









『BINYAMIN APPELBAUM. Binya Appelbaum, New York Times. You’ve spoken about the sense that the recession has done permanent damage to the economic output and you’ve reduced gradually over time your forecast of long-term growth. I am curious to know to what extent you think stronger monetary and/or fiscal policy could reverse those trends. Are we stuck with slower growth? Is there something that you can do about it? If so, what? If not, why?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, I think part of the reason that we are seeing slower growth in potential output may reflect the fact that capital investment has been very weak during the downturn in the long recovery that we’re experiencing. So, a diminished contribution from capital formation to growth does make a negative contribution to growth. And as the economy picks up, I certainly would hope to see that contribution restored. So, I think that’s one of the factors that’s been operative.』



『Of course, we’ve had unusually long duration unemployment. A very large fraction of those unemployed have been unemployed for more than six months. And there is the fear that those individuals find it harder to gain employment, that their attachment to the labor force may diminish over time and the networks of contacts that are-they have that are helpful in gaining employment can begin to erode over time. We could see what’s known as hysteresis, where individuals, because they haven’t had jobs for a long time, find themselves permanently outside the labor force.』


『My hope would be that as-and my expectation is that as the economy recovers, we will see some repair of that, that many of those individuals who were long-term unemployed or those who are now counted as out of the labor force would take jobs if the economy is stronger and would be drawn back in again, but it is conceivable that there is some permanent damage there to them, to their own well-being, their family’s well-being, and the economy’s potential.』









『YLAN MUI. Hi. Ylan from the Washington Post. My question is sort of the flip side of Steve's and it's about your outlook for unemployment.』


『Your predecessor has said that the Fed has been consistently too pessimistic about the level of the unemployment rate, and today, you guys lowered your outlook again.』


『Can you tell me a little bit about how you see the unemployment rate evolving to meet your forecast? Why you believe the rate of decline will start to level off? And what an unexpected drop might mean for the first-rate hike.』


『CHAIR YELLEN. So, it's true that unemployment has declined by more than the committee expected and you do see a small downward revision in the committee's projections, at least the central tendency for the unemployment rate. Now, first of all, I mean, the labor market I think has continued to broadly improve.』


『We have seen continued job growth at a pace that is certainly sufficient to be diminishing labor market slack over time. Over the last three months for example, payroll employment has been rising around 230,000 jobs per month and we're running close to 200,000 over the last year. So, it's no way surprising to see it decline in the unemployment rate.』


『That said, many of my colleagues and I would see a portion of the decline in the unemployment rate as perhaps not representing a diminution of slack in the labor market.』


『We have seen labor force participation rate decline. And while I think most of us would agree that there has been and will continue to be secular decline in the labor force participation rate for demographic reasons, I think a portion of the decline we've seen in the unemployment rate probably reflects a kind of shadow unemployment or discouragement, a cyclical part of labor force participation. Now, if that's correct, we may see that as the economy picks up steam and we see further recovery in the labor market, that those, let's call them discouraged workers, will return either to unemployment or to employment. And as labor force participation begins to stabilize, the unemployment rate will come down less quickly. And I think for a number of people, that's a component of the forecast.』


『You asked about implications, for the path of policy and I would just say, the guidance that we've given, our forward guidance states that the timing of liftoff will depend on actual progress we see and the progress we expect to see going forward in terms of achieving both of our goals, namely maximum employment and our 2 percent inflation objective. So, we're not going to look at any single indicator like the unemployment rate to assess how we're doing on meeting our employment goal, we will look at broad range of indicators. That said, as I try to emphasize in my opening statement, there is uncertainty about monetary policy. The appropriate path of policy, the timing in pace of, interest rate increases, ought to and I believe will respond to unfolding economic developments.』


『If those were to prove faster than the committee expects, it would be logical to expect a more rapid increase in the fed funds rate. But the opposite also holds true. If we don't see the improvement that's projected in the baseline outlook, that the opposite would be true and the pace of the timing pace of interest rate increases would be later and more gradual.』



『JON HILSENRATH. Jon Hilsenrath from the Wall Street Journal. Chair Yellen, some Fed officials and some market commentators have noted that market conditions recently have looked a little bit like they did last spring before a period of turbulence.』


『Volatility is very low in stock and bond markets. Risk premiums are very low, and in particular, the market expectations for interest rates, for short-term interest rates look below even the Fed’s own projections as laid out in your dot plot.』


『I wanted to ask two questions related to that. One, what is your read on these--on market activity and are you at all concerned about a sense of complacency in markets? And two, what is your view on market expectations for the rate hike cycle that the Fed has laid out in its dot plot? Or, is the market where you think the Fed is on that?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, I mean, I'll start by saying that a volatility both actual and expected in markets is at low levels.』


『The FOMC has no target for what the right level of volatility should be.』


『But to the extent that low levels of volatility may induce risk-taking behavior that for example entails excessive buildup in leverage or maturity extension, things that can pose risks to financial stability later on, that that is a concern to me and to the committee.』


『I don't know whether a number of reasons have been cited for what we're seeing in the marketplace. I don't know if overconfidence or complacency is one of those reasons. But I guess I would say, it is important as I emphasized in my own opening statement for market participants to recognize that there is uncertainty about what the path of interest rate, short-term rates will be. And that's necessary because there's uncertainty about what the path of the economy will be. And I want to emphasize as I have that the FOMC will adjust policy to what it actually sees unfolding in the economy over time and that necessarily gives rise to a certain level of uncertainty about what the path of rates will be. And it is important for market participants to factor that into their decision making.』


『You asked me about the dot plot, our forecast or projections for the Fed funds rate, and you do see a range of disagreement among the participants there so, by the time you get to 2016, there is a considerable range of opinion and I think in part, that reflects the uncertainty that I'm talking about that participants do see different pace of recovery, different trajectories for inflation, and it's appropriate for them to adjust their thinking about what the path of policy should be to their own view of how the economy will evolve over time.』


『And around each of those dots, I think every participant who's filling out that questionnaire has a considerable band of uncertainty around their own individual forecast.』






Transcript of Chair Yellen’s Press Conference
June 18, 2014










『Let me reiterate, however, that the Committee’s expectation for the path of the federal funds rate target is contingent on the economic outlook.』


『If the economy proves to be stronger than anticipated by the Committee, resulting in a more rapid convergence of employment and inflation to the FOMC’s objectives, then increases in the federal funds rate target are likely to occur sooner and to be more rapid than currently envisaged. Conversely, if economic performance disappoints, resulting in larger and more persistent deviations from the Committee’s objectives, then increases in the federal funds rate target are likely to take place later and to be more gradual.』


『Before taking your questions, I’d like to provide an update on the Committee’s ongoing discussions on the mechanics of normalizing the stance and conduct of monetary policy.』


『To be clear, these discussions are in no way intended to signal any imminent change in the stance of monetary policy. Rather, they represent prudent planning on the part of the Committee and reflect the Committee’s intention to communicate its plans to the public well before the first steps in normalizing policy become appropriate.』


『The Committee is confident that it has the tools it needs to raise short-term interest rates when it becomes appropriate to do so and to control the level of short-term interest rates thereafter, even though the Federal Reserve will continue to have a very large balance sheet for some time. The Committee’s recent discussions have centered on the appropriate mix of tools to employ during the normalization process and the associated implications for the degree of control over short-term interest rates, the functioning of the federal funds market, and the extent to which the Federal Reserve transacts with financial institutions outside the banking sector. The Committee is constructively working through the many issues related to normalization and will continue its discussions in upcoming meetings, with the expectation of providing additional details later this year.』


『Thank you. I’ll be happy to take your questions.』




『STEVE LIESMAN. Steve Liesman, CNBC: Is every reason to expect, Madam Chair, that the PCE inflation rate, which is followed by the Fed, looks likely to exceed your 2016 consensus forecast next week? Does this suggest that the Federal Reserve is behind the curve on inflation? And what tolerance is there for higher inflation at the Federal Reserve? And if it's above the 2 percent target, then how is that not kind of blowing through a target the same way you blew through the six and a half percent unemployment target in that they become these soft targets? Thanks.』



『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, thanks for the question. So, I think recent readings on, for example, the CPI index have been a bit on the high side, but I think it's--the data that we're seeing is noisy.』


『I think it's important to remember that broadly speaking, inflation is evolving in line with the committee's expectations. The committee it has expected a gradual return in inflation toward its 2 percent objective. And I think the recent evidence we have seen, abstracting from the noise, suggests that we are moving back gradually over time toward our 2 percent objective and I see things roughly in line with where we expected inflation to be.』


『I think if you look at the SEP projections that were submitted this time, you see very little change in inflation projections of the committee.』


『STEVE LIESMAN. What about the tolerance for higher inflation?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, the committee has emphasized that we are at the two percent objective for as a longer term matter for PCE inflation and we would not willingly see a prolonged period in which inflation persistently runs below our objective or above our objective and that remains true. So that hasn't changed at all in terms of the committee's tolerance for permanent deviations from our objective.』


『And we continue to see the data coming in abstracting from from the noise in line with what we had expected, and continue to see a gradual pick up over the next several years toward our 2 percent objective.』



『ROBIN HARDING. Robin Harding from the Financial Times. Madam Chair, could you comment a little bit more on the decline in the long-run interest rate projection? Is that more to do with temporary headwinds from the recovery or is it something more permanent about the economy? And is this it? First decline to 3.75 percent or do you think there's potential for this rate to go lower yet? Thank you.』


『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, you do see a very slight decline this time in the committee's longer-term normal rate of interest projections. You know, I would caution you, however, we've had turnover in the committee two new participants who joined and are submitting projections and two who departed and that can create changes in the projections, small changes that are difficult to interpret.』


『But I think it's fair to say there has been a slight decline. And I think, you know, the most likely reason for that is there has been some slight decline, as I mentioned in my opening statement, of projections pertaining to longer-term growth, and typically estimates of the longer-run normal federal funds rate or short-term interest rates would move inline with growth projections.』







『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in April indicates that growth in economic activity has rebounded in recent months.』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that growth in economic activity has picked up recently, after having slowed sharply during the winter in part because of adverse weather conditions.』(前回)


『Labor market indicators generally showed further improvement. The unemployment rate, though lower, remains elevated.』(今回)
『Labor market indicators were mixed but on balance showed further improvement. The unemployment rate, however, remains elevated.』(前回)


『Household spending appears to be rising moderately and business fixed investment resumed its advance, while the recovery in the housing sector remained slow.』(今回)
『Household spending appears to be rising more quickly. Business fixed investment edged down, while the recovery in the housing sector remained slow.』(前回)


『Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth, although the extent of restraint is diminishing. Inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)
『Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth, although the extent of restraint is diminishing. Inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)





『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace and labor market conditions will continue to improve gradually, moving toward those the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee sees the risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as nearly balanced. The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, and it is monitoring inflation developments carefully for evidence that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term.』(今回)




『The Committee currently judges that there is sufficient underlying strength in the broader economy to support ongoing improvement in labor market conditions. In light of the cumulative progress toward maximum employment and the improvement in the outlook for labor market conditions since the inception of the current asset purchase program, the Committee decided to make a further measured reduction in the pace of its asset purchases. Beginning in July, the Committee will add to its holdings of agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $15 billion per month rather than $20 billion per month, and will add to its holdings of longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $20 billion per month rather than $25 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee's sizable and still-increasing holdings of longer-term securities should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative, which in turn should promote a stronger economic recovery and help to ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with the Committee's dual mandate.』(今回)




『The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months and will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. If incoming information broadly supports the Committee's expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its longer-run objective, the Committee will likely reduce the pace of asset purchases in further measured steps at future meetings. However, asset purchases are not on a preset course, and the Committee's decisions about their pace will remain contingent on the Committee's outlook for the labor market and inflation as well as its assessment of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases.』(今回)




『To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy remains appropriate. In determining how long to maintain the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will assess progress--both realized and expected--toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. The Committee continues to anticipate, based on its assessment of these factors, that it likely will be appropriate to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends, especially if projected inflation continues to run below the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and provided that longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored.』(今回)



『Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Stanley Fischer; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Loretta J. Mester; Charles I. Plosser; Jerome H. Powell; and Daniel K. Tarullo.』(今回)









              2014     2015    2016     ロンガーラン
Change in real GDP 2.1 to 2.3  3.0 to 3.2  2.5 to 3.0    2.1 to 2.3
March projection   2.8 to 3.0  3.0 to 3.2   2.5 to 3.0    2.2 to 2.3





              2014    2015     2016     ロンガーラン
Unemployment rate 6.0 to 6.1  5.4 to 5.7  5.1 to 5.5    5.2 to 5.5
March projection   6.1 to 6.3  5.6 to 5.9  5.2 to 5.6    5.2 to 5.6

PCE inflation   1.5 to 1.7    1.5 to 2.0  1.6 to 2.0      2.0
March projection 1.5 to 1.6   1.5 to 2.0   1.7 to 2.0      2.0





3.25: 1
3.50: 3
3.75: 7
4.00: 3
4.25: 2

3.50: 4
3.75: 2
4.00: 8
4.25: 2




0.25: 3
0.50: 1
0.75: 1
1.00: 3
1.25: 3
1.50: 1
1.75: 1
2.00: 1
2.25: 1
2.50: 0
2.75: 0
3.00: 1

0.25: 2
0.50: 2
0.75: 2
1.00: 5
1.25: 1
1.50: 1
1.75: 0
2.00: 1
2.25: 1
2.50: 0
2.75: 0
3.00: 1



0.50: 1
0.75: 0
1.00: 1
1.25: 1
1.50: 0
1.75: 0
2.00: 2
2.25: 2
2.50: 2
2.75: 1
3.00: 2
3.25: 0
3.50: 1
3.75: 1
4.00: 1
4.25: 1

0.50: 0
0.75: 1
1.00: 0
1.25: 1
1.50: 0
1.75: 2
2.00: 3
2.25: 2
2.50: 1
2.75: 2
3.00: 1
3.25: 0
3.50: 1
3.75: 0
4.00: 1
4.25: 1








4 and 5 June 2014







Speech given by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England
At the Lord Mayor’s Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London at the Mansion House, London
12 June 2014


イントロの次の小見出しは『Macroeconomic balance』であります。

『The UK economy is currently unbalanced internally and externally.』


『Internally, there is wasteful spare capacity - an output gap - concentrated in the labour market. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) currently estimates this gap to be around 1-1.5% of GDP, though we caution against false precision as there are wide confidence bands around this central view.』


『The MPC’s current guidance makes clear that we will set monetary policy to meet the inflation target while using up that spare capacity. This has implications for the timing, pace and degree of Bank Rate increases.』


『There’s already great speculation about the exact timing of the first rate hike and this decision is becoming more balanced.』


『It could happen sooner than markets currently expect.』



『But to be clear, the MPC has no pre-set course. The ultimate decision will be data-driven. At this point it is safest to conclude, as the MPC has, that there remains scope for spare capacity to be used up before policy is tightened and that a host of labour market, capacity utilisation and pricing indicators should be watched closely to determine how that slack is evolving.』




『The MPC has rightly stressed that the timing of the first Bank Rate increase is less important than the path thereafter - that is, the degree and pace of increases after they start.』


『In particular, we expect that eventual increases in Bank Rate will be gradual and limited. That is because the economy will face the ongoing challenges of public and private balance sheet repair, a 10% appreciation of sterling over the past year or so, and muted growth in our main export markets. In addition, in the medium term, higher capital, liquidity and other prudential requirements can be expected to lead to higher spreads between borrowing rates and risk-free rates than before the crisis.』

『Moreover, a highly indebted private sector is particularly sensitive to interest rates.4』

『Caution over the path of rate increases once they begin is also needed because we start at a point from which interest rates cannot easily be reduced. The effects of an excessive or an excessively rapid tightening of monetary policy could prove damaging and difficult to undo.』

『Perhaps for these reasons, financial markets expect Bank Rate to rise to only 2-1/4% over the next three years and, on that basis, the MPC expects the economy to move towards internal balance - almost closing the output gap - in the same period.』




『The UK’s current account deficit is at a record level. The perennial trade deficit has been reinforced by the fact that the UK is growing much faster than its main trading partners. More recently the sharp fall in the returns we earn on our investments abroad has led to a negative 3% swing in our net investment income.』


『This is not an immediate cause for alarm. As the world and particularly Europe recovers, demand for our products and returns on our investments should increase. More competitiveness gains from the past depreciation may yet be realised, and in any event, unlike for much of Montagu Norman’s time, our exchange rate will remain flexible.』


『Nonetheless, sustained borrowing from abroad to consume at home is hardly a recipe for a balanced and sustainable expansion. Borrowing to invest, improve productivity, competitiveness and incomes is. 』

『Amidst much commentary about an unbalanced recovery, it should not be forgotten that business investment has accounted for more than a quarter of GDP growth over the past six months. The MPC’s forecasts rely on continued rapid growth of business investment over the next few years, leading to a revival in productivity and real wages, which in turn will allow consumption to grow without an unsustainable decline in household savings.』

『Creating the right conditions for investment is thus essential. In a world of corporate caution this will likely require interest rates consistent with our guidance.』


『The Bank is well aware that such a monetary stance could encourage other risks to develop.』


『For instance, there is evidence of growing vulnerabilities in financial markets. Across asset classes, implied volatilities are well below their long-term averages. Spreads in high yield and peripheral bond markets have collapsed. And covenant-light loans are the new normal. While the banking system is much more robust to spikes in volatility, end investors may not have fully absorbed the extent to which financial reforms will distribute shocks across the financial system.』

でまあこちらが金融市場の脆弱性拡大という話で、ハイイールド債市場のスプレッドが急縮小(collapsedとはこらまた強い言い方ですな)しているとか、コベナンツの緩いローンが非常に増えている(new normalともこらまた強調ががががが)とか、要するに低金利継続長期化の見通しでサーチフォーイールドでクレジットバブルがキタコレという話。

『This may be a case of still waters running deep - often the most dangerous time on the river.』


『That is why an essential counterpart to our monetary stance is macroprudential vigilance and activism. Nowhere is the need for that more acute than in the housing market.』

で、更に注意しないといけないのは住宅市場である(キリッ)と来て次の小見出しが『Balance in Housing』となるのですが、時間の配分を間違えてこの先は後日また投下致します。






今(16日の朝)BOEのサイトを見に行くと思いっきり「Top News」の所にカーニーさんのドヤ顔と共に講演へのリンクが貼られています。

Mark Carney's Speech at the Mansion House Bankers and Merchants Dinner, London
Speech given by Mark Carney at the Lord Mayor's Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London at the Mansion House, London on Thursday 12 June 2014.



Speech given by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England
At the Lord Mayor’s Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London at the Mansion House, London
12 June 2014





『My Lord Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen. A year ago when my predecessor Lord King delivered his final Mansion House speech, he noted “clear signs that a recovery in the UK, albeit modest, [was] underway.” That recovery was due in no small part to measures he and his colleagues had initiated including extraordinary monetary stimulus, recapitalisation of the banking system and innovative support for lending.』


『The task a year ago was to secure that recovery in the face of continued domestic frailties and ongoing international weaknesses. At home, unemployment and underemployment remained elevated, productivity growth was anaemic, and debt levels were high. Abroad, the European crisis had moved only from its acute to its chronic phase and financial markets were demonstrating their fragility during the ‘taper tantrum’. With this backdrop and with real wages around 10% below their pre-crisis levels, it was not surprising that consumer confidence, though improved, remained low. Business confidence was similarly shaken by past shocks and current scepticism about the ongoing strength of demand. The Bank responded to these challenges.』


『Forward guidance gave households and businesses confidence that Bank Rate would not be raised at least until jobs, incomes and spending were growing at sustainable rates. Guidance encouraged businesses to hire and spend, and helped keep expected interest rates low, even as the economy recovered strongly.』

『In parallel, we encouraged banks to continue repairing their balance sheets. Changes to the Bank’s liquidity policy further supported lending. The core of the financial system is now on a sound footing and making an increasingly important contribution to the recovery. We are now faced with the challenge of turning that recovery, which has steadily gained momentum and breadth over the past year, into a durable expansion.』


『To do so, we need balance.』


『Its absence can have serious consequences. One has only to look back to 1931 when Britain’s economic prospects were strained by high unemployment, a large budget deficit and a deteriorating balance of payments. In the ensuing crisis sterling was forced off the gold standard and the government of the day resigned.』

『And the Governor? With the uncanny foresight of a central banker, Montagu Norman had already left the scene “to get a bit of rest [in Quebec]”, he said, “for I have had a very hard time of it lately and I have not been so well as I would like to be.”1』


『However tempting, I will lean on Canada not for restoration but for a nautical analogy to describe how we can address the challenges we now face. Rather than appeal to the stately Duchess of York on which my predecessor sailed, I will look to the trusty canoe - a craft that can navigate the most rapid and treacherous waters…provided its paddlers work in sync.』

『Those economic currents are flowing swiftly, with the economy expanding at an annualised rate of 4% and jobs growing at a record pace.2 But there are rapids ahead, with old imbalances persisting and new ones emerging.』

『The economy is still over-levered. The housing market is showing the potential to overheat. And the current account deficit is now at a record level.』

『Navigating these hazards requires close coordination between all those in the boat; that is, between fiscal, monetary and prudential authorities.』


『Tonight I want to explain the Bank’s contribution to delivering a durable expansion characterised by balance in the macroeconomy, the housing market, and the financial sector.』

ということで、ではどういう論点でどういう対処をしますねんという話が以下続きまして、その後の小見出しが『Macroeconomic balance』『Balance in Housing』『Balance in financial markets』と来て最後に『Conclusion』と来ますが、そちらに関しては明日以降に続くということで勘弁(大汗)。


『Before doing so, I would like to join the Chancellor in paying tribute to two individuals.』


『The first is Sir David Lees, who as Chairman of Court has overseen the transformation of the governance and responsibilities of the Bank. David, I am extremely grateful for your support during my first year as Governor.』


『I’m also enormously grateful for the wise counsel of Charlie Bean during the past year. Always working, Charlie is tonight discharging his duties as President of the Royal Economic Society. Throughout his career, at the Treasury, in academia and at the Bank, Charlie has been a leading thinker and practitioner in the pursuit of macroeconomic balance. Internationally he has inspired countless policymakers, myself included. On behalf of all colleagues past and present, I would like to echo the Chancellor by thanking Charlie for his exceptional period of public service and the enormous contribution he has made to the economic well-being of this country.』





Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 5 June 2014



『Question: Thank you very much. I also have two questions for you. You announced a big package of measures. How long do you expect it will take for the full effect of these measures to develop? In other words, how soon will you have a good sense of whether this will be enough for you to achieve your aim of returning to the close to 2 percent target?』


『The second question pertains to the preparatory work for the ABS. Did you already discuss a potential scope of such a programme? And if so, could you give us an indication?』



『Draghi: Well the first question is actually important and it's also difficult to answer.』


『Let me say why is this. The package has basically three parts.』


『The first part is to ease the monetary policy stance. The second part is to enhance the transmission to the real economy. And the third part is the reaffirmation that we'll also use unconventional instruments if needed, if further easing is needed.』


『Because this will give you an idea of how long it may take to do this.』


『First of all, the first part, namely ease the stance of monetary policy. There we lowered the corridor and we reinforced our forward guidance.』

ここの部分で面白いなあと思うのは、「MROの金利を下げた」とか「マイナス金利を導入した」というようなコンテクストでの説明をしてこない事でして、「lowered the corridor」とコリドア全体の話をしている事だと思うのよね。


『The reinforcement of our forward guidance was based on two facts. First of all, the extension of the fixed-rate full allotment until the end of 2016, and second, the fixed rate on the TLTRO. So this will say that interest rates will stay low for long, possibly longer than previously foreseen.』


『And this will feed into the money market conditions via the yield curves and the exchange rate. This is the first block.』


『The second is we want to make sure that these improved conditions in the money markets would be transmitted to the real economy. And that's where the TLTRO comes in. So that's why we want to make sure that this feeds into the bank lending channel because our economy is 80 percent based on banks. So it lowers the cost of term funding for banks, but only for loans to the real economy, notably for the non-financial companies of the private sector.』


『When do we foresee we'll see some outcome? It's very difficult to say. Most likely we will see immediate effects on the money markets and we will see delayed effects on the real economy attributable to this programme. I'm not saying that in the meantime the real economy couldn't actually recover more. But attributable to this programme, it would probably take three or four quarters.』


『On the ABS, we did not discuss the scope of the ABS, other than again reaffirming that it should be real economy-oriented, oriented towards non-financial companies of the private sector. And on ABS, you know that last Friday we published the paper with the Bank of England, and if I have to summarise what's the ideal ABS we are looking, we are striving for, should have three features. It should be simple, so no complex CDOs, cubes or squares. It should be real, so ABS based on real loans, not based on derivatives. And it should be transparent, namely there should be information available for ABS underwriters, whoever trades the ABS. They should understand what they trade, what they are trading on.』



『Question: I think most would agree that the European Central Bank has been very good in providing the Eurozone financial system with cheap and plentiful supply of liquidity. So what is it exactly about this targeted LTRO that makes you think that you'll get a lot of demand from the banks for the liquidity you're putting on offer here given that we have seen a reduction in excess liquidity.』


『For my second question, the inflation projections I'd assume would not take into account the May figure given that that was released after the cut-off point. How much does the May figure of 0.5% concern you? How much closer does it take you to thinking that there's a real threat of what you refer to as a pernicious negative spiral?』


『Draghi: Well first of all, let me correct what we said before in answering to an earlier question. Yes, there was a commitment for OMT to sterilise, so I'm correcting this. But having said that: It is a different programme, completely different programme.』


『Now let me say something I haven't said. The first question you ask in these press conferences: “Was it unanimous?” Now this time it was unanimous. I'm really very grateful to all my colleagues in the Governing Council because being able to agree to have unanimity on such a complex set of instruments means a very, very extraordinary, unusual degree of consensus.』


『And you can imagine we had a very deep, prolonged discussion because, of course, there were different ideas about different components, although it was pretty clear there was a great consensus emerging immediately. And in the end, I think the Governing Council was capable to reach unanimity around one concept, which is the one I have illustrated to you.』


『Now what is in this LTRO, in this TLTRO that makes it different? Several things; The cost, obviously it's very low. The term maturity is four years. And the determination that this money not be spent on sovereigns and on sectors that are already experiencing or are just coming out of a bubbly-ish situation. So that's what is in it.』



『Now on the threat, when I've been asked in the past about whether I was seeing deflation, the answer was, and still is, by the way, we don't see deflation. We don't see that typical feature of a self-fulfilling negative spiral of self-fulfilling expectations. We don't see households postponing their spending plans and we don't see the various features of this phenomenon that I have mentioned on other occasions.』


『Let me also say that in the past we said that the main factors of this low inflation were the basically low growth rate of prices for food and energy and the exchange rate and also, to some extent, the persistent weak demand. Now not much has changed in terms of the causes of inflation. But what is changing and is in the process of changing is what I often say, the longer it lasts, the higher the risks. And that's what we are reacting to. We are reacting to a risk of a too-prolonged period of low inflation.』

足元までの物価下落は食糧とかエネルギーとかの問題などがあるというのと、為替レートという話をしていまして、為替レートキタコレなのですが、需要が弱い件については「to some extent」というような言い方で一時的要因を強調しています。で、一時的要因としても下がった状態が続くと良くないという話はいつも通り。

『The other cause I mentioned, for example, was the relative price adjustment that was needed and is needed in some countries, the idea being that relative price adjustment is a once-and-for-all phenomenon. It stops and then inflation goes back. Now the longer the inflation doesn't go back, without denying the need for the relative price adjustment, which is essential to restore competitiveness and growth and job creation in these countries, but the longer the inflation doesn't go back, the more the Governing Council is in a, say, watchful position.』





『Question: You said a few minutes ago that you're not finished. Is it safe to assume that the next step, given the comprehensiveness of the measures that you've announced today, that the next step would have to be some form of large-scale asset purchases or QE? And if so, can you give us any idea of how that would work in the European context given the structure of the capital markets here? 』


『Draghi: Let me ask you, when we lower interest rates, are you going to ask when you lower interest rates again? No. Not. So we've just taken a decision which, as you can see, is fairly articulated and certainly in reach of different aspects and certainly very significant. It's quite clear that we are not finished if need or further reason is going to come out, is going to be needed.』


『If such a need were to come, the introductory statement says that the Governing Councilis ready to use also unconventional instruments. The broad-based asset purchase programme that you mentioned is certainly one of these unconventional instruments.』

で、ここの説明がまたドラギ先生のイカサマ説明振りを発揮しているのですが、質問者は「large-scale asset purchases or QE」と質問しているのですが、ドラギ俊彦総裁は「broad-based asset purchase」と説明していまして、LSAPとは言っていない所がイカサマにも程があるという話ですな。

まあ物理的にマイナス金利やっているのにLSAPできないというのもありますし、そもそも間接金融が大きい上に域内の国債購入が色々な意味で課題があるという状態になっていて物理的にLSAPが難しいという事で、まあここでドラギ総裁が「broad-based 」という表現で言外に示しているのは「大規模資産買入による量的緩和政策では無く、幾つかのスコープに特化した資産買入による信用緩和政策」の実施を今後示唆しているのだと思いますよ。



『Question: Mr Draghi, the President of the German Saving Banks Association is accusing the ECB of an expropriation of savers. What is your response to that criticism?』


『And secondly more generally asked what is your message today to the German savers who suffer from very low interest rates?』


『Draghi: Let me address first the first question. I think there is a deep misunderstanding here.』


『The rates that we've changed are for the banks, not for the people.』


『Of course, commercial banks may react to our decision by choosing to lower their rates if they think they should do so, and this would be then transmitted to savers. But it's not us. It's a decision taken by the banks. So it's completely wrong to suggest that we want to expropriate savers.』


『Our package of measures actually means exactly the opposite. It's meant to restore growth, to promote the recovery. And this will allow interest rates to return to a higher level.』


『And this is part of the response that I want to give you to your second question. The concerns of the savers should be taken very seriously. When we say savers here, we should have clear in mind, these are people who have saved most of their lives to provide for their retirement. These are people who've signed a policy, insurance policies with insurance companies and they see the value of these insurance policies going down. So these concerns are serious. And here the answer is that the interest rates will go up, will go up when the recovery will come back, when growth will come back.』




『Question: So my first question is you have given us a new TLTRO, a sterilisation programme. You have extended the full allotment period and so forth. So if I'm not mistaken, this means over EUR500b worth of liquidity. Of course we'll each have to go back home and calculate what it means.』


『But my main question is how sure can the ECB be that these programmes are going to create inflation?』


『And I'm saying this when I'm looking at your forecast for 2015 and 2016, 1.1 and then 1.4, because even the Federal Reserve, after three periods of quantitative easing, was not successful enough to create that sort of inflation. And this was one of the major drawbacks that money markets couldn't predict. So that's my first question.(後半の質問割愛します)』



『Draghi: Well we are confident. I think it's been said in the introductory statement, we are confident the measures that we've taken will drive inflation close to 2 percent in the medium term.』


『It says, "Together, the measures will contribute to a return of inflation rates to levels closer to 2%. Inflation expectations for the euro area continue to be firmly anchored," etcetera. So we do expect these measures to take effect. So that's the answer to the first question.』


『But also keep in mind that the recovery isn't finished. The recovery is low, as I've said many times. It's fragile. It's uneven. But it's there. And we've also observed the labour market has shown signs of stabilisation. The unemployment rate in particular has stabilised and also has shown some signs of going down. So this gives us relative confidence that the measures we've taken today will contribute to reach our objectives in the medium term.(後半部分割愛)』






























2014年 06月 6日 10:15 JST




Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 5 June 2014



『The decisions are based on our economic analysis, taking into account the latest macroeconomic projections by Eurosystem staff, and the signals coming from the monetary analysis. Together, the measures will contribute to a return of inflation rates to levels closer to 2%. Inflation expectations for the euro area over the medium to long term continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%. Looking ahead, the Governing Council is strongly determined to safeguard this anchoring.』


『Concerning our forward guidance, the key ECB interest rates will remain at present levels for an extended period of time in view of the current outlook for inflation.』


『This expectation is further underpinned by our decisions today. Moreover, if required, we will act swiftly with further monetary policy easing. The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate should it become necessary to further address risks of too prolonged a period of low inflation.』



『Let me now briefly describe the individual measures decided today. Further details will be published at 3.30 p.m. on the ECB’s website.』


『First, we decided to lower the interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem by 10 basis points to 0.15% and the rate on the marginal lending facility by 35 basis points to 0.40%. The rate on the deposit facility was lowered by 10 basis points to -0.10%. These changes will come into effect on 11 June 2014. The negative rate will also apply to reserve holdings in excess of the minimum reserve requirements and certain other deposits held with the Eurosystem.』


『Second, in order to support bank lending to households and non-financial corporations, excluding loans to households for house purchase, we will be conducting a series of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTROs).』


『All TLTROs will mature in September 2018, i.e. in around 4 years. Counterparties will be entitled to borrow, initially, 7% of the total amount of their loans to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, outstanding on 30 April 2014. Lending to the public sector will not be considered in this calculation. The combined initial entitlement amounts to some 400 billionユーロ.』


『To that effect, two successive TLTROs will be conducted in September and December 2014. In addition, from March 2015 to June 2016, all counterparties will be able to borrow, quarterly, up to three times the amount of their net lending to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, over a specific period in excess of a specified benchmark. Net lending will be measured in terms of new loans minus redemptions. Loan sales, securitisations and write-downs do not affect the net lending measure.』


『The interest rate on the TLTROs will be fixed over the life of each operation, at the rate on the Eurosystem’s main refinancing operations (MROs) prevailing at the time of take-up, plus a fixed spread of 10 basis points. Starting 24 months after each TLTRO, counterparties will have the option to make repayments. A number of provisions will aim to ensure that the funds support the real economy. Those counterparties that have not fulfilled certain conditions regarding the volume of their net lending to the real economy will be required to pay back borrowings in September 2016.』


『In addition, the Governing Council decided to extend the existing eligibility of additional assets as collateral, notably under the additional credit claims framework, at least until September 2018.』


『Third, the Governing Council decided to intensify preparatory work related to outright purchases in the ABS market to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Under this initiative, the Eurosystem will consider purchasing simple and transparent asset-backed securities with underlying assets consisting of claims against the euro area non-financial private sector, taking into account the desirable changes in the regulatory environment, and will work with other relevant institutions to that effect.』


『Fourth, in line with our forward guidance and our determination to maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation, as well as to contain volatility in money markets, we decided to continue conducting the MROs as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the reserve maintenance period ending in December 2016. Furthermore, we decided to conduct the three-month longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to be allotted before the end of the reserve maintenance period ending in December 2016 as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The rates in these three-month operations will be fixed at the average rate of the MROs over the life of the respective LTRO. In addition, we decided to suspend the weekly fine-tuning operation sterilising the liquidity injected under the Securities Markets Programme.』





『Question: I think I need 27 questions - just joking. I'll take two, to please everybody else.』


『The first question is on forward guidance. I noticed you dropped the lower part of the interest rates. Does that mean you can exclude any further interest rate cuts no matter what?』


『And the second question on the targeted LTROs. How exactly will you make sure that banks will use the money in a way you would like them to use it? Will there be any extra reporting standards introduced that you can actually see the money will land at the real economy and not somewhere else?』


『And if I may follow up on a second question on the LTROs related to this, the 7 percent number, I was wondering if that's based somehow on the Bank of England Funding for Lending scheme, and if you could elaborate very briefly to what extent that is related or not. Thank you.』



『Draghi: On the first question, I would say that for all the practical purposes, we have reached the lower bound. However, this doesn't exclude some little technical adjustments and which could lead to some lower interest rates in one or the other or both parts of the corridor. But from all practical purposes, I would consider having reached the lower bound today.』


『The second question is about how we make sure that this credit-enhancing measure is actually going to be used to lend to the real economy. The answer is yes. You're absolutely right, there are going to be additional reporting requirements. The spirit underlying this measure is the following really: First of all, the ultimate view, don't forget, is always price stability, to ensure the transmission from the financial-monetary economy to the real economy, with the objective of achieving price stability. The underlying spirit is that we want to enhance lending to the non-financial companies in the private sector. Also there are several provisions here that would require enhanced reporting on the use of the initial allocation and on the use of the quarterly allocations. So there will be checks.』


『There will also be, as I said, a press statement at 3.30 going through various details like that and also debriefings by the ECB staff on this. But there will be checks.』


『The second intention is not to interfere with the AQR and the comprehensive assessment. And the third is not to incentivise the weak banks. So that's how this has been conceived. 』


『The third question is part of the second, in a sense. We certainly looked at the other central banks' experiences with this, and especially Bank of England. Of course, the final result is fairly different from the Bank of England's.』




『Question: Given the weakening in your inflation outlook, why didn't you go ahead and do a broad-based asset purchase program today, because you've mentioned that as one of the options if you have a weakening in the medium-term inflation outlook. Why didn't you just go ahead and do QE?』


『My second question is on the SMP sterilisation suspension. You've said you sterilised these purchases and now you're not going to do it any more. What does this say about how ironclad your commitment is to sterilise purchases under OMT?』



『Draghi: Let me say that we've done this. We think it's a significant package. Are we finished? The answer is no, we aren't finished here. If need be, within our mandate, we aren't finished here.』



『The second point is actually quite a good question. Let me answer this way. The main reason to commit to sterilisation, by my predecessor first and by myself later, was based on the effects, on the potential effects that this additional liquidity might have on inflation. When the SMP started, the inflation rate was above 2 percent. Now we are in a completely different world, so that now this decision actually takes place in the background characterised by low inflation, a weak recovery, weak monetary and credit dynamics. So that's the reason for suspending this commitment.』


『OMT has nothing to do with this. It's a completely different program. But the Vice President points out to me that we never said that we would sterilise with OMT. But anyway, it's a completely different program.』






5 June 2014 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB took the following monetary policy decisions:

1.The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be decreased by 10 basis points to 0.15%, starting from the operation to be settled on 11 June 2014.

2.The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be decreased by 35 basis points to 0.40%, with effect from 11 June 2014.

3.The interest rate on the deposit facility will be decreased by 10 basis points to -0.10%, with effect from 11 June 2014. A separate press release to be published at 3.30 p.m. CET today will provide details on the implementation of the negative deposit facility rate.

The President of the ECB will comment on the considerations underlying these decisions at a press conference starting at 2.30 p.m. CET today. Further monetary policy measures to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism will be communicated in a press release to be published at 3.30 p.m. CET today.』







5 June 2014 - ECB introduces a negative deposit facility interest rate

『・Deposit facility interest rate cut effective as of 11 June 2014』


『・Negative rate to apply also to average reserve holdings in excess of the minimum reserve requirements and other deposits held with the Eurosystem』


『When deciding to lower the key ECB interest rates at its meeting today, the Governing Council of the ECB took the decision to cut the interest rate on the deposit facility to -0.10%. This change will come into effect on 11 June 2014, together with the changes to the interest rates on the main refinancing operations and on the marginal lending facility.』


『The negative deposit facility interest rate will also apply to:

(i) banks’ average reserve holdings in excess of the minimum reserve requirements;
(ii) government deposits held with the Eurosystem that exceed certain thresholds that
will be set in the relevant Guideline to be published by 7 June;
(iii) Eurosystem reserve management services accounts if not currently remunerated;
(iv) participants’ account balances in TARGET2;
(v) non-Eurosystem NCB balances (overnight deposits) held in TARGET2; and
(vi) other accounts held by third parties with Eurosystem central banks when stipulated that they are not currently remunerated or are remunerated at the deposit facility rate.』





5 June 2014 - ECB announces monetary policy measures to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism

『In pursuing its price stability mandate, the Governing Council of the ECB has today announced measures to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism by supporting lending to the real economy. In particular, the Governing Council has decided:』



『1.To conduct a series of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTROs) aimed at improving bank lending to the euro area non-financial private sector [1], excluding loans to households for house purchase, over a window of two years.』

『[1]The euro area non-financial private sector is defined as euro area households and non-financial corporations.』


『2.To intensify preparatory work related to outright purchases of asset-backed securities (ABS).』


『Modalities of the series of TLTROs』


『Counterparties will be entitled to an initial TLTRO borrowing allowance (initial allowance) equal to 7% of the total amount of their loans to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, outstanding on 30 April 2014. In two successive TLTROs to be conducted in September and December 2014, counterparties will be able to borrow an amount that cumulatively does not exceed this initial allowance.』


『During the period from March 2015 to June 2016, all counterparties will be able to borrow additional amounts in a series of TLTROs conducted quarterly. These additional amounts can cumulatively reach up to three times each counterparty’s net lending [2] to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, provided between 30 April 2014 and the respective allotment reference date [3] in excess of a specified benchmark.』

『The benchmark will be determined by taking into account each counterparty’s net lending to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, recorded in the 12-month period up to 30 April 2014.』

『[2]Net lending will be measured on the basis of the transactions concept of the BSI statistics, i.e. new loans minus loan redemptions, adjusted for the impact of loan sales and securitisations.』

『[3]The allotment reference date is defined as the most recent month for which net lending data will be available for each TLTRO allotment.』


『All TLTROs will mature in September 2018.』


『The interest rate on the TLTROs will be fixed over the life of each operation at the rate on the Eurosystem’s main refinancing operations (MROs) prevailing at the time of take-up, plus a fixed spread of 10 basis points. Interest will be paid in arrears when the borrowing is repaid.』





『Starting 24 months after each TLTRO, counterparties will have the option to repay any part of the amounts they were allotted in that TLTRO at a six-monthly frequency.』


『Counterparties that have borrowed under the TLTROs and whose net lending to the euro area non-financial private sector, excluding loans to households for house purchase, in the period from 1 May 2014 to 30 April 2016 is below the benchmark will be required to pay back borrowings in September 2016.』


『Further technical details and an exact calendar of the operations will be announced in due course. 』


次が『Intensification of preparatory work related to outright purchases of ABS』というのですが、まあ要するに頑張りますやりますという話ですな。

『The Governing Council has decided to intensify preparatory work related to outright purchases in the ABS market to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism, given the role of this market in facilitating new credit flows to the economy. Under this initiative, the Eurosystem will consider purchasing simple and transparent ABS with underlying assets consisting of claims against the euro area non-financial private sector, taking into account the desirable changes in the regulatory environment, and will work with other relevant institutions to that effect.』

『The Eurosystem will work out the appropriate modalities for this policy measure, including the key requirements that the ABS will have to meet in order to be eligible. Further details of the initiative will be announced in due course.』




5 June 2014 - ECB announces features of monetary policy operations with settlement until December 2016


『The Governing Council of the ECB has today decided to continue conducting its main refinancing operations (MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the Eurosystem’s reserve maintenance period ending in December 2016.』


『Furthermore, the Governing Council has decided to conduct the three-month longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) to be allotted before the end of the Eurosystem’s reserve maintenance period ending in December 2016 as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The rates in these three-month operations will be fixed at the average rate of the MROs over the life of the respective LTRO.』


『In addition, the Governing Council has decided to discontinue the Eurosystem’s special-term refinancing operations with a maturity of one maintenance period, following the operation to be allotted on 10 June 2014.』


『Finally, the Governing Council has decided to suspend the weekly fine-tuning operation sterilising the liquidity injected under the Securities Markets Programme, following the operation to be allotted on 10 June 2014.』











市場がろくすっぽ反応して居なかったのはまあ当然(でまあ市場が反応しないもんだからネタにするのも遅くなりましたが)でして、出オチの「出口政策に関する議論」の所はおーという感じなのですがそのほかにじゃあげげげのげというような物があるかというとそういう訳ではなく、しかも『Committee Policy Action』の部分とか近来稀に見る無風の記述でして、そらまあネタにするのも遅れるというものです(違)。




冒頭の所に出オチでRRPオペの話がありましたが、『Staff Review of the Financial Situation』の所には関連するこんな記述がありました。

『Conditions in short-term funding markets remained fairly stable over the intermeeting period. Take-up in the Federal Reserve's fixed-rate ON RRP exercise continued to be sensitive to the spread between market rates and the rate offered in the exercise, with higher take-up occurring on days when the market rate on repurchase agreements was close to or below the ON RRP rate.』


『As has been the case since the ON RRP exercise began, money market funds increased their usage at quarter-end; take-up reached a record level of about $240 billion at the end of March. Part of the increase in ON RRP usage at the end of March relative to the end of December likely reflected higher counterparty allotment limits, which were raised from $3 billion to $7 billion during the first quarter. The allotment limit was subsequently increased to $10 billion per counterparty in early April.』


『The seasonal paydown of short-term Treasury debt following the April tax date was accompanied by a notable pickup in participation at ON RRP operations, but Treasury repo rates generally remained very close to the ON RRP rate of 5 basis points.』



だいぶワープして『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』から労働市場とインフレに関して。

『In discussing the effect of labor market conditions on inflation, a number of participants expressed skepticism about recent studies suggesting that long-term unemployment provides less downward pressure on wage and price inflation than short-term unemployment does.』


『A couple of participants cited other research findings that both short- and long-term unemployment rates exert pressure on wages, with the effects of long-term unemployment increasing as the level of short-term unemployment declines.』


『Moreover, a few participants pointed out that because of downward nominal wage rigidity during the recession, wage increases are likely to remain relatively modest for some time during the recovery, even as the labor market strengthens.』


『It was also noted that because inflation was expected to remain well below the Committee's 2 percent objective and the unemployment rate was still above participants' estimates of its longer-run normal level, the Committee did not, at present, face a tradeoff between its employment and inflation objectives, and an expansion of aggregate demand would result in further progress relative to both objectives.』




『In their discussion of financial stability, participants generally did not see imbalances that posed significant near-term risks to the financial system and the broader economy, but they nevertheless reviewed some financial developments that pointed to potential future risks.』


『A couple of participants noted that conditions in the leveraged loan market had become stretched, although equity cushions on new deals remained above levels seen prior to the financial crisis.』


『Two others saw declining credit spreads, particularly on speculative-grade corporate bonds, as consistent with an increase in investors' appetite for risk.』


『In addition, several participants noted that the low level of expected volatility implied by some financial market prices might also signal an increase in risk appetite.』


『Some stated that it would be helpful to continue to explore the appropriate regulatory, supervisory, and monetary policy responses to potential risks to financial stability.』

でまあ数名の方は規制や監督「and monetary policy」によるファイナンシャルスタビリティーへの潜在的なりすくに関する適切な対応を検討する事が重要と仰せですな。うんうん。



























『The next question I wish to consider is how the Fed will likely manage its balance sheet as the taper process is completed and lift-off eventually occurs.』


『Unlike previous normalizations of monetary policy, which only involved the level of short-term rates, this prospective tightening cycle also involves considerations with respect to the size and composition of our balance sheet.』


『The Committee stated in its June 2011 exit principles that changes in short-term rates will be the primary means for adjusting monetary policy post-liftoff, not discretionary shifts in the balance sheet. In other words, the balance sheet will be set on automatic pilot. I believe this approach still very much applies.』




『However, the language in the June 2011 exit principles concerning agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) sales no longer applies. As Chairman Bernanke noted in the press conference following the June 2013 FOMC meeting: “While participants continue to think that in the long run the Federal Reserve’s portfolio should consist predominantly of Treasury securities, a strong majority now expects that the Committee will not sell agency mortgage-backed securities during the process of normalizing monetary policy.” The balance sheet would shrink post-lift-off as Treasury securities matured and mortgages were prepaid, but outright agency MBS sales are no longer contemplated during the process of monetary policy normalization.』





『Also, I think that the language in the June 2011 exit principles with respect to reinvestment needs to be revisited. The exit principles state: “To begin the process of policy normalization, the Committee will likely first cease reinvesting some or all payments of principal on the securities holdings in the SOMA.”』


『There are two considerations that suggest to me that ending the reinvestments prior to lift-off may not be the best strategy.』


『First, such a decision might complicate our communications regarding the process of normalization.』


『Ending reinvestments as an initial step risks inadvertently bringing forward any tightening of financial conditions as this might foreshadow the impending lift-off date for rates in a manner inconsistent with the Committee’s intention.』


『Second, when conditions permit, it would be desirable to get off the zero lower bound in order to regain some monetary policy flexibility.』


『This goal would argue for lift-off occurring first followed by the end of reinvestment, rather than vice versa. Delaying the end of reinvestment puts the emphasis where it needs to be-getting off the zero lower bound for interest rates.』


『In my opinion, this is far more important than the consequences of the balance sheet being a little larger for a little longer.』




『With respect to the issue of how the FOMC will control money market rates with an enlarged balance sheet, the Federal Reserve already has the necessary tool-the ability to pay interest on excess reserves. However, the degree of control could be further buttressed. Enhancing confidence in the Fed’s ability to control money market rates, and hence, inflation, might also help keep inflation expectations well anchored.』


『One method the Fed has been testing is an overnight, fixed rate, reverse repo (RRP) facility.』


『The Federal Reserve posts a fixed interest rate and accepts cash from counterparties, which include some banks, dealers, money market funds, and government sponsored enterprises, on an overnight basis in return for a security. The repo facility is “reverse” because the direction in which the funds and securities move-participants are lending funds to the Fed rather than vice versa. Users of the facility are making the economic equivalent of an overnight collateralized loan of cash to the Federal Reserve.』


『If implemented, the facility could be set up as “full allotment,” which means that there is no cap on the amount of funds accepted from any of its counterparties at the posted overnight interest rate. Or, caps could be imposed on either an aggregate or per counterparty basis in order to limit total usage.』


『The amount of funds invested in the facility is likely to be sensitive to the spread between the posted interest rate and comparable money market rates and the level of caps placed on usage. The narrower the spread to comparable money market rates, the greater the participation is likely to be. In our ongoing tests with this facility, the New York Desk has varied the RRP rate from 1 to 5 basis points and the cap on usage by counterparty has gradually been increased to its current level of $10 billion. As expected, narrower spreads to comparable money market rates and larger caps have led to greater usage.』

この辺から更にオペ技術的な話になって大変に面白いのですが、 当然ながらフルアロットメントで実施すれば市場金利のフロアがこの金利になり(それより低いレートでカウンターパーティーリスクを取るアホウはいないから)ますし、利用限度額を定めればこの金利よりも低い金利で資金を出す場合もあります罠という事ですな。で、利用限度額が高くなればそのスプレッドが縮小しますと。

『Although the testing process is still ongoing, early results suggest that the overnight RRP facility will set a floor under money market rates.』


『Treasury repo rates have generally traded no more than a basis point or two below the overnight RRP rate.2 Thus, the early evidence suggests that this facility would help strengthen our control over money market rates.』



『Two issues with the overnight reverse repo rate warrant careful consideration.』


『The first is how big a footprint the facility should have in terms of volume. To the extent that the overnight RRP rate were set very close or equal to the interest rate on excess reserves (IOER) without caps, then this might result in a large amount of disintermediation out of banks through money market funds and other financial intermediaries into the facility. This could encourage further development of the shadow banking system. If this were deemed undesirable, this would argue for a wider spread between the overnight RRP and the IOER in order to reduce the volume of flows into the facility.』


『The second issue is the facility’s potential impact on financial stability. In particular, would such a facility make financial instability less likely? And, when financial stress did occur, would such a facility amplify or dampen financial strains?』


『On the first point, it seems that such a facility would tend to make financial instability less likely. The overnight RRP facility allows us to make a short-term safe asset more widely available to a broad range of financial market participants.』

『The provision of short-term safe assets by the official sector might crowd out the private creation of runnable money-like liquid assets. This might enhance financial stability by reducing the likelihood of a financial crisis.』



『However, if a financial crisis were to occur, the existence of a full allotment, overnight, RRP facility might exacerbate instability by encouraging runs out of more risky assets into the facility. That is because the supply of a full allotment facility would be completely elastic at the given fixed rate.』


『Money market mutual funds and other providers of short-term financing could rapidly shift funds into the facility away from assets such as commercial paper that support the private sector. In contrast, in the current regime, when financial crises lead to flows into less risky assets, their interest rates fall, limiting the appetite for these less risky assets. Consequently, under a full allotment setup, runs could be larger and these runs could exacerbate the fall in the prices of riskier assets. Note that the risk here is how quickly financial flows could reverse from one day to the next, not the average level of take-up of the facility over time.』


『Fortunately, this risk seems relatively easy to address. One could design the facility to prevent rapid inflows during times of financial stress. This could be done by building in circuit breakers such as caps on overall usage of the facility.』


『The circuit breakers would not affect the amount of take-up during normal times or prevent take-up from rising at moderate rates. Instead, they would be in place to limit the pace and magnitude of inflows during times of stress.』




『A second option to improve the Fed’s control over short-term rates is to drain reserves by offering banks term deposit accounts in which to invest funds for longer terms than overnight. There are two issues that might make this option somewhat less attractive.』

手段はあるがsomewhat less attractiveとな。

『First, to strengthen monetary policy control significantly through this course, it might be necessary to drain most of the $3 trillion of reserves. This could be done of course with effort, but is the effort worth it? 』

『Second, the Fed would undoubtedly have to “pay up” to induce banks to hold term deposit accounts relative to keeping their monies in reserves at the excess reserves interest rate. This would likely result in higher Fed interest expenses relative to relying on an overnight RRP facility to set a floor on money market rates.』




『The choices here are important and I expect that considerable testing, analysis and discussion will be necessary to reach firm conclusions about the appropriate course. My goal would be to clarify our intentions later this year, long before we begin to contemplate raising short-term rates.』

『I also think that the choices are about how to conduct monetary policy during the transitional phase, not about the long-term monetary policy framework. Longer term, the issue will be whether to return to the type of corridor system that was in place prior to the crisis or to instead to stay with the type of floor system that will likely be the type of regime that is in place as the balance sheet gradually normalizes. I expect that the choices made over the near-term can be implemented in a way so as not to forestall either a corridor or a floor system over the longer term. The experience we gain with operating monetary policy effectively with a very large balance sheet will undoubtedly inform that choice. 』

『But, that topic is putting the cart far before the horse. First, we need an economy that is strong enough to more fully utilize the nation’s labor resources and to begin to push inflation back towards the Federal Reserve’s long-term objective. Only then can the monetary policy normalization process proceed. Although we are making progress towards our goals, we still have a considerable way to go.』

『Thank you for your kind attention. I would be happy to take a few questions.』






更新日時: 2014/05/22 05:02 JST

更新日時: 2014/05/22 05:35 JST






今回の議事要旨の盛大な出オチは冒頭部分であります。いきなり小見出しが『Monetary Policy Normalization』って盛大に茶を吹いてしまうではあーりませんか。

『Monetary Policy Normalization』


『In a joint session of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, meeting participants discussed issues associated with the eventual normalization of the stance and conduct of monetary policy.』


『The Committee's discussion of this topic was undertaken as part of prudent planning and did not imply that normalization would necessarily begin sometime soon.』


『A staff presentation outlined several approaches to raising short-term interest rates when it becomes appropriate to do so, and to controlling the level of short-term interest rates once they are above the effective lower bound, during a period when the Federal Reserve will have a very large balance sheet.』


『The approaches differed in terms of the combination of policy tools that might be used to accomplish those objectives. In addition to the rate of interest paid on excess reserve balances, the tools considered included fixed-rate overnight reverse repurchase (ON RRP) operations, term reverse repurchase agreements, and the Term Deposit Facility (TDF).』


『The staff presentation discussed the potential implications of each approach for financial intermediation and financial markets, including the federal funds market, and the possible implications for financial stability. In addition, the staff outlined options for additional operational testing of the policy tools.』


『Following the staff presentation, meeting participants discussed a wide range of topics related to policy normalization.』


『Participants generally agreed that starting to consider the options for normalization at this meeting was prudent, as it would help the Committee to make decisions about approaches to policy normalization and to communicate its plans to the public well before the first steps in normalizing policy become appropriate.』


『Early communication, in turn, would enhance the clarity and credibility of monetary policy and help promote the achievement of the Committee's statutory objectives.』


『It was emphasized that the tools available to the Committee will allow it to reduce policy accommodation when doing so becomes appropriate. Participants considered how various combinations of tools could have different implications for the degree of control over short-term interest rates, for the Federal Reserve's balance sheet and remittances to the Treasury, for the functioning of the federal funds market, and for financial stability in both normal times and in periods of stress.』


『Because the Federal Reserve has not previously tightened the stance of policy while holding a large balance sheet, most participants judged that the Committee should consider a range of options and be prepared to adjust the mix of its policy tools as warranted.』


『Participants generally favored the further testing of various tools, including the TDF, to better assess their operational readiness and effectiveness.』


『No decisions regarding policy normalization were taken; participants requested additional analysis from the staff and agreed that it would be helpful to continue to review these issues at upcoming meetings. The Board meeting concluded at the end of the discussion.』






The Economic Outlook and Implications for Monetary Policy
May 20, 2014
William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks before the New York Association for Business Economics, New York City



『Thank you for inviting me to speak here today. It always is a special pleasure to address my fellow economists. In my remarks today, I am going to focus on the economic outlook and the implications of that outlook for monetary policy.』


『My views on the economy have not changed much since last fall. Although economic growth stalled in the first quarter, some slowing was expected and unseasonably harsh winter weather appears to have done the rest. The fundamental supports for a strengthening economy remain in place, and recent data seem to confirm that forecast. On the price front, I expect inflation to drift higher over the remainder of the year as the effects of some temporary factors that have been holding inflation down dissipate and the labor market continues to tighten.』


『If my forecast is correct, as growth strengthens and inflation drifts higher, the focus will turn to monetary policy. In particular, what will be the timing of lift-off? And when lift-off occurs, how quickly will the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) raise rates and to what level?』


『Also, with an exceptionally large balance sheet there will be considerable attention on the methods that the FOMC will likely use in order to exert control over the level of short-term rates. I can’t tell you yet how we will do it, but I am fully confident that we have the necessary tools to control the level of short-term rates and the credit creation process, and I will share with you some of my own thoughts on the subject.』


『As always, what I have to say here today reflects my own views and not necessarily those of the FOMC or the Federal Reserve System.』






『With respect to the outlook for prices, I think that inflation will drift upwards over the next year, getting closer to the FOMC’s 2 percent objective for the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) deflator.』


『Some of the factors holding down inflation-such as the cut in Medicare reimbursement rates last April-were one-offs and are now dropping out of the year-over-year figures. In some other areas, such as owners’ equivalent rent, price pressures look likely to firm somewhat.』


『That said, I see little prospect of inflation climbing sharply over the next year or two.』


『There still are considerable margins of excess capacity available in the economy-especially in the labor market-that should moderate price pressures. Most notably, the trend of labor compensation is running at only about a 2 percent annualized pace. This is far below the roughly 3-1/2 percent pace that would be consistent with trend productivity growth of 1 to 1-1/2 percent and the FOMC’s 2 percent inflation objective.』




『Before I turn to the implications of the economic outlook for monetary policy, let me leave you with a final thought on inflation and our inflation objective.』


『I think there is some confusion as to whether the FOMC’s 2 percent inflation objective is a ceiling or not.』


『My own view is that 2 percent is definitely not a ceiling.』


『Once we reach 2 percent, I would expect that we would spend as much time slightly above 2 percent as below it, recognizing that we will hardly ever be exactly at 2 percent because of the inherent volatility in prices. If inflation were to drift above 2 percent, all else equal, then we would tend to resist such a rise. But, if inflation were slightly above 2 percent even as unemployment remained far above levels consistent with maximum employment, then the unemployment consideration would dominate because we would be further from the unemployment objective than we are from the inflation objective. This should not surprise anyone. This is what our “balanced approach”

ということで、まあこれも特段変わった話をしている訳ではないですが、アクチュアルの物価が2%から ちょっと上昇したから引締めという物ではなく、あくまでも先行きの見通しがどうかという話が重要で、安定的に推移する中で若干上回るというのと、急速に上昇して抜けたというのでは話が違いますがなという説明をしていて、でもって先ほどの見通し部分というのを勘案するとこれでインフレタカ派という評価になるのは正直ワケワカランと思うのだがアタクシの英語力が無いせいの可能性はありますので念の為申し添えます(−−)。


『Given my outlook for above-trend growth and inflation gradually drifting higher, the inevitable question is what this means for the monetary policy outlook.』


『Over the near-term, if circumstances evolve relatively close to my forecast, I would continue to favor gradually reducing the pace of asset purchases by staying on the same glide path of a $10 billion reduction in the monthly purchase pace following each FOMC meeting.』


『Assuming asset purchases end sometime this fall, the focus will shift to the timing of lift-off, the pace of tightening once lift-off occurs and where short-term rates are ultimately headed over the longer-term.』


『The issue of how the Fed will manage its balance sheet will also be relevant, as well as how monetary policy will be conducted during a period when the amount of excess reserves in the banking system is unusually large. I will give you some of my early thinking on each of these issues in the remainder of my remarks.』


『Turning first to the timing of lift-off, how the outlook evolves matters. We currently anticipate that a considerable period of time will elapse between the end of asset purchases and lift-off, but precisely how long is difficult to say given the inherent uncertainties surrounding the outlook. If the economy is stronger than expected, causing the excess slack in the labor market to be absorbed sooner and inflation to rise more quickly than forecasted, then lift-off is likely to be pulled forward in time. If, instead, economic growth disappoints, inflation stays unusually low and the labor market continues to exhibit evidence of considerable excess slack, then lift-off will likely be pushed back in time.1』


『1 It is worth noting that the views of market participants as expressed in the Eurodollar futures market and those of FOMC participants as expressed in the March Summary of Economic Projections seem consistent with one another and indicate an anticipated lift-off sometime near the middle of next year.』




『With respect to the trajectory of rates after lift-off, this also is highly dependent on how the economy evolves.』


『My current thinking is that the pace of tightening will probably be relatively slow.』


『This depends, however, in large part, not only on the economy’s performance, but also on how financial conditions respond to tightening.』


『After all, monetary policy works through financial conditions to affect aggregate demand and supply. If the response of financial conditions to tightening is very mild-say similar to how the bond and equity markets have responded to the tapering of asset purchases since last December-this might encourage a somewhat faster pace.』


『In contrast, if bond yields were to move sharply higher, as was the case last spring, then a more cautious approach might be warranted.』





『In terms of the level of rates over the longer-term, I would expect them to be lower than historical averages for three reasons.』


『First, economic headwinds seem likely to persist for several more years. While the wealth loss following the financial crisis has largely been reversed, the Great Recession has scarred households and businesses--this is likely to lead to greater precautionary saving and less investment for a long time. Also, as noted earlier, headwinds in the housing area seem likely to dissipate only slowly.』


『Second, slower growth of the labor force due to the aging of the population and moderate productivity growth imply a lower potential real GDP growth rate as compared to the 1990s and 2000s.』


『Because the level of real equilibrium interest rates appears to be positively related to potential real GDP growth, this slower trend implies lower real equilibrium interest rates even after all the current headwinds fully dissipate.』


『Third, changes in bank regulation may also imply a somewhat lower long-term equilibrium rate.』


『Consider that, all else equal, higher capital requirements for banks imply somewhat wider intermediation margins. While higher capital requirements are essential in order to make the financial system more robust, this is likely to push down the long-term equilibrium federal funds rate somewhat.』


『Putting all these factors together, I expect that the level of the federal funds rate consistent with 2 percent PCE inflation over the long run is likely to be well below the 4-1/4 percent average level that has applied historically when inflation was around 2 percent. Precisely how much lower is difficult to say at this point in time.』


『The fact that the equilibrium real federal funds rate is likely to be lower for a long time underscores the need for caution in applying the benchmark Taylor Rule as a guide to the appropriate stance of monetary policy.』


『As typically applied, the Taylor Rule assumes an equilibrium real rate of interest of 2 percent. This seems much too high in the current economic environment in which headwinds persist, and somewhat too high even when these headwinds fully dissipate.』









The Global Economy, the U.S. Economy, and the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy
Dennis Lockhart
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
May 11, 2014




『Key points』ってのがありまして。

『In Dubai on May 11, 2014, Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart shares his views on the state of and outlook for the global and U.S. economies. 』


『Lockhart notes that the global economy has been gradually recovering with moderate rates of growth and low inflation, but also with significant resource slack in advanced economies.』

ということで、先進国経済には「significant resource slack」という認識を示していまして、成長はモデレートでインフレは低いという説明ですけれども・・・・・・・

『Lockhart’s U.S. forecast calls for growth accelerating to an annualized rate of around 3 percent. He will be watching for a stronger rate of industrial production growth, improved demand for capital goods, and a step-up in consumer spending.』


『Lockhart expects the Fed’s asset purchase program to be completely phased out by later this year, and says economic conditions will justify beginning to raise interest rates in the latter half of 2015.』


『Lockhart believes that changes in U.S. financial conditions affect interest rates and asset prices in other countries through various channels, but feels that overall emerging market vulnerability to external causes is considerably lower than it has been in the past. 』



『Lockhart notes risks to his outlook in terms of U.S. economic growth momentum, geopolitical events, and financial instability, but is not overly concerned that markets or institutions pose broad systemic risks at this time. 』

リスクに関しては上記のとおりですが、ほほうと思うのはリスクの中で(小さいと言う認識は示していますが)「financial instability」が入っている所でして、スタイン理事の影響恐るべしということでよろしいでしょうかわかりません(><;


ということで後半の『Effects of U.S. monetary policy worldwide』から。

『The world watches U.S. monetary policy closely, and global capital flows are influenced by expectations of Federal Reserve policy. Recent turbulence in certain emerging markets led to substantial controversy over the effect of U.S. policy on the rest of the world.』


『Questions were raised about the wisdom and timing of the Fed’s decision to start withdrawing the extraordinary support provided by quantitative easing and the decision to do so seemingly without regard to the effect on other countries.』


『I’ll give you my perspective as one U.S. policymaker.』


『Changes in U.S. financial conditions do affect interest rates and asset prices in other countries through various channels.』


『U.S. central-bank policy influences capital flows and their effects, in turn, on the foreign exchange rate, equity markets and debt markets, both external and domestic.』

『As a result, some emerging economies may face pressures when U.S. monetary accommodation is reduced. They may have to make policy and business adjustments. This was the situation earlier this year, but since then conditions in most affected countries have stabilized or at least calmed.』


『Stepping back, my sense is that overall emerging market vulnerability to external causes is considerably lower than it has been in the past. Many emerging-market policymakers responded to the financial crises in Asia and Latin America in the late 1990s and early 2000s by moving to flexible currencies, building official reserves, and cutting their dependence on foreign currency borrowing.』



『The Fed has tried to be transparent about the direction of its monetary policy. In my view, we have communicated clearly our intention to wind down asset purchases and eventually begin to raise rates as the U.S. recovery advances and our policy objectives look more attainable.』


『These contingencies should have been clear even before last summer when the subject of phasing out the asset purchase program was broached in a Fed press conference.』


『I believe it is in the world’s interest that the U.S. economy strengthens and that the Federal Reserve pursues policies appropriate for, and supportive of, improving conditions. Also, with my expectation that the United States will experience better economic growth over the medium term, I believe the outlook for emerging economies is also improved.』




『I have presented a rather upbeat outlook for the U.S. economy. I have to acknowledge some risks to my outlook. Risks can express themselves in a number of ways, but at present I see the risks falling under three headings.』


『First, as I said, it may be a while before we know if the intrinsic growth momentum of the U.S. economy is indeed as strong as I’m projecting.』


『Second, there is the risk of financial instability.』


『In a highly integrated global financial system, events almost anywhere can have an impact on financial stability in the United States, here in the Middle East, and elsewhere.』


『To take a U.S.-centric view, given how long a low-interest-rate environment has been in place, it’s wise to keep a close watch on asset markets for signs of “irrational exuberance,” a phrase coined by former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan.』


『I can assure you Fed policymakers are monitoring developments carefully. As one policymaker, I am not overly concerned that markets or institutions pose broad systemic risks at this time.』


『The third area of concern is geopolitical in nature.』


『Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine have an economic dimension, both in the interplay between the parties and the potential for destabilization of markets and economies. Even in the absence of significant direct exposure (which is the case for the United States), I think there is risk that heightened conflict could produce volatility in global financial and commodity markets that, if prolonged, could spill over to the U.S. and global economies. The recent lessening of tensions is a welcome development.』






Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
May 6, 2014
Challenges for Monetary Policy Communication



『The Interaction of the Committee and the Market』という所の最初にいきなりアラン・ブラインダー元FRB副議長の指摘する「自分の尾を追う犬」の件がキタコレです。

『Going further, it is important to note that this evolution of the reaction function does not happen in a vacuum, where the Committee deliberates in a cloistered fashion and then simply reports its decisions to the market. All along, the market is making conjectures about how we will behave, and these conjectures in turn can have a powerful influence on the debate itself.』


『This feedback effect has been especially relevant in the case of QE3, because the policy has relied significantly on a signaling channel for some of its effectiveness.』


『That is, QE3 has, in my view, mattered not just because of the direct downward pressure on longer-term interest rates associated with removing a given quantity of duration from the private market, but also because it has buttressed our forward guidance by serving as a credible signal of the Committee's intentions with respect to the future path of the federal funds rate.』


『Of course, if the Committee is using asset purchases to signal its policy intentions, then the information content of purchase decisions depends importantly on what the public expects it to do.』


『For example, if it is early 2013 and the market has somehow arrived at the belief that the Committee will continue buying assets at an $85 billion per month clip so long as monthly payroll growth does not exceed 200,000 jobs per month for three months in a row, then even a small cut down to $80 billion per month is likely to elicit a powerful market reaction--not because the $5 billion cut is consequential in and of itself, but because of the message it sends about the Committee's policy leanings more generally. But then you can see the feedback loop that arises: The more strongly the market becomes attached to this belief--even if it was initially somewhat arbitrary--the more wary the Committee must be of making an unexpected change, and this wariness further reinforces the market's initial belief.』


『In this sense, the Committee's reaction function for the appropriate quantity of asset purchases under the QE3 program is not only evolving over time, it is coevolving along with the market's beliefs.』


『In part for this reason, I believe we are currently in a very good position with respect to the market's expectations for our asset purchases going forward. Market participants now appear to almost uniformly expect that, barring a material change in the outlook for the economy, the Committee is likely to continue tapering our purchases in further measured steps over the remainder of this year.』

この講演(5月6日)時点ではこのような説明ですが、さて今はスタイン理事どういうイメージでしょうかねえと思いますが、Taperingに関しては既に市場に完全に織り込まれているので、このままTaperingを継続しても市場への影響はありませんという意味で今のFOMCは「very good position」にいるという話をしています。


『With these expectations in place, the execution of the taper itself becomes much easier, as we no longer have to worry about a step-down at each meeting sending a potentially misleading message about our intentions with respect to the future path of the federal funds rate.9』


『The case of QE3 illustrates the point that the Committee's reaction function is shaped by market expectations and vice versa. But I suspect that the point has more general applicability. Consider the well-known phenomenon of "gradualism" in monetary policy, whereby changes to the policy rate during an easing or tightening cycle tend to come in a series of small and relatively predictable steps. This phenomenon is reflected in the fact that the Committee's behavior in normal times can be approximately described by an "inertial" version of a Taylor rule--one in which, in addition to putting weight on inflation and unemployment, the Committee also behaves as if it has an aversion to making sudden large changes in the federal funds rate.』

『However, such a reduced-form description of the Committee's behavior does not answer the question of why this kind of inertia might be optimal. Why should the Committee act as if it is averse to making sharp changes in the funds rate?』

『At one level, the answer is clear: This behavior is in the service of our mandate, and nothing more. For if we were to make an unexpectedly abrupt adjustment at any time, it would likely have a large effect on long-term rates and credit conditions more generally, which in turn might compromise our ability to reach our goals for employment and inflation--for example, a large bond-market move of this sort might nip a nascent recovery in the bud, which is why it is to be avoided.』


『Digging deeper, though, it is important to recognize that part of the reason that the bond market would react so strongly to a sharp change in the short-term policy rate is that we have settled into a self-sustaining equilibrium in which the Fed tends to act gradually, and the market has come to expect that gradualism.』


『In other words, the market has learned that a given increase in the federal funds rate at the beginning of a tightening cycle is typically followed by many more moves in the same direction, so there is naturally a multiplier effect on long-term rates of a given change in short-term rates. And that multiplier depends on the expected degree of gradualism: The more inertia there is in Fed policy, the more significant is any small move, and hence the larger is the multiplier.』


『Thus, an expectation of gradualism on the part of the market makes it all the more important for the Fed to adjust the policy rate gradually, thereby fulfilling the market's beliefs.』



『Of course, even if this alternative world is a better place, it may be difficult as an institutional matter to get from here to there. And I do not have any particularly helpful insights on how one would make the transition. Nevertheless, I do think there is a useful message to be borne in mind when thinking about communications strategy more generally.』


『There is always a temptation for the central bank to speak in a whisper, because anything that gets said reverberates so loudly in markets. But the softer it talks, the more the market leans in to hear better and, thus, the more the whisper gets amplified.』


『So efforts to overly manage the market volatility associated with our communications may ultimately be self-defeating.』


『As we evaluate our own performance in the communications department, it is probably better for us to focus on how legitimately transparent we have succeeded in being, as opposed to how much or how little our various announcements have moved markets.』







更新日時: 2014/05/14 23:53 JST

更新日時: 2014/05/15 04:01 JST

更新日時: 2014/05/14 23:52 JST








Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
May 6, 2014
Challenges for Monetary Policy Communication


『The Committee Is Not a Single Person』という小見出しの所がオモロイという話を昨日申し上げましたのでそちらを引用しますぞなもし。

『It is common to hear observers talk about the Committee's reaction function, which describes how we will behave in various contingencies.』


『However, even if all of the individual members of the Committee have well-defined and carefully thought-out individual reaction functions--that is, each member knows what his or her policy preference is for any given state of the world--it does not follow that the Committee as a whole has an equally well-defined reaction function.』


『The reason for this divergence is that when one says that the Committee has a reaction function for how it will behave if contingency X arises, such a statement implies that we have fully litigated this contingency in advance. In other words, we have debated the pros and cons, we have hashed out our differences, and we have come to an agreement on how to proceed under contingency X.』


『But such litigation is difficult and sometimes costly, as it may, for example, take considerable time or lead to a loss of cohesion on other, more pressing issues. So it may be easier and more efficient to leave our behavior in some important contingencies for future discussions.』


『Think of why people often forgo prenuptial agreements when getting married--it is simply too painful to negotiate over every contingency ahead of time.』

結婚前に事前に起こり得る危機に対応する反応関数を事前にすり合わせたらtoo painfulワロタ。

『This observation is helpful in understanding some of the differences between an open-ended asset purchase program, such as QE3, and its closed-end predecessors.』


『One advantage of going with an open-ended approach is that when we rolled out QE3 in September 2012, we were able to make a forceful statement that we would continue with asset purchases until we observed, as Chairman Bernanke put it in his postmeeting press conference, a "substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market."8』


『We were able to do so even though I suspect that, had we tried to put a number to it, there would have been considerable disagreement among Committee members as to the exact meaning of "substantial improvement."』

大変に正直で宜しいという所ですが(^^)、QE3を実施した時の終了条件である「substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」の定義について、事前にどのような経済条件なのかという事に関する具体的な数値的な話とかは置いていなくて、もしその話を始めたら盛大に見解の不一致が生じて収拾が付かなくなったでしょうという説明に実にこう深い味わいというか滋味を感じるのであります。



『So in this case, leaving the Committee's reaction function incompletely worked out allowed us to move forward with a major policy initiative in a timely manner, which otherwise might have been very difficult.』


『Of course, the flip side of this reaction-function incompleteness is that it becomes harder for the Committee to precisely communicate its future intentions to the market--in part because these future intentions have not yet been fully fleshed out.』


『Rather, it makes more sense in this case to think of the Committee's reaction function as being something that is not entirely predetermined and that will naturally tend to evolve over time. 』




次の『The Interaction of the Committee and the Market』の部分も割とオモロイのだが、ワタクシの諸般の事情(ただの寝坊ですが)につき本日は時間が無くなってしまったので明日ネタが無かったら投下致します。ちなみにQE3と長期金利の関係の話をしているのですが、「定量的な効果の話をしているけれども実際問題として市場のドライバーになっているのは政策スタンスや政策反応関数に関する市場の期待」だから「グラデュアリズムの変化の場合は市場の反応は小さいけれども、大きくジャンプする場合は(その変化の大小にかかわらず)大きな反応するでしょ」というのを説明しておりましてほほうという感じです。明日ネタに多分するのでまた引用しますがこんな事言ってます。

『The case of QE3 illustrates the point that the Committee's reaction function is shaped by market expectations and vice versa.』

vice versaってのは「逆もまた然り」という意味。

『But I suspect that the point has more general applicability. Consider the well-known phenomenon of "gradualism" in monetary policy, whereby changes to the policy rate during an easing or tightening cycle tend to come in a series of small and relatively predictable steps.』


『This phenomenon is reflected in the fact that the Committee's behavior in normal times can be approximately described by an "inertial" version of a Taylor rule--one in which, in addition to putting weight on inflation and unemployment, the Committee also behaves as if it has an aversion to making sudden large changes in the federal funds rate.』






Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
May 6, 2014
Challenges for Monetary Policy Communication



『These are all welcome developments, and I expect there will be further changes down the road, as the Committee keeps trying to improve how it explains its policy decisions to the public. In this spirit, I would like to spend the rest of my time discussing a few of the things that make life interesting for those trying to communicate clearly and effectively about monetary policy.』


『More specifically, I am going to touch on three factors that strike me as particularly relevant for our efforts in this area: the fact that the market is not a single person, the fact that the Committee is not a single person either, and the delicate interplay between the Committee and the market.』




『The Market Is Not a Single Person』ってお題の所から。

『This point was very nicely made by Hyun Shin in his remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's symposium at Jackson Hole last summer. Shin wrote:』


『The "market" is not a person. Market prices are outcomes of the interaction of many actors, and not the beliefs of any one actor....But most discussions of central bank forward guidance treat the market as if it were an individual that you can sit down and reason with....By doing so, I believe we are in danger of committing a category mistake where we anthropomorphize the "market" as a rational individual with beliefs.3』


『Let me give you a particular example that illustrates the wisdom of Shin's observation.』


『In early May 2013, long-term Treasury yields were in the neighborhood of 1.60 percent. Two months later, shortly after our June 2013 FOMC meeting, they were around 2.70 percent. Clearly, a significant chunk of the move came in response to comments made during this interval by Chairman Bernanke about the future of our asset purchase program. For example, in his June 19 press conference, he said:』


『If the incoming data are broadly consistent with this forecast, the Committee currently anticipates that it would be appropriate to moderate the monthly pace of purchases later this year. And if the subsequent data remain broadly aligned with our current expectations for the economy, we would continue to reduce the pace of purchases in measured steps through the first half of next year, ending purchases around midyear.4 』


『Perhaps it is not surprising that news about the future course of the asset purchase program would have a strong effect on markets.』


『But here is the striking fact: According to the Survey of Primary Dealers conducted by the New York Fed, there was hardly any change over this period in the expectation of the median respondent as to the ultimate size of the program.5』


『Chairman Bernanke's comments may have clarified the FOMC's intentions, but, according to the survey, they did not have any clear directional implications for the total amount of accommodation to be provided via asset purchases. Thus, FOMC communications in this period did not appear to be meaningfully hawkish.』


『So what gives? One hypothesis is that going into the May-June period, there was a wide divergence of opinion among market participants as to the future of the asset purchase program. In particular, however reasonable the median expectation, there were a number of "QE-infinity" optimists who expected our purchases to go on for a very long time.』


『And, crucially, in asset markets, it is often the beliefs of the most optimistic investors--rather than those of the moderates--that drive prices, as they are the ones most willing to take large positions based on their beliefs. Moreover, this same optimism can motivate them to leverage their positions aggressively.6』



『In this setting, a piece of monetary policy communication that merely "clarifies" things--that is, one that delivers the median market expectation but truncates some of the more extreme possibilities--can have powerful effects. Highly levered optimists are forced to unwind their positions, which then must be absorbed by other investors with lower valuations. This effect is likely to be amplified if the preannouncement period was one with unusually low volatility, as was the case in early May 2013, when the implied volatility on long-tenor swaptions was near historical lows. To the extent that some of the optimists are operating subject to value-at-risk constraints, low volatility is likely to induce them to take on more leverage. If volatility rises sharply in the wake of an announcement, this increase will tend to exacerbate the unwind effect.』


『To be clear, I am not saying that monetary policy communications should have been different during this period. Rather, the point is that in some circumstances there are very real limits to what even the most careful and deliberate communications strategy can do to temper market volatility.』


『This is just the nature of the beast when dealing with speculative markets, and to suggest otherwise--to suggest that, say, "good communication" alone can engineer a completely smooth exit from a period of extraordinary policy accommodation--is to create an unrealistic expectation.』


『In this spirit, I think the FOMC may face a similar communications challenge as the nature of the forward guidance for the path of short-term interest rates evolves over the next couple of years.』


『The 6.5 percent unemployment threshold that we had until recently was not only quantitative in nature, but it also represented a relatively firm commitment on the part of the Committee. While this kind of commitment was entirely appropriate at the zero lower bound, as policy eventually normalizes, guidance will necessarily take a different form; it will be both more qualitative as well as less deterministic.』


『So, for example, when I fill in my "dot" for 2016 in the Survey of Economic Projections, I think of myself as writing down not a commitment for where the federal funds rate will be at that time, but only my best forecast, and one that is highly uncertain at that.』


『Chair Yellen made a similar point in her March press conference:』


『More generally, you know, the end of 2016 is a long way out. Monetary policy will be geared to evolving conditions in the economy, and the public does need to understand that as those views evolve, the Committee's views on policy will likely evolve with them. And that's a kind of uncertainty that the Committee wouldn't want to eliminate completely from its guidance because we want the policy we put in place to be appropriate to the economic conditions that will prevail years down the road.7 』


『I agree completely with this view, and I suspect that many in the market also understand the distinction that is being drawn--that as policy normalizes, forward guidance will be less commitment-like and, hence, a less precise guide to our future actions than it has been in the recent past.』


『But I would not want to presume that everybody is thinking about it the same way; one can imagine that there might again be some optimists who are in this case underestimating the degree of uncertainty about the future path of policy and are placing levered bets accordingly. So we may have some further bumps in the road as this all plays out.』



ちなみに次の『The Committee Is Not a Single Person』の話が更に面白いのでお暇な方は続きを是非ご覧ありたいのですが連休要因で営業日が少ないのに暇な人間がいるかこのクソボケとか言われそうなので明日また見てちょということで。




Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Brussels, 8 May 2014

・Introductory statementの詳細部分からちょっとだけ

『Let me now explain our assessment in greater detail, starting with the economic analysis. Real GDP in the euro area rose by 0.2%, quarter on quarter, in the last quarter of 2013, thereby increasing for three consecutive quarters. Recent data and survey indicators confirm that the ongoing moderate recovery continued in the first quarter of 2014 and at the beginning of the second quarter.』


『Looking ahead, domestic demand should continue to be supported by a number of factors, including the accommodative monetary policy stance, ongoing improvements in financing conditions working their way through to the real economy, the progress made in fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, and developments in energy prices.』


『At the same time, although labour markets have stabilised and shown the first signs of improvement, unemployment remains high in the euro area and, overall, unutilised capacity continues to be sizeable. Moreover, the annual rate of change of MFI loans to the private sector remained negative in March and the necessary balance sheet adjustments in the public and private sectors continue to weigh on the pace of the economic recovery.』


『The annual rate of change of loans to non-financial corporations (adjusted for loan sales and securitisation) was -3.1% in March, unchanged from February. Weak loan dynamics for non-financial corporations continue to reflect their lagged relationship with the business cycle, credit risk and the ongoing adjustment of financial and non-financial sector balance sheets.』


『The annual growth rate of loans to households (adjusted for loan sales and securitisation) stood at 0.4% in March 2014, broadly unchanged since the beginning of 2013.』


『The April 2014 bank lending survey confirmed the stabilisation of credit conditions for loans to enterprises and households. Credit standards over the previous three months remained broadly unchanged for loans to enterprises but were eased in net terms for households. Broadly in line with these results, in the survey on the access to finance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the period October 2013-March 2014, SMEs reported that bank loan availability had become less negative and had actually improved in some euro area countries. According to both surveys, the general economic outlook contributed less negatively or even positively to these developments. At the same time, banks still reported tight levels of credit standards when seen in a historical perspective.』






『Question: In the opening statement, you reiterated the line that there was unanimous agreement about the willingness to use unconventional tools if there was too prolonged a period of low inflation. But is there total agreement about exactly what is meant by the phrase "too prolonged a period of low inflation"? And would you mind enlightening us about when a prolonged period of low inflation becomes a too prolonged period of low inflation?(後半は後ほど)』

オッサンこの前から「too prolonged」な期間の低インフレに対しては対応すると大口叩いてるけど、「prolonged」な低インフレという今の認識をいつになったら「too prolonged」になるのか答えて見ろやオラオラオラ、という質問ですな(後半は後ほど)。

『Draghi: Yes. On the first question, the too prolonged period of low inflation, you have a period like that when you see that the risks of de-anchoring medium-term inflation expectations are increasing. That is a definition that takes into account the two elements of this concept. One is the level of inflation, and that is to say low inflation, and the other one is the length of time while one has low inflation. I think I've said several times that the longer is the period, the bigger are the risks for a de-anchoring of inflation expectations. So that's the answer to the first question.(後半は後ほど)』

テラヒドスという感じですが、インフレ期待がアンカーされなくなるリスクが見えるのが「too prolonged」の定義とかお手盛り判断にも程がある訳でして、ドーバー海峡の向こうにある国のように延々とインフレが上振れて推移しているのに「インフレ期待はアンカー(キリッ)」と言い続けて財務大臣向け書簡をただの紙状態にしていた中央銀行がおりました罠という事で、全然答えになっていないのがもう俊ちゃんの風格を漂わせるマリオ先生という所であります。


『Question: (前半割愛、というかさっきの部分)And just a second issue, if I may. We are hearing more and more complaints from Paris about the strength of the euro. Would you like to respond to them at all?』


『Draghi: (前半割愛、というかさっきの部分)To the second question, I would say that over the last few days we received plenty of advice from political figures, from institutions and, almost every day now, on interest rates, on exchange rates but also, on the other side of the scale, on the excess liquidity. So we are certainly thankful for this advice and certainly respect the views of all these people. But we are, by the Treaty, we are independent. So people should be aware that if this might be seen as a threat to our independence, it could cause long-term damage to our credibility. 』




『Question: I have two questions - one a follow-up question on exchange rates. The introductory statement confirmed that the ECB has worries about the high exchange rate. Is intervention in the foreign exchange markets a possibly useful tool to lower the exchange rate? And has it been discussed by the Governing Council today?』


『And the second question, Governor Luc Coene recently said if the ECB would decide to lower the interest rate on the main refinancing operation, we should also lower the deposit rate to have sufficient impact. Do you agree with his point of view?』


『Draghi:. On the second question I would refer to Governor Coene.』


『But on the first question, yes certainly, we had a discussion. Later on I can report the overall tone of the discussion, but basically we had a discussion on the exchange rate. As I've said many times, it's not a policy target, but certainly is very important for price stability and for growth. And the strengthening of the exchange rate in the context of low inflation is cause for serious concern in the view of the Governing Council.』



『Coene: Well I can only confirm what I said before, that if you really want to have an impact on the markets that if you only change a policy rate and leave the others unchanged, it will have less impact than if you shift the whole corridor down, then you will have a much bigger impact.』




『Question: It seems like in recent weeks we've had a mix of these very low inflation numbers, but some pretty good economic data. Do you see any evidence that low inflation is actually hurting the euro zone economy? And if it's not, why are you concerned about it?』


『And my second question, you mentioned a June meeting in the introductory statement. Is this a signal that we should expect something in June?』


『And on this inflation and bank lending points where you said you'd have more information, what kind of information are you going to be looking for to decide whether to act on your easing bias?』


『Draghi: Probably the best way to respond to both questions is really to give a flavour of what sort of discussion we had today. I would see this discussion as a preview of the discussion we're going to have next time.』


『And we had an extensive discussion that took note that, while the recovery is firming up in some parts of the euro area, at the same time the Governing Council is not resigned to having low inflation for too long a time, as I said before.』

でもその「too long a time」の定義が先ほど仰せのだと只のお手盛りなんですけど・・・・・・・・・・

『The second point is that it's true that the recovery is proceeding, but it's proceeding at a slow pace and it still remains fairly modest.』


『And there are some downward risks now, and the risks have to do with the possible weakening of global demand, have to do with geo-political risks that are of serious significance and have to do with the exchange rate.』


『The third point that was touched in the discussion was really the causes of this low inflation. We've discussed this many times and certainly we would view that the most important causes are the energy prices and food prices. I mean, if you take the first quarter of 2012, inflation at 2.7 percent, and you compare it with the current inflation rate of 0.7 percent, of the 2 percentage points difference, 80 percent is due to lower energy and food prices.』


『But now the question is, and the question that we have to look into is whether there are other factors besides energy and food that could keep inflation low. Well, some of these factors are the exchange rate and the possible weak domestic demand and weak employment figures.』


『The fourth point we discussed touched on what you actually hinted at, on the relationship between credit flows and the business cycle. And one of the reasons why we haven’t expected a serious pick-up in credit for a while is that there is a lagged relationship between credit flows and the business cycle's recovery, and that's certainly something we want to have our eyes on in the coming weeks and, I would say, the coming months too.』


『As I said, we discussed the exchange rate. So at the end of this discussion I would say that the Governing Council is comfortable with acting next time, but before we want to see the staff projections that will come out in early June.』




『Question: Mr Draghi, you just said a second ago that the Governing Council is comfortable with acting next month.』

「you just said a second ago」ワロタ。

『Should we understand that to mean that there is a consensus around doing something already? And if so, could you tell us whether that would be a rate cut or what other option you're looking at?(後半はEONIAレートの上昇に関する質問でこれもオモロイのだがパスします)』

『Draghi: What I would say is that there is consensus about being dissatisfied with the projected path of inflation, and so there is a consensus in not being resigned to this and accepting this as a fact of nature, which would lead to having consensus about action, but, as I said before, after having seen the staff projections that will come out in early June.』





『Question: I have two questions. Concerning today's decision, was it unanimous? Or were there any governors who already today were in favour of some form of loosening policy? 』


『And the other, you keep saying that the exchange rate in the context of low inflation is a very serious concern. How does serious concern translate into a policy response?』


『Draghi: Thank you. Let me say immediately that there wasn't a decision today, in the sense I said it's a preview of the next month's meeting, the discussion we had today. But certainly there is consensus or unanimity in not being resigned to the present low inflation for a too long, too protracted a time. That is certainly a unanimous conviction, and it's also, I would say, reiterated in the introductory statement I read just a minute ago, the Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation.』

そもそも追加緩和云々の質問には答えないで、「全員がfor a too long, too protracted a timeな低インフレを許容しない事で一致しました(キリッ)」とだけ答えているのですが、そもそも物価安定のマンデートがあるんだからそんなのは別に当たり前の話であって、じゃあ現状がそのtoo longな状況なのかという質問に対しても狸回答という状態なんですよねえ・・・・・・

『As I've said many times, the exchange rate is not a policy target but it's a serious concern for our objective of price stability and therefore this concern will have to be addressed.』




『Question: My first question is, what is the expected pathway to affect inflation? And more importantly, can inflation expectations, should the Ukrainian crisis escalate?』


『And my second question will touch again the euro exchange rate. You multiple times said that the euro exchange rate is not a policy target in itself. But I would like you to comment maybe, if the Governing Council has some kind of a trigger point where the euro exchange rate is too strong, prompting the bank to act in the future? Thank you.』

You multiple times saidワロタ。

『Draghi: On your first question, I’m afraid the answer is, I don’t know. But what one can tell, is that it depends very much what is going to be the impact of the price of energy, the price of gas especially, and its implications on gas supplies to Europe for the coming year. Other projections about inflation are very, very difficult to make at this stage.』


『On the second question, I think I’ve answered before. No, we don’t have a trigger. We just see that this is having the effect of basically depressing further the inflation rate.』


『Again, if you take that comparison I made with the first quarter 2012, there are actually two stages. One is in fact when energy prices and food prices had the effect of depressing the rate of inflation. That is not, in fact, as continued beyond, I think, mid-2013. After that, the contribution of energy prices and food prices is not really important. And it’s actually the exchange rate that keeps the inflation rate low and depressed. The exchange rate, both nominal and effective, has appreciated by something like 10 percent since mid-2012 to today.』






Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Brussels, 8 May 2014









Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Brussels, 8 May 2014




『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged.』(今回)
『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged.』(前回)


『Incoming information continues to indicate that the moderate recovery of the euro area economy is proceeding in line with our previous assessment. At the same time, recent information remains consistent with our expectation of a prolonged period of low inflation followed by only a gradual upward movement in HICP inflation rates.』(今回)

『Incoming information confirms that the moderate recovery of the euro area economy is proceeding in line with our previous assessment. At the same time, recent information remains consistent with our expectation of a prolonged period of low inflation followed by a gradual upward movement in HICP inflation rates.』(前回)

あまりこの辺のECB文学をこれまで詳細に読んでいないので知見が少なくて恐縮ですが、景気回復が理事会のアセスメント通りに進行している件について前回がconfirmだったのが今回continues to indicateになっているので表現これ弱まってますよね。

『The signals from the monetary analysis confirm the picture of subdued underlying price pressures in the euro area over the medium term. Inflation expectations for the euro area over the medium to long term remain firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%.』(今回)

『The signals from the monetary analysis confirm the picture of subdued underlying price pressures in the euro area over the medium term. Inflation expectations for the euro area over the medium to long term continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%.』(前回)

マネタリーの分析が示すシグナルが云々の所は全文一致でして、中長期的インフレ期待に関する表現は前回がcontinue to be firmly anchoredで今回remain firmly anchoredなのは最早ドメドメジャパニーズのあたくしには差がワカランチ会長なのですがどうなんでしょ。


『Looking ahead, we will monitor economic developments and money markets very closely. We will maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation and act swiftly, if required, with further monetary policy easing. We firmly reiterate that we continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time.』(今回)

『Looking ahead, we will monitor developments very closely and will consider all instruments available to us. We are resolute in our determination to maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation and to act swiftly if required. Hence, we do not exclude further monetary policy easing and we firmly reiterate that we continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time.』(前回)

先行きの経済状況と金融市場を観察するという部分は今回金融市場の話が出ていますが、前回はこれに相当する部分は後ろの方にありまして今回手前に持ってきたようです。でもって必要なら追加の措置を実施云々というのに関してですが、前回は「we do not exclude further monetary policy easing」という表現でしたが、今回は「if required, with further monetary policy easing」という形でより追加緩和を強く示唆する形になっていましてやる気を更に見せるの巻。

『This expectation is based on an overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness of the economy, the high degree of unutilised capacity, and subdued money and credit creation.』(今回)

『This expectation is based on an overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness of the economy, the high degree of unutilised capacity and subdued money and credit creation. At the same time, we are closely following developments on money markets.』(前回)


『The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation. Further information and analysis concerning the outlook for inflation and the availability of bank loans to the private sector will be available in early June.』(今回)

『The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation.』(前回)

前回の文章の次に「Further information 〜」という文章が入っておりまして、インフレーションと民間セクターに対する銀行ローンのアベイラビリティーに関する更なる情報や分析が6月の早い時期に明らかになります(キリッ)っという謎の一文が加わるのでした。






The Economic Outlook
Before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C.
May 7, 2014



『Inflation has been quite low even as the economy has continued to expand. Some of the factors contributing to the softness in inflation over the past year, such as the declines seen in non-oil import prices, will probably be transitory. Importantly, measures of longer-run inflation expectations have remained stable. That said, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) recognizes that inflation persistently below 2 percent--the rate that the Committee judges to be most consistent with its dual mandate--could pose risks to economic performance, and we are monitoring inflation developments closely.』


『Looking ahead, I expect that economic activity will expand at a somewhat faster pace this year than it did last year, that the unemployment rate will continue to decline gradually, and that inflation will begin to move up toward 2 percent.』


『A faster rate of economic growth this year should be supported by reduced restraint from changes in fiscal policy, gains in household net worth from increases in home prices and equity values, a firming in foreign economic growth, and further improvements in household and business confidence as the economy continues to strengthen. Moreover, U.S. financial conditions remain supportive of growth in economic activity and employment.』


『As always, considerable uncertainty surrounds this baseline economic outlook. At present, one prominent risk is that adverse developments abroad, such as heightened geopolitical tensions or an intensification of financial stresses in emerging market economies, could undermine confidence in the global economic recovery.』


『Another risk--domestic in origin--is that the recent flattening out in housing activity could prove more protracted than currently expected rather than resuming its earlier pace of recovery. Both of these elements of uncertainty will bear close observation.』




『Because the evolution of the economy is uncertain, policymakers need to carefully watch for signs that it is diverging from the baseline outlook and respond in a systematic way to stabilize the economy. Accordingly, for both our purchases and our forward guidance, we have tried to communicate as clearly as possible how changes in the economic outlook will affect our policy stance. In doing so, we will help the public to better understand how the Committee will respond to unanticipated developments, thereby reducing uncertainty about the course of unemployment and inflation.』



その次のパートは『Financial Stability』でして、こっちの方は少々アレ。

『In addition to our monetary policy responsibilities, the Federal Reserve works to promote financial stability, focusing on identifying and monitoring vulnerabilities in the financial system and taking actions to reduce them.』


『In this regard, the Committee recognizes that an extended period of low interest rates has the potential to induce investors to "reach for yield" by taking on increased leverage, duration risk, or credit risk.』


『Some reach-for-yield behavior may be evident, for example, in the lower-rated corporate debt markets, where issuance of syndicated leveraged loans and high-yield bonds has continued to expand briskly, spreads have continued to narrow, and underwriting standards have loosened further.』


『While some financial intermediaries have increased their exposure to duration and credit risk recently, these increases appear modest to date--particularly at the largest banks and life insurers.』

>these increases appear modest to date
>these increases appear modest to date
>these increases appear modest to date


『More generally, valuations for the equity market as a whole and other broad categories of assets, such as residential real estate, remain within historical norms. In addition, bank holding companies (BHCs) have improved their liquidity positions and raised capital ratios to levels significantly higher than prior to the financial crisis.』


『Moreover, recently concluded stress tests mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act have provided a level of confidence in our assessment of how financial institutions would fare in an extended period of severely adverse macroeconomic conditions or a sharp steepening of the yield curve alongside a moderate recession.』


『For the financial sector more broadly, leverage remains subdued and measures of wholesale short-term funding continue to be far below levels seen before the financial crisis.』


『The Federal Reserve has also taken a number of regulatory steps--many in conjunction with other federal agencies--to continue to improve the resiliency of the financial system. Most recently, the Federal Reserve finalized a rule implementing section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act to establish enhanced prudential standards for large banking firms in the form of risk-based and leverage capital, liquidity, and risk-management requirements. In addition, the rule requires large foreign banking organizations to form a U.S. intermediate holding company, and it imposes enhanced prudential requirements for these intermediate holding companies. Looking forward, the Federal Reserve is considering whether additional measures are needed to further reduce the risks associated with large, interconnected financial institutions.』




『While we have seen substantial improvements in labor market conditions and the overall economy since the financial crisis and severe recession, we recognize that more must be accomplished. Many Americans who want a job are still unemployed, inflation continues to run below the FOMC's longer-run objective, and work remains to further strengthen our financial system. I will continue to work closely with my colleagues and others to carry out the important mission that the Congress has given the Federal Reserve.』









『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that growth in economic activity has picked up recently, after having slowed sharply during the winter in part because of adverse weather conditions.』(今回)

『Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January indicates that growth in economic activity slowed during the winter months, in part reflecting adverse weather conditions.』(前回)


『Labor market indicators were mixed but on balance showed further improvement. The unemployment rate, however, remains elevated. Household spending appears to be rising more quickly. Business fixed investment edged down, while the recovery in the housing sector remained slow. 』(今回)

『Labor market indicators were mixed but on balance showed further improvement. The unemployment rate, however, remains elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment continued to advance, while the recovery in the housing sector remained slow.』(前回)


『Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth, although the extent of restraint is diminishing. Inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(今回)

『Fiscal policy is restraining economic growth, although the extent of restraint is diminishing. Inflation has been running below the Committee's longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.』(前回)



『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace and labor market conditions will continue to improve gradually, moving toward those the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee sees the risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as nearly balanced. The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, and it is monitoring inflation developments carefully for evidence that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term.』(今回)

『Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace and labor market conditions will continue to improve gradually, moving toward those the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee sees the risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as nearly balanced. The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, and it is monitoring inflation developments carefully for evidence that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term.』(前回)






“Monetary Policy and Forward Guidance”
April 15, 2014




『Actually, the widely reported unemployment rate understates the severity of the problem. The broader labor-market indicators that include workers who are “part time for economic reasons” and workers who have looked for a job in the past year but not in the past four weeks - “marginally attached” workers - remain unusually elevated by historical standards. These indicators quantify what many Americans all too readily observe around them - that significant problems in labor markets persist even at this stage of the recovery.』


『All this means we have a U.S. economy that still requires an unusually accommodative stance of monetary policy.』


『At the same time, the economy has indeed been gradually improving. The most recent labor market report indicated that the U.S. economy produced 192,000 jobs in March, and there were some positive revisions for the data in previous months. So, after some weaker data in the winter months, these labor market data suggest that there will hopefully be broader improvement in an array of economic indicators this spring. In fact, most economists expect growth around 3 percent over the rest of this year - a forecast that is quite consistent with my own.』




『Admittedly, this rather qualitative forward guidance is somewhat less specific than the previous forward guidance involving the 6.5 percent threshold. My personal view is that, ideally, forward guidance should, for the time being, remain qualitative but increasingly be linked to progress in achieving our dual mandate based on incoming economic data.』


『In particular, I believe the FOMC’s forward guidance should be consistent with keeping interest rates at their very low level until we are within one year of reaching full employment and our 2 percent inflation target - and the guidance could explicitly state that intention.』


『Parenthetically, I would note that on a quarterly basis the Federal Reserve publishes a summary of the economic projections (SEP) made by Federal Reserve Board members and Federal Reserve Bank presidents. The SEP does give information on the expectations of the Committee regarding when the economy would be reaching the dual mandate goals.』


『Today I plan to discuss why, as we gradually do approach achieving our dual mandate goals of maximum sustainable employment and price stability, the Fed’s forward guidance should be increasingly focused on how quickly we expect to make progress on inflation that is well below our target, and on the significant underutilization of labor resources that persists well after the official end of the recession.』


『Recent Developments』という所で今纏められていた部分の話をもうちょっと詳しくしているのですけれども、フォワードガイダンスに掛かる部分だけ引用。

『Figure 1 provides the path of the unemployment rate relative to the Federal Reserve’s earlier stated threshold of 6.5 percent. The figure provides visual support for the fact that the forward guidance needed to change. Once we reached a point where we could be below the threshold with one or two favorable employment reports, the guidance was no longer providing much information about our potential actions beyond one or two FOMC meetings.』

『Keep in mind that one purpose of forward guidance is to restrain longer-term market interest rates to support the struggling economy by promising to keep the short-term interest rates the Fed can control at very low levels. As such, there was not much to be gained by maintaining our threshold language.』



『Clearly, such guidance would be highly dependent on the incoming data, and what the data suggest about how quickly the economy will reach full employment and 2 percent inflation.』


『Given the uncertainty about the future course of the economy, and about the estimate of what constitutes full employment, such guidance could not be precise. Nor would it provide the calendar certainty that many financial participants would prefer. However, these drawbacks are preferable to providing forward guidance that is overly specific, and that does not take into account the uncertainties - because such guidance would risk the possibility of essentially “locking in” mis-timed policy moves.』





『While some uncertainty around forecasts is a given, currently the uncertainty is compounded by the unusual behavior of some key economic relationships since the financial crisis.』

ほほう。でちょっと飛びましてその具体例として「household formation」を挙げています。

『Figure 5 shows one of the challenges in predicting housing starts. While the U.S. population has grown at quite a consistent, smooth rate - with no visible impact from the financial crisis and Great Recession - the same is not true for the activity we call “household formation.”』


『Consider the example, often cited, of recent college graduates returning to their parents’ home after graduation rather than getting their own apartment. In part, the slowing in the household formation trend line ? you see it flattening, compared to population, beginning around 2007 - reflects many individuals not creating new households because of economic difficulties stemming from the financial crisis and recession. Parenthetically, the chart also shows a pickup in the household formation rate during the housing boom that preceded the crisis. But after the crisis, the rate of increase is clearly slowing relative to population.』



『Household formation is not the only economic indicator to show anomalous changes, and I will share a few of them in a moment. But to address the general issue of uncertainty, I would suggest the uncertainty is heightened just now in part due to the very real possibility that typical economic patterns have been altered by the financial crisis and Great Recession, their lead-up, and their aftermath.』


『In short, a variety of economic data have behaved differently since the recession. These pattern shifts may reflect changes in how households and firms will react as the economy improves. It is possible that previous patterns will be re-established as the economy normalizes. Alternatively, “scarring” from the recession may have longer-lasting impacts if households, firms, and labor markets persist in behaving in ways that differ from historical patterns. This uncertainty makes it particularly difficult to predict exactly what “normal” will look like - and why specific forward guidance in monetary policy becomes difficult as the economy gradually improves.』








Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, Washington, D.C.

Incorporating Financial Stability Considerations into a Monetary Policy Framework



『As an illustration, consider the period in the spring of 2013 when the 10-year Treasury yield was in the neighborhood of 1.60 percent and estimates of the term premium were around negative 80 basis points.3 Applied to this period, my approach would suggest a lesser willingness to use large-scale asset purchases to push yields down even further, as compared with a scenario in which term premiums were not so low.4』


『3. The 10-year nominal rate hit 1.63 percent on May 2, 2013. An estimate of the term premium based on the oft-cited methodology of Kim and Wright (2005) was negative 0.78 percent on this day.』


『4. Again, I stress that this statement is directional, not quantitative--I am not claiming that the magnitude of the adjustment one would want to make is large, or that the policy we had in place at the time was miscalibrated in any absolute sense. Rather, my point is just that the financial stability costs of asset purchases are likely to loom larger when term premiums are more negative, and that this consideration belongs in the discussion.』




『Do Financial Stability Considerations Belong in a Monetary Policy Framework?』というモロにマクロプルーデンスなお題の本論に参ります。

『However, let me start with the conceptual question of whether financial stability considerations belong at all in a monetary policy framework.』


『As I said earlier, I think the clear in-principle answer here is "yes." The generic argument rests on three assumptions.』


『First, suppose that the Federal Reserve focuses only on its traditional dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. To keep things simple, suppose further that these two goals are not in conflict with one another--say, because aggregate demand is weak, depressing both employment and inflation--so that we can boil things down to one objective: keeping unemployment close to target.』


『With the usual quadratic loss objective function, this assumption would say that the Federal Reserve cares about minimizing the expected value of (U - U*)2. A little bit of algebra shows that this objective function can in turn be decomposed into two pieces: (1) an "expected shortfall" term, given by the squared deviation of expected unemployment from the target level of U*; and (2) a "risk" term, given by the variance of realized unemployment, U.5』


『5. Kocherlakota (2014) emphasizes the same decomposition of the Federal Reserve's loss function. Note that, in focusing only on mean and variance, this functional form sets aside what may be another important aspect of vulnerabilities: tail risks that are not well captured in variance as opposed to higher moments.』


『Second, the argument assumes that there is some variable summarizing financial market vulnerability--I will be abstract for the moment and just call it FMV--which is influenced by monetary policy.』

FMVって名前が付いている(financial market vulnerabilityということでしょうな)のですが、金融政策によって起こされる金融市場の脆弱性がある場合の考察とな。

『That is, easier monetary policy leads to increased vulnerability as measured by FMV.』


『Moreover, when FMV is elevated, there is a greater probability of an adverse event--some kind of financial market shock--that, if it were to occur, would push up the unemployment rate, all else being equal.6 』


『6. If I had introduced an explicit time dimension, it might be more natural to assume that easier monetary policy today raises the probability of an adverse event at some medium-run future date, even while reducing the probability in the short run. In this case, there might be an interesting set of intertemporal tradeoffs to be considered, particularly if the economy were in a very vulnerable position today. In any event, these are just assumptions at this point, meant to illustrate the logic of the argument.』



『The third and final assumption is that the risks associated with an elevated value of FMV cannot be fully offset at zero cost with other nonmonetary tools, such as financial regulation. To be clear, this assumption does not imply that regulation is not helpful in reducing financial vulnerabilities--it only says that regulation is not a perfect instrument.』

『These imperfections could stem from regulatory arbitrage; political-economy constraints; or the fact that too much regulation can also impede economic growth, just like overly restrictive monetary policy.7』



『In this setting, even with inflation concerns entirely set aside, monetary policy faces a tradeoff.』


『Consider a situation in which unemployment is above target. A more accommodative policy has the usual benefit of lowering expected unemployment and thus reducing the expected shortfall term in the objective function.If, however, it also raises the conditional variance of the unemployment rate via an elevated-FMV channel--thereby increasing the risk term in the objective function--then there is a cost to be weighed alongside the benefit.』


『And importantly, this is true even when financial stability is not a separate objective in and of itself; as I have framed it, financial stability matters only insofar as it affects the degree of risk around the employment leg of the Federal Reserve's mandate.8』


『8. See Tarullo (2014) for a similar observation.』

『To be sure, absent a concrete measure of FMV, as well as some sense of the responsiveness of FMV to monetary policy, this discussion is all pretty theoretical and non-operational. So I will turn to measurement in a moment. But it is worth noting one useful qualitative observation that emerges just from the logic and from the nature of a quadratic loss function.』


『In making the tradeoff I just described, the marginal benefit of using easier policy to reduce the expected unemployment gap is greater when the gap itself is large--that is, when unemployment is far above target. In this case, even a quite high level of financial vulnerability may not imply a much different stance of monetary policy than would fall out of a more traditional analysis. However, as the unemployment gap shrinks, financial stability risks loom larger in relative terms, so an analysis that takes them on board may lead to more of an adjustment in the stance of policy.』



『Okay, But How Do You Measure Financial Market Vulnerability?』


『Financial Sector Leverage』
『Risk Premiums in the Bond Market』

ということですが、最初の金融セクターのレバレッジというのはちょっとだけでして、その後の「債券市場のリスクプレミアム」というのが驚異的にクソ長い記述になっているのですが、これに手を付けるとオワランチ会長になってしまいますので続きはやるかもしれませんしやらないかも知れません。まあうまくまとめたいとは思うのですけど、要するに債券市場やローンなどの金利市場におけるリスクプレミアムが過剰に縮小した結果マイナスとかになった場合には、金融市場の脆弱性が高まっているという認識になりますよってな話であって、それに対してlean against the windな金融政策を実施というのがスタインさんのコンセプトになるんでしょうなあと思うのでありました。






Governor Jeremy C. Stein
At the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, Washington, D.C.


『Governor Stein presented identical remarks at the International Monetary Fund 2014 Spring Meetings on April 13, 2014, and at the 2014 Financial Markets Conference on April 16, 2014.』




『I would like to talk today about how one might explicitly incorporate financial stability considerations into a monetary policy framework.』


『Doing so involves tackling two questions--one that is relatively easy and one that is much harder.』


『The easier question is, should financial stability concerns, in principle, influence monetary policy decisions? To be specific, are there cases in which one might tolerate a larger forecast shortfall of the path of the unemployment rate from its full-employment level than one would otherwise, because of a concern that a more accommodative policy might entail a heightened risk of some sort of adverse financial market outcome? This question is about theory, not empirical magnitudes, and, in my view, the theoretical answer is a clear "yes." I will say a bit more about why shortly, but let me stress that I am not breaking any new conceptual ground here; the basic argument has been laid out by a number of others, including Woodford and Kocherlakota.2』

コチャラコタ総裁も何かそれらに関する講演してるのか最近ちょっとFED高官の講演大杉で全部フォローしている暇がないわ (つーかBOEとかECBとかもいろいろ出るしマジでオーバーフローで大型連休が待ち遠しいアタクシ)という所ですがそれは兎も角として、「金融政策運営において金融安定化の為に失業率がノーマルよりも遠い状態が長期化するような運営をする必要が出る可能性があるかという質問には「Yes」と答える」というこれまたキタコレだったりします。これが簡単な方。


『The second question is, how does one operationalize the theory? What sorts of data should one look to, and what sorts of empirical methods should one use, to calibrate by how much the stance of monetary policy should be altered relative to the case in which financial stability considerations are completely set aside?』


『This question is very difficult.』


『In the interests of advancing the conversation, I will venture some tentative thoughts on one possible approach, which is somewhat different than what I have seen in other recent work on this topic.』

ということで、スタイン理事の今回の講演は「some tentative thoughts」という事ですが、まあ最近見たこのトピックに対するアプローチと比較して若干異なるという事で内容を読みたくなる訳ですな、うんうん。

『While I hope to convince you that this path is worth exploring, I cannot say that I know yet exactly where it will lead--and, in particular, whether it will ultimately deliver monetary policy prescriptions that differ in a quantitatively meaningful way from those offered by our current models. So I do not intend anything that follows as a comment on the current stance of our policy.』


『Before getting too deep into the details, let me preview my bottom line.』


『I am going to try to make the case that, all else being equal, monetary policy should be less accommodative--by which I mean that it should be willing to tolerate a larger forecast shortfall of the path of the unemployment rate from its full-employment level--when estimates of risk premiums in the bond market are abnormally low.』

今の政策についての見解ではないとか言いながらいきなりこういう説明が飛び出していますが(^^)、「when estimates of risk premiums in the bond market are abnormally low」な状態な時には失業率の改善速度がやや遅くなるようなペースでの金融緩和に留めるべきであるという説明でして、これはもうキタコレです罠。

『These risk premiums include the term premium on Treasury securities, as well as the expected returns to investors from bearing the credit risk on, for example, corporate bonds and asset-backed securities.』


『As an illustration, consider the period in the spring of 2013 when the 10-year Treasury yield was in the neighborhood of 1.60 percent and estimates of the term premium were around negative 80 basis points. Applied to this period, my approach would suggest a lesser willingness to use large-scale asset purchases to push yields down even further, as compared with a scenario in which term premiums were not so low.』

もう本論入る前のボトムラインの所でこういうの出てきてお腹一杯という感じですが(^^)、昨年のTaperingトークの前の金利水準(10年1.6%)ではタームプレミアムがマイナス80bp(脚注にもうちょっと細かい数字があります)になっていたので、これはもう金融政策はless accommodativeであるべきという結論になるとのスタイン理事の見解。つまり今はそれなりに適切な所にいるという話ですかねタームプレミアム的な話をした場合。

『The informal intuition I have in mind is that there is a cost associated with pushing risk premiums too low, because doing so increases the likelihood that they may revert back in a way that hinders the Federal Reserve's ability to achieve its mandated objectives. In what follows, I will try to make this intuition more precise and to generalize its applicability. 』

で、クレジットリスクプレミアムに関してもプレミアムが低すぎることによるリスクには注意しないといけませんという話をしていていやはやという感じ(PDFだと最後に図表があって、図表を見た感じですとTaperingトークの前のリスクプレミアムがタームにしろクレジットにしろtoo lowだったという感じになっています、念のため)ですが、ここから先がまあ説明コーナーになるのでございますが、時間が無くなってしまったのと量的にここから先が長くなるので明日に続くという事でご勘弁下さい。まあ概念的にはそんなに難しくないようには思えるのですが2次方程式だの分散だの微妙な単語が出て来まして数字に弱いハクション大魔王のあたくしにはアレなもんで(式はほぼ出てこないのでご安心くらはい)。










『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』の所ですけどね。

『In their discussion of labor market developments, participants noted further improvement, on balance, in labor market conditions.』


『The unemployment rate had moved down in recent months, as had broader measures of unemployment and underemployment. Other labor market indicators, such as payrolls and hiring and quit rates, while not all showing the same extent of improvement, also pointed to ongoing gains in labor markets.』


『Going forward, participants continued to expect a gradual decline in the unemployment rate over the medium term, with judgments differing somewhat across participants about the likely pace of the decline.』


『It was also noted that uncertainty about the trend rate of productivity growth was making it difficult to ascertain the rate of real GDP growth that would be associated with progress in reducing the unemployment rate.』


『While there was general agreement that slack remains in the labor market, participants expressed a range of views regarding the amount of slack and how well the unemployment rate performs as a summary indicator of labor market conditions.』


『Several participants pointed to a number of factors--including the low labor force participation rate and the still-high rates of longer-duration unemployment and of workers employed part time for economic reasons--as suggesting that there might be considerably more labor market slack than indicated by the unemployment rate alone.』

まずは数名(Several)は各種労働関連の指標を見ると「失業率で示されるよりも実際のスラックはconsiderably moreであることが示唆される」という事でスラック大きい(のでインフレはそう簡単に跳ねない)という見解。

『A couple of other participants, however, saw reasons to believe that slack was more limited, viewing the decline in the participation rate as primarily reflecting demographic trends with little role for cyclical factors and observing that broader measures of unemployment had registered declines in the past year that were comparable with the decline in the standard measure.』


『Several participants cited low nominal wage growth as pointing to the existence of continued labor market slack.』


『Participants also noted the debate in the research literature and elsewhere concerning whether long-term unemployment differs materially from short-term unemployment in its implications for wage and price pressures.』




『In their discussion of recent financial developments, participants saw financial conditions as generally consistent with the Committee's policy intentions.』


『However, several participants mentioned trends that, if continued, could become a concern from the perspective of financial stability.』


『A couple of participants pointed to the decline in credit spreads to relatively low levels by historical standards; one of these participants noted the risk of either a sharp rise in spreads, which could have negative repercussions for aggregate demand, or a continuation of the decline in spreads, which could undermine financial stability over time.』


『One participant voiced concern about high levels of margin debt and of equity market valuations as well as a notable shift into commodity investments.』

voiced concernってのがこらまた珍しい表現だなと思いましたが、1名は負債のマージンが高まっている事や株式市場の価格が高まっている事、商品市場への投資資金の顕著な流入などに懸念を示しているとな。

『Another participant stressed the growth in consumer credit to less creditworthy households.』



ちなみに今回『Staff Economic Outlook』の中でファイナンシャルスタビリティーの話が無くて「あれ?」と思ったのですけれども、ここで結構突っ込んだ話をしているのがへーという感じでした。


『Staff Review of the Economic Situation』でこんなのがありました。

『The pace of activity in the housing sector appeared to soften. Starts for both new single-family homes and multifamily units were lower in January and February than at the end of last year.』


『Permits for single-family homes--which are typically less sensitive to fluctuations in the weather and a better indicator of the underlying pace of construction--also moved down in those months and had not shown a sustained improvement since last spring when mortgage rates began to rise.』



『Staff Economic Outlook』の所ですけどね。

『In the economic forecast prepared by the staff for the March FOMC meeting, real GDP growth in the first half of this year was somewhat lower than in the projection for the January meeting.』


『The available readings on consumer spending, residential construction, and business investment pointed to less spending growth in the first quarter than the staff had previously expected. The staff's assessment was that the unusually severe winter weather could account for some, but not all, of the recent unanticipated weakness in economic activity, and the staff lowered its projection for near-term output growth.』


『Largely because of the combination of recent downward surprises in the unemployment rate and weaker-than-expected real GDP growth, the staff lowered slightly the assumed pace of potential output growth in recent years and over the projection period.』



『As a result, the staff's medium-term forecast for real GDP growth also was revised down slightly. Nevertheless, the staff continued to project that real GDP would expand at a faster pace over the next few years than it did last year, and that real GDP growth would exceed the growth rate of potential output.』

『The faster pace of real GDP growth was expected to be supported by an easing in the restraint from changes in fiscal policy, increases in consumer and business confidence, further improvements in credit availability and financial conditions, and a pickup in the rate of foreign economic growth. The expansion in economic activity was anticipated to lead to a slow reduction in resource slack over the projection period, and the unemployment rate was expected to decline gradually to the staff's estimate of its longer-run natural rate.』






Chair Janet L. Yellen
At the Economic Club of New York, New York, New York
April 16, 2014
Monetary Policy and the Economic Recovery



講演の最初の部分は米国経済の現状の話なので割愛してその次の『Three Big Questions for the FOMC』というのがありますので観賞。

『Because the course of the economy is uncertain, monetary policymakers need to carefully watch for signs that it is diverging from the baseline outlook and then respond in a systematic way. Let me turn first to monitoring and discuss three questions I believe are likely to loom large in the FOMC's ongoing assessment of where we are on the path back to maximum employment and price stability.』

ってな事で、最初の小見出しが『Is there still significant slack in the labor market?』でして、スラックがあるかどうかは多くの指標を見ながら判断云々というのがありまして、じゃあどのような指標を見ますねんという話。

『I will refer to the shortfall in employment relative to its mandate-consistent level as labor market slack, and there are a number of different indicators of this slack. Probably the best single indicator is the unemployment rate. At 6.7 percent, it is now slightly more than 1 percentage point above the 5.2 to 5.6 percent central tendency of the Committee's projections for the longer-run normal unemployment rate. This shortfall remains significant, and in our baseline outlook, it will take more than two years to close.』


『Other data suggest that there may be more slack in labor markets than indicated by the unemployment rate. For example, the share of the workforce that is working part time but would prefer to work full time remains quite high by historical standards.』


『Similarly, while the share of workers in the labor force who are unemployed and have been looking for work for more than six months has fallen from its peak in 2010, it remains as high as any time prior to the Great Recession. There is ongoing debate about why long-term unemployment remains so high and the degree to which it might decline in a more robust economy. As I argued more fully in a recent speech, I believe that long-term unemployment might fall appreciably if economic conditions were stronger.』


『The low level of labor force participation may also signal additional slack that is not reflected in the headline unemployment rate. Participation would be expected to fall because of the aging of the population, but the decline steepened in the recovery. Although economists differ over what share of those currently outside the labor market might join or rejoin the labor force in a stronger economy, my own view is that some portion of the decline in participation likely represents labor market slack.』


『Lastly, economists also look to wage pressures to signal a tightening labor market. At present, wage gains continue to proceed at a historically slow pace in this recovery, with few signs of a broad-based acceleration.』


『As the extent of slack we see today diminishes, however, the FOMC will need to monitor these and other labor market indicators closely to judge how much slack remains and, therefore, how accommodative monetary policy should be.』


次の小見出しが『Is inflation moving back toward 2 percent?』であります。


『I will mention two considerations that will be important in assessing whether inflation is likely to move back to 2 percent as the economy recovers.』


『First, we anticipate that, as labor market slack diminishes, it will exert less of a drag on inflation. However, during the recovery, very high levels of slack have seemingly not generated strong downward pressure on inflation. We must therefore watch carefully to see whether diminishing slack is helping return inflation to our objective.』


『Second, our baseline projection rests on the view that inflation expectations will remain well anchored near 2 percent and provide a natural pull back to that level. But the strength of that pull in the unprecedented conditions we continue to face is something we must continue to assess. 』


『Finally, the FOMC is well aware that inflation could also threaten to rise substantially above 2 percent. At present, I rate the chances of this happening as significantly below the chances of inflation persisting below 2 percent, but we must always be prepared to respond to such unexpected outcomes, which leads us to my third question.』


『What factors may push the recovery off track?』というのが次の小見出しのお題。

『Myriad factors continuously buffet the economy, so the Committee must always be asking, "What factors may be pushing the recovery off track?" For example, over the nearly 5 years of the recovery, the economy has been affected by greater-than-expected fiscal drag in the United States and by spillovers from the sovereign debt and banking problems of some euro-area countries. Further, our baseline outlook has changed as we have learned about the degree of structural damage to the economy wrought by the crisis and the subsequent pace of healing.』


『These episodes illustrate what I described earlier as a vital aspect of effective monetary policymaking: monitor the economy for signs that events are unfolding in a materially different manner than expected and adjust policy in response in a systematic manner. Now I will turn from the task of monitoring to the policy response.』



『Policy Challenges in an Unprecedented Recovery』ってお題の部分ですけど、前半はこれまたここまでの取り組みの話をしていて、その中で先ほどの部分にあった「状況に応じて調整しました」(キリッ)というのが入っていまして、まあそこはパスしてその先ね。

『Let me review some important elements in the evolution of the FOMC's communication framework.』


『When the FOMC initially began using its unconventional tools, policy communication was relatively simple. In December 2008, for example, the FOMC said it expected that conditions would warrant keeping the federal funds rate near zero for "some time." This period before the "liftoff" in the federal funds rate was described in increasingly specific, and (as it turned out) longer, periods over time--"some time" became "an extended period," which was later changed to "mid-2013," then "late 2014," then "mid-2015." This fixed, calendar-based guidance had the virtue of simplicity, but it lacked the automatic stabilizer property of communication that would signal how and why the stance of policy and forward guidance might change as developments unfolded, and as we learned about the extent of the need for accommodation.』

金利政策のガイダンス文言の話ですな。 当初はカレンダーベースでしたよと。

『More recently, the Federal Reserve, and I might add, other central banks around the world, have sought to incorporate this automatic stabilizer feature in their communications. In December 2012, the Committee reformulated its forward guidance, stating that it anticipated that the federal funds rate would remain near zero at least as long as the unemployment rate remained above 6-1/2 percent, inflation over the period between one and two years ahead was projected to be no more than half a percentage point above the Committee's objective, and longer-term inflation expectations continued to be well anchored.』


『This guidance emphasized to the public that it could count on a near-zero federal funds rate at least until substantial progress in the recovery had been achieved, however long that might take. When these thresholds were announced, the unemployment rate was reported to be 7.7 percent, and the Committee projected that the 6-1/2 percent threshold would not be reached for another 2-1/2 years--in mid-2015.』


『The Committee emphasized that these numerical criteria were not triggers for raising the federal funds rate, and Chairman Bernanke stated that, ultimately, any decision to begin removing accommodation would be based on a wide range of indicators.』


『Our communications about asset purchases have undergone a similar transformation.』


『The initial asset purchase programs had fixed time and quantity limits, although those limits came with a proviso that they might be adjusted. In the fall of 2012, the FOMC launched its current purchase program, this time explicitly tying the course of the program to evolving economic conditions. When the program began, the rate of purchases was $85 billion per month, and the Committee indicated that purchases would continue, providing that inflation remained well behaved, until there was a substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market.』

「substantial improvement in the outlook for the labor market」まで継続としましたよと。

『Based on the cumulative progress toward maximum employment since the initiation of the program and the improvement in the outlook for the labor market, the FOMC began reducing the pace of asset purchases last December, stating that "If incoming information broadly supports the Committee's expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its longer-term objective, the Committee will likely reduce the pace of asset purchases in further measured steps at future meetings." Purchases are currently proceeding at a pace of $55 billion per month.』


『Consistent with my theme today, however, the FOMC statement underscores that purchases are not on a preset course--the FOMC stands ready to adjust the pace of purchases as warranted should the outlook change materially. 』



『Recent Changes to the Forward Guidance』って所ですが。

『At our most recent meeting in March, the FOMC reformulated its forward guidance for the federal funds rate. While one of the main motivations for this change was that the unemployment rate might soon cross the 6-1/2 percent threshold, the new formulation is also well suited to help the FOMC explain policy adjustments that may arise in response to changes in the outlook.』


『I should note that the change in the forward guidance did not indicate a change in the Committee's policy intentions, but instead was made to clarify the Committee's thinking about policy as the economy continues to recover.』


『The new guidance provides a general description of the framework that the FOMC will apply in making decisions about the timing of liftoff.』


『Specifically, in determining how long to maintain the current target range of 0 to 25 basis points for the federal funds rate, "the Committee will assess progress, both realized and expected, toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation." In other words, the larger the shortfall of employment or inflation from their respective objectives, and the slower the projected progress toward those objectives, the longer the current target range for the federal funds rate is likely to be maintained.』

ということで、ここの部分がハトキタコレという事になっている部分だと思います。まあ確かにその前に労働市場の話でハト成分の話があってからなので、「the larger the shortfall of employment or inflation from their respective objectives, and the slower the projected progress toward those objectives, the longer the current target range for the federal funds rate is likely to be maintained.」と言っていますからハトキタコレという受け止めになるでしょうな。


『This approach underscores the continuing commitment of the FOMC to maintain the appropriate degree of accommodation to support the recovery. The new guidance also reaffirms the FOMC's view that decisions about liftoff should not be based on any one indicator, but that it will take into account a wide range of information on the labor market, inflation, and financial developments.』


『Along with this general framework, the FOMC provided an assessment of what that framework implies for the likely path of policy under the baseline outlook. At present, the Committee anticipates that economic and financial conditions will likely warrant maintaining the current range "for the federal funds rate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends, especially if projected inflation continues to run below the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and provided that longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored."』


『Finally, the Committee began explaining more fully how policy may operate in the period after liftoff, indicating its expectation that economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping short-term interest rates below levels the Committee views as likely to prove normal in the longer run.』


『FOMC participants have cited different reasons for this view, but many of the reasons involve persistent effects of the financial crisis and the possibility that the productive capacity of the economy will grow more slowly, at least for a time, than it did, on average, before the crisis. The expectation that the achievement of our economic objectives will likely require low real interest rates for some time is again not confined to the United States but is shared broadly across many advanced economies.』


『Of course, this guidance is a forecast and will evolve as we gain further evidence about how the economy is operating in the wake of the crisis and ensuing recession.』


あとは最後の纏めなので割愛しますが、確かにこのイエレンさんの説明は労働市場に関する部分で循環ファクターの方が構造ファクターより大きい(という見解はサンフランシスコ連銀総裁時代から継続していたので今に始まった話では無いのですが)という部分がハト的で、んでもってそことの合わせ技で考えると話題になった「the larger the shortfall of employment or inflation from their respective objectives, and the slower the projected progress toward those objectives, the longer the current target range for the federal funds rate is likely to be maintained.」という部分がハトメッセージに見える、というかまあそう見られる事を意識して講演テキスト作ったんだろうなあというのは判るのですけれども、ただまあ全体の文脈から見ると特段超ハトとか、軌道修正という話をしている訳では無く、演出狙っている成分の方が大きそうな点は注意した方が良さそう(=経済が順調に回復すれば手のひら返しクルーという意味ね)ですなという所だと思います。




Transcript of Chair Yellen’s Press Conference
March 19, 2014



『GREG ROBB. Thank you. I’d like to take you back to last summer when there were hints-the Fed made hints that they were going to taper, and long-term interest rates spiked, mortgage rates rose. What lessons-looking back at that crisis, at that period, what lessons have you learned from it, and are you confident that you won’t repeat that-those mistakes again?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, I think there were quite a number of things happening at that time. I think it’s probably true that monetary policy may have played a role in touching off that market reaction, but I think the market reaction was exacerbated by the fact that we had a very significant unwinding of carry trades and other leveraged positions that investors had taken, perhaps thinking that the level of volatility was exceptionally low and perhaps lower than was safe for them to have assumed.』


『But we certainly saw-now, in some ways, the fact that term premia in interest rates have come up somewhat, although it has had a negative effect on the recovery and that’s evident in housing-in the slowdown in housing-perhaps it’s diminished some financial instability risk that may have been associated with these carry trades and speculative activities that were unwinding during that time.』


『A lesson is that we will try, and we were trying then, but we will continue to try to communicate as clearly as we possibly can about how we will conduct monetary policy and to be as steady and determined and as transparent as we can to provide as much clarity as is reasonably certain-given that the economic developments in the economy are themselves uncertain-but we will try as hard as we can not to be a source of instability here.』

ということで、最終的には説明の透明性という話をしているのですが、市場における過剰なキャリートレードやレバレッジの存在が市場価格の急変動に寄与したという話をした結果として、最後に「we will try as hard as we can not to be a source of instability here.」って話をしているというのは、これすなわち明言はしていないけど「市場における過剰なリスクテイクに対しては十分に注意して事前に対処する」というBISビューというかスタイン理事のお話というかに思想としては繋がる部分(それを金融政策で対応するかというのは別ですけど)だったりして、マクロプルーデンスキタコレというのはFEDも変わったなあと思うのでした。



『JEFF KEARNS. Jeff Kearns from Bloomberg News. You’ve spoken in the past about- thinking about back to March of last year-of how you supplement your view of the labor market beyond unemployment with other gauges like quit rates and layoffs and things like that. How has your dashboard evolved in the past few months in terms both of the-which indicators you like to watch most, and also in terms of the quality of data that you think-whether it’s positive, negative-that you’re getting from these indicators. Thank you.』

『CHAIR YELLEN. So I have talked in the past about indicators I like to watch or I think that are relevant in assessing the labor market.』


『In addition to the standard unemployment rate, I certainly look at broader measures of unemployment. I mentioned U-6 in my statement. It- 5 percent of the labor force working part time on an involuntary basis, that’s an exceptionally high number relative to the measured unemployment rate, and it-so, to my mind, is a form of slack that is-adds to what we see in the normal unemployment rate and is unusually large. However, it is coming down, as well as U-3. It’s moving in the right direction and has move deven more recently than U-3. Of course, I watch discouraged and marginally attached workers.』


『The share of long-term unemployment has been immensely high and can be very stubborn in bringing down, that’s something that I watch closely. Again, that remains exceptionally high, but it has come down from something like 45 percent to high 30s, but that’s certainly on my dashboard.』


『Labor force participation-I do think most research suggests that due todemographic factors, labor force participation will be coming down, and there has been a downward trend now for a number of years.』


『But I think there is also a cyclical component in the fact that labor force participation is depressed. And so, it may be that as the economy begins to strengthen, we could see labor force participation flatten out for a time as discouraged workers start moving back into the labor market. And so that’s something I’m watching closely.』

『In the Committee, we’ll have to watch-there are different views on this within the Committee, and it’s hard to know definitively what part of labor force participation is structural versus cyclical, so it’s something to watch closely.』


『I’ve also mentioned, in the past, measures of labor market turnover.』


『You mentioned quits. A remarkably large share of workers quit their jobs every month, usually going directly into another job. And I take the quit rate in many ways as a sign of the health of the economy.』

『When workers are scared they won’t be able to get other jobs, they show a reduced willingness to quit their jobs. Now, quit rates now are below normal pre-recession levels, but on the other hand, they have come up over time, and so we have seen improvement.』


『The job opening rate has also come up. The hires rate, however, remains extremely depressed, and I take that as a sign of a weaker labor market. But most of these measures, although they don’t paint the identical extent of improvement, if you ask about my dashboard, the dial on virtually all of those things is moving in a direction of improvement.』


『The final thing I’d mention is wages, and wage growth has really been very low.』


『I know there is perhaps one isolated measure of wage growth that suggests some uptick, but most measures of wage increase are running at very low levels. In fact, with the productivity growth we have and 2 percent inflation, one would probably expect to see, on an ongoing basis, something between-perhaps 3 and 4 percent wage inflation would be normal.』

『Wage inflation has been running at 2 percent. So not only is it depressed, signaling weakness in the labor market, but it is certainly not flashing. An increase in it might signal some tightening or meaningful pressures on inflation, at least over time. And I would say we’re not seeing that.』








更新日時: 2014/04/10 05:16 JST


とりあえず寝起きで読みたい時は『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のケツに今後の金融政策運営に関する話があって、まあそれ以外に見るのは『Committee Policy Action』の所に何かオモロイものがあるかという感じなんですけどね。

『Participants' Views on Current Conditions and the Economic Outlook』のケツの2パラグラフから。

『In their discussion of monetary policy going forward, participants focused primarily on possible changes to the Committee's forward guidance for the federal funds rate.』


『Almost all participants agreed that it was appropriate at this meeting to update the forward guidance, in part because the unemployment rate was seen as likely to fall below its 6-1/2 percent threshold value before long.』


『Most participants preferred replacing the numerical thresholds with a qualitative description of the factors that would influence the Committee's decision to begin raising the federal funds rate.』


『One participant, however, favored retaining the existing threshold language on the grounds that removing it before the unemployment rate reached 6-1/2 percent could be misinterpreted as a signal that the path of policy going forward would be less accommodative.』

これコチャラコタ総裁の反対なのかと思うのだが、何で文言変更すると「as a signal that the path of policy going forward would be less accommodative」なのかがイマイチワカランチ会長でして、本人がステートメント出していたのでそれを読まないととは思うんですけど。

『Another participant favored introducing new quantitative thresholds of 5-1/2 percent for the unemployment rate and 2-1/4 percent for projected inflation.』


『A few participants proposed adding new language in which the Committee would indicate its willingness to keep rates low if projected inflation remained persistently below the Committee's 2 percent longer-run objective; these participants suggested that the inclusion of this quantitative element in the forward guidance would demonstrate the Committee's commitment to defend its inflation objective from below as well as from above.』


『Other participants, however, judged that it was already well understood that the Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance.』


『Most participants therefore did not favor adding new quantitative language, preferring to shift to qualitative language that would describe the Committee's likely reaction to the state of the economy.』



『Most participants also believed that, as part of the process of clarifying the Committee's future policy intentions, it would be appropriate at this time for the Committee to provide additional guidance in its postmeeting statement regarding the likely behavior of the federal funds rate after its first increase.』


『For example, the statement could indicate that the Committee currently anticipates that, even after employment and inflation are near mandate-consistent levels, economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping the target federal funds rate below levels the Committee views as normal in the longer run.』


『Participants observed that a number of factors were likely to have contributed to a persistent decline in the level of interest rates consistent with attaining and maintaining the Committee's objectives. In particular, participants cited higher precautionary savings by U.S. households following the financial crisis, higher global levels of savings, demographic changes, slower growth in potential output, and continued restraint on the availability of credit.』


『A few participants suggested that new language along these lines could instead be introduced when the first increase in the federal funds rate had drawn closer or after the Committee had further discussed the reasons for anticipating a relatively low federal funds rate during the period of policy firming.』


『A number of participants noted the overall upward shift since December in participants' projections of the federal funds rate included in the March SEP, with some expressing concern that this component of the SEP could be misconstrued as indicating a move by the Committee to a less accommodative reaction function.』


『However, several participants noted that the increase in the median projection overstated the shift in the projections.』


『In addition, a number of participants observed that an upward shift was arguably warranted by the improvement in participants' outlooks for the labor market since December and therefore need not be viewed as signifying a less accommodative reaction function.』

えーっとですね、こういう見解も示されている訳でして、別に金融政策スタンスや、先行き利上げペースなどの見方に対する変更は無いけれども、経済物価見通しが改善しているのだから上方シフトするの当然じゃろという見解も数名(a number of)から出ている訳で、さっきの部分に飛びついてハト派FOMCキターとやるのはちょっとクレクレ病の懸念があるように思えるのだが。

『Most participants favored providing an explicit indication in the statement that the new forward guidance, taken as a whole, did not imply a change in the Committee's policy intentions, on the grounds that such an indication could help forestall misinterpretation of the new forward guidance.』






更新日時: 2014/04/08 02:30 JST


Introductory statement to the press conference (with Q&A)
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 3 April 2014


Introductory statementの方は公式発表文書なのでこらまあ良いのですが、今回は会見で当然ながら延々とQEに関してと物価に関しての質問が相次ぎました。






質疑の一発目で指摘されていましたけど、Introductory statementの中で物価に関するリスクの文言が前回と今回で異なっている所があります。

『The Governing Council sees both upside and downside risks to the outlook for price developments as limited and broadly balanced over the medium term. In this context, the possible repercussions of both geopolitical risks and exchange rate developments will be monitored closely.』(今回)

『Regarding the Governing Council’s risk assessment, both upside and downside risks to the outlook for price developments are seen as limited and are considered to be broadly balanced over the medium term.』(前回)





『Question: Mr Draghi, in your comments, you noted that the Governing Council was unanimous in its commitment to using unconventional instruments that are within its mandate. Can you tell us whether or not that includes quantitative easing (QE) with the government bond element to it?』


『And for my second question: Is the Governing Council unanimous in what sort of conditions it would need to see resolved in terms of the outlook and also in terms of the exchange rate in order to tap some of these unconventional measures?』



『Draghi: I think you have rightly pointed to the key sentence in the statement: “The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments …” - meaning that we haven’t finished with our conventional measures - “... also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation.” So this statement says that all instruments that fall within the mandate, including QE, are intended to be part of this statement. During the discussion we had today, there was indeed a discussion of QE. It was not neglected in the course of what was actually a very rich and ample discussion.』


『The exchange rate is very important for price stability, so much so that we have made an explicit reference to it in the introductory statement, as you have seen, where we say that “… the Governing Council sees both upside and downside risks to the outlook for price developments as limited and broadly balanced over the medium term. In this context, the possible repercussions of both geopolitical risks and exchange rate developments will be monitored closely”.』


『But, as I have said several times, it is not a policy target. It is an increasingly important factor in our medium-term assessment of price stability, but it is not a policy target. In this sense, we do not link our medium-term assessment to a precise level of the exchange rate. It is part of the overall information that comes into play when we undertake our medium-term assessment.』




『Question: Can you describe a little bit more what kind of information you are looking for on whether or not these latest inflation figures are changing your medium-term outlook? If you’re not going to act when its 0.5%, what does it take to get you to act on some of these things?』


『And my second question is: you clearly changed the rhetoric a little bit in terms of your willingness to act swiftly - being resolute - but do your rhetoric and your easing bias lose credibility each passing month that you do nothing in the face of these very low inflation rates?』

「your easing bias lose credibility each passing month that you do nothing」とは中々辛辣な突っ込みですがさてこの答え。

『Draghi: On the first point: there are a couple of factors that somehow clouded the analysis of whether this latest inflation data would actually be a material change in our medium-term outlook or not.』


『One has to do with the volatility of services prices and the fact that Easter time this year comes remarkably later than last year.』


『The explanation is that, around Easter time, services expenditure usually goes up - demand for services goes up - especially travel, and this affected last year’s prices and it’s going to affect this year’s prices. So you have a base effect which produced much lower inflation data in March and may well produce higher inflation data next month.』


『The second point was simply a base effect of energy prices.』


『These two factors somehow made the analysis, which is relevant for our decision-making, more complex. We need some more observational points and we will have our assessment in the course of time.』


『Now, I’m not sure we’re actually losing credibility on our forward guidance.』


『As a matter of fact, if you look at the short-term interest rates and the forward yield curves, our forward guidance has been, and is being, quite successful. The medium-term forward interest rates have been fairly well anchored and stable at the levels that we wanted, even though the period over the last three, four, five months has seen a substantial - I wouldn’t say volatility - but certainly numerous actions by other jurisdictions, both on the monetary policy front and also, if you consider the volatility that has characterised the emerging market economies, exchange rates and interest rates. So, notwithstanding these external developments, the medium-term forward curves and the short-term money market curves remain pretty stable. If you judge successful forward guidance by this measure - perhaps I am biased observer, of course, but I think the Governing Council would agree with this and would tend to define the forward guidance as having been quite successful.』











『JON HILSENRATH. Jon Hilsenrath from the Wall Street Journal. Chair Yellen, in the interest rate projections made by FOMC participants that supplement your statement, there seems to be a slight upward drift in the expectations for rates going out to 2016. For instance, a majority of officials see rates at 1 percent or higher in this forecast round. In the last forecast round, a majority saw officials less than 1 percent.』


『I wonder if you could explain why there is this small upward drift in expected rates among Committee members, whether these projections are a good guide for the public about where rates-about the path of rates going forward, and also how you reconcile this upward drift with the assurances that the Committee makes in its statement that rates will stay below normal levels well into the future.』



『CHAIR YELLEN. Well, to my mind, there is only very limited upward drift.』


『You know, the Committee-I think the Committee, in assessing the economy-if you compare today’s assessment with December’s, is virtually identical. Almost nothing has changed in the overall Committee assessment of the outlook.』


『As I mentioned, unemployment has come down. The labor market more broadly, I think, has improved a little more than we might have expected, and that slightly more rapid improvement in the unemployment picture might explain-I can’t speak for why people write down what they do, but-a little bit of the upward shift in those dots.』


『But, more generally, I think that one should not look to the dot plot, so to speak, as the primary way in which the Committee wants to or is speaking about policy to the public at large.』


『The FOMC statement is the device that the Committee as a policymaking group uses to express its opinions, and we have expressed a number of opinions about the likely path of rates. In particular, the Committee has endorsed the view that it anticipates it will be a considerableperiod after the asset purchase program ends before it will be appropriate to begin to raise rates. And, of course, on our present path, well, that’s not utterly preset. We would be looking at next fall. So, I think that’s important guidance.』


『Looking further out, let’s say if you look toward the end of 2016 when most participants are projecting that the employment situation-that the unemployment rate will be close to their notions of mandate-consistent or longer-run normal levels.』


『What you see, I think, if you look this time-if you gaze at the picture from December or September, which is the first year that we showed those dot plots for the end of 2016, is the massive points that are notably below what the participants believe is the normal longer-run level for nominal short-term rates, and the Committee today, for the first time, endorsed that as a Committee view. So I think that’s significant. I think that’s what we should be paying attention to, and I would simply warn you that these dots are going to move up and down over time a little bit this way or that.』


『The dots moved down a little bit in December relative to September, and they moved up ever so slightly. I really don’t think it’s appropriate to read very much into it.』





『ANN SAPHIR. Ann Saphir with Reuters. First, I just wanted a quick clarification. You said that something would happen by next fall, and we-on a clear path-on a path until next fall. I was unclear if you were speaking of rate hikes or if you were speaking-』

『CHAIR YELLEN. I simply meant to say that if we continued to reduce the pace of our asset purchases in the manner that we have, in measured steps, that the program would be winding down next fall.』


『ANN SAPHIR. In this coming fall, you mean, not the fall of next year, is that-just-』

『CHAIR YELLEN. Yes, this coming fall.』


『ANN SAPHIR. To be clear-I just wanted to be clear about that. Then once you do wind down the bond buying program, could you tell us how long of a gap we might expect before the rate hikes do begin?』


『CHAIR YELLEN. So, the language that we use in the statement is “considerable”period. So, I-you know, this is the kind of term-it’s hard to define. But, you know, it probably means something on the order of around six months or that type of thing.』


『But, you know, it depends. What the statement is saying is, it depends what conditions are like. We need to see where the labor market is, how close are we to our full employment goal-that will be a complicated assessment not just based on a single statistic-and how rapidly are we moving toward it? Are we really close and moving fast? Or are we getting closer but moving very slowly? And then, what the statement emphasizes, and this is the same language we used in December and January, we used the language especially if inflation is running below our 2 percent objective. Inflation matters here, too, and our general principle tries to capture that notion. If we have a substantial shortfall in inflation, if inflation is persistently running below our 2 percent objective, that is a very good reason to hold the funds rate at its present range for longer.』





3 April 2014 - Monetary policy decisions

『At today’s meeting the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate on the main refinancing operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility will remain unchanged at 0.25%, 0.75% and 0.00% respectively.』


Introductory statement to the press conference
Mario Draghi, President of the ECB,
Frankfurt am Main, 3 April 2014


『Looking ahead, we will monitor developments very closely and will consider all instruments available to us. We are resolute in our determination to maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation and to act swiftly if required. Hence, we do not exclude further monetary policy easing and we firmly reiterate that we continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time.』


『This expectation is based on an overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness of the economy, the high degree of unutilised capacity and subdued money and credit creation. At the same time, we are closely following developments on money markets.』


『The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation.』








『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. Incoming information confirms that the moderate recovery of the euro area economy is proceeding in line with our previous assessment.』(今回)

『Based on our regular economic and monetary analyses, we decided to keep the key ECB interest rates unchanged. Incoming information confirms that the moderate recovery of the euro area economy is proceeding in line with our previous assessment.』(前回)


『At the same time, recent information remains consistent with our expectation of a prolonged period of low inflation followed by a gradual upward movement in HICP inflation rates. The signals from the monetary analysis confirm the picture of subdued underlying price pressures in the euro area over the medium term.』(今回)

『At the same time, the latest ECB staff macroeconomic projections, now covering the period up to the end of 2016, support earlier expectations of a prolonged period of low inflation, to be followed by a gradual upward movement in HICP inflation rates towards levels closer to 2%. In keeping with this picture, monetary and credit dynamics remain subdued.』(前回)

前回はECBスタッフの経済見通しのリバイスがあったのでその説明が入っていますが、物価に関してはこれまた「a prolonged period of low inflation followed by a gradual upward movement」ということで低インフレがやや長めに続いた後に徐々に上昇基調という見通し。



『Inflation expectations for the euro area over the medium to long term continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%.』(今回)

『Inflation expectations for the euro area over the medium to long term continue to be firmly anchored in line with our aim of maintaining inflation rates below, but close to, 2%.』(前回)



『Looking ahead, we will monitor developments very closely and will consider all instruments available to us. We are resolute in our determination to maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation and to act swiftly if required. Hence, we do not exclude further monetary policy easing and we firmly reiterate that we continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time. 』(今回)

『We are monitoring developments on money markets closely and are ready to consider all instruments available to us. Overall, we remain firmly determined to maintain the high degree of monetary accommodation and to take further decisive action if required』(前回)



『Regarding the medium-term outlook for prices and growth, the information and analysis now available fully confirm our decision to maintain an accommodative monetary policy stance for as long as necessary. This will assist the gradual economic recovery in the euro area. We firmly reiterate our forward guidance. We continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time.』 (前回)


『This expectation is based on an overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness of the economy, the high degree of unutilised capacity and subdued money and credit creation. At the same time, we are closely following developments on money markets.』(今回)

『This expectation is based on an overall subdued outlook for inflation extending into the medium term, given the broad-based weakness of the economy, the high degree of unutilised capacity and subdued money and credit creation.』(前回)


『The Governing Council is unanimous in its commitment to using also unconventional instruments within its mandate in order to cope effectively with risks of a too prolonged period of low inflation.』(今回)






『Jeremy C. Stein submitted his resignation Thursday as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective May 28, 2014.』


『Stein, who has been a member of the Board since May 30, 2012, submitted his letter of resignation to President Obama and plans to return to his teaching position in Harvard University's department of economics.』


『"Jeremy has made important contributions and served as an intellectual leader during his time at the Board," said Federal Reserve Chair Janet L. Yellen. "His understanding of monetary policy and markets as well as his expertise in banking and financial regulation has proven invaluable in his service to the Federal Reserve and the country. My colleagues and I will miss him." 』







更新日時: 2014/04/01 03:09 JST

更新日時: 2014/04/01 05:18 JST




Chair Janet L. Yellen
At the 2014 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference, Chicago, Illinois
March 31, 2014
What the Federal Reserve Is Doing to Promote a Stronger Job Market


『I am here today to talk about what the Federal Reserve is doing to help our nation recover from the financial crisis and the Great Recession, the effects of which were particularly severe for the people and the communities you serve.』

『Part of that effort has involved strengthening the financial system. New rules are in place to better protect consumers and ensure that credit is available to help communities grow. The Federal Reserve also plays a role in communities by fostering dialogue that promotes community development. I will highlight some initiatives around the Federal Reserve System that I believe are making a real difference. Later today, I will visit the Manufacturing Technology Program at Daley College, on Chicago's south side, where adult students are acquiring the skills they need to connect to good-paying jobs in that sector.』

『The Fed supports the work you do in communities because you make a difference. You help ensure that credit is available for families to buy homes and for small businesses to expand. Your organizations sponsor programs that help make communities safer and families healthier and more financially secure. One of the most important things you do is to help people meet the demands of finding a job in what remains a challenging economy. And that help is crucial, but I also believe it can't succeed without two other things.』


『The first of these is the courage and determination of the people you serve. The past six years have been difficult for many Americans, but the hardships faced by some have shattered lives and families. Too many people know firsthand how devastating it is to lose a job at which you had succeeded and be unable to find another; to run through your savings and even lose your home, as months and sometimes years pass trying to find work; to feel your marriage and other relationships strained and broken by financial difficulties. And yet many of those who have suffered the most find the will to keep trying. I will introduce you to three of these brave men and women, your neighbors here in the great city of Chicago. These individuals have benefited from just the kind of help from community groups that I highlighted a moment ago, and they recently shared their personal stories with me.』


『It might seem obvious, but the second thing that is needed to help people find jobs...is jobs. No amount of training will be enough if there are not enough jobs to fill. I have mentioned some of the things the Fed does to help communities, but the most important thing we do is to use monetary policy to promote a stronger economy. The Federal Reserve has taken extraordinary steps since the onset of the financial crisis to spur economic activity and create jobs, and I will explain why I believe those efforts are still needed. 』


『The Fed provides this help by influencing interest rates. Although we work through financial markets, our goal is to help Main Street, not Wall Street. By keeping interest rates low, we are trying to make homes more affordable and revive the housing market. We are trying to make it cheaper for businesses to build, expand, and hire. We are trying to lower the costs of buying a car that can carry a worker to a new job and kids to school, and our policies are also spurring the revival of the auto industry. We are trying to help families afford things they need so that greater spending can drive job creation and even more spending, thereby strengthening the recovery.』

一見するとサラッと流してしまうのですが、ここの部分を読んでいてほほうと思ったのは、金融政策によってメインストリートの皆さんにこのようなサポートをしているんですという説明をしている中で、その政策の波及チャネルを「by influencing interest rates」という話に絞っている事でして、勿論この後の方では資産買入の話もしているのですが、説明の最初の部分となる概論部分で「金利を低位に安定」という言い方をするというのは要するに資産買入政策はその買入自体が止まる訳では無いにせよ、明らかに「補完的」な政策という事になった訳で、つまりは(まあさすがにここまでくると米国市場もそう認識しているでしょうが)Taperingは所与の行動であり資産買入自体が終わった政策扱いという事になると思うのですがどうでしょうかねえ。

『When the Federal Reserve's policies are effective, they improve the welfare of everyone who benefits from a stronger economy, most of all those who have been hit hardest by the recession and the slow recovery. 』


『And based on the evidence available, it is clear to me that the U.S. economy is still considerably short of the two goals assigned to the Federal Reserve by the Congress. The first of those goals is maximum sustainable employment, the highest level of employment that can be sustained while maintaining a stable inflation rate. Most of my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee and I estimate that the unemployment rate consistent with maximum sustainable employment is now between 5.2 percent and 5.6 percent, well below the 6.7 percent rate in February.』

『The other goal assigned by the Congress is stable prices, which means keeping inflation under control. In the past, there have been times when these two goals conflicted--fighting inflation often requires actions that slow the economy and raise the unemployment rate. But that is not a dilemma now, because inflation is well below 2 percent, the Fed's longer-term goal.』


『The Federal Reserve takes its inflation goal very seriously. One reason why I believe it is appropriate for the Federal Reserve to continue to provide substantial help to the labor market, without adding to the risks of inflation, is because of the evidence I see that there remains considerable slack in the economy and the labor market. Let me explain what I mean by that word "slack" and why it is so important.』



『One form of evidence for slack is found in other labor market data, beyond the unemployment rate or payrolls, some of which I have touched on already.』

『A second form of evidence for slack is that the decline in unemployment has not helped raise wages for workers as in past recoveries.』

『A third form of evidence related to slack concerns the characteristics of the extraordinarily large share of the unemployed who have been out of work for six months or more. 』

『A final piece of evidence of slack in the labor market has been the behavior of the participation rate--the proportion of working-age adults that hold or are seeking jobs. 』



『Since late 2008, the Fed has taken extraordinary steps to revive the economy. At the height of the crisis, we provided liquidity to help avert a collapse of the financial system, which enabled banks and other institutions to continue to provide credit to people and businesses depending on it. We cut short-term interest rates as low as they can go and indicated that we would keep them low for as long as necessary to support a stronger economic recovery. And we have been purchasing large quantities of longer-term securities in order to put additional downward pressure on longer-term interest rates--the rates that matter to people shopping for a new car, looking to buy or renovate a home, or expand a business. There is little doubt that without these actions, the recession and slow recovery would have been far worse.』


『These different measures have the same goal--to encourage consumers to spend and businesses to invest, to promote a recovery in the housing market, and to put more people to work. Together they represent an unprecedentedly large and sustained commitment by the Fed to do what is necessary to help our nation recover from the Great Recession.』


『For the many reasons I have noted today, I think this extraordinary commitment is still needed and will be for some time, and I believe that view is widely shared by my fellow policymakers at the Fed.』

ということでまあここの部分が記事になったんでしょうなあという所ですが、「this extraordinary commitment」ってのは前文にある「an unprecedentedly large and sustained commitment by the Fed to do what is necessary to help our nation recover from the Great Recession」というのに掛かっていると思われますので、まあ確かに異例の金融緩和が必要です(キリッ)って話はしているのですが、良く良く見ると、その異例のコミットメントやらは「is still needed」と必要と言ってますが、将来に関しては「and will be for some time」とゆーことで、将来の所には別にコンシダラブルだのエクストラオーディナリーだのとはゆうとらんというのが中々お洒落で、まあそうは言ったってTaperingするだけであと半年以上かかるのですから普通に長期間継続するのですが、その前に「unprecedentedly large」だの「extraordinary commitment」だの威勢の良いセリフを入れて景気づけしている割には「for some time」ってナンジャソラという感じはせんでもない訳で、見せ方勝利という事ではないかという気もするが、それだけ米国金融市場もクレクレになっているという事の証左なのかもしれませんね。

『In this context, recent steps by the Fed to reduce the rate of new securities purchases are not a lessening of this commitment, only a judgment that recent progress in the labor market means our aid for the recovery need not grow as quickly. Earlier this month, the Fed reiterated its overall commitment to maintain extraordinary support for the recovery for some time to come.』


