摘していまして、まあ後半の人たちの方が「金融政策のコミットメント」という意味では大事なポイントで、あまりガイダンスをプラクィカルに運用しちゃうと最初の時は良いけれども2度目に同じ事を実施しようとした時にガイダンスが信用されなくなるという弊害もあります罠、とまあそういう風にも思いますです。

『In this regard, a number of participants discussed the possibility of providing monetary accommodation by holding securities for a longer period than envisioned in the Committee's exit principles, either as a supplement to, or a replacement for, asset purchases.』



『Participants also discussed the economic thresholds in the Committee's forward guidance on the path of the federal funds rate.』


『On the whole, participants judged that financial markets had adapted to the shift from date-based communication to guidance based on economic thresholds without difficulty, although a few participants stated that communications challenges remained.』


『For example, one participant commented that some market participants appeared to have incorrectly interpreted the thresholds as triggers that, when reached, would necessarily lead to an immediate rise in the federal funds rate.』

「incorrectly interpreted the thresholds as triggers」というのは確かにあるある。

『A couple of participants noted that this policy tool would be more effective if the Committee were able to communicate a consensus expectation for the path of the federal funds rate after a threshold was crossed.』


『One participant also indicated a preference for lowering the threshold for the unemployment rate as a means of providing additional accommodation.』








Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the "Restoring Household Financial Stability after the Great Recession: Why Household Balance Sheets Matter" research symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
February 7, 2013
Overheating in Credit Markets: Origins, Measurement, and Policy Responses









『Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here. The question I'd like to address today is this: What factors lead to overheating episodes in credit markets?』


『In other words, why do we periodically observe credit booms, times during which lending standards appear to become lax and which tend to be followed by low returns on credit instruments relative to other asset classes?』


『We have seen how such episodes can sometimes have adverse effects on the financial system and the broader economy, and the hope would be that a better understanding of the causes can be helpful both in identifying emerging problems on a timely basis and in thinking about appropriate policy responses. 』

>identifying emerging problems on a timely basis and in thinking about appropriate policy responses
>identifying emerging problems on a timely basis and in thinking about appropriate policy responses
>identifying emerging problems on a timely basis and in thinking about appropriate policy responses

これはまたキタコレという話でして、この次の小見出しが『Two Views of the Overheating Mechanism』となっておりまして、クレジット市場の過熱がどのようにして起こるのかというメカニズムに対して「シンプルに期待が過熱するケース」と「金融機関などの制度的な要請によるケース」という説明をしておりまして、その次の小見出しが『Why the Distinction Matters』となっていてその辺りをどう判別するのかという話をしております。

でですね、そこまで読むと本文8ページ分になりまして、3分の1ほど読んだぜーと思うとその次の『Recent Developments in Credit Markets』というキタコレな小見出しがありまして、そこの冒頭に、
『With these remarks as a prelude, what I'd like to do next is take you on a brief tour of recent developments in a few selected areas of credit markets.』

とございまして、「these remarks as a prelude」というのを見た瞬間にそこまでヒーヒー言いながら(という程難解では無く文章自体は平易なのでそんなに苦労しないと思いますが)読んだあたしゃー盛大にこけましたので、手抜きして読みたければ『Recent Developments in Credit Markets』から読むのも一つの手段ではございます(ただ結局前の方も読んだ方が話の繋がりが判りやすいと思います)。




Fed's Evans: 'Monetary Policy Will Continue to Be Accommodative'
Thu 07 Feb 13 | 08:42 AM ET





『substantial improvement in the labor market. is that clear to you?』と質問されてからのエバンス総裁の説明(以下transcriptのままで引用しています)。

『it's qualitative. i tend to favor quantitative markets. i think that's sufficient. we're out for a run, we're not going to run a marathon. it's about a half marathon. and we're going to see how it feels when we're done. so we're going to keep policy low until the unemployment rate is 6.5%. if we still feel good, you know, with the run, we might go a little bit longer. we'd like to get off to a good start. we're loading with carbs, taking the energy bars we're goingo get this off so the first couple of miles is at a good pace that continues like that.』


『so the quantitative easing is to we're going to do that until we're clear that the labor market outlook has improved. might be happier, might be a whole year, could be longer. i'm hospital mystic that momentum is going to pick up this year.』


『let's talk about what substantial improvement looks like. the last time we met back in october you talked about job growth of 200,000 per month over a six-month period. is that your metric for substantial improvement?』


『i think that's a good bench mark.』


『i think that's completely achievable. the last three months have averaged 200,000 on payrolls. we need month after month of 200,000. i'd say, for six months, that would be good. but we also need growth above potential that reinforces that labor market improvement. and we need to really see the unemployment rate turn in its direction. it picked up a little bit to 7.9%. we ought to see it moving down. this is really the key, the unemployment rate. there's different things that are effecting the unemployment rate. you have the participation rate. the percentage of those in the workforce who are actually -- population and part of the workforce, that seems to be going down. part of that is because of aging. part of it -- 』



『how do you think about the unemployment rate? could you imagine 200 or 300,000 jobs a month but increasing unemployment rate and would that cause you to dial back on stimulus? 』


『i think the unemployment rate came down a little more quickly in the last year than we had thought. i think once we start getting growth above trend, clearly above trend, quarter after quarter, the unemployment rate is going to move down, people will be coming back into the labor force but they'll be finding jobs and things will be picking up. so once we get momentum, and we achieve escape velocity either later this year or 2014, i think unemployment will move down with momentum.』



『do you have a time period where you think we get to, say 7% unemployment? 』


『well, i've got an outlook, and you know, that outlook has the unemployment rate in the range that you talk about by the end of 2014. in the 7% vicinity. i kind of currently think that 6.5% unemployment isn't going to be achieved until about the middle of 2015. but if things pick up more quickly, you know, that data will appear sooner. we have to talk about the difference between when the fed starts raising interest rates, and when it stops quantitative easing.』



『the st. louis fed president says it's about 7%. do you have a point in your mind when the unemployment rate should trigger the end of quantiive easing? 』


『tre hard questions. that's why we ask them.』
『thank you.』
『and we have chosen to take a qualitative viewpoint on this.』


『i've said 200,000 on payroll. that's what i'm looking at. i'd love to see 7% unemployment sooner, rather than later. and moving down. to 7%. i tend to think it might be possible to turn off the quantitative easing. we build moment up and then we're just going to keep going. it's self-sustaining. we wouldn't have to continue to carve up along the run and so that's why we might be able to stop before 7%. bu'm open-minded, and i think that these policies have done a lot of good, auto sales are up. housing is turning the quarter. i think our policies are improving things.』





『how much -- running out of time. how much fiscal restraint do you expect to see? 』

『go well, that's marked down our forecast. i'm looking for 2.5% growth this year. that's against 1% drag under the current law for fiscal policy, if we had more of a drag this year, that's more of a headwind that might mean that we have to do a little bit more. but i think we've got the appropriate policies in place to respond flexibly to what we're facing. you're going to sit right there.』








更新日時: 2013/02/13 03:14 JST



Central Bank Policy Guidance May Be Most Useful in Extraordinary Times, Says Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney



『Toronto, Ontario - While transparency is critical to well-functioning capital markets and effective monetary policy, forward policy guidance is best used sparingly by central banks in normal times, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney said today. In a speech to the Toronto CFA Society, the Governor discussed where policy guidance can be most effective and when it may be warranted.』


『“Central banks pursue transparency to be accountable in democratic societies,” Governor Carney said. Clear, open communications also enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy. Success in this regard requires transparency around what policy-makers are trying to achieve and how they go about achieving it, he added.』


『Over time, the Bank of Canada has become significantly more transparent in discussing the forces affecting the Canadian economy, in order to help households, firms and financial market participants understand how monetary policy will respond over time. This communication not only promotes the appropriate formation of policy expectations, but allows those expectations to evolve efficiently as new information is received.』


『The Bank of Canada occasionally provides guidance in normal times to give a sense of the imminence and degree of prospective policy action, and the important economic and financial factors influencing policy, the Governor said. “This guidance is never a promise, however. Actual policy will always respond to the economic and financial outlook as it evolves. Expectations of policy should do the same.”』

>This guidance is never a promise
>This guidance is never a promise
>This guidance is never a promise


『More explicit policy guidance may be most useful in extraordinary times, Governor Carney noted. For instance, in April 2009, when conventional monetary policy had been exhausted, the Bank of Canada provided additional stimulus by committing to hold the policy rate at its lowest possible level, conditional on the outlook for inflation. “Our conditional commitment worked because it was exceptional, explicit and anchored in a highly credible inflation-targeting framework,” he said.』


『Central banks needing to go further could also publicly announce precise numerical thresholds for inflation and unemployment. If additional stimulus were required, a framework change, such as adopting a nominal GDP-level target, may be worthy of consideration, Governor Carney said. He cautioned, however, that “the benefits of such a regime change would have to be weighed carefully against the effectiveness of other unconventional monetary policy measures under the proven, flexible inflation-targeting framework.”』





更新日時: 2013/02/14 02:01 JST











『The contribution of net trade to UK economic growth since the large depreciation of sterling in 2007 and 2008 had continued to be disappointing.』


『While it had contributed 0.5 percentage points to GDP growth in the third quarter, net trade had made a small negative contribution over the preceding year as a whole. The lack of a more significant improvement in the trade performance of the UK economy could partly be explained by slow growth overseas, although there was little evidence that UK exporters were disproportionately reliant on more slowly growing markets.』


『It was also the case that measures of the real exchange rate had appreciated since the end of 2008 as UK costs and prices had risen by more than in other countries and the nominal exchange rate had appreciated somewhat.』


『Receipts of net property income from abroad had weakened and the latest estimates suggested that the current account deficit had been 3.3% of nominal GDP in 2012 Q3.』


『The existence of a significant current account deficit at a time of depressed activity and considerable spare capacity could imply that the sterling real exchange rate was higher than the level compatible with external balance.』





『Among the factors that had raised CPI inflation in recent months were higher food prices.』


『Twelve-month food and non-alcoholic beverage inflation had been 3.9% in November, somewhat higher than its long run average, driven largely by higher agricultural commodity prices. There was a concern that recent poor weather was likely to affect future harvests and push up further on food prices. But the effect of higher agricultural commodity prices on food price inflation was likely to be relatively muted so long as the costs of food processing and distribution remained stable. Agricultural commodity prices had fallen a little in recent months, although they remained high and vulnerable to further shocks.』




『Employment had continued to grow, rising by 40,000 in the three months to October, compared with the three months to July, despite only a modest increase in underlying activity. There remained a considerable shortfall in productivity relative to the level implied by a continuation of its pre-crisis trend. Understanding the factors behind that shortfall, which had built up to around 15% of the level of productivity since the onset of the crisis, and was outside past experience, remained a key challenge.』


『The international evidence suggested that the shortfall was larger in the United Kingdom than most other developed countries. A central policy issue was whether productivity would pick up, and the shortfall get smaller, as aggregate demand expanded. Intelligence concerning the business services sector from the Bank’s Agents had indicated that some of the productivity weakness might indeed dissipate if demand picked up.』


『Contacts had suggested that one of the reasons that employment had remained buoyant was that companies found winning and delivering work was more resource intensive in an environment of persistently weak demand. Some companies had retained staff in the light of persistent expectations of a return to more normal demand growth. Both of these factors were likely to dampen the amount by which employment would need to increase when demand eventually picked up, suggesting that some of the productivity shortfall was likely to be temporary.』


『Nevertheless, contacts had identified other factors, such as client expectations of higher service levels and more frequent tendering for work, that were likely to persist, so that not all of the productivity shortfall was expected to be recouped when demand eventually recovered.』




と言った辺りがまあほほーと思った所なのですが、では『The immediate policy decision』からで、まずは第28パラグラフから。

『It continued to be difficult to get a sense of the underlying strength of growth in the United Kingdom. Employment growth had remained firm and revisions to official statistics had suggested that growth in manufacturing and services sector output, abstracting from the impact of one-off events, had been relatively stable at around 0.3% per quarter during the first three quarters of 2012. But recent information from both monthly official data and business surveys had been conflicting. Moreover, the unwind from the Olympic Games was expected to depress headline GDP growth significantly in the fourth quarter.』



『There had been some evidence that credit conditions were easing as lower bank funding costs began to pass through to lower loan rates.』


『These developments were broadly in line with expectations of how the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) would operate in its early stages.』


『And the Bank’s Credit Conditions Survey had pointed to expectations of a further easing that could help support lending and demand over the course of the year. There had been evidence of a slight improvement in investment intentions that might herald a more broad-based pickup in business investment.』


『Nevertheless, substantial headwinds to recovery remained, including the drag to activity from fiscal consolidation, a further squeeze in household real incomes, and the deterioration in UK competitiveness over the past couple of years. Indeed, the existence of a significant current account deficit at a time of subdued activity and spare capacity suggested that the sterling real exchange rate might be above the level compatible with the necessary rebalancing of the economy.』




『As with activity, there had been little news to cause the Committee to revise its view of the outlook for inflation.』


『Inflation was a little above the 2% target, and was likely to remain so in the near term. Wage growth had remained subdued and, while productivity growth was also weak, the Committee’s central view remained that productivity growth would pick up as the economy expanded.』


『But there remained a question as to whether this would put sufficient downward pressure on unit labour costs and market price inflation to offset the effect of rising regulated and administered prices. Intelligence concerning the business services sector from the Bank’s Agents had found some grounds for expecting productivity growth to pick up as the economy recovered. But there was a risk that any recovery in productivity would result in higher wage demands, rather than lowering firms’ costs, and so would not deliver the necessary downward pressure on market price inflation.』





『The Committee discussed how further monetary stimulus could be delivered, should it be warranted, and the effectiveness of additional asset purchases.』


『While it was too soon to assess the full impact of the FLS in supporting lending and wider economic activity, the early signs within the banking sector were encouraging. There was also considerable further scope for asset purchases to lower long-term yields on government and corporate debt and support other asset prices.』


『But there remained uncertainty about their impact on nominal demand, and they might prove less effective in boosting real output when resources needed to be shifted between sectors and while the banking system was constrained.』




『Developments on the month had been modestly positive, increasing the confidence of most members that the outlook was broadly as described in the November Inflation Report. While these developments had not substantially altered the balance of risks associated with maintaining and increasing the size of the monetary stimulus, they had strengthened the belief of some of these members that no further asset purchases were required at the current juncture.』


『Inflation remained above target at 2.7% and some of the factors currently contributing to higher inflation, resulting from administered or controlled sources, were likely to persist through the current year and beyond.』


『There was a risk that the prospect of continued above-target inflation could result in an erosion of credibility in the monetary policy framework which could affect wage and price setting behaviour.』


『Against that, growth remained subdued and the economy continued to face a number of headwinds that would squeeze real incomes. Moreover, there was likely to be some excess capacity and some members put weight on the possibility that output could be expanded without generating much additional inflationary pressure. On balance, most members judged that it was not necessary at this meeting to change either Bank Rate or the size of the asset purchase programme in order to meet the inflation target in the medium term.』
























『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that growth in economic activity paused in recent months, in large part because of weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors. 』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in October suggests that economic activity and employment have continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months, apart from weather-related disruptions. 』(前回)


つまり「paused」しているのは「in recent months」であって基調判断に相当する部分の表現が華麗にスルーされているというのが(文章を下手に長くしたくないのもあるのでしょうが)ちょっと不思議ちゃんではあります。


『Employment has continued to expand at a moderate pace but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has shown further improvement.』(今回)

『Although the unemployment rate has declined somewhat since the summer, it remains elevated. Household spending has continued to advance, and the housing sector has shown further signs of improvement, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed.』(前回)



んでもってその先ですけれども、企業の固定資産投資の部分が前回の「has slowed」から今回「advanced」に上方修正されている上に、住宅セクターに関して従来は「has shown further signs of improvement」だったのが今回「has shown further improvement」と改善に関してより直球ストレートな表現になっているのも上方修正でありまして、最初の掴みを見て「おー」と思ったあたくしはこの部分を見て更に「おー」となるのでありました(^^)。

『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee’s longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee’s longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)




『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(今回)
『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability.』(前回)


『The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『The Committee remains concerned that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions. 』(前回)



『The Committee remains concerned that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions.』(前々回ですな)


『Although strains in global financial markets have eased somewhat, the Committee continues to see downside risks to the economic outlook. 』(今回)
『Furthermore, strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. 』(前回)


『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(今回)
『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(前回)





『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee will continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. 』(今回)


『Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.』(今回)



『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases.』(今回)


『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.』(今回)


『In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』(今回)




『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)


『Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations.』(今回)




『Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who opposed the asset purchase program and the characterization of the conditions under which an exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate.』(これは前回のラッカー怒りの反対)



『Voting against the policy was Thomas M. Hoenig. In light of the improving economy, Mr. Hoenig was concerned that a continued high level of monetary accommodation would increase the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, would cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations that could destabilize the economy.』(2010年12月FOMC声明文より)






The U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy
Esther L. George
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City



『I also would note that although I have worked for the Kansas City Fed for more than 30 years, I have developed, in this broader role, a renewed appreciation for the Federal Reserve’s structure, which provides 12 independent regional views on the economy in addition to the seven members of the Board of Governors in Washington. As a policymaker and Reserve Bank president, I have benefited tremendously from the insights of business leaders, financial market professionals, and others in our seven-state region who provide real-time perspectives on the economy and give me a forward-looking view of economic conditions. And those perspectives contribute importantly to my policy views at the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy deliberations.』


『Later this month the FOMC will meet for the first time in 2013. Although each of the 19 participants at that meeting always engages fully in the discussion, only five of the 12 regional Reserve Bank presidents vote in a given year. I am a voting member this year.』


『Given the current state of the world, much may yet change before this next meeting. Nevertheless, today I want to share with you my outlook for the U.S. economy and its ongoing recovery from a deep recession. I will then outline my perspective on the current stance of monetary policy and the challenges ahead.』



・The pace of recovery
・Room for optimism
・Monetary Policy Challenges
・Risks to financial stability
・Risks to the stability of inflation expectations




『In promoting its longer-run goals, the FOMC must weigh the benefits and the risks of maintaining an unusually accommodative monetary policy stance for a protracted period. Like others, I am concerned about the high rate of unemployment, but I recognize that monetary policy, by contributing to financial imbalances and instability, can just as easily aggravate unemployment as heal it. Economic models tend to highlight the benefits of such a policy, but cannot fully account for the future risks.』


『I have highlighted the risk of financial instability and the risk of higher inflation because, although some say they are unlikely, history shows that becoming too sanguine about either can lull us into thinking we can avoid them.』






The Global Battle Over Central Bank Independence

St. Louis Fed’s Bullard Discusses the Global Battle Over Central Bank Independence


『During his presentation, Bullard discussed how financial crisis aftershocks have partially broken down the consensus on the wisdom of central bank independence. “Financial crisis aftershocks have introduced a ‘creeping politicization’ of central banking globally,” he said, and added that “the macroeconomic performance of nations with politicized central banks has historically been quite poor.”』(説明文の方から)

>the macroeconomic performance of nations with politicized central banks has historically been quite poor.
>the macroeconomic performance of nations with politicized central banks has historically been quite poor.
>the macroeconomic performance of nations with politicized central banks has historically been quite poor.



『He stated that to the extent that central bank independence is weakened globally, macroeconomic stabilization policy will not be executed as well in the future as it has been since the mid-1980s. “‘Fiscalization’ of monetary policy will tend to complicate the policymaking process substantially,” Bullard explained. He cited as an example the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) “outright monetary transactions” (OMT) program. One interpretation of the OMT is that it is a fiscal-type operation, and that ordinary monetary policy has become part of the negotiation over the fiscal package, Bullard said. “This has altered the response of the ECB to the European recession.”』(説明文の方から)


『Why is this the consensus?』というプレゼン資料5枚目(表紙含む)の所から。

『The goal is to have an effective macroeconomic stabilization policy.』
『If monetary policy is not delegated to an independent authority, then it too becomes part of the slow and complicated negotiations associated with fiscal policy.』
『The society would be left without a way to make timely policy adjustments in reaction to macroeconomic shocks. The result would be more macroeconomic volatility.』
『The consensus therefore suggests that macroeconomic outcomes will be better with an independent central bank.』

ということで、財政的政策が必要になるという事になると合意形成などに時間が掛かるので金融政策の機動性が損なわれるのが良くないという話のようでして、まあその話が続くのですが、その辺はスルーしまして、財政政策と金融政策に関する『Fiscal Responses』という見出し以降の部分から。

『The central bank and fiscal policy』というプレゼン資料10枚目の所から。

『Nevertheless, many see fiscal stabilization policy as desirable in the current context.』


『One idea: Suggest that the central bank take actions that are cumbersome to accomplish through a democratically-elected body.』
『This may be seen as one way to get the relatively speedy monetary policy decision-making into a fiscal policy context.』

ということで、金融政策の行動が政治的な合意形成が必要となる、という事になると、次のページの小見出しになる『Slower, Negotiated Decision-Making』という話になるのですが、どさくさに紛れてしらっとお洒落な事が書いてあるのが今回のブラード総裁プレゼンテーションの見どころと。

『This is a “creeping politicization” of monetary policy.』


『Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.』

>Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.
>Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.
>Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.
>Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.
>Some central bank independence is lost since the monetary authority is taking actions at the behest of other policy actors.

ちなみにこの「at the behest of」というのを手元のデイリーコンサイス英和辞典で引きますと「〜の命令通りに」だそうですわよ奥様。ああこれはハンガリー中銀の事ですねそうですね(^^)。

『Monetary policy decisions then become wrapped up with fiscal policy decisions, slowing down the process through negotiation and making it considerably more complicated.』


では正しいアプローチとは何ぞやというのが次のページの『A proper approach』という小見出しのページ(さっきからページ数書いてませんがこれが12ページね)ですが。

『Why ask a central bank to design programs outside of its area of expertise?』

『Democratically-elected institutions could certainly create a fiscal stabilization authority, perhaps modeled on the FOMC, that could make technocratic fiscal decisions in speedy reaction to macroeconomic events.』

『Such an authority could be allowed to act within assigned limits and under a clearly-specified mandate with periodic reporting.』
『I have never heard of such a proposal, but Congress clearly does create specific institutions for specific purposes.』

はあそうですかちゅう感じですが、この後がECBのOMTを「金融政策が財政政策に踏み込んだ例」としてああだこうだと説明しておりますが、念のため申し上げますとこのOMTの効果についてはブラード総裁も評価しているので念のため。『The recent ECB program』という小見出しの14ページ目になります。

『The European Central Bank recently announced an “outright monetary transactions” (OMT) program.』
『This program has been widely interpreted as a promise to buy the sovereign debt of individual nations.』


『A key element of the program is that purchases, should they occur, are conditional on the nation meeting certain fiscal targets.』


『Purchases would be sterilized, so that the program is not the same as U.S.- and U.K.-style quantitative easing.』


『The program has been regarded as “successful” so far.』


小見出しが『Fiscalization of monetary policy』でまあキタコレなのですが。

『This is “fiscalization” of monetary policy: Asking the central bank to take actions far outside the remit of monetary policy. The analog in the U.S. would be a promise to purchase, or even monetize, state debt in exchange for the state maintaining a fiscal program considered prudent by the central bank.』

「far outside the remit of monetary policy」とまで来ておりますが、ここでブラード総裁は仮に米国だったらどういう話かという事を言いつつ、しらっとこれまたどこかの国の選挙中の有力政党の総裁様による発言を指しているんじゃネーノという一説がありますな(^^)。

>promise to purchase, or even monetize, state debt in exchange for the state maintaining a fiscal program
>promise to purchase, or even monetize, state debt in exchange for the state maintaining a fiscal program
>promise to purchase, or even monetize, state debt in exchange for the state maintaining a fiscal program


『Assistance like this from a central authority to a region is best brokered through the political process in democratically-elected bodies.』
『In Europe, the ECB is in essence substituting for a weak pan-European central government.』



『Ordinary monetary policy』という18ページ目。

『Ordinary monetary policy provides or removes monetary accommodation in response to macroeconomic developments.』


『There has been a large macroeconomic development in Europe: Eurozone recession.』
『Yet, little direct action has been taken by the ECB in response to the recession. The policy rate has not been significantly adjusted. The ECB has not employed QE or used forward guidance.』


19ページ目が『A muted response』とな。

『One could argue that the monetary policy response to the European recession has been muted compared to more ordinary circumstances.』


『Why? By nearly all accounts, the monetary policy process has been bogged down by political wrangling over the OMT and other programs.』

金融政策プロセスがOMTや他のプログラムに対する政治的な論争によって、溝にはまってしまった状態(という訳語が適切なのかは怪しいですが、行き詰らせるとかそんな感じの言葉のようです)だとの認識で、その結果として次のページの『Ordinary monetary policy derailed』ということで「通常の金融政策の脱線」という事になるようですの。その先はサマリーなので実質ここで最終です。

『End result:』

『By conducting a fiscal action, the central bank has been pulled away from its ordinary macroeconomic stabilization policy.』


『Standard monetary policy has become wrapped up in the fiscal policy package and subject to the negotiations that surround that package.』


『This defeats one of the original purposes of central bank independence: Having a monetary authority that can react to macroeconomic shocks quickly and effectively.』







Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 10 January 2013


『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. HICP inflation rates have declined over recent months, as anticipated, and are expected to fall below 2% this year. Over the policy-relevant horizon, inflationary pressures should remain contained. The underlying pace of monetary expansion continues to be subdued. Inflation expectations for the euro area remain firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.』


『The economic weakness in the euro area is expected to extend into 2013. In particular, necessary balance sheet adjustments in financial and non-financial sectors and persistent uncertainty will continue to weigh on economic activity.』


『Later in 2013 economic activity should gradually recover. In particular, our accommodative monetary policy stance, together with significantly improved financial market confidence and reduced fragmentation, should work its way through to the economy, and global demand should strengthen. In order to sustain confidence, it is essential for governments to reduce further both fiscal and structural imbalances and to proceed with financial sector restructuring.』


『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis.』


『Following a contraction of 0.2%, quarter on quarter, in the second quarter of 2012, euro area real GDP declined by 0.1% in the third quarter. Available statistics and survey indicators continue to signal further weakness in activity, which is expected to extend into this year, reflecting the adverse impact on domestic expenditure of weak consumer and investor sentiment and subdued foreign demand.』


『However, more recently several conjunctural indicators have broadly stabilised, albeit at low levels, and financial market confidence has improved significantly. Later in 2013 a gradual recovery should start, as our accommodative monetary policy stance, the significant improvement in financial market confidence and reduced fragmentation work their way through to private domestic expenditure, and a strengthening of foreign demand should support export growth.』


『The risks surrounding the economic outlook for the euro area remain on the downside. They are mainly related to slow implementation of structural reforms in the euro area, geopolitical issues and imbalances in major industrialised countries. These factors have the potential to dampen sentiment for longer than currently assumed and delay further the recovery of private investment, employment and consumption.』





『Question: My first question is about today’s rate decision. I was wondering whether it was unanimous, and did you discuss cutting rates?(2つ目割愛)』

『Draghi: The decision was unanimous.』



『Question: Were there calls for rate cuts today?』
『Draghi: I said it was unanimous.』


『Question: You said that the decision was unanimous, but what about in terms of the discussion? The markets want to know what the mood on the Governing Council is.』

『Draghi: If the decision was unanimous it implies that there was no request for a rate cut. One thing implies the other.』




『Question: My first question is about today’s rate decision. I was wondering whether it was unanimous, and did you discuss cutting rates?(2つ目割愛)』

『Draghi: The decision was unanimous. And I can spend some time explaining why this is so.』


『If you look at the overall landscape - taking a, I would say, medium-term perspective and looking at what has happened over the last six months - you would see a significant improvement in financial market conditions and a broad stabilisation of cyclical indicators.』

>significant improvement in financial market conditions
>significant improvement in financial market conditions
>significant improvement in financial market conditions


『Let me go through a list, one by one, of things that are now better than they used to be. Bond yields and countries’ credit default swaps (CDSs) are much lower, significantly lower. Stock market prices have increased and volatility is at a historical low. Redemptions, as I have just said, are much lower than they were in September, down to one-fifth of the volume recorded in September. We are seeing strong capital inflows to the euro area. The deposits in periphery banks have gone up. Target2 balances have gone down.』


『The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk, is continuing to shrink!』

>The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk
>The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk
>The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk
>The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk
>The size of the ECB’s balance sheet, which is often considered as a source of risk


『So, all in all, we have signs that fragmentation is being gradually repaired, but all this has not yet found its way through to the real economy. The real economy continues to be weak, as we had pointed out in our projections of last month.』


『Even though we have also had improvements, which I forgot to mention, in the current account balances and in all confidence indices, the real economy continues to be suffering from what we had diagnosed in our projections a month ago. There was thus no reason really to change the medium-term outlook for price stability and that is the main explanation of why our discussion was unanimous, why our decision was taken unanimously.』




『Question: I want to go back to the labour markets. You talked about the decline in fragmentation in financial markets, but the fragmentation in the labour markets seems to be getting even more pronounced, especially in youth unemployment, which is almost 60% in Spain and 8% in Germany. Overall unemployment is over 25% in Spain and a little over 5% in Germany. At what point does this become an issue for monetary policy, and affects the transmission of monetary policy in the same way that the fragmentation of financial markets affects it? And why can’t the ECB maybe think about ways to lower this fragmentation if it gets to such an extreme level that it affects your ability to conduct monetary policy? (2番目の質問割愛)』


『Draghi: As regards your first question there are several issues with and several angles from which you could look at unemployment, but just keep in mind that our mandate is not full employment, unlike the dual mandate of the Federal Reserve. Our mandate, and our statutory objective, is to maintain price stability.』


『Having said that, unemployment and the level of economic activity are very important factors in our assessment of price stability, and we certainly want to look at the unemployment rate and analyse how much of it is structural and how much of it is cyclical.』

『There are certainly some elements of structurally high unemployment in what we see today. You referred to one. What is the reason for such high youth unemployment? If all workers were treated the same, unemployment would be distributed uniformly across the working population. The fact that we observe such high figures for youth unemployment means that we often have dual labour markets in which there are the young with very little protection and the old, the others, with a lot of protection, so unemployment gets concentrated in the young part of the population. And we know that this is because the greater flexibility that has been introduced since the beginning of the year 2000 was basically concentrated on the young part of the population, so when the crisis came, they were the first ones to lose their jobs.』

『The next question is why there is very little mobility in this unemployment. Why are the workers not moving from the areas where there is no demand to areas where the demand for labour is better? These are all structural factors. Another observation is that, when you look at output gaps, the significant levels of output gaps would justify lower levels of inflation than we actually have, which again seems to suggest that there are certain structural components in the unemployment rate.』


『Monetary policy, even in general, cannot do much about that. And, finally, we believe that ensuring price stability actually gives you the long-term foundation for growth and job creation. But this does not mean that we do not take into account unemployment in economic activity, in our overall assessment of the situation and of prospects.』



「日銀の独立性維持を懸念」 米FOMCメンバー
2013/1/11 9:56








10 January 2013 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.75%, 1.50% and 0.00% respectively.

The President of the ECB will comment on the considerations underlying these decisions at a press conference starting at 2.30 p.m. CET today.』

Introductory statement to the press conference
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 10 January 2013



Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion
10 January 2013

『The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee today voted to maintain the official Bank Rate paid on commercial bank reserves at 0.5%. The Committee also voted to maintain the stock of asset purchases financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £375 billion.

The minutes of the meeting will be published at 9.30am on Wednesday 23 January.』




10 January 2013 - Eurosystem unveils the Europa series 5ユーロ banknote

『Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), today unveiled the Europa series 5ユーロ banknote. The unveiling was the highlight of the opening of the “New Face of the Euro” exhibition, which is being held at the Archaeological Museum in Frankfurt am Main from 11 January to 10 March 2013.』


『The new 5ユーロ banknote has benefited from advances in banknote technology since the first series was introduced over ten years ago. It includes some new and enhanced security features. The watermark and hologram display a portrait of Europa, a figure from Greek mythology - and hence the name of this series of banknotes. An eye-catching “emerald number” changes colour from emerald green to deep blue and displays an effect of the light that moves up and down. Short raised lines on the left and right edges of the banknote make it easier to identify the banknote, especially for visually impaired people.』


『The new series has the same “ages and styles” design and dominant colours as the first series. The 5ユーロ will be the first banknote to be issued, starting on 2 May 2013. The other denominations, i.e. 10ユーロ, 20ユーロ, 50ユーロ, 100ユーロ, 200ユーロ and 500ユーロ,will be introduced over the next few years, in ascending order.』


ちなみに、『Further information is available in a press kit and at www.newfaceoftheeuro.eu.』とのことですので詳しくはそちらを(トップページの画像がアホほどあるのでちょっと重いです)。








4ページの『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』の所から。

『Conditions in unsecured and secured short-term dollar funding markets remained stable, on net, over the intermeeting period, with reports of only limited disruptions to trading or operations following Hurricane Sandy.』


『Yields on Treasury bills maturing beyond the year-end were noticeably lower than those on shorter-term bills; market participants pointed to the anticipated ending of the Federal Reserve's maturity extension program and the expiration of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's unlimited insurance of noninterest-bearing transaction deposits at the end of the year as factors contributing to this pattern of yields.』




『The staff also reported on potential risks to financial stability, including those associated with a disorderly resolution of the so-called fiscal cliff, a delayed increase in the federal debt ceiling, or a future deterioration of financial conditions in Europe.』


『In addition, in monitoring for possible adverse effects of the current environment of low interest rates, the staff surveyed a wide range of asset markets and financial institutions for signs of excessive valuations, leverage, or risk-taking that could pose systemic risks. Valuations for broad asset classes did not appear stretched, or supported by excessive leverage. Indicators of risk-taking and leverage had moderately increased, on balance, over the past couple of years but remained notably below their levels before the financial crisis.』





『Mr. Lacker dissented because he objected to the asset purchases and to the characterization of the conditions under which an exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate would remain appropriate. He continued to view asset purchases as unlikely to add to economic growth without unacceptably increasing the risk of future inflation, and to see purchases of MBS as inappropriate credit allocation. With regard to the funds rate, Mr. Lacker was concerned that linking the forward guidance to a specific numerical level of the unemployment rate would inhibit the effectiveness of the Committee's communications and increase the potential for inflationary policy errors; he preferred qualitative guidance instead.』




『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の中で経済の議論が当然あったのですが、まあそこに関してはスルー致しまして見ててほうと思った指摘をば。


『Incoming information pointed to stable, low inflation that was running a little below the Committee's longer-run goal of 2 percent. Crude oil prices had moved down since the October meeting amid accumulating inventories and market concerns about a weaker global outlook. Despite some reports of labor shortages in certain industries, compensation pressures had remained subdued, and unit labor costs were little changed over the previous four quarters. Most participants saw the risks to the inflation outlook as broadly balanced, and many noted that longer-term inflation expectations were well anchored.』


『One participant, however, expressed concern that considerable uncertainty surrounded the relationship between unemployment and inflation, raising questions about the extent to which resource slack would keep inflation restrained over the medium term.』













例の話題になった買入をいつまで続けるのが適切かという話は後の方にあるのですが、その前振りと致しましては『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の所で景気認識の話とかがあって、その後半が小見出しのように資産買入政策のプロコンの話になるのですな。つーことでPDFベースですと7ページのケツの所からになるのですが。

『Participants exchanged views on the likely benefits and costs of additional asset purchases in the context of an assessment of the ongoing purchases of MBS and possible additional purchases of longer-term Treasury securities to follow the conclusion of the maturity extension program.』


『Regarding the benefits, it was noted that asset purchases provide support to the economic recovery by putting downward pressure on longer-term interest rates and promoting more-accommodative financial conditions.』


『Participants discussed the effectiveness of purchasing different types of assets and the potential for the effects on yields from purchases in the market for one class of securities to spill over to other markets.』


『If these spillovers are significant, then purchases of longer-term Treasury securities might be preferred, in light of the depth and liquidity of that market. However, if markets are more segmented, purchases of MBS might be preferred because they would provide more support to real activity through the housing sector.』


『One participant commented that the best approach would be to continue purchases in both the Treasury and MBS markets, given the uncertainty about the precise channels through which asset purchases operated. Others emphasized the advantages of MBS purchases, including by noting the apparent effectiveness of recent MBS purchases on the housing market, while another participant objected and thought that Federal Reserve purchases should not direct credit to a specific sector.』

USTとMBSの買入を同時進行すべきという意見の他にはMBS買入の方が良いという他の人たちがいる一方で、どう見てもラッカーです本当にありがとうございましたというのが1名(another participantと単数だから1名ですな)いましてその人は金融政策は特定セクターに対するアロケーションに介入すべきでないという話ですが、これはラッカー怒りの反対の理由でいつも説明している話。

『With regard to the possible costs and risks of purchases, a number of participants expressed the concern that additional purchases could complicate the Committee's efforts to eventually withdraw monetary policy accommodation, for example, by potentially causing inflation expectations to rise or by impairing the future implementation of monetary policy.』

でここからがデメリットの話になるのですが、まず最初に来るのが当然ちゃあ当然なのですが、「バランスシートを拡大することは、インフレ期待の(望ましくない)高まりを招く事によって、あるいは将来の金融政策遂行を阻害したりする事によって、結果として出口政策の遂行が困難になる」点を可能性のあるリスクおよびリスクとして懸念を表明しているという話なのですけれども、ほほうと思ったのはその頭数でして、「数多くの(a number of)参加者」がその点を指摘しているというのがえーって感じであります。

『Participants also discussed the implications of continued asset purchases for the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. Depending on the path for the balance sheet and interest rates, the Federal Reserve's net income and its remittances to the Treasury could be significantly affected during the period of policy normalization.』


『Participants noted that the Committee would need to continue to assess whether large purchases were having adverse effects on market functioning and financial stability. They expressed a range of views on the appropriate pace of purchases, both now and as the outlook evolved. It was agreed that both the efficacy and the costs would need to be carefully monitored and taken into account in determining the size, pace, and composition of asset purchases.』


まあ勿論この辺りについてもバーナンキ会見でも指摘されていた点ではあるのですが、こうやって議事要旨の中で「Participants noted」っていう事で委員会の総意として「買入の規模、ペース、構成について慎重に点検されるべき」という結論として「It was agreed」となっている訳でして、QE3導入当時に宣伝されていた、というか勝手に外野が宣伝していただけであって、良く良く読み込めばバーナンキ議長の会見などでも別にそういう煽りをしていた訳では無かったのですが、まあ外野が勝手にオープンエンド型の買入を「無期限・無制限」という風に解釈していたのと実は全然違いますがなという所になる訳ですよね。





『Meeting participants discussed the possibility of replacing the calendar date in the forward guidance for the federal funds rate with specific quantitative thresholds of 6-1/2 percent for the unemployment rate and 2-1/2 percent for projected inflation between one and two years ahead.』


『Most participants favored replacing the calendar-date forward guidance with economic thresholds, and several noted that the consistency between the "mid-2015" reference in the Committee's October statement and the specific quantitative thresholds being considered at the current meeting provided an opportunity for a smooth transition.』


『However, possible advantages of waiting a while to introduce the change to the Committee's forward guidance were also mentioned, including that a delay might simplify communications by keeping the introduction of thresholds separate from the announcement of additional asset purchases.』



『Among the benefits of quantitative thresholds that were cited was that they could help the public more readily understand how the likely timing of an eventual increase in the federal funds rate would shift in response to unanticipated changes in economic conditions and the outlook. Accordingly, thresholds could increase the probability that market reactions to economic developments would move longer-term interest rates in a manner consistent with the Committee's view regarding the likely future path of short-term interest rates.』


『A few participants expressed a preference for using a qualitative description of the economic indicators influencing the Committee's thinking about current and future monetary policy rather than quantitative guidance because they felt that qualitative guidance would be at least as effective as numerical thresholds while avoiding some potential disadvantages, including the possibility that the numerical thresholds would be mistakenly interpreted as the Committee's longer-run objectives.』

量的な閾値(今回導入したモノ)ではなく質的なガイダンスを使う方が吉という論点として、例えば数値的な閾値はその数値がFRBの長期的な目標と誤解されるリスクがあるというような問題がありますよねという指摘は、票決にありますようにラッカー怒りの反対の中で量的な閾値よりも質的なガイダンスの方が良いという話をしていますのでそういう意見がある罠とは思っていたのですけれども、この点を指摘して「現在や将来の金融政策に関しての質的な考え方を示す方が数値的な閾値を設定するよりもベターである」という話をしているのが1名じゃなくて「A few」ということで3名はいるというのがほほうと思った次第。

『A few participants commented that the quantitative thresholds might be interpreted as triggers that, when reached, would prompt an immediate increase in short-term rates. However, a number of participants indicated that the Chairman's press conference and other avenues of communication could be used to emphasize, for example, the distinction between thresholds and the longer-run objectives as well as between thresholds and triggers. Participants also discussed the importance of clarifying that the thresholds would not be followed mechanically and that a variety of indicators of labor market conditions and inflation pressures, as well as financial developments, would be taken into account in setting policy.』

でまあ似た論点になりますが、数値的な閾値が「トリガー」、即ちその閾値に達した場合に即座に利上げを実施するという風に「誤って解釈される」リスクがあるという懸念を指摘する複数(A few)の委員がいますという話でして、これに対しては議長会見やその他FOMCメンバーの講演などの機会を通じて説明をすべきであって、これらの閾値は自動運転装置としての数値では無くて、労働市場でも物価でも様々な指標を勘案しますというのを強調すべきでしょうという結論。




米債市場がオッペケペーになったのは『Committee Policy Action』の第2パラグラフでありますが、一応(俺様備忘録なので)経済認識に関する第1パラグラフ部分を引用だけしておきます。基本的には声明文で示されていた認識と同じで、経済見通しは前回FOMCからの大きな変化は無く、経済はハリケーンサンディの一時的な影響を除けば緩やかな回復を継続しているという基本的な認識を継続しています。ただまあ以下にありますように、これまで強かった個人消費についてセンチメントの悪化が起きていてその要因にフィスカルクリフがありますねとか、失業は改善しているけれども水準はうんこだとか、海外要因は引き続き顕著なダウンサイドリスクだとかまあそういう話をしていまして、インフレはいつものように安定とかんな話をしておりますということで引用だけ。

『Committee members viewed the information received over the intermeeting period as suggesting that economic activity and employment continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months, abstracting from weather-related disruptions. Household spending had continued to advance and the housing sector had shown further signs of improvement, but growth in the business sector had slowed. Anecdotal evidence indicated that uncertainty about U.S. fiscal policy weighed heavily on sentiment in the household and business sectors. Although the unemployment rate had declined somewhat since the summer, it was still elevated relative to levels that members viewed as normal in the longer run.』


『Members generally agreed that the economic outlook was little changed since the previous meeting and judged that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions. Furthermore, strains in global financial markets continued to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. Inflation had been subdued, apart from some temporary variations that largely reflected fluctuations in energy prices. With longer-term inflation expectations stable, inflation over the medium term was anticipated to run at or below the Committee's longer-run objective of 2 percent.』



『In their discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, all members but one judged that continued provision of monetary accommodation was warranted in order to support further progress toward the Committee's goals of maximum employment and price stability.』


『The Committee judged that such accommodation should be provided in part by continuing to purchase MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and by purchasing longer-term Treasury securities, initially at a pace of $45 billion per month, following the completion of the maturity extension program at the end of the year. The Committee also maintained its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency MBS into agency MBS and decided that, starting in January, it will resume rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction.』


『While almost all members thought that the asset purchase program begun in September had been effective and supportive of growth, they also generally saw that the benefits of ongoing purchases were uncertain and that the potential costs could rise as the size of the balance sheet increased.』


『Various members stressed the importance of a continuing assessment of labor market developments and reviews of the program's efficacy and costs at upcoming FOMC meetings.』

「Various members」って珍しい表現だなあと思うのですが、様々なメンバーが今後のFOMCミーティングで労働市場の進展状況と、資産買入プログラムの有効性とコストに関するレビューの重要性を表明しましたとな。

『In considering the outlook for the labor market and the broader economy, a few members expressed the view that ongoing asset purchases would likely be warranted until about the end of 2013, while a few others emphasized the need for considerable policy accommodation but did not state a specific time frame or total for purchases. Several others thought that it would probably be appropriate to slow or to stop purchases well before the end of 2013, citing concerns about financial stability or the size of the balance sheet.』


数名(a few)のメンバーは2013年末までの買入が必要と表明、他の数名(a few others)は具体的な時期や規模については良く判らんけどより長期間に渡った買入が必要と表明、そのほかの数名(Several others)は恐らく2013年の末になる前までに資産買入プログラムのペースを落とすか買入拡大を終了させる事が必要になるのではないかと指摘していて、その理由はファイナンシャルスタビリティーとかバランスシートの大きさとかという点に対する懸念があるから、というお話。

でまあ「a few」と「Several」を比較すると「Several」の方が頭数が多いというFED文学になっておりますので、資産買入ってそんなに早く縮小されるのかよという話になってアチャーとなった訳ですな。



『One member viewed any additional purchases as unwarranted.』




『With regard to its forward guidance about the federal funds rate, the Committee decided to indicate in the statement language that it expects the highly accommodative stance of monetary policy to remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.』

でまああまり関係ないですがどうせ誰も褒めてくれないので自画自賛しておきますと、声明文が出た朝に割と皆様がスルーしていたと思われるこの「after the asset purchase program ends」という部分を捕まえて極めて謎の部分と申し上げたあたくしですが、質疑応答でもその辺の説明があって「ガイダンス文言は金利で、資産買入は資産買入」みたいな話をしていた件についての背景ってこういう事だったのねというのが今回の議事要旨ではっきりしたという事でしょうな。

『In addition, all but one member agreed to replace the date-based guidance with economic thresholds indicating that the exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate would remain appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.』

『The Committee thought it would be helpful to indicate in the statement that it viewed the economic thresholds as consistent with its earlier, date-based guidance. The new language noted that the Committee would also consider other information when determining how long to maintain the highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments.』


『One member dissented from the policy decision, opposing the new economic threshold language in the forward guidance, as well as the additional asset purchases and continued intervention in the MBS market.』


