





更新日時: 2013/06/28 01:05 JST




Are Recent College Graduates Finding Good Jobs?
June 27, 2013 Printer version
William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks at the Regional Economic Press Briefing, New York City

でまあ寝起きで全部読むのは無理ゲーなのでそれらしいところをまずピンポイントで読む(というか引用)のであった。とりあえず『National Economic Conditions』の後半である。

『At its meeting last week, the FOMC decided to continue its accommodative policy stance. It reaffirmed its expectation that the current low range for the federal funds rate target will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6.5 percent, so long as inflation and inflation expectations remain well-behaved. It is important to remember that these conditions are thresholds, not triggers.』


『The FOMC also maintained its purchases of $40 billion per month in agency MBS and $45 billion per month in Treasury securities, with a stated goal of promoting a substantial improvement in the labor market outlook in a context of price stability.』

で、その次に資産買入拡大を労働市場のsubstantial improvementを見通せるまで継続するという決定をしました(キリッ)とステートメントの説明をしておりますな。まあ問題はそこではなく逆さ絵の説明ではあるのですが・・・・・・・・

『In its statement, the FOMC said that it may vary the pace of purchases as economic conditions evolve.』


『As Chairman Bernanke stated in his press conference following the FOMC meeting, if the economic data over the next year turn out to be broadly consistent with the outlooks that the FOMC sees as most likely, which are roughly similar to the outlook I have already laid out, the FOMC anticipates that it would be appropriate to begin to moderate the pace of purchases later this year.』


『Under such a scenario, subsequent reductions might occur in measured steps through the first half of next year, and an end to purchases around mid-2014. Under this scenario, at the time that asset purchases came to an end, the unemployment rate likely would be near 7 percent and the economy’s momentum strengthening, supporting further robust job gains in the future.』


『Here, a few points deserve emphasis.』


『 First, the FOMC’s policy depends on the progress we make towards our objectives. This means that the policy-including the pace of asset purchases-depends on the outlook rather than the calendar.』

あくまでも経済の状況次第であってdata dependentだよというのを強調しています。

『The scenario I outlined above is only that-one possible outcome. Economic circumstances could diverge significantly from the FOMC’s expectations. If labor market conditions and the economy’s growth momentum were to be less favorable than in the FOMC’s outlook-and this is what has happened in recent years-I would expect that the asset purchases would continue at a higher pace for longer.』

「and this is what has happened in recent years」って所で盛大にペパーミント茶を吹いてしまいましたが(^^)、今考えているシナリオ通りでは無い場合はそらこの前逆さ絵が言ってた通りの展開にはならん罠。という説明をしております。


『Second, even if this scenario were to occur and the pace of purchases were reduced, it would still be the case that as long as the FOMC continues its asset purchases it is adding monetary policy accommodation, not tightening monetary policy.』


『As the FOMC adds to its stock of securities, this should continue to put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, making monetary policy more accommodative.』


『Third, the Federal Reserve is likely to keep most of these assets on its balance sheet for a long time. As Chairman Bernanke noted in his press conference last week, a strong majority of FOMC participants no longer favor selling agency MBS securities during the monetary policy normalization process.』


『This implies a bigger balance sheet for longer, which provides additional accommodation today and continuing support for mortgage markets going forward.』




『Fourth, even under this scenario, a rise in short-term rates is very likely to be a long way off. Not only will it likely take considerable time to reach the FOMC’s 6.5 percent unemployment rate threshold, but also the FOMC could wait considerably longer before raising short-term rates.』


『The fact that inflation is coming in well below the FOMC’s 2 percent objective is relevant here. Most FOMC participants currently do not expect short-term rates to begin to rise until 2015.』


『Some commentators have interpreted the recent shift in the market-implied path of short-term interest rates as indicating that market participants now expect the first increases in the federal funds rate target to come much earlier than previously thought.』


『Setting aside whether this is the correct interpretation of recent price moves, let me emphasize that such an expectation would be quite out of sync with both FOMC statements and the expectations of most FOMC participants.』

「such an expectation would be quite out of sync with both FOMC statements and the expectations of most FOMC participants.」とか中々お洒落な事を仰せですが、つまりお前らFF金利の早期引き上げまで先走って動いてるんじゃねーよという解説を最後にわざわざしているのが大変にチャーミング、ではあるのですけれども、まあこの辺の「量と金利は別」というロジックで迫るのも中々市場的には難しい部分があって、このあたりってまさに日本の量的緩和政策の地均しモード時代のコミュニケーションを彷彿させるものがありますが、この前も申し上げたように当時の日本と比べた場合の違いを考慮に入れると暫くはああだこうだと振れるんでしょうなあと思うのですけどどうっすかねえ。




更新日時: 2013/06/27 05:25 JST



更新日時: 2013/06/27 04:46 JST










更新日時: 2013/06/26 03:51 JST








更新日時: 2013/06/26 05:05 JST

更新日時: 2013/06/26 05:33 JST













『ROBIN HARDING. Robin Harding from the Financial Times. Mr. Chairman, you’ve always argued that it’s the stock of assets that the Federal Reserve holds which affects long-term interest rates. How do you reconcile that with a very sharp rise in real interest rates that we’ve seen in recent weeks? And do you think the market is correctly interpreting what you think is most likely to be the future path of the Federal Reserve’s stock of assets? Thank you.』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, we were a little puzzled by that. 』


『It was bigger than can be explained I think by changes in the ultimate stock of asset purchases within reasonable ranges. So I think we have to conclude that there are other factors at work as well, including, again, some optimism about the economy, maybe some uncertainty arising.』


『So, I’m agreeing with you that it seems larger than can be explained by a changing view of monetary policy. It’s difficult to judge whether the markets are in sync or not.』


『Generally speaking though, I think that what I’ve seen from analysts and market participants is not wildly different from what, you know, the Committee is thinking and trying to-as I try today to communicate.』


『I think the most important thing that I just want to convey, again, is that it’s important not to say “this date, that date, this time,” it’s important to understand that our policies are economic dependent and, in particular, if financial conditions move in a way that make this economic scenario unlikely, for example, then that would be a reason for us to adjust our policy.』

ということで、ここでは強力に「our policies are economic dependent」という話をしているのですが、まあそうは言ってもだったら別に日付を言わなくても良いだろと思うのでして、この辺は福井の俊ちゃんモードになっているなあという気もする所でありまする。まあそういうの考えないで素で別に言っても問題無いだろと思ってスケジュール感を出したという可能性は無いではないが、さすがにそんなアホウな事は無いと思いますので。



『CRAIG TORRES. Greetings, Mr. Chairman. Craig Torres from Bloomberg. I’d like to push for a little deeper explanation on thresholds and triggers.』



『CRAIG TORRES. The forecast and the mysterious dots kind of don’t map into the unemployment forecast. We see more-gradual rate rise going out into time. People moving to the right, at least one person, on when they expect the rate to increase, and yet, unemployment’s going to fall to 6.5 percent in 2014. I also note that labor force participation isn’t in that great shape, and you, in fact, have been a big believer that a lot of the exit from the workforce is related to weak demand, not structural factors.』


『So here is my question. Can you explain a little bit more-you know-maybe is the threshold too high? And I’ll point out that the Vice Chair and two other people who used to work here have done significant research on, maybe you need to let the employment rate fall much lower to pull these people back into the labor force. So I’m wondering if you can expand on that.』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, it’s a great question and-but the-what you pointed out, the difference between the little dots and the forecast actually illustrates the point, which is, remember, the 6-1/2 percent is a threshold, not a trigger.』


『In other words, when we get to that point, we will then at that point begin to, you know, look at whether an increase in rates is appropriate, and among the things we would take into account, first of all, is inflation, and inflation obviously is very low and expected to stay low. Secondly, we would be taking into account, does that unemployment rate fairly represent in some sense the state of the labor market? And, as you pointed out, we have underemployment, part-time work, people leaving the labor force, reduced participation, long-term unemployment, a number of factors which suggest that maybe the 6.5 percent is a little bit-not exactly representative of the state of the labor market at that point.』


『So, first of all, since it is a threshold and not a trigger, we’re entirely free to take all that into account before we begin the process of raising rates, and that’s what the diagram suggests. People are saying that unemployment will be at 6.5 in late 2014 or early 2015, but they’re saying that increases in rates may not follow but several quarters after that. In terms of adjusting the threshold, I think that’s something that might happen. If it did happen, it would be to lower it, I’m sure, not to raise it.』





更新日時: 2013/06/25 05:09 JST



更新日時: 2013/06/25 04:15 JST

更新日時: 2013/06/25 03:26 JST




Statement: Recent FOMC Communications as a Part of Appropriate Monetary Policy
Narayana Kocherlakota - President
Published June 24, 2013

『In this note, I emphasize that recent Federal Open Market Committee communications are consistent with an appropriately accommodative monetary policy strategy. However, I argue that the Committee’s communications have provided insufficient detail about how its policy strategy will play out when the recovery is more advanced. I describe how the Committee can reduce residual policy uncertainty, and so better achieve its goals, by providing this missing clarity in future communications.』

『The views expressed are my own and not necessarily those of any other FOMC participant.

I begin by describing some key aspects of what I see as the appropriate response of asset purchases and the fed funds rate target to the evolution of economic conditions. (By medium-term, I mean one to two years ahead.)』


『In both cases, I am describing thresholds, not triggers. Thus, depending on economic conditions and assessments of policy effectiveness, it may be appropriate for the Committee to buy additional assets even after the unemployment rate falls below 7 percent. And, depending on economic conditions, it may be appropriate for the Committee to keep the fed funds rate extraordinarily low even after the unemployment rate falls below 5.5 percent.』


『The threshold unemployment rate for the fed funds rate indicates that highly accommodative monetary policy remains appropriate until the unemployment rate falls below 5.5 percent (given that the inflation outlook and inflation expectations satisfy the conditions described above). Why then is the threshold unemployment rate for asset purchases as high as 7 percent? Asset purchases are a relatively novel monetary policy tool, and the benefits and the costs of additional purchases are correspondingly uncertain. Given those uncertainties, I view it as appropriate to allow for the possibility that the Committee may choose to stop using this tool before the economy has fully normalized. As I emphasized above, the 7 percent marker is only a threshold. It may well be that the Committee’s overall economic outlook and degree of confidence in an asset purchase tool would lead it to buy additional assets when the unemployment rate is below 7 percent.』


『I view the above policy strategy as appropriately accommodative. At the same time, I see no contradiction between this appropriately accommodative policy strategy and the forward guidance announced in last week’s FOMC statement and Chairman Bernanke’s recent press conference remarks.』


『The FOMC statement expresses the Committee’s intention to keep the fed funds rate extraordinarily low at least until the unemployment rate falls below 6.5 percent, as long as the medium-term inflation outlook is below 2.5 percent and inflation expectations remain well anchored. The above policy strategy also calls for the fed funds rate to remain extraordinarily low in these circumstances.』


『In his press conference remarks, Chairman Bernanke made reference to the Committee’s expectation that it will keep buying assets through mid-2014, when the unemployment rate is anticipated to be in the vicinity of 7 percent. This expectation is also consistent with the above policy strategy, which specifies that asset purchases should continue at least until the unemployment rate has fallen below 7 percent.』


『To sum up: I have described how recent FOMC communications are consistent with an appropriately accommodative monetary policy strategy. However, these communications do leave the public with large amounts of residual uncertainty about the Committee’s likely course of policy choices when the recovery is more advanced. The Committee could better achieve its policy goals if it were to reduce this uncertainty through communicating more information about its likely reactions to additional economic eventualities. I look forward to working with my colleagues to augment our communications in this fashion, and thereby ensuring a faster return to full employment in the context of price stability. 』



President Bullard’s Comments on Recent FOMC Actions


『ST. LOUIS - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard dissented with the Federal Open Market Committee decision announced on June 19, 2013. In his view, the Committee should have more strongly signaled its willingness to defend its inflation target of 2 percent in light of recent low inflation readings.』


『Inflation in the U.S. has surprised on the downside during 2013. Measured as the percent change from one year earlier, the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) headline inflation rate is running below 1 percent, and the PCE core inflation rate is close to 1 percent.』


『President Bullard believes that to maintain credibility, the Committee must defend its inflation target when inflation is below target as well as when it is above target.』


『President Bullard also felt that the Committee’s decision to authorize the Chairman to lay out a more elaborate plan for reducing the pace of asset purchases was inappropriately timed.』

逆さ絵のプレコンでの出口政策トークについては「Committee’s decision」だったのね。でまあそれに対しては当然ながら不適切なタイミングと。

『The Committee was, through the Summary of Economic Projections process, marking down its assessment of both real GDP growth and inflation for 2013, and yet simultaneously announcing that less accommodative policy may be in store.』


『President Bullard felt that a more prudent approach would be to wait for more tangible signs that the economy was strengthening and that inflation was on a path to return toward target before making such an announcement.』


『In addition, President Bullard felt that the Committee’s decision to authorize the Chairman to make an announcement of an approximate timeline for reducing the pace of asset purchases to zero was a step away from state-contingent monetary policy.』


『President Bullard feels strongly that state-contingent monetary policy is best central bank practice, with clear support both from academic theory and from central bank experience over the last several decades. Policy actions should be undertaken to meet policy objectives, not calendar objectives.』

『While President Bullard found much to disagree with in this decision, he does feel that the Committee can conduct an appropriate and effective monetary policy going forward, and he looks forward to working with his colleagues to achieve this outcome.』



更新日時: 2013/06/25 01:36 JST

Why Financial Stability is a Necessary Prerequisite for an Effective Monetary Policy
June 23, 2013
Posted June 24, 2013





更新日時: 2013/06/22 06:41 JST

更新日時: 2013/06/22 07:20 JST






更新日時: 2013/06/22 01:59 JST









Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference June 19, 2013




『If the incoming data are broadly consistent with this forecast, the Committee currently anticipates that it would be appropriate to moderate the monthly pace of purchases later this year; and if the subsequent data remain broadly aligned with our current expectations for the economy, we would continue to reduce the pace of purchases in measured steps through the first half of next year, ending purchases around midyear. In this scenario, when asset purchases ultimately come to an end, the unemployment rate would likely be in the vicinity of 7 percent, with solid economic growth supporting further job gains, a substantial improvement from the 8.1 percent unemployment rate that prevailed when the Committee announced this program.』




『STEVE LIESMAN. Steve Liesman from the CNBC. I hate to use my question to ask you to clarify something, but when you said gradually reduce purchases, beginning later this year and ending it next year when the unemployment rate is 7 percent, what is that? Is that a decision by the FOMC? Is that an intention that--』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. That is--We had a good discussion of that issue today and we haven't had--obviously there's no change, there's no change in policy involved here, there's simply a clarification, helping people to think about where policy will evolve. So, it was thought that it might be best for me to explain that to this group and answer questions. Future policy statements may include elements of this but it's not a policy change. I'm just trying to explain how are--how we're making a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market. How we're making that concrete and how we're thinking about the potential future of the program given alternative policy and economic developments.』

つーことで、説明としては従来から量的緩和出口政策に関しての要件である「substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」をより判りやすく説明するものでありますとかいう所なのですが、フォワードガイダンスにも見えるしフォワードガイダンスじゃなさそうにも見えるという説明ですな。何となくフォワードガイダンスっぽく説明しているけど。


で、STEVE LIESMAN記者の質問が更に続く。

『STEVE LIESMAN. So there is no consensus on that. That's not a vote of the FOMC, that's not a plan that's written down some place or?』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. It represents the consensus of the FOMC, yes.』



『STEVE LIESMAN. If we could just--the question I was going to ask was could you give us some information on substantial improvement is that the unemployment rate coming down by itself to 7 percent or there are other factors involved and is it substantial compared to the fall? Is that when--』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, there're many factors that we look at when tying to judge the state the labor market. As you know, we looked at participation, payrolls, a variety of other data but the 7 percent unemployment rate is indicative of the kind of progress we'd like to make in order to be able to say that we reach the substantial progress.』



続きまして観測記事の宝庫として著名で「FedWire」とも揶揄されますWSJのJON HILSENRATH記者の質問がががが。

『JON HILSENRATH. Jon Hilsenrath from the Wall Street Journal. Mr Chairman, there's an undercurrent of optimism in your forecast and your statement and the policy statement today, for instance, the unemployment rate forecast comes down to 6.5 percent to 6.8 percent next year. It's the case that the Fed has overestimated the economy's growth rate very often in the past during this recovery, so--and we've gone through a period in the first half of the year with pretty subdued growth. So I would like to hear you explain where this optimism comes from and how confident you are that these expectations are going to be met.』



『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the fundamentals look a little better to us. In particular, the housing sector, which has been a drag on growth since the crisis is now, obviously, a support to growth. It's not only creating construction jobs, but as house prices rise, increased household wealth supports consumption spending, consumer sentiment. State and local governments who have been a major drag are now coming to a position where they no longer have to lay off large numbers of workers. Generally speaking, financial conditions are improving. 』


『The main drag or the main headwind to growth this year is, as you know, is the federal fiscal policy, which the CBO estimates is something on the order of 1.5 percentage points of growth.』


『And our judgment is that, you know, given that very heavy headwind, the fact that the economy is still moving ahead at least to moderate pace, is indicative that the underlying factors are improving. And so we'll see how that evolves. Obviously, we haven't seen the full effect yet of the fiscal policy changes, but we want to see how that evolves as we get through that fiscal impact. But we're hopeful, as you can see from the individual projections--and again, these are individual projections, not an official forecast of the committee--we'll be obviously very interested to see if the economy does pick up a bit and continue to reduce unemployment, as we anticipate.』


『I think one thing that's very important for me to say is that if you draw the conclusion that I've just said that our policies--that our purchases will end in the middle of next year, you've drawn the wrong conclusion because our purchases are tied to what happens in the economy.』


『And if the Federal Reserve makes the same error and we overestimate what's happening, then our policies will adjust to that. We are not--we have no deterministic or fixed plan. Rather, our policies are going to depend on this scenario coming true. If it doesn't come true, we'll adjust our policies to that.』




『ALISTER BULL. Alister Bull from Reuters. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Financial conditions have tightened in the last few weeks and bond yields have gone up and they've gone up again today. why do you think that is? And, could you talk a little bit about whether that rise in bond yields and interest--longer term interest rates could affect your economic outlook and particularly given the mortgage rates and now pack up about 4 percent if that could affect the recovery underway in a housing market?』

ロイターのALISTER BULL記者が足元の長期金利上昇で金融環境がタイト化していると思うがどう考えるかというこれまた直球な質問を打ち込んでくるのですが、これに対して逆さ絵先生が結構豪快に打ち返しているのが実に味わい深いです、ということで引用。

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. That's good question.』

good questionとな!

『Yes, rates have come up some. That's in part due to more optimism I think about the economy and in part due to perceptions of the Federal Reserve.』


『The forecast--the projections that our participants submitted for this meeting of course were done last few days so they were done with full knowledge of what had happened to financial conditions. Rates have tightened some but, you know, other factors had been more positive, increasing house prices for example.』


『I think as far as the housing market is concerned, we're going to want to watch that but one important difference now is that people are more optimistic about housing. They expect house prices to continue to rise and we see that for example in a survey question in Michigan survey. And that, you know, compensates to some extent for a slightly higher mortgage rate. And in fact, in terms of monthly payments on an average house, the change in mortgage rates we've seen so far is not all that dramatic.』


『So, yes, our forecast--our projections do factor that in and if interest rates go up for the right reasons, that is both optimism about the economy and an accurate assessment of monetary policy, that's a good thing. That's not a bad thing.』





更新日時: 2013/06/21 05:43 JST
















『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in May suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace.』(前回)


『Labor market conditions have shown further improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has strengthened further, but fiscal policy is restraining economic growth.』(今回)

『Labor market conditions have shown some improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has strengthened further, but fiscal policy is restraining economic growth.』(前回)

労働市場の環境に関して前回は「some improvement」だったのが盛大に「further improvement」と引き上げやがっておりまする。後はカワランチ会長。

『Partly reflecting transitory influences, inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)
『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee's longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(前回)


『The Committee sees the downside risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as having diminished since the fall.』(今回)
『The Committee continues to see downside risks to the economic outlook.』(前回)

キタコレ!!!という所でござりますが、ダウンサイドリスクはas having diminished since the fallですってよ奥様!!で、この「since the fall」というのはまさしくQE3ローンチという事でもありますので、つまりはQE3実施に際して考慮の一つとして存在したファクターが「as having diminished」という話です罠こりゃ。

『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective. 』(今回)
『The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(前回)




『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.』(今回)

『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.』(前回)




『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.』(今回)

『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.』(前回)


『The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.』(今回)

『The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.』(前回)




『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.』(今回)

『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.』(前回)

highly accommodative stance of monetary policyがどうのこうのという話ですな。

『In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.』(今回)

『In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. 』(前回)


『In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』(今回)

『In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』(前回)



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)

『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(前回)


『Voting against the action was James Bullard, who believed that the Committee should signal more strongly its willingness to defend its inflation goal in light of recent low inflation readings,』(今回)


『and Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations.』(今回)

『Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations.』(前回)







              2013     2014     2015   ロンガーラン
Change in real GDP 2.3 to 2.6  3.0 to 3.5  2.9 to 3.6   2.3 to 2.5
March projection   2.3 to 2.8  2.9 to 3.4   2.9 to 3.7  2.3 to 2.5

Unemployment rate 7.2 to 7.3  6.5 to 6.8   5.8 to 6.2  5.2 to 6.0
March projection   7.3 to 7.5  6.7 to 7.0   6.0 to 6.5  5.2 to 6.0

PCE inflation      0.8 to 1.2  1.4 to 2.0   1.6 to 2.0    2.0
March projection   1.3 to 1.7  1.5 to 2.0   1.7 to 2.0    2.0

Core PCE inflation  1.2 to 1.3  1.5 to 1.8   1.7 to 2.0
March projection   1.5 to 1.6  1.7 to 2.0   1.8 to 2.1



Appropriate timing of policy firming
2013 1(前回1)
2014 3(前回4)
2015 14(前回13)
2016 1(前回1)


0.25% 1(前回1)
0.50% 2(前回7)
0.75% 3(前回1)
1.00% 4(前回2)
1.25% 2(前回4)
1.50% 3(前回0)









『Before turning to today’s policy decision let me say a few words about the Federal Reserve’s strategy for normalizing policy in the long run.』

『In the minutes of its June 2011 meeting, the Committee set forth principles that it intended to follow when the time came to normalize policy and the size and the structure of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet.』


『As part of prudent planning, we have been reviewing these principles in recent meetings. We expect those discussions to continue and intend to provide further information at an appropriate time.』


『For today, I will note that, in the view of most participants, the broad principles set out in June 2011 remain applicable. One difference is worth mentioning: While participants continue to think that, in the long run, the Federal Reserve’s portfolio should consist predominantly of Treasury securities, a strong majority now expects that the Committee will not sell agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) during the process of normalizing monetary policy, although in the longer run limited sales could be used to reduce or eliminate residual MBS holdings. I emphasize that, given the outlook and the Committee’s policy guidance, these matters are unlikely to be relevant to actual policy for quite a while.』




『First, today the Committee reaffirmed its expectation that the current exceptionally low range for the funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, so long as inflation and inflation expectations remain well-behaved (in the senses described in the FOMC’s statement). As I have noted frequently, the phrase “at least as long” in the Committee’s interest rate guidance is important; the economic conditions we have set out as preceding any future rate increase are thresholds, not triggers.』




『The second policy tool being employed by the Committee is asset purchases-specifically, the Committee has been purchasing $40 billion per month in agency mortgage-backed securities and $45 billion per month in Treasury securities.』

『When our program of asset purchases was initiated last September, the Committee stated the goal of promoting a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market in a context of price stability, and noted it would also be taking appropriate account of the efficacy and costs of the program. Today the Committee made no changes to the purchase program.』


『Although the Committee left the pace of purchases unchanged at today’s meeting, it has stated that it may vary the pace of purchases as economic conditions evolve. Any such change would reflect the incoming data and their implications for the outlook, as well as the cumulative progress made toward the Committee’s objectives since the program began in September.』


『Going forward, the economic outcomes that the Committee sees as most likely involve continuing gains in labor markets, supported by moderate growth that picks up over the next several quarters as the near-term restraint from fiscal policy and other headwinds diminishes. We also see inflation moving back toward our 2 percent objective over time.』


『If the incoming data are broadly consistent with this forecast, the Committee currently anticipates that it would be appropriate to moderate the monthly pace of purchases later this year; and if the subsequent data remain broadly aligned with our current expectations for the economy, we would continue to reduce the pace of purchases in measured steps through the first half of next year, ending purchases around midyear.』


『In this scenario, when asset purchases ultimately come to an end, the unemployment rate would likely be in the vicinity of 7 percent, with solid economic growth supporting further job gains-a substantial improvement from the 8.1 percent unemployment rate that prevailed when the Committee announced this program.』


『I would like to emphasize once more the point that our policy is in no way predetermined and will depend on the incoming data and the evolution of the outlook, as well as on the cumulative progress toward our objectives.』


『If conditions improve faster than expected, the pace of asset purchases could be reduced somewhat more quickly. If the outlook becomes less favorable, on the other hand, or if financial conditions are judged to be inconsistent with further progress in the labor markets, reductions in the pace of purchases could be delayed; indeed, should it be needed, the Committee would be prepared to employ all of its tools, including an increase in the pace of purchases for a time, to promote a return to maximum employment in a context of price stability.』




『It’s also worth noting here that, even if a modest reduction in the pace of asset purchases occurs, we would not be shrinking the Federal Reserve’s portfolio of securities but only slowing the pace at which we are adding to the portfolio, while continuing to reinvest principal payments and proceeds from maturing holdings as well.』


『These large and growing holdings will continue to put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates. To use the analogy of driving an automobile, any slowing in the pace of purchases will be akin to letting up a bit on the gas pedal as the car picks up speed, not to beginning to apply the brakes.』



『I will close by drawing again the important distinction between the Committee’s decisions about adjusting the pace of asset purchases and its forward guidance regarding the target for the federal funds rate.』


『As I mentioned, the current level of the federal funds rate target is likely to remain appropriate for a considerable period after asset purchases are concluded. To return to the driving analogy, if the incoming data support the view that the economy is able to sustain a reasonable cruising speed, we will ease the pressure on the accelerator by gradually reducing the pace of purchases. However, any need to consider applying the brakes by raising short-term rates is still far in the future. In any case, no matter how conditions may evolve, the Federal Reserve remains committed to fostering substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market in a context of price stability.』

『Thank you. I would be glad to take your questions.』














2013年 06月 19日 00:20 JST

『[エルサレム 18日 ロイター] - 欧州中央銀行(ECB)のドラギ総裁は、ユーロ圏経済を支援するために必要ならばECBは「行動する用意がある」と述べた。最近の市場安定化の兆候については、金利が再び効果的な手段になっていることを意味しているとの認識を示した。』(上記URLより)


Opening remarks at the session “Rethinking the Limitations of Monetary Policy”
Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
at the farewell conference honouring Governor Stanley Fischer,
The Israel Museum,
Jerusalem 18 June 2013



『In terms of the current situation, the euro area economy is still in a phase of adjustment. Real GDP fell by 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2012 and by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2013. Output has thus declined for six consecutive quarters, labour market conditions remain weak and public and private sector balance sheet adjustments continue to weigh on economic activity. Unacceptably high levels of unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, are the prime concern of economic policy-makers.』

『Recent survey data suggest some improvement, but from low levels. Export growth should benefit from a recovery in global demand. Domestic demand should be supported by accommodative monetary policy; by the recent real income gains from lower oil prices and lower inflation; and by the confidence and wealth effects stemming from the improvements in financial markets since last summer.』


『The ECB’s Governing Council has stressed that that monetary policy will remain accommodative for as long as necessary. In the period ahead, we will monitor very closely all incoming information on economic and monetary developments and stand ready to act if necessary.』


『In the meantime, it is important to note that economic and financial fragmentation in the euro area has declined significantly since last summer. This has had beneficial effects for the real economies of all euro area countries.』


『Let me turn now to the limitations of monetary policy. Here I see two possible dimensions.』


『The first is positive and refers to the effectiveness of central bank actions at the margin - for example, when interest rates are close to zero. The second is normative and refers to the constraints imposed on us by our mandate and to the fears that boundaries between central bank policies and other policies might become blurred.』


『I will not dwell on the first dimension because I do not think that we are materially challenged in our ability to deliver our objective of price stability by the low level of interest rates.』


『Looking back, despite extraordinarily testing economic circumstances, inflation in the euro area has remained on the whole consistent with the ECB’s objective of below but close to 2%. Looking forward, Eurosystem staff project annual HICP inflation at 1.4% in 2013 and 1.3% in 2014, but medium-term inflation expectations remain anchored in line with our definition of price stability.』


『One reason why inflation expectations have remained broadly stable is that we - and other major central banks around the world - have prevented the materialisation of deflation risk by adopting both standard and non-standard measures as and when necessary.』


『In the euro area, one such non-standard measure was the introduction of the outright monetary transactions (OMT) programme last year, the stabilising effects of which are widely recognised.』


『There are numerous other measures - standard interest rate policy and non-standard measures - that we can deploy and that we will deploy if circumstances warrant.』



『At the same time, I have also made clear that some of those measures may have unintended consequences. This does not mean that they should not be used, but it does mean that we need to be aware of those consequences and manage them appropriately. We will look with an open mind at these measures that are especially effective in our institutional setup and that fall within our mandate. 』


『This leads me to the second dimension of discussion of the limitations of monetary policy, namely the risk of a blurring of the boundaries of central bank policy.』


『To approach this question, it is useful to refer to the framework put forward by another prominent scholar in central bank matters. Marvin Goodfriend classifies central bank actions into three categories.』

Marvin Goodfriendさんの指摘する論点に沿って整理してます。

『The first category is what he calls “monetary policy” proper - changes in the size of the monetary base via purchases and sales of government securities.』

『Second comes “credit policy” - changes in the composition of the central bank’s assets between government securities and claims on the private sector of various kinds.』

『Third is “interest on reserves policy” - changes in the opportunity cost for banks to hold reserves or excess reserves.』


『Goodfriend argues that all three categories have fiscal implications. And he states that credit policy and interest on reserve policy involve the use of public funds in a way that may imply an allocative role - and which may therefore blur the respective roles of the monetary and fiscal authorities.』

『In this context, it is worth recalling that the monetary constitution of the ECB is firmly grounded in the principles of ‘ordoliberalism’, particularly two of its central tenets:

First, a clear separation of power and objectives between authorities;

And second, adherence to the principles of an open market economy with free competition, favouring an efficient allocation of resources.』





Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 6 June 2013



『Question: Maybe I can ask again the first question about whether or not today’s decision was unanimous. I did not hear a yes or no. Were there perhaps some members who called for a rate cut?(後半の質問割愛)』


『Draghi: Well, on the first question, there was a consensus by the Governing Council in the assessment that changes were not enough to warrant immediate action. So, it was more a discussion based on the analysis than on the decision. (後半割愛)』



『Question: Last month you told us that a number of Governing Council members had actually pushed for a more aggressive easing, and I wonder whether the number of Council members who called for a rate cut today were fewer than those who had hoped for a more aggressive easing in the previous month? That’s my first question.

My second question is: You have repeatedly said that the ECB is technically ready for negative interest rates. Are you equally technically ready to move both the main refinancing rate and the deposit rate to zero, and do you see any non-technical obstacles to having both rates at the same level?』


『Draghi: As to the first question, frankly the discussion was not on whether to cut rates or not. The discussion was on whether we had had enough of a change since last time to warrant action now, and the prevailing consensus, the vastly prevailing consensus if you will - and I can go on and on adding adjectives to this - was that basically the changes that have taken place are not sufficiently one-directional as to warrant action now.』


『Having said that, as I said before, we stand ready to act and will continue monitoring all incoming data closely.』

Having said thatっていうから要約するのかと思ったら結局玉虫色答弁である。

『On the second point, I told you we are technically ready, we have looked at that, but we won’t pre-commit. I’m not going to tell you what we will do next month or in two months’ time, or in six months exactly, but I will say that all the groundwork for venturing into negative territory for the interest rate on the deposit facility has been done. Whether this will be combined with other measures or not, I am not in a position to tell you now.』




『Question: You mentioned that these various instruments are on the shelf. Isn’t this adding to the volatility in the financial markets? ?The ECB kind of dangling these things out there for people to look at and then seeing what various officials say? Also, it seems like other central banks (for example, the Federal Reserve System when it talks about tapering or not tapering) are now a source of volatility in the financial markets. What role is the ECB playing in this and what can be done to limit it?(後半割愛)』


『Draghi: In response to the first question, frankly the ECB has not done anything to increase volatility in the markets.』


『If you think that the ECB has done anything that is comparable to what is happening in the other central banks, we would not agree with this perception. I think that all in all we are currently taking a much more conservative stance, although our monetary policy remains accommodative and, as I said, it will stay accommodative for as long as needed.』


『But, certainly, we have observed an increase in global volatility, coming from major monetary policy decisions or announcements of decisions that may be taken in the coming months.』


『However, I do not think that the ECB has in any way been a source of this; I cannot really find any data to support this.(後半割愛)』




『Question: You have reiterated twice now that monetary policy would remain accommodative for as long as necessary. I was wondering whether issuing a more formal forward guidance would be a way to ease monetary policy further?(後半割愛)』


『Draghi: With regard to the first question, we have already given some forward guidance in terms of liquidity availability - last time or the time before, I said that the fixed-rate full allotment would be maintained for the whole of next year until July 2014 at least, and as long as it is needed.』


『In other words, if it is needed beyond that date, it would be prolonged. We have not addressed yet other types of formal guidance as other central banks have done, and we are reflecting on it.』


『As I mentioned before, we have a range of different instruments. This one would be more on the standard side, while others would be more on the non-standard side.(後半割愛)』





『Draghi: When we all look back at what OMT has produced, frankly when you look at the data, it’s really very hard not to state that OMT has been probably the most successful monetary policy measure undertaken in recent time.』


『Before OMT we had some expectations of deflationary risks, and that’s over. I think I see that as the greatest achievement of this monetary policy measure.』


『You have stock prices, which went up everywhere - from, say, 30% in Germany to 39% in Spain - which means that the cost of capital has gone down, creating a much more favourable environment for investments.』


『You see TARGET2 balances - I just received the data an hour ago. TARGET2 balances, today, are at the level they were in early December 2011, before the first three-year LRTO was undertaken. TARGET2 balances, for Germany have declined by ユーロ160 billion since then. There are people who are convinced that TARGET2 balances are a big risk for countries. The data should prove to these people that now the risks are lower after OMT.』


『Ten-year sovereign bond yields declined spectacularly in several countries but went up in Germany. And that’s very important for the saver, for the German saver, for insurance companies and pension funds.』


『I can continue with this: volatility indices. OMT has brought stability, not only to the markets in Europe but also to the markets worldwide. The same thing if you look at US stock prices. Of course, in other jurisdictions other things have happened at the same time. So, I am saying that, looking back, one can only be quite satisfied with the results obtained by this operation.』




『Question: I have two questions. The first one is: do you see any risk of deflation in some countries in the euro area?(後半割愛)』

『Draghi: Well, not really.

First, on deflation: the price path that has been foreseen by the staff projections is lower than the price path foreseen in previous staff projections, both for this and next year. This is mostly due to a decrease in the price of oil. If you discount oil and food, you see that the difference between the two price paths, of the previous and of today’s projections, is much smaller.』


『Second: is there deflation? We must first ask ourselves what deflation is. Deflation is a protracted fall in prices across different commodities, sectors and countries. In other words, it is a generalised protracted fall in prices, with self-fulfilling expectations. Therefore, it has explosive downward dynamics.』


『We do not see anything like that in any country.』


『Also, when we look at which prices are falling, we see that the fall in prices is actually limited to certain categories of goods and - when discounting oil and food, as I said before - these decreases are due to less regulation, for example, or to the introduction of technologies which increase productivity.』


『Of course, the falling price of oil is very important because now we really have to understand whether it is a structural fall in price, i.e. whether it is going to stay because of the shale gas in the United States and elsewhere (as apparently it is not only in the United States), or whether it is something transitory. Also, monetary policy has to look beyond volatility which, as I think I said in the introductory statement, is going to continue to be present in price developments - so do not be surprised if you see bumps in the price paths in the months ahead, because there is going to be volatility there.』

『But you have to look through volatility and you need to ask yourself how inflation expectations are behaving. There you see that inflation expectations remain firmly anchored, and this is the case whether looking at the inflation expectations derived from the financial markets or those from the surveys. The Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) shows that inflation expectations have been anchored at 1.9% for 15 years, since the creation of the ECB. So, all in all, we do not see deflation. Furthermore, we would certainly consider any deflation very seriously because it is a threat to our ability to pursue our objective of maintaining price stability. If we were to see deflation, we would have to sit down and think carefully, but we do not see it.』


『In addition, some of these changes I hinted at are actually changes in relative prices, so they are positive. They show that there is real adjustment taking place, which can be seen in the export levels, which have gone up in some of the stressed countries.(後半割愛)』



『Question: You talked about dramatism a few minutes ago and I am afraid I will be a little bit dramatic now because I am from a country that has an unemployment rate of 27%, which is a number of a great depression, a fiscal policy that is contractionary and a monetary policy in Spain and also in other countries that is also contractionary because credit is not available to small and medium-sized companies. Are you telling the Spanish, Portuguese, Irish or even Italian people that the ECB can’t do anything else with inflation actually lower than 2%?』


『Draghi: Well, I am not sure I get the point, but I think I get it. First, the fact that inflation is low is not, by itself, bad; with low inflation, you can buy more stuff.』


『Second, we don’t see deflation and that is what we have to fear. We don’t see that yet.』


『Third, fiscal consolidation is and remains unavoidable. It should be clear I think to everybody that you cannot have growth with endless debt creation. Sooner or later, you are going to be punished and the whole thing stops and that’s exactly what happened after the financial crisis in many countries.』


『Fourth, are there ways to make fiscal consolidation growth-friendly? The answer is yes. Fiscal consolidation in most countries has taken the shape of increasing taxes and there are many reasons for that. Often this was done in an emergency situation or unfortunately because the easiest thing to do is to raise taxes. Now that is not growth-friendly and it is not growth-friendly because it happens in parts of the world where taxes are already very, very high.』


『So what would be a better way? A better way would be the difficult way, namely to reduce unproductive government expenditure and reduce taxes together. But once you have done that - and in a sense I hinted at this before - you also have to ask yourself why these countries were not competitive. Why did they have to rely for growth in the good times, or “fairyland” times, on the protected sectors that were shielded from international competition? And then you ask yourself what should these countries change to become more competitive? And then what adjustments are needed in order to achieve this objective? The encouraging thing is that we see that most countries, if not all of them, are in this process, which of course is very painful, and I don’t think I miss one opportunity to make sure that you all know how aware of this we all are in the ECB.』






Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 6 June 2013









6 June 2013 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.50%, 1.00% and 0.00% respectively.』


Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 6 June 2013

つーてもまあさすがにIntroductory statementの所しか読んでる時間と語学力がないのですがorz

『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. Incoming information has confirmed our assessment which led to the cut in interest rates in early May. The underlying price pressure in the euro area is expected to remain subdued over the medium term. In keeping with this picture, monetary and, in particular, credit dynamics remain subdued. Medium-term inflation expectations for the euro area continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%.』



『At the same time, recent economic sentiment survey data have shown some improvement from low levels. The accommodative stance of our monetary policy, together with the significant improvements in financial markets since mid-2012, should contribute to support prospects for an economic recovery later in the year.』


『Against this overall background, our monetary policy stance will remain accommodative for as long as necessary. In the period ahead, we will monitor very closely all incoming information on economic and monetary developments and assess any impact on the outlook for price stability.』


ちなみにこのmonitor very closelyって今年の2月から言い出して、利下げをした5月にも言って今回も言ってまして、トリシェ時代はこれが金融政策のアジャストの可能性がありますよフラグだったのですがさてどうなんでしょうかね。

『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis.』


『Real GDP contracted by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2013, following a decline of 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2012. Output has thus declined for six consecutive quarters, with labour market conditions remaining weak. Recent developments in economic sentiment survey data have shown some improvement from low levels.』


『Looking ahead to later in the year and to 2014, euro area export growth should benefit from a recovery in global demand, while domestic demand should be supported by the accommodative stance of our monetary policy and by the recent real income gains due to lower oil prices and generally lower inflation.』


『Furthermore, the significant improvements in financial markets seen since last summer should work their way through to the real economy, as should the progress made in fiscal consolidation.』

『At the same time, the remaining necessary balance sheet adjustments in the public and private sectors will continue to weigh on economic activity.』


『Overall, euro area economic activity should stabilise and recover in the course of the year, albeit at a subdued pace. 』


『Question: On several occasions, you have mentioned the need to provide more credit to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and at the last press conference in Bratislava you also mentioned the possibility of doing something to restart the securitisation market, as well as the market for asset-backed securities (ABSs). Could you give us a progress report on the work being done on that front? Have you scaled down your ambitions there? I think the Vice-President has mentioned in a speech that maybe expectations were a bit excessive in that regard.』

『In terms of interest rates, did you discuss the possibility of cutting them? Was your decision unanimous?』


『Draghi: At today’s meeting, we had an ample discussion on the various non-standard measures that could be utilised to repair the monetary policy transmission channels. In this context, we discussed ABSs, we discussed LTROs, we discussed enhancing the framework for additional credit claims, and we discussed our collateral policies.』


『Most of these measures, which we will continue to discuss, address funding problems first and foremost. Let’s consider this. Second, some measures, for example the LTROs, are easier to implement and have clearer consequences.』


『However, other measures, such as a negative rate on the deposit facility, which we also discussed and are now technically ready for, may, as I have said on numerous occasions, have several unintended consequences.』


『Nevertheless, neither on this front nor on any of the others, do we see any reason to act at this present point in time. Really, these measures are all on the shelf.』


『The issue of ABSs is more complicated than the others, however. You have to take into account, and I think I have said this in the past, that the ABS market has been dead for many years. And it has been dead for several reasons. Some relate to the problems caused by ABSs both during and prior to the crisis, while others are associated with the liquidity and capital requirements for ABSs. Once you have analysed this, it is clear that we are talking about specific ABSs for SME loans. Even before the crisis, ABSs for SME loans were very little, probably the smallest component of the ABS market, if I am not mistaken. This was because it is difficult to put SME loans in an ABS and correctly rate and price it so that it can be traded like other forms of ABS that contain much more standardised products.』


『Having said that, there is a task force working on this together with the European Investment Bank, and if they produce something, it will be collateralised, it will be guaranteed by other institutions. We will then certainly look into the possibility of accepting it as collateral. But, in any case, this is not something for the short term anyway. It will take a long time. In order to ensure the functioning of an ABS market, we first need to change the liquidity and capital regulatory framework for these types of ABSs, which is a long-term project. 』



『In answer to your second question, at our last meeting I said that the Governing Council would look at all incoming data, would monitor closely all the developments, and would stand ready to act.』


『Today, we had a full, very rich discussion on the data that have come in since last time, as well as on the changes that have taken place, and some changes are for the better.』


『Some survey data have turned out better than expected, for example, the flash estimate for the inflation rate in May is 1.4%, higher than in the previous month, while other data, such as those concerning credit developments, are not as good.』

しかも物価についても「turned out better than expected」とか仰せでして、一方でクレジット市場の方については宜しくないという話をしていて、どうもクレジット市場向けの何かやるという話が今後のメインになりそうな気がするという補強に^^;

『However, by and large, the Governing Council agreed that there was no change in direction that would justify taking action at this point in time.』


『Having said that, I can only repeat what I said last time, in that we will monitor all incoming data very closely and stand ready to act.』




Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion





The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy
by Eric S. Rosengren, President & Chief Executive Officer
The Economic Club of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 29, 2013





『Progress in the Economic Outlook』から少々(実際はこのパートがやや長い)。

『Figure 1 shows how the Blue-Chip forecast for the unemployment rate at the end of 2013, and the Survey of Professional Forecasters projection for the same, have evolved since last September. As the actual, current unemployment rate has slowly receded, there has been a gradual improvement in the forecast for the unemployment rate at the end of this year. Both forecasts are now projecting the unemployment rate will be lower at the end of the year than they had projected last September, although they are still not quite as optimistic as my own forecast.』


『Turning to inflation measures, Figure 2 shows the evolution since last September of the Blue Chip forecast for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at the end of 2013, and the Survey of Professional Forecasters projection for the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) inflation rate at the end of 2013. Both show declining forecasts of inflation for 2013, as incoming data consistently come in below forecasts - raising the possibility that inflation will fall further below the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target.』

raising the possibility that inflation will fall furtherキタコレということでして、物価に関しては2%目標からやや低下する可能性が高まっていると指摘しています。



『Figure 3 shows the growth in the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. We have been purchasing $85 billion in securities per month. Were we to decide to lower the purchase amount somewhat, our assets would continue to rise but at a more modest rate. Thus we would be increasing monetary accommodation, but at a slower pace.』


『Of course, many asset prices are calibrated to the anticipation of our cumulative purchases.』


『Thus the effect of our purchases ultimately depends on whether they result in a larger or smaller balance sheet for the central bank, which in turn depends on when the purchase program ends, given the pace of purchases.』


『If asset purchases at a lower rate were to continue for longer than they would otherwise, the Fed’s balance sheet could actually grow larger than it would with more sizable purchases over a shorter period. So, in short, altering the flow of purchases may or may not result in a smaller central bank balance sheet, depending on how long the reduced inflow of assets continued. 』




『Figure 6 shows total PCE inflation over a longer time period, the past three decades. The solid horizontal line reflects the most recent observation of total PCE inflation. While there are three periods when total PCE inflation has been lower over the past 30 years, the current PCE inflation rate is much lower than it has been over most of that period.』


『Figure 7 shows the core PCE inflation over the past three decades, again with the most recent observation reflected in a dark horizontal line. This shows even more starkly just how low the inflation rate is currently. The current core PCE inflation rate is close to the low point for the past 30 years.』




『Switching from inflation to unemployment, Figure 8 shows the unemployment rate over the past three decades with a dark horizontal line at 7.5 percent unemployment, the current unemployment rate. While the unemployment rate has fallen significantly from its peak during this business cycle, it is still quite high. At an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent, the rate is above the peak level in the last prior recession (2001) and near the peak level associated with the 1990 recession.』


『The charts highlight that while we have seen some improvement in labor markets, the unemployment rate remains well above what can be considered full employment, and the inflation rate remains well below target.』


『In fact, core inflation remains at the very low end of recent experience, and the unemployment rate is close to the cyclical peaks of the past two recessions. And as I mentioned before, potential unintended costs of the accommodative policy are not currently evident.』


『Taken together, these facts provide the rationale for my own view that, while we have seen some improvement in labor market conditions, significant accommodation remains appropriate at this time.』



『Disaggregated Labor Market Data』の纏め部分から。

『Taken together, Figures 9 and 10 indicate that improvements in labor markets have been relatively widespread, and that regions that were particularly impacted by real estate problems are among the states that have recovered the most since last September. Overall, this indicates that the economic recovery is beginning to positively impact most regions
of the country.』










2013年 05月 30日 04:18 JST

更新日時: 2013/05/30 03:21 JST


The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy
by Eric S. Rosengren, President & Chief Executive Officer
The Economic Club of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 29, 2013





『What are the implications of these incremental changes in the economy for the Federal Reserve’s asset-purchase program? The program was designed to continue until there was a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market, as long as the benefits of the purchases outweighed the costs.』


『My personal view is that the benefits of this accommodative monetary policy program still significantly outweigh the costs.』


『While some improvement in labor markets has been achieved, it does not yet constitute progress sufficient to merit halting the asset purchase program.』




『As for the costs, the Fed is and should be very attuned to unintended consequences - and is intently monitoring an array of asset prices, including stock prices, housing prices, and other widely held assets. At this point it seems that fundamentals are prevailing, and potential costs are well contained.』





『I also believe that the Federal Reserve should make adjustments to the program based on economic outcomes - that if the economy and the outlook improve, the rate of purchases could be gradually reduced, rather than suddenly stopped once we have achieved substantial improvement in labor markets.』


『By the way, a reduction is one possibility, but of course adjustments could be down or up - because if the incoming economic data do not reflect improvements consistent with both elements of our dual mandate, I believe the Fed should be willing to increase asset purchases.』


でまあ経済の見立て(Progress in the Economic Outlook)と労働市場の認識(Disaggregated Labor Market Data) 部分がここの先から続くのですけれども、途中を盛大に飛ばして最後の纏め部分をやります(途中に関しては明日やるかも知れないしやらないかも知れない)。以下『Concluding Observations』から。


『In summary and conclusion, since last September there has been continued slow improvement in labor markets. Most regions of the country now have better labor market conditions than they did last September. Despite the slowly improving labor market outlook, the unemployment rate remains at levels close to the peaks of the past two recessions, indicating that the economy remains far from the full employment level.』


『In terms of monetary policy, it would in my view be premature to stop the Fed’s large-scale asset purchase program at this time. I believe the Fed should continue the purchase program until we see more sustained improvement in labor markets and have greater confidence that the economic recovery is sufficiently self-sustaining to yield continued progress in reducing the still very high unemployment rate. 』

ということで金融政策部分になりますが、先ほどと同じような言い方をしておりまして(って纏めだから当たり前だが)、LSAPについて「premature to stop」であると認識していて、労働市場の「more sustained improvement」と経済の自律的回復が失業を引き下げるのに十分な強さであることに対するより確信を得るまでは継続すべきであるという話をしてますな。

『However, I would also say that it may be undesirable to abruptly stop purchases, so it may make sense to consider a modest reduction in the pace of asset purchases if we see a few months more of gradual improvement in labor markets and improvement in the overall growth rate in the economy - consistent, by the way, with my forecast, which is somewhat more optimistic than that of many private forecasters.』

「a few months」キタコレ!!!という所ですが、急に買入拡大を止めるのではなく、経済の改善に応じて徐々に買入拡大ペースを落とすことが望ましく、ローゼングレン総裁の経済見通しによれば、今後数か月(a few months)の状況を見て買入ペース削減を検討するのがメイクセンスするというハト派とは思えん見立て。


『I would reiterate that with an open-ended asset purchase program, changing the flow of purchases does not necessarily yield, in the end, a smaller central bank balance sheet.』


『That would depend on having a fixed point for cessation of purchases, combined with a lower flow of purchases. So, even if we were to adjust the rate of monthly purchases, the ultimate size of the Fed’s balance sheet would depend on the point of cessation. If economic growth proves sufficient and the purchase program was not extended over a longer time period, the size of the balance sheet could be smaller than otherwise.』


『The bottom line is that we really need to see the economy grow, as I hope and expect, more quickly than at the 2.1 percent growth rate it has averaged over the recovery. Faster growth is essential to attaining inflation and employment outcomes consistent with the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate from Congress - and more broadly for the economic wellbeing of the many Americans who have struggled through a long and slow recovery.』



更新日時: 2013/06/04 01:59 JST







『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』から面白そうなネタを少々。



『Consumer spending was reported to be strong in a number of areas of the country and, more broadly, appeared to be supported by rising equity and house prices, improved household balance sheets, and easier credit conditions.』


『However, concerns were expressed that this rate of growth in consumer expenditures might not be sustainable without the support of a notable pickup in business investment and hiring.』


『Other factors that might affect spending also were mentioned. For example, the losses in income and wealth experienced during the crisis might lead households to be more cautious in their spending and to save at a higher rate; wealth gains in recent years appeared concentrated among higher-net-worth individuals, who may have a lower propensity to spend out of additional wealth; and retailers reported weakness in spending by lower-income households, who had been more affected by the increase in payroll taxes.』




『Participants generally saw signs of improvement in labor market conditions despite the weaker-than-expected March payroll employment figure.』


『Employment growth in earlier months had been solid, and more-recent improvements included the further decline in the unemployment rate in March and the gradual progress being made in some other labor market indicators.』


『However, several participants cautioned that the drop in the unemployment rate in the latest month was also accompanied by another reduction in the labor force participation rate; the decline in labor force participation over recent quarters could indicate that the reduction in overall labor market slack had been substantially smaller than suggested by the change in the unemployment rate over that period.』


『One participant commented that assessing the shortfall of employment from its maximum level required taking account of not only the gap between the unemployment rate and its corresponding natural rate, but also the gap between the labor force participation rate and its longer-term trend--a trend which was admittedly subject to considerable uncertainty.』


『A few participants mentioned that job growth may have been restrained to an extent by businesses postponing hiring because of uncertainties over the implementation of health-care legislation or because they were unable to find certain types of skilled workers.』




『Both headline and core PCE inflation in the first quarter came in below the Committee's longer-run goal of 2 percent, but these recent lower readings appeared to be due, in part, to temporary factors; other measures of inflation as well as inflation expectations had remained more stable. Accordingly, participants generally continued to expect that inflation would move closer to the 2 percent objective over the medium run.』


『Nonetheless, a number of participants expressed concern that inflation was below the Committee's target and stressed that future price developments bore careful watching.』

future price developments bore careful watching キタコレ!

『Most of the recent reports from business contacts revealed little upward pressure on prices or wages.』


『A couple of participants expressed the view that an additional monetary policy response might be warranted should inflation fall further.』


『It was also pointed out that, even absent further disinflation, continued low inflation might pose a threat to the economic recovery by, for example, raising debt burdens.』


『One participant focused instead on the upside risks to inflation over the longer term resulting from highly accommodative monetary policy. 』




『Financial conditions appeared to have eased further over the intermeeting period: Longer-term interest rates declined significantly, banks loosened their C&I lending terms and standards on balance, and competition to make commercial and auto loans was strong. Businesses were reportedly still borrowing to refinance, but they had begun to take out more new loans as well.』


『While the Committee's accommodative policy continued to provide support to financial conditions, events abroad also influenced U.S. markets over the intermeeting period.』


『In particular, the Bank of Japan announced a new monetary policy program that was considerably more expansionary than markets had expected.』


『Financial conditions in Europe improved somewhat over the period, but some participants still saw the situation in Europe as posing downside risks to U.S. growth.』


『At this meeting, a few participants expressed concern that conditions in certain U.S. financial markets were becoming too buoyant, pointing to the elevated issuance of bonds by lower-credit-quality firms or of bonds with fewer restrictions on collateral and payment terms (so-called covenant-lite bonds).』

『One participant cautioned that the emergence of financial imbalances could prove difficult for regulators to identify and address, and that it would be appropriate to adjust monetary policy to help guard against risks to financial stability.』

ということで数名(a few)の委員が米国金融市場、特にクレジット市場やローン市場などにおけるクレジットの緩和が行き過ぎているという指摘をしております。で、そのうち一人は金融のインバランスの拡大については金融安定化の損なうリスクに対して金融政策で対処すべきという話もしておりまして、まあこっちは引き続き懸念を示す動きが見られますなという所です。








『In discussing the effects of the Committee's asset purchases, several participants pointed to the improvement in interest-sensitive sectors, such as consumer durables and housing, over the recent period as evidence that the purchases were having positive results for the economy.』


『The effects on a range of asset prices of the Bank of Japan's recent announcement were cited as added evidence that large-scale asset purchases were effective in easing financial conditions and thereby helping stimulate economic activity.』


『In evaluating the prospects for benefits from asset purchases, however, one participant viewed uncertainty about U.S. fiscal and regulatory policies as interfering with the transmission of monetary policy and as preventing asset purchases from having a meaningful effect on the real economy. 』




『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の頭からですが、ここの書き方は毎回同じように「全体の現状認識」→「全体の先行き見通し」→「需要項目」→「雇用」→「物価」と来るのでまあ読みやすいですし、その中で順序が変わることによってウェイト付けも読めてくるので割と分かりやすいと思うのですがどうっすかねえ。

『In their discussion of the economic situation, meeting participants generally indicated that they viewed the information received during the intermeeting period as suggesting that the economy was expanding at a moderate pace despite some softness in recent economic data. Conditions in the labor market showed some continued improvement, although the unemployment rate remained elevated. Spending by consumers continued to expand, supported by better credit conditions, rising equity and housing prices, and lower energy prices; and the housing sector improved further. However, growth in business investment spending slowed somewhat, and fiscal policy appeared to be exerting significant near-term restraint on the economy. Perhaps reflecting more subdued growth abroad, especially in Europe and China, net exports weakened in the first quarter.』

大体声明文で書かれていた話と同じですけれども、海外経済に関して「Perhaps reflecting more subdued growth abroad, especially in Europe and China, net exports weakened in the first quarter」とありましてまあそうですなという所です。で、見通しですけど。

『Participants generally saw the economic outlook as little changed since they met in March.』


『However, economic data releases over the intermeeting period were mixed, raising some concern that the recovery might be slowing after a solid start earlier this year, thereby repeating the pattern observed in recent years.』


『Various views on this prospect were offered, from those participants who put more emphasis on the underlying momentum of the economy, noting the strengthening in private domestic final demand, to those who stressed the growing fiscal restraint or the other headwinds still facing the economy.』


『Participants continued to anticipate that, with appropriate monetary policy, growth would proceed at a moderate pace over the medium run and that the unemployment rate would decline gradually toward levels consistent with the Committee's mandate.』


『A number of participants noted that the balance of risks to growth remained to the downside, although a couple suggested that such risks had diminished appreciably since last fall. 』


『A few participants warned that, in light of ongoing fiscal restraint and a weak global outlook, economic data could remain soft for the next few months, regardless of the underlying strength of the economy. 』

ということで、複数(A few)の委員は財政緊縮問題と「世界経済の弱めの見通し」によって、今後数か月は基調的な経済の強さにもかかわらず、経済データは弱めの状態が続く可能性がある、との指摘をしております。





更新日時: 2013/05/24 08:40 JST








Chairman Ben S. Bernanke The Economic Outlook
Before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C.
May 22, 2013

当然寝起きで斜め読みなのですが、『Monetary Policy』の所だけ全力で斜め読みしかも今後どうする系の部分だけという手抜き。まあ後で真面目に読む。

『At its most recent meeting, the Committee made clear that it is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its asset purchases to ensure that the stance of monetary policy remains appropriate as the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes. Accordingly, in considering whether a recalibration of the pace of its purchases is warranted, the Committee will continue to assess the degree of progress made toward its objectives in light of incoming information.』


『The Committee also reiterated, consistent with its forward guidance regarding the federal funds rate, that it expects a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy to remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.』


『In the current economic environment, monetary policy is providing significant benefits. Low real interest rates have helped support spending on durable goods, such as automobiles, and also contributed significantly to the recovery in housing sales, construction, and prices. Higher prices of houses and other assets, in turn, have increased household wealth and consumer confidence, spurring consumer spending and contributing to gains in production and employment.』


『Importantly, accommodative monetary policy has also helped to offset incipient deflationary pressures and kept inflation from falling even further below the Committee's 2 percent longer-run objective.』


『That said, the Committee is aware that a long period of low interest rates has costs and risks.』


『For example, even as low interest rates have helped create jobs and supported the prices of homes and other assets, savers who rely on interest income from savings accounts or government bonds are receiving very low returns.』


『Another cost, one that we take very seriously, is the possibility that very low interest rates, if maintained too long, could undermine financial stability.』


『For example, investors or portfolio managers dissatisfied with low returns may "reach for yield" by taking on more credit risk, duration risk, or leverage. The Federal Reserve is working to address financial stability concerns through increased monitoring, a more systemic approach to supervising financial firms, and the ongoing implementation of reforms to make the financial system more resilient. 』


『Recognizing the drawbacks of persistently low rates, the FOMC actively seeks economic conditions consistent with sustainably higher interest rates. Unfortunately, withdrawing policy accommodation at this juncture would be highly unlikely to produce such conditions. A premature tightening of monetary policy could lead interest rates to rise temporarily but would also carry a substantial risk of slowing or ending the economic recovery and causing inflation to fall further. Such outcomes tend to be associated with extended periods of lower, not higher, interest rates, as well as poor returns on other assets. Moreover, renewed economic weakness would pose its own risks to financial stability. 』


『Because only a healthy economy can deliver sustainably high real rates of return to savers and investors, the best way to achieve higher returns in the medium term and beyond is for the Federal Reserve--consistent with its congressional mandate--to provide policy accommodation as needed to foster maximum employment and price stability. Of course, we will do so with due regard for the efficacy and costs of our policy actions and in a way that is responsive to the evolution of the economic outlook.』


2013年 05月 23日 03:44 JST





さすがにこれを真面目に読む時間はある訳が無いのですが、『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のケツだけ引用しておく。詳しくは週末読む。

『Participants also touched on the conditions under which it might be appropriate to change the pace of asset purchases.』


『Most observed that the outlook for the labor market had shown progress since the program was started in September, but many of these participants indicated that continued progress, more confidence in the outlook, or diminished downside risks would be required before slowing the pace of purchases would become appropriate.』


『A number of participants expressed willingness to adjust the flow of purchases downward as early as the June meeting if the economic information received by that time showed evidence of sufficiently strong and sustained growth; however, views differed about what evidence would be necessary and the likelihood of that outcome.』

A number ofってのが一番頭数がファジーなので困るのですが6月のFOMCで検討もとな!

『One participant preferred to begin decreasing the rate of purchases immediately, while another participant preferred to add more monetary accommodation at the current meeting and mentioned that the Committee had several other tools it could potentially use to do so.』


『Most participants emphasized that it was important for the Committee to be prepared toadjust the pace of its purchases up or down as needed to align the degree of policy accommodation with changes in the outlook for the labor market and inflation as well as the extent of progress toward the Committee's economic objectives.』


『Regarding the composition of purchases, one participant expressed the view that, in light of the substantial improvement in the housing market and to avoid further credit allocation across sectors of the economy, the Committee should start to shift any asset purchases away from MBS and toward Treasury securities.』







更新日時: 2013/05/22 04:26 JST


更新日時: 2013/05/22 01:17 JST




更新日時: 2013/05/21 07:18 JST







『During the conference, Narayana Kocherlakota participated in a panel that discussed the future of central bank policies. Below is the question he was asked and his response.』



『In my view, the biggest challenge for central banks-especially here in the United States-is changes in the nature of asset demand and asset supply since 2007. Those changes are shaping current monetary policy-and are likely to shape policy for some time to come.』


『Let me elaborate. The demand for safe financial assets has grown greatly since 2007. This increased demand stems from many sources, but I’ll mention what I see as the most obvious one. As of 2007, the United States had just gone through nearly 25 years of macroeconomic tranquility. As a consequence, relatively few people in the United States saw a severe macroeconomic shock as possible. However, in the wake of the Great Recession and the Not-So-Great Recovery, the story is different. Workers and businesses want to hold more safe assets as a way to self-insure against this enhanced macroeconomic risk. 』


『At the same time, the supply of the assets perceived to be safe has shrunk over the past six years. Americans-and many others around the world-thought in 2007 that it was highly unlikely that American residential land, and assets backed by land, could ever fall in value by 30 percent. They no longer think that. Similarly, investors around the world viewed all forms of European sovereign debt as a safe investment. They no longer think that either.』


『The increase in asset demand, combined with the fall in asset supply, implies that households and firms spend less at any level of the real interest rate-that is, the interest rate net of anticipated inflation. It follows that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) can only meet its congressionally mandated objectives for employment and prices by taking actions that lower the real interest rate relative to its 2007 level. The FOMC has responded to this challenge by providing a historically unprecedented amount of monetary accommodation. But the outlook for prices and employment is that they will remain too low over the next two to three years relative to the FOMC’s objectives. Despite its actions, the FOMC has still not lowered the real interest rate sufficiently in light of the changes in asset demand and asset supply that I’ve described.』



安全資産の不足 2013年02月11日15:12
池尾 和人@kazikeo



『The passage of time will ameliorate these changes in the asset market, but only gradually. Indeed, the low real yields on long-term TIPS bonds suggest to me that these changes are likely to persist over a considerable period of time-possibly the next five to 10 years. If this forecast proves true, the FOMC will only meet its congressionally mandated objectives over that long time frame by taking policy actions that ensure that the real interest rate remains unusually low.』





『One challenge with this kind of policy environment-and this is closely linked to the overarching theme of this panel-is that low real interest rates are often associated with financial market phenomena that signify instability.』


『There are many examples of such phenomena, but let me focus on a particularly important one: increased asset price volatility.』


『When the real interest rate is unusually low, investors don’t discount the future by as much. Hence, an asset’s price becomes sensitive to information about dividends or risk premiums in what might usually have seemed like the distant future. These new sources of relevant information can lead to increased volatility, in the form of unusually large upward or downward movements in asset prices.』


『These kinds of financial market phenomena could pose macroeconomic risks.』


『These potentialities are best addressed, I believe, by using effective supervision and regulation of the financial sector. It is possible, though, that these tools may fail to mitigate the relevant macroeconomic risks.』


『The FOMC could respond to any residual risk by tightening monetary policy.』


『However, it should only do so if the certain loss in terms of the associated fall in employment and prices is outweighed by the possible benefit of reducing the risk of an even larger fall in employment and prices caused by a financial crisis.』

『Hence, the FOMC’s decision about how to react to signs of financial instability-now and in the years to come-will necessarily depend on a delicate probabilistic cost-benefit calculation.』


『Here’s an example of the kind of calculation that I have in mind. Last week, the Survey of Professional Forecasters reported that it saw less than one chance in 200 of the unemployment rate being higher than 9.5 percent in 2014, and an even smaller chance of the unemployment rate being that high in 2015.』


『One possible cause of this kind of a large upward movement in the unemployment rate is an untoward financial shock ultimately attributable to low real interest rates. Thus, the gain to tightening monetary policy is that the FOMC may-and I emphasize the word may-be able to reduce the already low probabilities of adverse unemployment outcomes.』


『To me, this kind of analysis suggests that, currently, the gains from tightening related to improving financial stability are both speculative and slight. In contrast, the losses from tightening-in terms of pushing employment and prices even further below the Federal Reserve’s goals-are both tangible and significant.』


『I conclude that financial stability considerations provide little support for reducing accommodation at this time.』





The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy: Moving in the Right Direction




『Since there are a lot of CFOs here, let me go straight to the bottom line: The economy has been improving for nearly four years now. I expect this improvement to continue and to gradually gain momentum. This outlook reflects a mixture of healthy growth by households and businesses, and the dampening effects of public-sector restraint. Overall, if we were in a car, you might say we’re motoring along, but well under the speed limit. The fact that we’re cruising at a moderate speed instead of still stuck in the ditch is due in part to the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented efforts to keep interest rates low. We may not be getting there as fast as we’d like, but we’re definitely moving in the right direction.』


『There is indeed little doubt that the economy is on the mend. The clearest evidence can be found in housing, by far the sector hit hardest during the recession.』

>The clearest evidence can be found in housing
>The clearest evidence can be found in housing
>The clearest evidence can be found in housing


『Mortgage rates have fallen to levels rarely, if ever, seen before. Typical fixed-rate mortgages are around 3.5 percent, putting them in reach of millions of households. Affordable mortgages fuel demand for homes, and that pushes up sales and prices. Year-over-year, house prices are rising at around a double-digit rate.』


『Under these circumstances, I expect the unemployment rate to decline gradually over the next few years. My forecast is that it will be just below 7-1/2 percent at the end of this year, and a shade below 7 percent at the end of 2014. I don’t see it falling below 6-1/2 percent until mid-2015. This forecast of a gradual downward trend in the unemployment rate reflects the combined effects of expected solid job gains and a return of discouraged workers to the labor force.』




『Similar to our forward guidance on the federal funds rate, the FOMC has linked our asset purchases to the outlook for the economy. Specifically, we’ve said we expect to continue buying longer-term Treasury and mortgage securities until the outlook for the job market improves substantially, provided inflation remains contained. In the statement issued by the FOMC after our meeting two weeks ago, we said we would adjust our securities purchases to ensure that monetary stimulus is at a level appropriate for economic conditions. That has been a principle of our ongoing open-ended securities purchase program since we started it in September. It means we will alter the size, pace, and composition of our purchases as necessary as the economy evolves.』


『So, do economic conditions suggest we need to change the $85 billion in monthly securities purchases we’re currently making? To answer that, it’s useful to look at what conditions were when we launched the program last September.』


『At that time, the economy was flashing warning signals. As Figure 1 shows, the pace of improvement in the labor market had slowed, with payroll growth declining. Moreover, the unemployment rate appeared to be stalled at about 8 percent, and we at the San Francisco Fed did not see the rate falling below that level till the final quarter of 2013, as shown in Figure 2.』


『Since then, the labor market has improved considerably. The pace of job growth has picked up, averaging over 200,000 jobs per month over the past six months. And the unemployment rate has come down.』

でまあ図2にあるように、「the labor market has improved considerably」なのはそらまあそうなのですがまさにキタコレな説明。さらにこの文の次には・・・・・・

『Figure 3 shows that, in the seven months since our latest securities purchase program began, the unemployment rate has fallen faster than we had expected.』

>the unemployment rate has fallen faster than we had expected
>the unemployment rate has fallen faster than we had expected
>the unemployment rate has fallen faster than we had expected


『It’s clear that the labor market has improved since September. But have we yet seen convincing evidence of substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market, our standard for discontinuing our securities purchases?』

では「substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」を確信させるエビデンスはどうなのかという話ですが・・・・・・

『In considering this question, I look not only at the unemployment rate, but also a wide range of economic indicators that signal the direction the labor market is likely to take.』


『Economists at the San Francisco Fed have identified a very good set of indicators for this purpose that tell us what labor market conditions are likely to be six months in the future. They include well-known labor market measures, such as private payroll employment growth and initial unemployment insurance claims. But they also include measures that are not as well known, such as growth in temporary help employment and survey data on the share of households that find jobs hard to get.』


『Consistent with the payroll and unemployment data I mentioned earlier, most of these indicators look healthier than they did in September. What’s more, nearly all of them are signaling that the labor market will continue to improve over the next six months. This is good news.』


『But it will take further gains to convince me that the “substantial improvement” test for ending our asset purchases has been met. However, assuming my economic forecast holds true and various labor market indicators continue to register appreciable improvement in coming months, we could reduce somewhat the pace of our securities purchases, perhaps as early as this summer.』

ということで、ここが先週話題になっていた話ですが、ちなみに4月の講演(先週金曜にネタにした奴)ではこの部分が「But, assuming my economic forecast holds true, I expect we will meet the test for substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market by this summer.」(4月3日の講演より)ということで、時期は若干前倒しになっていまして、一方で長期見通しが変わっていないという事なのですから、定量的にどうのこうのというよりは定性的な判断になるのかねとか思うのですが、それにしてもふーんという感じです。

『Then, if all goes as hoped, we could end the purchase program sometime late this year.』


『Of course, my forecast could be wrong, and we will adjust our purchases as appropriate depending on how the economy performs.』







更新日時: 2013/05/17 05:21 JST



The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy: Moving in the Right Direction


The Economy and the Federal Reserve: Real Progress, but Too Soon to Relax


ということで、以下は4月3日の講演「The Economy and the Federal Reserve: Real Progress, but Too Soon to Relax」の方から引用している話だという事にご留意下さい。



『Today, I’ll talk about how I see the economy now and where I think it’s headed. I’ll offer my forecast for the next few years and discuss what the Federal Reserve is doing to boost the recovery. Of course, Fed speeches are not like Hollywood movies. That’s because I’ll tell you how it ends right here at the beginning.』


『My message is that I’m hopeful that the economy has finally shifted into higher gear. There are still obstacles to our progress, including the effects of budget cuts coming out of Washington and the sluggish recovery plaguing many of our trading partners abroad, especially in Europe. In this environment, continued progress depends critically on support from the Federal Reserve.』


『Even before the recent recession began, the Fed started to put in place measures to stimulate the economy. These measures pushed interest rates down to exceptionally low levels and made buying a house, a car, or other big-ticket items more affordable. The Fed’s forceful policies helped avoid a repeat of the Great Depression. And now they’re an important reason why the economy may be picking up a head of steam.』


『We can’t forget that the downturn we went through was unusually deep and the recovery has been disappointingly weak. It’s vital that we keep those extraordinary Fed measures in place for some time to make sure unemployment and inflation get back to healthy levels. And this is where I should say that I am expressing my own views and not necessarily those of others in the Federal Reserve System.』


『When I throw everything into the mix, I expect the U.S. economy to grow steadily this year and for growth to pick up in 2014. To be specific, I see inflation-adjusted GDP expanding roughly 2-1/2 percent this year and about 3-1/4 percent in 2014.』

前回SEPでのCentral TendencyがGDPの2013年が2.3-2.8、2014年が2.9-3.4なのに対してウィリアム総裁の見通しがそれぞれ2.5%程度、3.25%程度なので真ん中の数値ですな。

『Such growth should create enough jobs to gradually bring the unemployment rate down over the next few years. I expect the unemployment rate to edge down to a little below 7 percent by late 2014 and fall below 6-1/2 percent in the middle of 2015.』

前回SEPでのCentral Tendencyが2014年末の失業率が6.7-7.0、2015年末が6.0-6.5なのに対して、ウィリアムス総裁の見通しは2014年後半に7%を若干切り、2015年半ばに6.5%(=スレッドショルドの位置)なのですからまあこれも見事に真ん中の数値。

『Even with the unemployment rate continuing to come down, it will likely remain above “normal” levels for quite some time. My best estimate is that the longer-run “normal” rate of unemployment is around 5-1/2 percent. I don’t expect the actual unemployment rate to reach that level until 2016.』


『Slack in the labor market will probably keep wages and other cost pressures subdued for the next few years. In addition, prices of many commodities and other imports have been coming down. As a result, I anticipate that inflation will run at about a 1-1/2 percent rate this year and next, according to the Fed’s preferred inflation index. That’s roughly the same as last year and below the Fed’s 2 percent long-run inflation target. Looking further out into the future, as the economy continues to improve and the unemployment rate returns to its longer-run normal level, I expect inflation to edge up to 2 percent.』




『Both our securities purchases and forward guidance programs have evolved as we’ve learned more and economic circumstances have changed. Our early securities purchase programs were for fixed dollar amounts. By contrast, we’ve linked the current program to economic developments. Specifically, we’ve stated that we expect to continue buying Treasury and mortgage-backed securities at a rate of $85 billion a month until the outlook for the job market improves substantially in a context of price stability. We still have a way to go before we pass this substantial-improvement test. I anticipate that our securities purchases will be needed well into the second half of this year.』


『Let me start with the first question. In the statement issued following the March meeting, our policy committee, the Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC, stated that it would continue its securities purchases “until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.” It also stated that “in determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.”』


『So, what does that mean? I see the benefits of our asset purchases continuing to outweigh the costs by a large margin. I expect that continued asset purchases will be appropriate well into the second half of this year.』


『In making this assessment, I don’t have a specific unemployment or job-gain threshold in mind for cutting back or ending these purchases. Instead, I’m looking for convincing evidence of sustained, ongoing improvement in the labor market and economy.』


『The latest economic news has been encouraging. But it will take more solid evidence to convince me that it’s time to trim our asset purchases. An important rule in both forecasting and policymaking is not to overreact to what may turn out to be just a blip in the data. But, assuming my economic forecast holds true, I expect we will meet the test for substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market by this summer.』


『If that happens, we could start tapering our purchases then. If all goes as hoped, we could end the purchase program sometime late this year.』




『It’s important to note that tapering our purchases and even ending the purchase program doesn’t mean that we are removing all the monetary stimulus that comes from our longer-term securities holdings. Instead, even as we cut back our purchases, we’re still adding monetary accommodation and exerting greater downward pressure on interest rates.』


『Economic theory and real-world evidence indicate that it’s not the pace at which we buy securities that matters for influencing financial conditions. Rather, it’s the size and composition of the assets we hold on our balance sheet. So, even when we stop adding to our portfolio, it doesn’t mean we’re tightening policy.』


『Of course, eventually, it will be appropriate to tighten policy. The FOMC’s forward guidance that I discussed earlier provides a clear framework for when that process will start. When the time does come, I’m confident that the Fed has the tools to engineer a successful transition to more normal conditions.』




『In my few remaining minutes, I would like to address a question that I often hear and read about in the media.』


『Some commentators suggest that low interest rates are dangerous because they encourage investors to take too much risk. For instance, low yields on Treasury securities may lead to increased investment in riskier assets, such as junk bonds or stocks. That could potentially threaten financial stability.』


『I want to emphasize that the Fed will not tolerate serious threats to financial stability. We’re constantly engaged in thorough and rigorous analysis of and discussions about potential risks to the financial system.』


『Based on this analysis, I simply don’t see this as a serious risk now. There may be excesses in some isolated markets. For example, prices for farmland in the Midwest have gone through the barn roof. But we don’t face an economy-wide problem of land prices, or other bubbles, for that matter. Overall, markets are still more in a risk-averse mode than a risk-loving mode.』


『To summarize, the economy is on the mend, helped in part by the very stimulatory stance of monetary policy. In making monetary policy, one has to weigh carefully the costs and benefits of actions, recognizing that we always operate in an uncertain world. I’m convinced we have the right policies in place to lead us toward both maximum employment and price stability. Thank you.』






Inflation Report, May 2013


Wednesday 15 May 2013
Opening Remarks by the Governor



『Central banks are all about stability. But the past twenty years or so has been a time of almost continuous revolution - more in the style of that most famous of all central bank governors, Che Guevara, than in the traditions of the Bank of England.』


『Collapse of the ERM, inflation targeting, central bank independence, a banking crisis at home and crises galore abroad, new responsibilities for the Bank; all reflect an extraordinary period of change.』


『And the change continues. Of most significance today is that there is a welcome change in the economic outlook. Today’s projections are for growth to be a little stronger and inflation a little weaker than we expected three months ago. That is the first time I have been able to say that since before the financial crisis.』


『But this is no time to be complacent - we must press on to ensure a recovery and bring down unemployment.』




『In response to the requirement in our remit to promote understanding of the short-run trade-off facing monetary policy there is an extended discussion of this issue in Section 5 of the Report.』


『There are a number of other changes to the Report, stemming from the Stockton Review. Table 5.A lists the main indicators that we will use in assessing whether the key judgements underlying our forecast are being borne out by events. We are also publishing extra information, alongside the Report, on our website. That includes the numbers underlying the forecast distribution, and a pack of charts and tables which goes beyond those in Section 5.』

『A box on page 49 covers recent and prospective changes to the Report in more detail. I am sure the Inflation Report will continue to embrace change, and remain a leading example of central bank transparency around the world.』


『Transparency means giving reasons for policy actions.』


『Over the years, we have tried to act as a consistent monetary referee, responding to the unpredictable behaviour of the players. When that behaviour was itself extraordinary, we had to take extraordinary action to support growth and employment. Bank Rate has been at a record low for over four years; we have purchased assets worth 25% of GDP; our balance sheet has expanded by a factor of five; and the Funding for Lending Scheme has been launched and now extended. Looking ahead, markets expect Bank Rate to remain below 1% for a further four years - although of course its actual path will depend upon economic circumstances which no-one can predict.』


『Nevertheless, with inflation still high and spare capacity remaining, monetary policy continues to perform a difficult balancing act.』


『Attempting to return inflation to target too rapidly would result in even slower growth and higher unemployment. That in turn would risk eroding the medium-term supply capacity of the economy. But allowing inflation to stay high for too long could cause households and businesses to begin to doubt the MPC’s commitment to meeting the inflation target, putting at risk medium-term price stability. Our job is to strike the appropriate balance between these risks.』




『Monetary policy alone, however, cannot solve all our problems.』


『There are limits to what can be achieved by general monetary stimulus - in any form. If we are to see a return to sustained growth, not only the UK economy, but the world economy as a whole, must find a way to a new equilibrium in which there is a rebalancing of world demand. Those are not challenges that can be resolved by monetary policy alone, nor can they be resolved by any one country alone, as we recognised in the G7 discussions at the weekend.』


『As a result, the challenges facing central banks are as great as they have ever been. In many ways, the most durable lesson of the past twenty years is the overriding importance of basing monetary policy on serious economic analysis, rather than politics or market mystique.』

『Although there will always be room for differences of view, putting economic analysis to the fore has raised the level of economic debate in this country - in which you all have played a major part - and has, I hope, raised the quality of policy itself.』

『But after 89 press conferences, including 82 under the banner of the Inflation Report, I have had my say. Now it is over to the next generation to have theirs.』

・・・・・・・・・・・・( ;∀;)

なお、こちらはオープニングリマークでして、会見の27ページからが記者からの謝辞で、キング総裁の応答(ご挨拶)が28ページ目の「Applause」って所から先になります。その前The Observer紙のWilliam Keegan記者の謝辞は引用割愛しますがまあそちらも読んで味噌。


『Mervyn King: Well thank you very much Bill for those words and thank all of you for coming so patiently over all these years. There are some things about this job that I certainly won’t miss but one thing I will miss are these regular Inflation Report Press Conferences. They are probably the one event I've looked forward to and prepared hard for and believed have been the most valuable. And I think can I thank you all also for raising the level of economic debate and discussion in this country significantly in comparison with when I started.』

『So thank you for doing that and I'm sure you will enormously enjoy working with my successor who will be at least as lucid in the future, and I wish you all the very best in explaining the travails and ups and downs of the British economy to your readers and your viewers and listeners. Thank you all.』







『The Federal Reserve's Financial Stability Monitoring Program』の4つのコンポーネントに関して昨日は資産価格についての話を引用して、グレートモデレーションの時に金融の脆弱性が拡大する(資産バブルが発生する、だけではなくて不均衡が拡大するという論点での指摘をしているのがお洒落なんですよね)というような部分や、海外の金融政策運営が自国に対する影響を与えることにも注意しないといけないというような部分など、逆さ絵おじさんの着ぐるみが開発されて白川方明とかいう人が中に入っているんですねわかりますというような部分をネタにした訳ですが(長い)、本日はシャドウバンキング云々の部分から少々。


『Shadow banking, a second area we closely monitor, was an important source of instability during the crisis.』


『Shadow banking comprises various markets and institutions that provide financial intermediation outside the traditional, regulated banking system. Shadow banking includes vehicles for credit intermediation, maturity transformation, liquidity provision, and risk sharing.』


『Such vehicles are typically funded on a largely short-term basis from wholesale sources. In the run-up to the crisis, the shadow banking sector involved a high degree of maturity transformation and leverage. Illiquid loans to households and businesses were securitized, and the tranches of the securitizations with the highest credit ratings were funded by very short-term debt, such as asset-backed commercial paper and repurchase agreements (repos). The short-term funding was in turn provided by institutions, such as money market funds, whose investors expected payment in full on demand and had little tolerance for risk to principal.』


『As it turned out, the ultimate investors did not fully understand the quality of the assets they were financing. Investors were lulled by triple-A credit ratings and by expected support from sponsoring institutions--support that was, in fact, discretionary and not always provided.』


『When investors lost confidence in the quality of the assets or in the institutions expected to provide support, they ran. Their flight created serious funding pressures throughout the financial system, threatened the solvency of many firms, and inflicted serious damage on the broader economy. 』


『Securities broker-dealers play a central role in many aspects of shadow banking as facilitators of market-based intermediation.』


『To finance their own and their clients' securities holdings, broker-dealers tend to rely on short-term collateralized funding, often in the form of repo agreements with highly risk-averse lenders.』


『The crisis revealed that this funding is potentially quite fragile if lenders have limited capacity to analyze the collateral or counterparty risks associated with short-term secured lending, but rather look at these transactions as nearly risk free. As questions emerged about the nature and value of collateral, worried lenders either greatly increased margin requirements or, more commonly, pulled back entirely. Borrowers unable to meet margin calls and finance their asset holdings were forced to sell, driving down asset prices further and setting off a cycle of deleveraging and further asset liquidation.』



『To monitor intermediation by broker-dealers, the Federal Reserve in 2010 created a quarterly Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms, which asks dealers about the credit they provide.』


『Modeled on the long-established Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices sent to commercial banks, the survey of senior credit officers at dealers tracks conditions in markets such as those for securities financing, prime brokerage, and derivatives trading.』


『The credit officer survey is designed to monitor potential vulnerabilities stemming from the greater use of leverage by investors (particularly through lending backed by less-liquid collateral) or increased volumes of maturity transformation. Before the financial crisis, we had only very limited information regarding such trends.』


『We have other potential sources of information about shadow banking.』


『The Treasury Department's Office of Financial Research and Federal Reserve staff are collaborating to construct data sets on triparty and bilateral repo transactions, which should facilitate the development of better monitoring metrics for repo activity and improve transparency in these markets.』


『We also talk regularly to market participants about developments, paying particular attention to the creation of new financial vehicles that foster greater maturity transformation outside the regulated sector, provide funding for less-liquid assets, or transform risks from forms that are more easily measured to forms that are more opaque.』




『A fair summary is that, while the shadow banking sector is smaller today than before the crisis and some of its least stable components have either disappeared or been reformed, regulators and the private sector need to address remaining vulnerabilities.』


『For example, although money market funds were strengthened by reforms undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2010, the possibility of a run on these funds remains--for instance, if a fund should "break the buck," or report a net asset value below 99.5 cents, as the Reserve Primary Fund did in 2008. The risk is increased by the fact that the Treasury no longer has the power to guarantee investors' holdings in money funds, an authority that was critical for stopping the 2008 run. In November 2012, the FSOC proposed for public comment some alternative approaches for the reform of money funds. The SEC is currently considering these and other possible steps.』


『With respect to the triparty repo platform, progress has been made in reducing the amount of intraday credit extended by the clearing banks in the course of the daily settlement process, and, as additional enhancements are made, the extension of such credit should be largely eliminated by the end of 2014.』


『However, important risks remain in the short-term wholesale funding markets.』


『One of the key risks is how the system would respond to the failure of a broker-dealer or other major borrower. The Dodd-Frank Act has provided important additional tools to deal with this vulnerability, notably the provisions that facilitate an orderly resolution of a broker-dealer or a broker-dealer holding company whose imminent failure poses a systemic risk.』


『But, as highlighted in the FSOC's most recent annual report, more work is needed to better prepare investors and other market participants to deal with the potential consequences of a default by a large participant in the repo market.』







Monitoring the Financial Systemというお題でして、足元でちょうど米国の金融規制のパブコメを締めた所であちこちから意見というか文句が出ておりまして、金融規制関連の講演で3日にタルーロ理事の講演ネタを読まないと(既に出遅れていますが・・・・・)とか思っていたらちょうどこういうお題なので先に逆さ絵先生の講演を読まないと・・・・・・・と思ったのですがこれが意外に収穫。



更新日時: 2013/05/11 04:20 JST


まあ今回の講演ですけれども、題名のように金融監督に関する話をしているのですけれども、その中で多くのパートをFRBの監督の方向性ということで、『The Federal Reserve's Financial Stability Monitoring Program 』という小見出しがあってSIFI's、シャドウバンキング、資産市場動向、非金融機関の動向についてなど、従来の監督とは違った新しい視点での話をかなり細かく説明していましてそっちはそっちでかなり面白いです。





『In my remarks today I will discuss the Federal Reserve's efforts in an area that typically gets less attention than the writing and implementation of new rules--namely, our ongoing monitoring of the financial system.』


『Of course, the Fed has always paid close attention to financial markets, for both regulatory and monetary policy purposes. However, in recent years, we have both greatly increased the resources we devote to monitoring and taken a more systematic and intensive approach, led by our Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research and drawing on substantial resources from across the Federal Reserve System.』


『This monitoring informs the policy decisions of both the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Committee as well as our work with other agencies. 』

ということで金融モニタリングの話が今回のテーマなのですけれども、最初の小見出しが『A Focus on Vulnerabilities』となっておりましてですな・・・・・・・

『Ongoing monitoring of the financial system is vital to the macroprudential approach to regulation.』


『Systemic risks can only be defused if they are first identified. That said, it is reasonable to ask whether systemic risks can in fact be reliably identified in advance; after all, neither the Federal Reserve nor economists in general predicted the past crisis.』


『To respond to this point, I will distinguish, as I have elsewhere, between triggers and vulnerabilities.』

ということで、トリガーと脆弱性という点に注目という事ですが、この講演は『Ben S. Bernanke (2010), “Causes of the Recent Financial and Economic Crisis,” testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Washington, September 2,』でして、あたくし不覚にもネタにしていなかったようでございます(まあ読んでなかったような希ガス、その月は前月末のジャクソンホールで一杯だったと思う)とのことですがそのような状況ですのでスルー(汗)。

『The triggers of any crisis are the particular events that touch off the crisis--the proximate causes, if you will. For the 2007-09 crisis, a prominent trigger was the losses suffered by holders of subprime mortgages.』


『In contrast, the vulnerabilities associated with a crisis are preexisting features of the financial system that amplify and propagate the initial shocks. Examples of vulnerabilities include high levels of leverage, maturity transformation, interconnectedness, and complexity, all of which have the potential to magnify shocks to the financial system. Absent vulnerabilities, triggers might produce sizable losses to certain firms, investors, or asset classes but would generally not lead to full-blown financial crises; the collapse of the relatively small market for subprime mortgages, for example, would not have been nearly as consequential without preexisting fragilities in securitization practices and short-term funding markets which greatly increased its impact.』


『Of course, monitoring can and does attempt to identify potential triggers--indications of an asset bubble, for example--but shocks of one kind or another are inevitable, so identifying and addressing vulnerabilities is key to ensuring that the financial system overall is robust.』


『Moreover, attempts to address specific vulnerabilities can be supplemented by broader measures--such as requiring banks to hold more capital and liquidity--that make the system more resilient to a range of shocks.』




『Two other related points motivate our increased monitoring.』


『The first is that the financial system is dynamic and evolving not only because of innovation and the changing needs of the economy, but also because financial activities tend to migrate from more-regulated to less-regulated sectors.』


『An innovative feature of the Dodd-Frank Act is that it includes mechanisms to permit the regulatory system, at least in some circumstances, to adapt to such changes. For example, the act gives the FSOC powers to designate systemically important institutions, market utilities, and activities for additional oversight. Such designation is essentially a determination that an institution or activity creates or exacerbates a vulnerability of the financial system, a determination that can only be made with comprehensive monitoring and analysis.』


『The second motivation for more intensive monitoring is the apparent tendency for financial market participants to take greater risks when macro conditions are relatively stable.』


『Indeed, it may be that prolonged economic stability is a double-edged sword.』


『To be sure, a favorable overall environment reduces credit risk and strengthens balance sheets, all else being equal, but it could also reduce the incentives for market participants to take reasonable precautions, which may lead in turn to a buildup of financial vulnerabilities.』


『Probably our best defense against complacency during extended periods of calm is careful monitoring for signs of emerging vulnerabilities and, where appropriate, the development of macroprudential and other policy tools that can be used to address them.』



で、この後が先ほどご紹介した後半部分(というかPDFファイルに出すと講演テキスト本文が15ページあって、ここまでの部分が4ページなので前半と言うよりは前座なのですけれども)になりまして、こちらでも「資産市場に関するモニタリング」のコーナーがある(他のコーナーは先程申し上げた通り)のでそちらも引用。『Asset Markets』って斜字体(PDFだと本文12ページ)の小見出しの所です。

『Asset markets are a third area that we closely monitor. We follow developments in markets for a wide range of assets, including public and private fixed-income instruments, corporate equities, real estate, commodities, and structured credit products, among others. Foreign as well as domestic markets receive close attention, as do global linkages, such as the effects of the ongoing European fiscal and banking problems on U.S. markets.』

まあここははあそうですかという話ですが、「Foreign as well as domestic markets receive close attention, as do global linkages,」というのがやや味わいのある部分で、例として挙げているのが欧州金融問題なのでまあそうですねという話なのですが、これ後半の「such as」以下が無いと日本に対する嫌味に見える気がするのは深読みのし過ぎですかそうですか(^^)。

『Not surprisingly, we try to identify unusual patterns in valuations, such as historically high or low ratios of prices to earnings in equity markets.』


『We use a variety of models and methods; for example, we use empirical models of default risk and risk premiums to analyze credit spreads in corporate bond markets.』


『These assessments are complemented by other information, including measures of volumes, liquidity, and market functioning, as well as intelligence gleaned from market participants and outside analysts.』


『In light of the current low interest rate environment, we are watching particularly closely for instances of "reaching for yield" and other forms of excessive risk-taking, which may affect asset prices and their relationships with fundamentals.』


『It is worth emphasizing that looking for historically unusual patterns or relationships in asset prices can be useful even if you believe that asset markets are generally efficient in setting prices.』


『For the purpose of safeguarding financial stability, we are less concerned about whether a given asset price is justified in some average sense than in the possibility of a sharp move. Asset prices that are far from historically normal levels would seem to be more susceptible to such destabilizing moves.』


『From a financial stability perspective, however, the assessment of asset valuations is only the first step of the analysis. Also to be considered are factors such as the leverage and degree of maturity mismatch being used by the holders of the asset, the liquidity of the asset, and the sensitivity of the asset's value to changes in broad financial conditions.』


『Differences in these factors help explain why the correction in equity markets in 2000 and 2001 did not induce widespread systemic disruptions, while the collapse in house prices and in the quality of mortgage credit during the 2007-09 crisis had much more far-reaching effects: The losses from the stock market declines in 2000 and 2001 were widely diffused, while mortgage losses were concentrated--and, through various financial instruments, amplified--in critical parts of the financial system, resulting ultimately in panic, asset fire sales, and the collapse of credit markets. 』










『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis.』


『Real GDP contracted by 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2012, following a decline of 0.1% in the third quarter. Output has thus declined for five consecutive quarters. Overall, labour market conditions remain weak. Recent developments in short-term indicators, notably survey data, indicate that weak economic sentiment has extended into spring of this year.』


『Looking ahead, euro area export growth should benefit from a recovery in global demand and our monetary policy stance should contribute to support domestic demand. Furthermore, the improvements in financial markets seen since last summer should work their way through to the real economy. At the same time, necessary balance sheet adjustments in the public and private sectors will continue to weigh on economic activity. Overall, euro area economic activity should stabilise and recover gradually in the second half of the year.』


『The risks surrounding the economic outlook for the euro area continue to be on the downside. They include the possibility of even weaker than expected domestic and global demand and slow or insufficient implementation of structural reforms in the euro area. These factors have the potential to dampen confidence and thereby delay the recovery.』



『According to Eurostat’s flash estimate, euro area annual HICP inflation was 1.2% in April 2013, down from 1.7% in March.』


『This decline in the annual inflation rate reflects a significant fall in energy prices, but is also due to a sizeable transitory effect coming from the annual rate of change in services prices on account of the timing of Easter.』


『Inflation rates could remain subject to some volatility throughout the year. Looking further ahead, underlying price trends should persist and, over the medium term, inflation expectations remain firmly anchored in line with price stability.』


『Taking into account today’s decisions, risks to the outlook for price developments are broadly balanced over the medium term, with upside risks relating to stronger than expected increases in administered prices and indirect taxes, as well as higher commodity prices, and downside risks stemming from weaker economic activity.』



『Turning to the monetary analysis, recent data confirm that the underlying pace of monetary expansion continues to be subdued. Annual growth in broad money moderated in March, standing at 2.6%, after 3.1% in February. The annual growth rate of the narrow monetary aggregate, M1, increased slightly further to 7.1% in March, reflecting the continued preference for the most liquid instruments in M3. Deposits with the domestic money-holding sector continued to grow further in most stressed countries in March.』


『The annual growth rates of loans (adjusted for loan sales and securitisation) to non-financial corporations and households have now remained broadly unchanged since the turn of the year, standing in March at -1.3% and 0.4% respectively.』


『To a large extent, weak loan dynamics reflect the current stage of the business cycle, heightened credit risk and the ongoing adjustment of financial and non-financial sector balance sheets. The recent Bank Lending Survey (BLS) confirmed weak demand for loans in the euro area. While some signs of stabilisation are emerging, the Survey on the access to finance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the euro area indicates continued tight credit conditions, particularly for SMEs in several euro area countries. Moreover, the available information indicates high risk perception on the part of banks.』


『In order to ensure adequate transmission of monetary policy to the financing conditions in euro area countries, it is essential that the fragmentation of euro area credit markets continues to decline further and that the resilience of banks is strengthened where needed.』


『Progress has been made since last summer in improving the funding situation of banks, in strengthening the domestic deposit base in stressed countries and in reducing reliance on the Eurosystem as reflected in repayments of the three-year LTROs. Further decisive steps for establishing a banking union will help to accomplish this objective.』


『In particular, the Governing Council emphasises that the future Single Supervisory Mechanism and a Single Resolution Mechanism are crucial elements for moving towards re-integrating the banking system and therefore require swift implementation.』


『To sum up, taking into account today’s decisions, the economic analysis indicates that price developments should remain in line with price stability over the medium term. A cross-check with the signals from the monetary analysis confirms this picture.』


『With regard to fiscal policies, the spring 2013 deficit and debt data notifications by euro area countries indicate that the average government deficit declined from 4.2% of GDP in 2011 to 3.7% in 2012. Over the same period, the average government debt rose from 87.3% to 90.6% of GDP. In order to bring debt ratios back on a downward path, euro area countries should not unravel their efforts to reduce government budget deficits and continue, where needed, to take legislative action or otherwise promptly implement structural reforms, in such a way as to mutually reinforce fiscal sustainability and economic growth potential. Such structural reforms should target improvements in competitiveness and adjustment capacities, as well as aim to increase sustainable growth and employment.』





『Question: You have cut the key interest rate to 0.5%. Can you come up with some quantitative estimates for implications in the euro zone? Can you envisage a lower interest rate than 0.5%?』

『Draghi: The Governing Council has taken this decision consistent with the low price pressure over the medium term. As I said in the introductory statement, HICP inflation has gone down considerably. Even if you look at HICP inflation without food and energy prices, it has still gone down, but less markedly. Inflation expectations are well anchored in the medium term.』


『As I have said, monetary and credit development have been subdued. Weakness in the fourth quarter of 2012 extended into the first part of this year.』


『So, all in all, the Governing Council decided to go for a cut of 25 basis points, accompanied, however, and I would ask you not to underestimate the importance of the other measure, by maintaining the fixed rate full allotment policy until at least mid next year.』


『The combination of the two measures is especially important and we can discuss this in the upcoming questions. At the same time, and this answers the last part of your question, we will certainly look at all the incoming data and carefully monitor developments. As I said last time, we stand ready to act if needed.』




『Question: When you said that there was a prevailing consensus for a cut of only 25 basis points and you stand ready to act, is there room to cut interest rates further, including the deposit rate which you did not touch today?(後半は次に)』


『Draghi: On the first part of your question, I think I did respond before, saying that we will look at all the incoming data and will monitor them closely and we will stand ready to act if needed. 』


『On the deposit facility rate, we said it in the past: we are technically ready. There are several unintended consequences that may stem from this measure. We will address and cope with these consequences if we decide to act. We will look at this with an open mind and we stand ready to act if needed.』






『(質問前半は先ほど)And I wanted to ask you on the consultations you are starting on creating a market for asset-backed securities. What exactly do you have in mind, and are you potentially solving one problem by creating an entirely new problem, given that asset-backed securities were the root, at least in the United States, of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009? So, are you potentially creating a headache down the road?』


『(回答後半は先ほど)On the other part, it is actually broader than a standard measure category and it relates to funding measures, broadly defined. One is collateral, and the second set has to do with purchases of assets.』


『Now, you have got to be careful here, because let me say once again what the ECB cannot do. The ECB certainly cannot supplement governments for their lack of structural reforms.』


『Secondly, the ECB cannot clean banks’ balance sheets.』


『And third, the ECB is not in the business of monetary financing, i.e. buying government bonds.』


『When you consider all this, you look at what assets could be purchased and then you look at what sort of financial infrastructure the Europeans have.』


『And it is different from the United States. In the United States 80% of credit intermediation goes via the capital markets. Capital markets rate and price assets in a right or wrong way, but it’s fairly transparent. In the European situation it is the other way round. 80% of financial intermediation goes through the banking system.』


『So, you are left with buying what? SME loans, residential mortgages and mortgages to non-residents and a few other types of loans. Now, this makes the problem much more complicated, if one decides to take this way and really all the options are still very open here. By the way, let me say that our thinking is very much in a preliminary stage, given the complexity of the issue, so we have not reached any conclusion either way. But if you go this way, you want to find a way of packaging these loans in a way that they can be priced. And that is where the reference to other institutions more suited for this job of packaging and guaranteeing the loans comes in: the reference to the European Investment Bank and the reference to the European Commission itself.』


『Regarding the ABS, you are absolutely right, ABS have a very bad name, but one should say that there were very different kinds of ABSs. One was the so-called plain vanilla ABS box. You open the box, and you know exactly what is inside. So, if you for example put some mortgages there, it would be like a covered bond. A different thing was the squared ABS, etc., that are infamously known to have been one of the causes of disruption in the financial markets over the last few years. But we are far from reaching any conclusion. We are looking at all possible options, we are aware of the importance of this and we are also aware of what we can do and what we cannot do.』




『Question: You described how the OMT programme has brought calm to the financial system during the last six or seven months and we have seen the rates of sovereign bonds come down significantly. But we have not seen the rates for small and medium-sized companies come down. Could you explain why that has not happened and what this means for OMTs as an instrument for addressing the fragmentation problem?』


『My second question is about the programme for asset-backed securities (ABSs) you mentioned. Did I understand correctly that the ECB is thinking about buying ABSs or is it all about collateral and lending?』



『Draghi: On the second question, no, I don’t think you understood correctly. We have a task force with the EIB and we view this institution as the best suited to handle matters in this field. We do not have a precise position on what we will do.』


『Moreover, you have to consider that the ABS market is dead and has been dead for a long time.』


『And this is the case for a variety of reasons. One is the regulatory situation regarding ABSs. Another is that very low interest rates do not make ABSs a particularly convenient instrument for funding an institution. So there are many obstacles to overcome before I will be able to give you a precise description of what we have in mind.』


『The OMT programme removed the tail risk and has been a very powerful instrument in this regard, but we should not forget that the funding crisis that the banks experienced dating back to mid-2011 caused a credit contraction, of which we are victims even today.』


『It has been a gradual, slow and long process of credit contractions. The two longer-term refinancing operations avoided a worsening, or even a collapse I think, of the situation and then the OMT programme removed the tail risk for the euro area. But then you have to gradually unravel the fragmentation that have taken place before the OMT programme and in the end - as I said - started really by September 2011.』




『However, to say that everything is bad would not be correct. Let me give you a few facts on how we view the current state of fragmentation.』


『As I said at another time, you have two sides to fragmentation. You have the funding side and the lending side.』


『Now, we definitely see progress on the funding side.』


『And this progress is documented by the fact that domestic deposits continue to increase in all the banks of all the stressed countries, or almost all I think. The second thing to consider is the dispersion in the growth rates of deposits. If you look at how fast these deposits are growing and at the dispersion of these growth rates across countries, you will see that this continues to go down month after month. It is now at its lowest level since May 2010 and this is quite important. Third, capital inflows are continuing, which is also the other side of the coin of why the path of the euro continues to be strong, in spite of the weakness of the economy and in spite of the low prices ? this is really the other side or in other words a return of confidence. Fourth, the claims on the Eurosystem by the banks continue to go down and, since July 2012, they have gone down by ユーロ400 billion. Incidentally, we have not seen any of the awful, terrible risks that were predicted at the time. Finally, the TARGET2 balances - as I have said before - are also down, they have stabilised.』


『So are we saying that the fragmentation on the funding side is over and that everything is normal?』




『An interesting fact was pointed out to me this morning. A bank issued a bond in Munich and in Milan, an uncollateralised senior bond, so not a covered bond, and there was spread of roughly 150 or 200 basis points between the two. This is the same bank issuing in two different sovereign jurisdictions.』



『On the lending side, progress is more muted, but here I would point out something that could be a source of comfort.』


『First of all, we are observing a stabilisation in the dispersion of lending rates. This has been increasing and increasing and now it seems to be stable, or at least the values of the dispersion are no longer going up. The second point is that the bank lending survey shows that there is a smaller increase in tightening. In other words, banks in the stressed countries continue to tighten, but at a slower pace. The third thing to consider is the information provided by the survey of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which is in a sense to me probably the most important source of information.』


『According to this information, where you asked them “What is the share of rejections of loan applications? This has gone down. Second, you asked them “What sort of financial obstacles do you find in applying for a loan?” There are three points to consider. First of all, as I mentioned, is the rejections. Second is that SMEs may be given an amount which is lower than the amount they asked for. Third, the banks may ask for an interest rate that is so high, that the SME has to say “thanks, but no thanks”.』


『We can see that the survey responses relating to these so-called financial obstacles are improving significantly in some of the stressed countries. And by the way, in Germany, there has been an improvement across the board. For instance, with regard to the availability of loans for the euro area, there has been a significantly smaller deterioration, and the same is happening at the country level for Spain and Italy, and obviously for Germany and so on. Looking at these survey data, I would not conclude that there is no more fragmentation, but we are observing improvements. The problem, of course, is that - as I said at the beginning - this credit contraction has been ongoing for a long time and has been compounded by the short-term contractive effects of fiscal policies. So unravelling this will not be achieved in a day.』






2 May 2013 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting, which was held in Bratislava, the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary policy decisions:

・The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be decreased by 25 basis points to 0.50%, starting from the operation to be settled on 8 May 2013.

・The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be decreased by 50 basis points to 1.00%, with effect from 8 May 2013.

・The interest rate on the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%.

The President of the ECB will comment on the considerations underlying these decisions at a press conference starting at 2.30 p.m. CET today.』



Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Vitor Constancio, Vice-President of the ECB.
Bratislava, 2 May 2013


The euro, monetary policy and reforms
Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
on receiving an honorary degree in political science, LUISS “Guido Carli” University,
Rom, 6 May 2013

更新日時: 2013/05/07 01:43 JST

『ドラギ総裁は6日、ローマで講演し「今後数週間以内に発表されるユーロ圏のすべての経済統計を注視し、必要であれば再び行動する用意がある」と述べた上で、「緩和的な金融政策が続くだろう」と続けた。 さらに「定例政策委員会は初めて下限政策金利である中銀預金金利をゼロ未満に引き下げる可能性についてオープンに議論することを決定した」と発言。「複雑なことが多くある。注意深く考慮し、精査しなくてはならない要因がたくさんある。必要に応じて行動できるよう、政策委はこれらの要因の分析を決定した」と語った。』(上記ブルームバーグニュース記事URLより)









『Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice-President and I are very pleased to welcome you to our press conference. I would like to thank Governor Makuch for his kind hospitality and express our special gratitude to his staff for the excellent organisation of today’s meeting of the Governing Council. We will now report on the outcome of today’s meeting, during which we took a number of decisions on key ECB interest rates, liquidity provision and possible ways forward to enhance the provision of credit. The meeting was also attended by the Commission Vice-President, Mr Rehn.』


『First, based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to lower the interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem by 25 basis points to 0.50% and the rate on the marginal lending facility by 50 basis points to 1.00%. The rate on the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.00%.』


『These decisions are consistent with low underlying price pressure over the medium term.』


『Inflation expectations for the euro area continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. In keeping with this picture, monetary and loan dynamics remain subdued. At the same time, weak economic sentiment has extended into spring of this year. The cut in interest rates should contribute to support prospects for a recovery later in the year. Against this overall background, our monetary policy stance will remain accommodative for as long as needed. In the period ahead, we will monitor very closely all incoming information on economic and monetary developments and assess any impact on the outlook for price stability.』


『Second, we are closely monitoring money market conditions and their potential impact on our monetary policy stance and its transmission to the economy.』


『In this context, we decided today to continue conducting the main refinancing operations (MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the 6th maintenance period of 2014 on 8 July 2014.』


『This procedure will also remain in use for the Eurosystem’s special-term refinancing operations with a maturity of one maintenance period, which will continue to be conducted for as long as needed, and at least until the end of the second quarter of 2014. The fixed rate in these special-term refinancing operations will be the same as the MRO rate prevailing at the time.』


『Furthermore, we decided to conduct the three-month longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to be allotted until the end of the second quarter of 2014 as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The rates in these three-month operations will be fixed at the average rate of the MROs over the life of the respective LTRO.』


『Third, the Governing Council decided to start consultations with other European institutions on initiatives to promote a functioning market for asset-backed securities collateralised by loans to non-financial corporations.』


『In the meantime, it is essential for governments to intensify the implementation of structural reforms at national level, building on progress made in fiscal consolidation and proceeding with bank recapitalisation where needed. Furthermore, they should maintain the momentum towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union, including the swift implementation of the banking union.』










『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace.』(今回)
『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests a return to moderate economic growth following a pause late last year.』(前回)

前回が「昨年末の停滞状態からmoderate economic growthに戻った」だったのが今回は「moderate paceでeconomic activity has been expanding」という表現になり、今回は「expand」という威勢の良い表現になっていますのでここは判断前進。


『Labor market conditions have shown some improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has strengthened further, but fiscal policy is restraining economic growth.』(今回)

『Labor market conditions have shown signs of improvement in recent months but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has strengthened further, but fiscal policy has become somewhat more restrictive.』(前回)

労働市場に関しては「signs of improvement」だったのが「some improvement」とこれはたぶん表現的には強くなっているのですが、その後に「on balance」というのが入っているのが微妙に怪しげで、「よー知らんけどな」というようなもんですから前の所で表現強くしているのを中和しているのですけれども、これってもしかして週末の雇用統計とか意識しているのかと思ったのは読み過ぎですかそうですか。


んでもって今回判断を下げているのが財政の所でして、前回「fiscal policy is restraining economic growth」としていたのが「fiscal policy has become somewhat more restrictive」となって「財政が景気に対して悪影響を与えている」という判断をより明確にしておりまして、歳出カットの影響を示しているのか、財政を巡る議論が忍法先送りの術で中々明確に片付かないことの影響をしめしているのかはワカランチ会長ですけれども、つーかその双方なのでしょうけれども、財政を巡る問題が景気に悪影響なんじゃ政治のアホウどもはちゃんと動けやヴォケとは一言も言ってませんがまあそういう事ですねわかります。


『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee's longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee's longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)





『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will proceed at a moderate pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate.』(今回)


『The Committee continues to see downside risks to the economic outlook. The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective.』(今回)




『To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month.』(今回)

『The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction.』(今回)


『Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.』(今回)




『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.』(今回)

『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability.』(前回)


『The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes.』(今回)






『In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.』(今回)

『In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives.』(前回)




『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.』(今回)


『In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.』(今回)


『In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. 』(今回)


『When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent.』(今回)




『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen.』(今回)

『Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations.』(今回)






Monetary policy: many targets, many instruments. Where do we stand?

Remarks given by Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England
At the IMF Conference on ‘Rethinking Macro Policy II: First Steps and Early Lessons’,
Washington DC 16 April 2013



『The past five years have been an extraordinary period for central banks. The breadth and scale of our operations have expanded in ways that were previously unimaginable as we responded to a crisis in the banking sector and the wider economy. In monetary policy, we have moved into uncharted territory. But has our notion of what central banks should do, and how, changed? Now is a good time to reflect on where we stand.』

『I want to focus my remarks on two areas. First, I want to draw out what have we learned about the objectives of monetary policy. Second, I want to reflect on the implications of the proliferation of instruments that have been used to meet those objectives.』



『For over thirty years the objective of central banks was clear. It was to set monetary policy to achieve longrun price stability. But the events of the past five years have raised questions about how central banks manage the trade-offs between price stability, output stability and financial stability in order to meet our overall macroeconomic objectives.』


『Throughout the era of inflation targeting, the importance of the trade-off between output and inflation stabilisation in the short term has been well understood. Monetary policy was seen as aiming at a target for inflation in the long run, which was to be achieved by bringing inflation back to target over a suitable time horizon so as to avoid excessive volatility of real variables such as output and employment. Optimal monetary policy was seen as a choice of how best to navigate the short-run trade-off while ensuring that the long-run objective was met.』


『Failure to deliver price stability is costly, as UK experience amply demonstrates. Chart 1 shows the variance of inflation and of the output gap in the UK, using quarterly data for two periods. Contrast the performance in the 35 years up to 1992 with the first 15 years of inflation targeting.』


『Better policy can take some credit for this improvement, as the anchoring of inflation expectations led to a huge reduction in inflation volatility. It was tempting to think that we had moved onto the ‘Taylor frontier’ - which maps feasible combinations of the smallest variances of the output gap and inflation. The Great Stability appeared to be a permanent break from earlier periods - periods when monetary policy exhibited more unpredictable behaviour and left theeconomy to the north-east of the Taylor frontier (Chart 2). And in one important sense it was - the dark days of double-digit inflation were consigned to the past.』


『But the Great Stability was not representative of a new normal.』


『The variance of the output gap - though not inflation - has been much higher over the past five years as the financial crisis generated a deep recession (Chart 3). So what have we learned?』


『The banking and broader economic crisis has demonstrated that macroeconomic policy can face an additional trade-off between ensuring the soundness of the financial system in the medium term, and keeping output in line with potential output and inflation on target in the near term.』


『Such a trade-off arises because financial vulnerabilities can build even while output is growing steadily and inflation is low and stable.』


『Let me give three examples of the sort of underlying mechanisms at play.』


『First, persistent misperceptions of future spending power may generate a mix of demand that proves to be unsustainable. I believe this was an important factor underlying the crisis. Although output in deficit countries - like the UK - appeared to be growing at a sustainable rate, that gave a misleading impression of the sustainability of the Great Stability. In fact the level of domestic demand was too high and the level of net exports correspondingly too weak.』


『Second, as Hyman Minsky described, periods of stability encourage exuberance in credit markets, leading eventually to instability. And third, low short-term policy rates may encourage investors to take on more risk than they would otherwise accept as they ‘search for yield’.』


『It is arguable that monetary policy paid insufficient heed to the potential impact of such financial vulnerabilities.』


『Financial shocks are costly because their effects can be too rapid for policy easily to offset, and because they hit potential supply so creating a trade-off between output and inflation.』


『In other words, the Taylor frontier is less favourable (further from the origin), when account is taken of financial shocks, than we might have believed. Taking the entire period of inflation targeting - including the recent past - might give a more accurate indication of where this ‘Minsky-Taylor’ frontier lies than using data for the Great Stability period alone (Chart 4).』


『What implications does this have for monetary policy? Possibly none - if we can rely now on macroprudential tools to ensure financial sector resilience. But set those tools to one side for a moment. Monetary policy could be used to reach a point more like P in Chart 5, with less variation in the output gap and more variation in inflation than we have actually experienced over the past 20 years. Put another way, higher interest rates in the run up to the financial crisis might have reduced the impact of the subsequent bust, at the cost of below-target inflation and below-trend output before the crisis hit.』



『In practice new macroprudential tools and better micro-prudential supervision will improve the possibilities available to monetary policymakers. Having additional instruments in effect brings about a favourable shift in the Minsky-Taylor frontier (or surface) which defines the possibilities open to policymakers.』


『Nevertheless, consistent with the new remit given to the Monetary Policy Committee by the UK Government last month, the experience of recent years suggests that there may be circumstances in which it is justified to aim off the inflation target for a while in order to moderate the risk of financial crises.』




『Two limits are relevant in current circumstances.』


『First, no matter how much liquidity is thrown at the banking system, lending and the economy will not recover if the banking system is inadequately capitalised and suffering from excessive leverage. That is why the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee has placed weight on the need for the weaker UK banks to raise capital. It is not surprising that the more strongly capitalised banks in the UK are expanding lending and the poorly capitalised banks are contracting lending.』


『Second, there are limits on the ability of domestic monetary policy to expand real demand in the face of the need for changes in the real equilibrium of the economy.』


『I do not believe that the present problems in the United Kingdom stem only from a large negative shock to aggregate demand. In common with many other countries, our problems also reflect the underlying need to rebalance our economy, requiring a reallocation of resources both within and between nations. 』


『It is not simply a question of boosting aggregate demand, but of helping to bring about a shift to a new equilibrium. That in turn implies the need for both large changes in relative prices, especially between tradable and non-tradable goods and services, and a shift in the relative levels of domestic demand at home and overseas. There are, therefore, limits on what any one country’s domestic monetary policies can achieve without the support of others.』


『Despite these limits, circumstances have demanded that central banks take extraordinary measures. Such measures can risk moving into territory more normally associated with fiscal policy and, in doing so, put at risk their hard-won independence. There are, it seems to me, three threats to central bank independence.』

とは言いましてもこれらの政策は当然ながら必要になるのですが、これらのextraordinary measuresは金融政策が財政政策の領域に入るので、中銀の独立性に関する問題が生じますとかどこの麿だよという話が始まります。

『First, there is the risk of appearing to promise too much or allowing too much to be expected of us.』


『With constraints on other policy instruments, central banks are seen as “the only game in town”. But failure to make clear the limits to monetary policy risks disillusionment with central banks and the inevitable political pressure on them that would follow.』


『Second, at the zero lower bound there is no clear distinction between monetary and fiscal policy. But it is still important to ensure that central banks do not take on to their balance sheets risks to the taxpayer that are properly matters that should be decided by elected politicians.』


『To ensure price stability in the long run it is vital to maintain the operational independence of a central bank. Any decisions that put taxpayers’ money at risk must be made by finance ministries, and central banks must protect their balance sheets by imposing appropriate haircuts on collateral, and avoiding the purchase of risky private-sector assets.』


『Third, and important even when we move away from the zero lower bound, the expansion of central bank responsibilities to include macroprudential policy and, in the case of the Bank of England, responsibility for regulating the banking system, has made independence much harder to define.』


『The deployment of responsibilities outside monetary policy cannot be divorced from the government in the same way as is possible for monetary policy. For example, in the area of financial stability and banking supervision, there will be times when public funds may be put at risk when rescuing or resolving a failing institution - and that decision is properly one for the finance ministry.』

『It is far from straightforward for a central bank governor to be completely independent in terms of monetary policy, somewhat independent in terms of financial stability, and not at all independent in terms of operations that risk taxpayers’ money.』





News Release - Bank of England and HM Treasury announce extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme


『The Bank of England and HM Treasury are today announcing an extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS). This extension builds on the success of the FLS so far, and has three main objectives: to give banks and building societies confidence that funding for lending to the UK real economy will be available on reasonable terms until January 2015; to increase the incentive for banks to lend to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) both this year and next; and to include lending involving certain non-bank providers of credit, which play an important role in providing finance to the real economy.』


『Since its introduction in August last year, the FLS has contributed to a sharp reduction in funding costs for banks and building societies. That has led to a reduction in borrowing costs and an increase in credit availability for UK businesses and households. This is feeding through to more lending than there would have been in the absence of the scheme. But the improvement in credit conditions since summer 2012 has been less marked for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) than for larger businesses and households.』


『Three specific changes to the FLS are being announced today.』


『First, the scheme will be extended for one year, meaning that drawings will be permitted until the end of January 2015.』


『Second, as part of the extension, the incentives to boost net lending will be heavily skewed towards SMEs. New allowances for drawings in the extension period will be calculated on the basis of banks’ lending behaviour. For every £1 of net lending to SMEs in 2014, banks will be able to draw £5 from the scheme in the extension period.』

『And to encourage banks to lend to SMEs sooner rather than later, every £1 of net lending to SMEs during the remainder of 2013 will be worth £10 of initial borrowing allowance in 2014. Net lending to other sectors during the remainder of 2013 will count towards the initial borrowing allowance for 2014 pound for pound. The sectoral split of lending will be published for each participating group alongside related FLS usage during 2014.』


『Third, the FLS will be expanded to count lending by banking groups involving financial leasing corporations and factoring corporations, which can be important sources of finance to some SMEs, and certain mortgage and housing credit corporations.』



『The Chancellor of the Exchequer said: “This is a big boost for the small and medium sized businesses that are at the heart of the British economy. The Funding for Lending Scheme has already reduced the costs of household mortgages and loans for businesses. This innovative extension will now do even more for small and medium sized businesses so that they can play their full part in creating new jobs.”』








でまあ経済の部分の後半パートの『Money, credit, demand and output』の途中からがまずほほうと思うのですが、一応その前の部分について申し上げますと、英国経済については4Qの成長率に関しては新たなニュースは無く、2013年1Qの経済活動に関する指標については鉱工業生産が弱めでサービス関連は強めと出ていてミックスした状態ですという話になっています。


『There had been further evidence of an improvement in the supply of credit following the fall in lenders’ own wholesale and retail funding costs since the middle of 2012.』


『Some, but not all, of this reduction in funding costs had been passed through to loan rates. Mortgage rates had fallen sharply over this period, although the pace of decline had eased in March. Effective new business rates on loans to companies had fallen by about 25 basis points since June.』


『Some lenders had also used cashback deals or reductions in fees to pass through the benefits of reduced funding costs to their smaller corporate customers.』


『The Bank’s inaugural Bank Liabilities Survey had suggested that lenders expected to reduce further their transfer prices - the cost charged to business units to fund the flow of new loans - in the following three months. And the Bank’s Credit Conditions Survey had indicated that lenders were expecting to reduce spreads further on secured loans to households and loans to businesses.』



『Surveys of businesses taken in the first quarter had also suggested that there had been some easing in credit conditions, although significant differences continued to be reported in access to finance between large companies, especially those with access to the capital markets, and small companies.』


『There was evidence that investment by companies with access to capital markets, accounting for roughly half of UK business investment, had risen strongly.』


『Given the aggregate behaviour of UK business investment, this would imply that investment by those without access to capital markets might have fallen on average.』



『Despite significant improvements in the price and availability of credit, there had been little sign so far of any significant pickup in net lending to businesses.』


『That may have reflected the usual transmission lags, but it could also point to a more fundamental change in the structure of credit markets.』


『Some contacts of the Bank’s Agents had reported a continuing lack of trust between banks and small businesses, and fears that applications for new lending facilities might result in the terms of existing facilities being reappraised.』


『Nevertheless, lenders surveyed in the Bank’s Credit Conditions Survey had reported expectations of a pickup in the demand for bank credit in the next three months. And a special survey by the Bank’s Agents had found that businesses that reported that credit conditions had loosened over the past year were expecting to increase their demand for credit over the next twelve months.』


『In contrast, businesses reporting tighter credit conditions were expecting to reduce their demand. More generally, business surveys had pointed to a slight pickup in investment intentions, consistent with a possible building in the demand for finance.』




『There were some signs that the improvement in the supply of credit had been passing through to the housing market. Housing transactions had risen by over 5% in February, consistent with the growth of loan approvals seen at the end of 2012. The three-month annualised growth rate in net secured lending to individuals had picked up to 0.7% in February. But loan approvals for house purchase had fallen in January and February, possibly affected by the cold weather.』


『Additional measures to support housing market activity had been announced in the Budget, although details of the mortgage guarantee component of the Help to Buy scheme had not yet been finalised. Compared with the previous three months, house prices had risen by about 1% in the three months to March on the average of the main lenders’ indices.』

でまあ詳しくは知らん(というか調べてない)のですが、英国でもHelp to Buy schemeなどというような政策を打ちこんでいるのね。


その次の『Supply, costs and prices』ですが、相変わらず物価が微妙に高止まりしていて、先行きに関しても3%前後での推移が続く一方で、賃金の伸びに関しては1%台前半で推移していまして、中々生きにくい世の中でナムナムという感じですが、その一方で英国の場合雇用の頭数という点ではやたら堅調ですよね、という話がこのコーナーの前半なのですが、傾向としてはこの状況が延々と続いているという感じです。でまあその考察部分になる第23と24パラグラフが面白い。

『Productivity had continued to fall in the fourth quarter of 2012, with employment increasing as output fell, adding further to the longstanding productivity puzzle.』

longstanding productivity puzzleと言ってますが、確かにBOEの議事要旨読んでいましてもうこの話何度見たんだという位に続いているお話なのですよ。

『Information on the output and employment of individual businesses from the 2011 Annual Business Survey and the 2012 English Business Survey had suggested that there might have been unusually high labour retention by businesses whose output had fallen: 20% of all employment in the sample had been in businesses whose output was falling but whose employment was nevertheless broadly flat, double the share immediately prior to the crisis.』


『In previous recessions, which were often associated with tight monetary policy, such businesses might have failed completely. The relatively low rate of company failure in this episode might therefore be one of a number of factors explaining why aggregate productivity had been lower relative to its pre-crisis trend than in previous recessions.』


『There were likely to be two broad explanations of why business failures had been lower in recent years than would have been expected on the basis of their previous relationship with output growth.』


『First, low nominal interest rates had alleviated the financial pressure on indebted businesses, thereby helping them to survive, in contrast to previous recessions which had been associated with tight monetary policy.』


『Second, forbearance by lenders had provided some indebted businesses with the opportunity to continue trading when they might otherwise have failed.』


『It was also possible that the changes resulting from the Enterprise Act 2002 made it easier for businesses in difficulty to carry on trading in current circumstances. Forbearance might have occurred because lenders had been unwilling to write off, or make provisions for, bad loans when their own capital position was weak.』


『But, were forbearance to cease, it was not obvious that the resources currently used by struggling businesses would necessarily be re-employed in healthy businesses.』


『It was possible that less forbearance would lead simply to more company failures, higher unemployment and lower output.』


『Policies to strengthen the UK banking system, such as those recommended by the FPC, together with policies to encourage lending, such as the Funding for Lending Scheme, were intended to bring about a normalisation of credit conditions that would allow capital to flow to where it could be used most efficiently.』



で、この後の『The immediate policy decision』の論点もオモロイ。


『The Committee’s new remit, as set out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time of his latest Budget, reaffirmed that monetary policy should be set to meet the 2% inflation target but in a way that avoided undesirable volatility in output.』



『The new remit also confirmed that the Committee should continue to look through temporary, even if protracted, periods of above-target inflation where it judged that cost and price pressures were consistent with inflation returning to the target in the medium term.』





『The outlook for activity and inflation remained broadly in line with that set out in the February Inflation Report. After only weak growth in 2012, business surveys suggested that the pace of expansion in the UK economy was likely to remain muted during the first half of 2013. Employment had continued to rise in spite of the weakness of output growth. Retail sales growth had been strong in February and suggested that the pickup in consumers’ expenditure over 2012 might have been sustained. But there had been only tentative signs of a generalised pickup in business investment other than by utilities and in the North Sea oil industry.』

『The impact of the euro-area debt crisis, together with the fiscal consolidation and tight credit conditions at home, were likely to continue to weigh on demand. The reaction of financial markets to the events in Cyprus had been relatively muted, although the risk that bank depositors might also face losses or capital controls in a future crisis might have increased the fragility of the euro area and the associated downside risks. 』

『The stimulus from the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) and the asset purchase programme were likely to support a gradual recovery, although there had been some signs on the month that the pace of improvement in credit conditions had eased and net lending had so far remained subdued.』


『Inflation had risen to 2.8% in February, in line with market expectations. It was still expected to pick up to around 3% in the middle of the year. But changes to duties announced in the Budget and lower sterling oil prices had offset upside news from the previous month and meant that the overall outlook for inflation was similar to that published in the February Inflation Report.』

『While pay growth had been subdued, the impact of this on unit labour costs had been offset by weak productivity growth. And administered and regulated prices were likely to make unusually large and sustained contributions to inflation over the next two years or so.』



『In line with its remit and to avoid undesirable volatility in output, the Committee had previously judged that it was appropriate to look through the impact of these prices on inflation provided that indicators of cost and price pressures were consistent with inflation returning to the target in the medium term.』


『The Committee continued to expect CPI inflation to fall back to around the target in the medium term as a gradual revival in productivity growth dampened increases in domestic costs, and as external price pressures faded.』


『The pace at which inflation was expected to return to the target was determined by monetary policy; this needed to balance supporting the recovery with bringing inflation back to the target promptly. The short-run trade-off between output growth and inflation meant that the Committee could return inflation to the target more quickly than currently expected only by taking policy actions that would provide less support to output.』


『In responding to this trade-off, the Committee was setting policy in broadly the same way that it had done since its formation.』



『Against that backdrop, the Committee examined the cases for either increasing the degree of monetary stimulus through further asset purchases, or else maintaining it at the current level.』


『There continued to be a case for a further extension of the Committee’s asset purchase programme to support other policies that were being deployed: wage growth had weakened further, consistent with there being a significant degree of slack in the economy; the prospects for growth remained subdued, especially given the continued weakness in the euro area; despite their recent rise, market-implied medium-term inflation expectations remained broadly consistent with meeting the target; and the Committee should look through temporary, even if protracted, periods of above-target inflation.』

『Moreover, it was possible that higher demand would itself push up productivity and, if that were the case, higher output need not be associated with a material increase in inflationary pressure. Further asset purchases, by lowering longer-term interest rates and supporting a range of asset prices, could facilitate a smoother path towards the economy’s new equilibrium, help prevent a more persistent reduction in spending, and thereby avoid potentially lasting damage to productive capacity.』


『There were also arguments in favour of maintaining the current size of the asset purchase programme. Monetary policy was already highly stimulatory and the benefit of past actions would continue to be felt: the first rise in Bank Rate was not fully priced into market rates until well into 2016.』

『Inflation was above the 2% target, was likely to rise further later this year, and was expected to remain elevated for an extended period. Medium-term inflation expectations had drifted upwards in recent months, and a further easing might exacerbate this movement and prompt renewed weakness in sterling, with implications for wages and prices.』

『In addition, the extent to which supply capacity would respond to greater demand would depend on how quickly capital and labour could be redeployed from declining to growing businesses. This issue was better addressed by policies to improve the working of credit markets.』

ということで、主要論点としてはインフレがどうなのかいう見通しが主になっていますが、ここについては見解が割れていますなという所です。実際には6対3(Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Ben Broadbent, Spencer Dale, Ian McCafferty and Martin Weale)対(the Governor, Paul Fisher and David Miles)で現状維持で、3の方は資産買入を£400Bilに拡大(£25Bil拡大ね)となっています。





Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
March 19-20, 2013



つーことで結論の『Committee Policy Action』部分の第3パラグラフの引用からはじまりますけれども、昨日は今後の資産買入に関して存外多くの人が買入拡大ペースの縮小(買入残高を圧縮するという話では無いので念のため)について指摘している人が多いなあという話(これはニュース出た時に思いっきり書かれていましたけれども)を引用しましたが、実はこの部分あと一文残っておりまして・・・・・・・・

『In light of this discussion, the Committee included language in the statement to be released following the meeting in part to make explicit that the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases were conditional not only on the likely efficacy and costs of those purchases, but also on the extent of progress toward the Committee's economic objectives.』



なお、『Committee Policy Action』の第1パラグラフと第2パラグラフはそれまでの景気物価雇用に関する認識についてのお話が主で、まあ前段と同じ話ですし、大体からして概ねその趣旨はステートメントの中に含まれているので引用は割愛しますです、はい。


実は今回のFOMC議事要旨は(たぶん重要な論点があると思ったので)最初から順繰りに読んでみまして、まあ確かに今回に関しては後ろから読んでしまうと話の前提が微妙に読めないままで進んでしまうのでミスリードになってしまう可能性がある点はご注意ありたいと思う(ので昨日最初にまとめをうだうだと書いたのだ)のですが、まあ備忘メモのネタにするという点ではやはりポイントの多いその前のパートを読むということで、『Review of Efficacy and Costs of Asset Purchases』からで、これがそこそこ長いのです。

『The staff provided presentations covering the efficacy of the Federal Reserve's asset purchases, the effects of the purchases on security market functioning, the ways in which asset purchases might amplify or reduce risks to financial stability, and the fiscal implications of purchases.』


『In their discussion of this topic, meeting participants generally judged the macroeconomic benefits of the current purchase program to outweigh the likely costs and risks, but they agreed that an ongoing assessment of the benefits and costs was necessary.』


『Pointing to academic and Federal Reserve staff research, most participants saw asset purchases as having a meaningful effect in easing financial conditions and so supporting economic growth.』



『Some expressed the view that these effects had likely been stronger during the Federal Reserve's initial large-scale asset purchases because that program also helped support market functioning during the financial crisis.』

『Other participants, however, saw little evidence that the efficacy of asset purchases had declined over time, and a couple of these suggested that the effectiveness of purchases might even have increased more recently, as the easing of credit constraints allowed more borrowers to take advantage of lower interest rates.』


『One participant emphasized the role of recent asset purchases in keeping inflation from declining further below the Committee's longer-run goal.』


『A few participants felt that MBS purchases provided more support to the economy than purchases of longer-term Treasury securities because they stimulated the housing sector directly; however, a few preferred to focus any purchases in the Treasury market to avoid allocating credit to a specific sector of the economy.』


『It was noted that, in addition to the standard channels through which monetary policy affects the economy, asset purchases could help signal the Committee's commitment to accommodative monetary policy, thereby making the forward guidance about the federal funds rate more effective.』


『However, a few participants were not convinced of the benefits of asset purchases, stating that the effects on financial markets appeared to be short lived or that they saw little evidence of a significant macroeconomic effect.』


『One participant suggested that the signaling effect of asset purchases may have been reduced by the adoption of threshold-based forward guidance.』


『In general, reflecting the limited experience with large-scale asset purchases, participants recognized that estimates of the economic effects were necessarily imprecise and covered a wide range.』



『Participants generally agreed that asset purchases also have potential costs and risks.』


『In particular, participants pointed to possible risks to the stability of the financial system, the functioning of particular financial markets, the smooth withdrawal of monetary accommodation when it eventually becomes appropriate, and the Federal Reserve's net income.』


『Their views on the practical importance of these risks varied, as did their prescriptions for mitigating them. Asset purchases were seen by some as having a potential to contribute to imbalances in financial markets and asset prices, which could undermine financial stability over time.』


『Moreover, to the extent that asset purchases push down longer-term interest rates, they potentially expose financial markets to a rapid rise in those rates in the future, which could impose significant losses on some investors and intermediaries.』


『Several participants suggested that enhanced supervision could serve to limit, at least to some extent, the increased risk-taking associated with a lengthy period of low long-term interest rates, and that effective policy communication or balance sheet management by the Committee could reduce the probability of excessively rapid increases in longer-term rates. It was also noted that the accommodative stance of policy could be supporting financial stability by returning the economy to a stable footing sooner than would otherwise be the case and perhaps by allowing borrowers to secure longer-term financing and thereby reduce funding risks; by contrast, curtailing asset purchases could slow the recovery and so extend the period of very low interest rates.』


『Nevertheless, a number of participants remained concerned about the potential for financial stability risks to build.』

とは言え多く(a number of)の委員はやはりファイナンシャルスタビリティへのリスク拡大を懸念だそうです。

『One consequence of asset purchases has been the increase in the Federal Reserve's net income and its remittances to the Treasury, but those values were projected to decline, perhaps even to zero for a time, as the Committee eventually withdraws policy accommodation.』


『Some participants were concerned that a substantial decline in remittances might lead to an adverse public reaction or potentially undermine Federal Reserve credibility or effectiveness. The possibility of such outcomes was seen as necessitating clear communications about the outlook for Federal Reserve net income.』


『Several participants stated that such risks should not inhibit the Committee from pursuing its mandated objectives for inflation and employment.』


『In any case, it was indicated that the fiscal benefits of a stronger economy would be much greater than any short-term fluctuations in remittances, and moreover, a couple of participants noted that cumulative remittances to the Treasury would likely be higher than would have been the case without any asset purchases.』


『Some participants also were concerned that additional asset purchases could complicate the eventual firming of policy--for example, by impairing the Committee's control over the federal funds rate.』


『A few participants raised the possibility of an undesirable rise in inflation. However, others expressed confidence in the Committee's exit tools and its resolve to keep inflation near its longer-run goal.』


『Another exit-related concern was a possible adverse effect on market functioning from MBS sales during the normalization of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.』


『Although the Committee's asset purchases have had little apparent effect on securities market functioning to date, some participants felt that future asset sales could prove more challenging. In this regard, several participants noted that a decision by the Committee to hold its MBS to maturity instead of selling them would essentially eliminate this risk. A decision not to sell MBS, or to sell MBS only very slowly, would also mitigate some of the financial stability risks that could be associated with such sales as well as damp the decline in remittances to the Treasury at that time. Such a decision was also seen by some as a potential source of additional near-term policy accommodation. Overall, most meeting participants thought the risks and costs of additional asset purchases remained manageable, but also that continued close attention to these issues was warranted.』


『A few participants noted that curtailing the purchase program was the most direct way to mitigate the costs and risks.』



『In light of their discussion of the benefits and costs of asset purchases, participants discussed their views on the appropriate course for the current asset purchase program.』


『A few participants noted that they already viewed the costs as likely outweighing the benefits and so would like to bring the program to a close relatively soon.』

既にコストが上回っているのでとっとと拡大終了しろやゴルアというのが数名(A few)。

『A few others saw the risks as increasing fairly quickly with the size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet and judged that the pace of purchases would likely need to be reduced before long.』

バランス拡大でリスクが高まっているのでそんなにおそくなく拡大減らせというのが数名(A few others)。

『Many participants, including some of those who were focused on the increasing risks, expressed the view that continued solid improvement in the outlook for the labor market could prompt the Committee to slow the pace of purchases beginning at some point over the next several meetings, while a few participants suggested that economic conditions would likely justify continuing the program at its current pace at least until late in the year.』

さっきの人も含めて多くの(Many)人が労働市場の改善ペースを今後数回のFOMCで点検しながらそのいずれかの時点で買入ペースを縮小するのが吉と言い、一方で数名(a few)は少なくとも今年の後半まで買入ペースの維持が必要と。

『A range of views was expressed regarding the economic and labor market conditions that would call for an adjustment in the pace of purchases. Many participants emphasized that any decision to reduce the pace of purchases should reflect both an improvement in their overall outlook for labor market conditions, as implied by a wide range of available indicators, and their confidence in the sustainability of that improvement.』

『A couple of these participants noted that if progress toward the Committee's economic goals were not maintained, the pace of purchases might appropriately be increased. A number of participants suggested that the Committee could change the mix of its policy tools if necessary to increase or maintain overall accommodation, including potentially adjusting its forward guidance or its balance sheet policies. 』





Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
March 19-20, 2013






つまりですね、『Review of Efficacy and Costs of Asset Purchases』という小見出しの所を見ますとまあ見事なまでにああでもないこうでも無いという話が展開されていて(読んでて違和感というかそれは無いわみたいな話は無い)、副作用についての話も勿論あるのですが、いわゆるファイナンシャルスタビリティーとか金融市場の不均衡みたいな話に関してはまあ一部にあるっちゃあ有るけれども注意してみる程度の話ですよねみたいな結論になっている割に皆さんの結論が思ったよりこれからのQE拡大に積極的では無いように見えるという話でして、その間のロジックがどうも見えにくいのよね。


The Economy and the Federal Reserve: Real Progress, but Too Soon to Relax





『Committee Policy Action』の第3パラグラフから。

『Members stressed that any changes to the purchase program should be conditional on continuing assessments both of labor market and inflation developments and of the efficacy and costs of asset purchases.』


『In light of the current review of benefits and costs, one member judged that the pace of purchases should ideally be slowed immediately.』


『A few members felt that the risks and costs of purchases, along with the improved outlook since last fall, would likely make a reduction in the pace of purchases appropriate around midyear, with purchases ending later this year.』

A fewは経済見通しの改善と買入拡大のリスクやコストを勘案すると年央から買入ペースを縮小して年後半には買入拡大を停止するのが適切と。

『Several others thought that if the outlook for labor market conditions improved as anticipated, it would probably be appropriate to slow purchases later in the year and to stop them by year-end.』

Several othersは労働市場の改善が予想通りに進んで行くのであれば年後半に買入拡大ペースを縮小して年末には買入拡大を停止するのが適切と。

『Two members indicated that purchases might well continue at the current pace at least through the end of the year.』


『It was also noted that were the outlook to deteriorate, the pace of purchases could be increased. 』





Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference
March 20, 2013

資産買入関連の質疑が大体メインでして、あとのお題で「Too big to fail」問題とキプロスの話がありますよというのを申し上げたのですが、まあこの2点の質疑は目先の金融政策的にはあまり関係が無いのですが、そのほかに財政に関する質疑があったのでそちらを補足で引用しておきまする。

『MARCY GORDON. Thank you. Marcy Gordon with the Associated Press. Mr. Chairman, the statement mentions that fiscal policy has become more restrictive. How much of a drag on growth do you see from the Social Security tax increase and the across-the-board spending cuts that went into effect on March 1?』


『And is it possible that the Fed might see a need to provide more support to the economy if that-because of that drag, the drag on fiscal?』



『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, our analysis is fairly comparable to analysis that the Congressional Budget Office has presented to the Congress. And they estimate that putting together all the fiscal measures, including the fiscal cliff deal, the sequester, and other cuts, that federal fiscal restraint in 2013 is cutting something like 1-1/2 percentage points off of growth, which, of course, is very significant. So, that is an issue for us.』


『We-you know, we take as given what the fiscal authorities are doing. The economy is weaker. Job creation is slower than it would be otherwise. And so, that is one of the reasons that our policy has been as aggressive as it is.』


『That being said, as I’ve said many times, monetary policy cannot offset a fiscal restraint of that magnitude, and so the final outcome will be worse-or, in terms of jobs-than would have been the case with less fiscal restraint.』


『I want to emphasize that I do believe that long-term fiscal stability is extremely important. And I urge Congress and the Administration, as I always do, when I go to testify to do whatever is necessary to put us on a sustainable fiscal path going forward. But, in doing so, I think it’s a good idea to pay attention to the impact in the near term on what is still not a completely satisfactory recovery.』





Transcript of Chairman Bernanke’s Press Conference
March 20, 2013




『YLAN MUI. Hi. Ylan Mui, Washington Post. My question is around QE. Obviously, we’ve seen some of your colleagues give more-specific criteria, give some color around what they’re looking for before they would consider exiting from QE. Can you give us any additional color on what you’re looking for specifically in terms of substantial improvement in the labor market? And does the fact that there aren’t thresholds associated with QE say anything about the level of disagreement among the Committee members over what that exit should look like?』

聞きたい事は「substantial improvement in the labor market」をもっと具体的に示せないのかという事のようで、金利ガイダンスのような閾値はできないの?と聞いているようですの。


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, to take your second question first, the lack of thresholds comes from the complexity of the problem.』


『On the one hand, we have benefits, which are associated with improvements in the economy, but there are also costs associated with unconventional policy, such as potential effects on financial stability, which are hard to quantify and which people have different views about. So, to this point, we’ve not been able to give quantitative thresholds for the asset purchases in the same way that we have for the federal funds rate target.』


『We’re going to continue to try to provide information as we go forward. In particular, as I mentioned today, as we make progress towards our objective, we may adjust the flow rate of purchases month to month to appropriately calibrate the amount of accommodation we’re providing given the outlook for the labor market.』


『In terms of further color, again, given the complexity of the issue, we’ve not given quantitative analysis or quantitative thresholds. I would say that we’ll be looking for sustained improvement in a range of key labor market indicators, including, obviously, payrolls, unemployment rate, but also others like the hiring rate, claims for unemployment insurance, quit rates, wage rates, and so on. We’ll be looking for sustained improvement across a range of indicators, and in a way that’s taking place throughout the economy.』

色々な状況を見て行きますよということですが、具体的にはpayrolls, unemployment rate,をメインにして、その他にhiring rate, claims for unemployment insurance, quit rates, wage rates,と指標を並べておりますな。

『And since we’re looking at the outlook-we’re looking at the prospects rather than the current state of the labor market- we’ll also be looking at things like growth to try to understand whether there’s sufficient momentum in the economy to provide demand for labor going forward.So that will allow us to look through, perhaps, some temporary fluctuations associated with short-term shocks or problems.』



『ROBIN HARDING. Robin Harding from the Financial Times. Mr. Chairman, to follow up on that last point, what-you referred to the possibility of varying purchases, the rates of purchases per month. What’s the difference in the conditions that would induce you to do that, as opposed to the substantial improvements in the labor market that would induce you to stop the program altogether? Thank you.』

買入のペースを変更する事と「substantial improvements in the labor market」との違いは??とか何とかいう質問のようですが。

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the problem with having just a single criterion is that it’s all or nothing. We maintain full speed ahead until we hit a certain target, and then, you know, we stop. That would be, I think, very difficult for the markets to understand, to anticipate.』


『We think it makes more sense to have our policy variable, which is the rate of flow of purchases, respond in a more continuous or sensitive way to changes in the outlook. So, as we make progress towards our ultimate objective of substantial improvement, we may adjust the rate of flow of purchases accordingly.』

見通しの変化にに応じ、最終的な目標である労働市場のsubstantial improvementに向かって買入のフローを徐々に変化させていくというのは有り得ます、という話をしているのですが・・・・・・・

『Now, we won’t do that every meeting; we won’t do that frequently.』


『But when we see that the condition or the situation has changed in a meaningful way, then we may well adjust the pace of purchases in order to keep the level of accommodation consistent with the outlook, and, secondly, to help provide the markets with some sense of progress-how much progress is being made so that it can make better judgments.』


『ROBIN HARDING. Could you define “progress towards” at all, how you deal with that?』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, you know, as I just described what I mean by “substantial improvement,” it’s a broad-based improvement in a range of indicators as well as improvement in output and labor demand. So, as we move-we see partial improvements, see modest improvement, as we see a period in which the labor market is doing better, and we have reason to think it might be stronger, then we might reduce accommodation at that point. But it works in both directions. If, subsequently, the labor market were to weaken, the outlook were to get worse, we could, of course, bring back accommodation back to the previous level.』



『STEVE LIESMAN. Steve Liesman from CNBC. Mr. Chairman, I have to keep coming back to this issue of adjusting the flow rate. Are we near that time right now? And how can the markets calibrate the number to changes in economic improvement?』


『For example, let’s say, theoretically, we did 236,000 jobs in a month, and the unemployment rate fell by 0.2 percent. Would that be sufficient to begin to adjust the purchases downward? Thank you.』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, that’s going to be obviously a decision that the Committee has to make, and we will-at each meeting, we’ll look at progress that’s been made since the last meeting, try to assess the outlook, try to determine whether there’s been a sufficient change to warrant a change in our policy stance. Internally, we’ll use models and other indicators of the state of the labor market to try to make a good estimate of how much we need to change the rate of flow. But, again, the point of this is to let the market see our behavior, to let them see how we respond to changes in the outlook. And that way there will be a better ability, I hope, for the markets to anticipate either a return to higher levels of purchases or the ultimate phasing-out of the program.』


『STEVE LIESMAN. Are we near that level now?』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. That’s an issue for-obviously, there has been improvement, let me say that. We’ve seen improvement in the last four or five months. The last five months, for example, we’ve seen over 200,000 jobs a month in the private sector. Unemployment rate has come down four-tenths since September. Unemployment claims, insurance claims are at the lowest level they’ve been since the crisis, so we are seeing improvement.』


『I think one thing we would need is to make sure that this is not a temporary improvement.』


『So, we’ve seen periods before where we had as many as 300,000 jobs for a couple of months, and then things weakened again. So, I think an important criterion would be not just the improvement that we’ve seen, but is it going to be sustained for a number of months?』




『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Binya Appelbaum, the New York Times. I want to go back to asset purchases. You’ve spoken a lot about the power of forward guidance, the power of clear communication. I understand that it’s a complicated issue, but why would you leave on the table the additional power of saying to markets, “We’re going to keep doing this for a while”? And, separately, there’s been a lot of conversation about the risks associated with quantitative easing. I wonder if you could tell us, when is the last time you spoke with someone who is unemployed?』


『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Pretty recently. I have a relative that is unemployed. But I come from a small town in South Carolina that has taken a big hit from the recession. Last time I was there, the unemployment rate was about 15 percent. I think it’s better now. The home that I was raised in had just been foreclosed upon when I was visiting there.』


『I have great concern about the unemployed both for their own sake, but also because the loss of skills, the loss of labor force attachment is bad for our whole economy.』


『It reduces tax revenues. It reduces productivity. So I think it’s very, very important that we act to address unemployment, and I think the Federal Reserve-I think most people would agree-the Federal Reserve has been fairly active in that regard.』

ということで、失業に関してはgreat concernであり、労働市場問題に対して政策を打つのがFRBの重要な政策であります(キリッ)という話をしていてここもハト派チックに迫っております。

『In terms of costs, there are a number of different costs, and I mentioned some of them in my remarks. I think one that has recently been discussed-Governor Stein brought it up in a speech-is the issue of financial stability.』


『Clearly, financial instability, if it were allowed to be sufficiently serious, would be a threat to employment, a threat to jobs, and a threat to production.』


『So, obviously, given the experience of the past few years, we want to be sure that we’re not unnecessarily encouraging excessive risk-taking or other problems in the financial markets. We do address that through a number of means, including monitoring the financial system, regulation, supervision, communication, and the like.』

ただ現状ではexcessive risk-takingのような問題は特に起きていないとの認識のようですし、それらの問題に関しては色々な方法での対処が可能であり、それは金融システムのモニタリングや規制、監督や市場参加者とのコミュニケーションで行う、とまあ基本的にスタイン理事の認識(って講演ネタ全部やっていないのですが汗)よりはだいぶ楽観的ですな。

『But this is a potential concern that a number of my colleagues are worried about, and it’s one of the things we talked about in our discussion of the costs and risks of balance sheet policies.』



『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Then why would you leave forward guidance on the table?』
『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. I don’t know what you mean by “on the table.”』
『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Why not use it as a tool to increase the power of asset purchases?』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, again, I don’t-we’ve not been able to come to an agreement about what guidance we should give. And part of the concern is-is that as we go forward, we-you know, we’ll have to factor in the efficacy, which is another issue. I mean, there’s a wide range of views about how effective asset purchases are in terms of moving the economy. So, as we move forward in time, we’ll be learning about how effective the policy is, and what costs and risks there may be associated with it. And, as we do that, perhaps we will be able to give more-explicit guidance.』


『And I agree with you 100 percent that that would be more effective if we could give numerical guidance.』


『But, you know, I think the Federal Reserve has come a long way. You know, in 1994, we didn’t even tell people when we changed the federal funds rate. Now, we’re telling you when-you know, what the state of the economy is going to be when we raise the federal funds rate. So, we are making progress in terms of forward guidance.』





『JEFF KEARNS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Jeff Kearns from Bloomberg. Looking at the level for credit scores for new home loans rising into the 700s-is that something you would consider to be a successful transmission of monetary policy, and the-especially given how well the Fed says that banks are capitalized?』

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Well, the tightening of credit in mortgage markets-I mean, our sense is that it’s gone too far. I mean, some tightening was obviously needed. There were people who bought houses prior to the crisis who really couldn’t sustain a mortgage. So, terms and conditions have been tightened up, and we’re now seeing much higher credit quality requirements on potential borrowers.』


『We are concerned that a variety of factors, such as concerns about putbacks the banks may have, uncertainties about regulation-which we’re working on to get done as quickly as possible-may have tightened the mortgage credit box more than would be desirable in a long-run healthy economy.』


『That does have some effect on monetary policy. One of the most powerful tools we have is bringing down mortgage rates and stimulating homebuying, construction, and related industries. So that is an issue that we take into account.』


『I would say one thing, which is that as the housing industry has strengthened and home prices have gone up, that has actually brought some people into the credit box in the sense that the number of people, for example, who are underwater on their mortgages is declining as house prices go up. So, as people have bigger down payments, bigger equity in their homes, they become more creditworthy. So, to some extent, not-I don’t want to overstate it-but to some extent, monetary policy-by strengthening the housing market, helping support house prices-is bringing more people into the mortgage market.』



『PETER BARNES. Peter Barnes of Fox Business, sir. The stock market has been hitting all-time highs. It’s recovered all of its losses from the financial crisis. I just want to know if I-from you, if I still have time to get in. But seriously, how do you feel about that? Is it good? Is it bad? Mission accomplished? And are you worried about bubbles? We’re still at 7.7 percent unemployment. I mean, is the-what do you think?』

ワロタとしか申し上げようがない(というか初稿版ではBut seriouslyの前に[Laughter]というのが入っておる)のですがこれに対する逆さ絵先生のお答え。

『CHAIRMAN BERNANKE. That’s right. We’re not targeting asset prices. We’re not measuring success in terms of the stock market. We’re measuring success in terms of our mandate, which is employment and price stability, and that’s what we’re trying to achieve.』


『We do monitor the entire financial system, not just the parts that we supervise or regulate. It includes the stock market and other asset markets. We use a variety of metrics. And I don’t want to, now, be pulled into going through every individual financial market and assessing it. But, in the stock market, you know, we don’t see at this point anything that’s out of line with
historical patterns.』


『In particular, you should remember, of course, that while the Dow may be hitting a high, it’s in nominal terms, it’s not in real terms. And if you adjust for inflation and for the growth of the economy, you know, we’re still some distance from the high.』


『I don’t think it’s all that surprising that the stock market would rise, given that there has been increased optimism about the economy and the share of income going to profits has been very high. Profit increases have been substantial, and the relationship between stock prices and earnings is not particularly unusual at this point.』



